07 May

Latest painting


I’m 34 years today and I’m really excited as I have an “echo” and I will see and hear my baby 🙂 What a better gift for a birthday ? eh?

So, before going to the doctor, a quick post for you my sweeties to show you my latest painting and wish you a wonderful monday…

Here it is:

Yes, a Russian doll painting, once more 🙂 I’m in love with these dolls 🙂

and I can’t help myself painting them…

Hope this will be the last one 😉

The yellow background is beautiful…don’t you think?

Have to go now …

Love you all!


23 Apr

The BIG Russian doll and its 19 babies :))


This post today is a special post for Jill and Laura who asked to see the babies of the big Russian doll (the biggest one in the middle of the pic above) of my previous post. Actually there is 19 little babies inside this doll and not 29…sorry about that mistake 🙁 It was long ago since I opened for the last time this doll and I wasn’t sure about the exact number…

So? Are you ready? OKkkkkkk! Let’s open iiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

This doll is special because it is hand painted by a true artist and you’ll see when you’ll look at the pics the details of every doll even the smallest ones …

The biggest one (the mummy 🙂 ) is 30cm tall and she’s really beautiful with the smallest details hand painted on her …

and so are the 19 babies…Each one is special and has a different hand painted scene … Maybe it is a story and each doll is a different chapter of it 🙂

and these are the smallest ones 🙂

Look at number 20 … the smallest smallest one…

Isn’t it amazing??!!! It is actually a little bigger than a grain of rice but has its own face and hand painted details!!! I took several pics of it but this is the only one that wasn’t blur 🙂 It is sooo difficult sometimes to take decent pics of smallest objects like this one !

Look at it next to its mother 🙂 I like the contrast between the sizes of these dolls! It is really amazing !

That’s all my friend!

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Thank you so much for visiting!

I wish you a super wonderful week 🙂


20 Apr

Russian dolls

Hello! goooooood morning! Bonjouur!

This post today is all about one of my passions : Russian dolls…I’m in love with these wood dolls and I have some I want to show you today with my latest painting 🙂

Let’s begin with the painting:

This painting was inspired by THIS POST of the wonderful Jacquie 🙂 Jacquie included a Russian Doll to her collage and that’s what gave me this idea to paint Russian dolls and I really really enjoyed it and I even began another one 🙂

This acrylic on canvas is smaller than the others I’ve made before…Look at it between them 😉

and this is my wood dolls collection…

The bigger one in the middle has 30 small ones inside 🙂 I took it from my parent’s house 🙂 My mother brought it with her from a holiday in St Petersburg when I was a baby …

But my favorite is the one in the next pic…next to the painting…a boy …

I just love his cute little face 🙂

That’s all my lovelies 🙂 I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my Russian dolls 🙂

Have a wonderful week end,

and see you very soon !
