Coasters: pattern

September 13, 2010

This is for a very nice lady who asked for the pattern of the coasters 🙂
Dear Barbara, here they are:

First: Flower coaster

It is made with 5 rounds , every round with a different color:

and the star coaster:

I take this pattern from a very nice crochet book:  Beyond the square crochet motifs

It is a very lovely book with very simple and nice motifs.

Here is the pattern:

I hope that it is easy to understand…

Happy crocheting to you all!



  1. Pammy Sue

    Nice blog and very pretty crochet things! I found you through iCrochet on Sarah London’s blog.

  2. Barbara Reichard

    Merci! Thank you for posting the patterns for the coasters. I can’t wait for the afghan pattern. Barbara

  3. Gio


  4. Maartje

    Thanks a lot for your really great site and all your patterns!!!!
    I really love your stuff!!!!

  5. Lara

    Hi Sucrette! It`s all just sooooo beautiful!!!! I like your blog very march!!!!! Can you please tell me how are you hiding the edges of еhreads? You use many colors and it seems problem to me…. I `ll be very grateful for your answer! I`m sorry for my language, I`m from Ukraine and I just started to learn English.

    • Sucrette

      Hello Lara,
      Thank you for your comment…
      I just hide the ends on the back of my crochet project between the stitches with the hook or I just crochet on them …

  6. Dalia

    i love all your crochet and the choice of colors, very cheerful.

  7. Jewel

    i have used your pattern in large wool and they are like big flowers that I put in the corners of my babyblanket that I made as a birthgift. Love your patterns and work. Thank you!!! Hugs Jewel

  8. Jerriann

    These are beautiful thank you for sharing them with us.
    peace and love

  9. Nanou

    Merci de tout votre beau travail !
    Tout me plait Ă©normĂ©ment…Bonne journĂ©e,

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