Meaning of the pattern’s symbols

September 16, 2010

This is for you my sweeties the symbols in U.K, U.S and French terms!

Hope now it will be easier to understand !

Happy crocheting 🙂



  1. Annette

    thankyou for this, I too was a little confused, I haven’t used a pattern like this before but I am actually thinking it may be easier than written ones? I am looking forward to giving it a go, have a lovely weekend. :0)

  2. Penny Peberdy

    That’s OK for Americans, but the British English translation is slightly different…

  3. Penny Peberdy

    Oh – hang on…sorry – it’s the other way round… abject apologies – this is great for UK crocheters, but not the same for US crocheters.

  4. Pati

    Thanks! this is REALLYYYY useful. Pati x

  5. Chahrazad

    Thank you Sucrette. Theres is a symbol I ignore the meaning it’s like the tool on the handless Mr. Crochet. Comme le signe sur le drapeau de l’ex URSS à l’envers. c’est quoi ??

  6. Faith

    Thanks so much! I was looking at all your lovely patterns, but was lost when it came to reading them! Thanks 🙂

  7. Marjo

    Help again…do you have it in Dutch too? The translate page give not all translations….your wesite is amazing

    Greetings from Belgium


    Marjo’s Cosy Corner

  8. Marion Nock

    hi i am having trouble learning to crochet join as you go i just can not get the hang of it still trying could you please help

  9. chichibun

    Thank you so much for the link to this Sucrette 🙂 This helps so much! :))
    I am learning so much about crochet this week 😉


  10. Cyn;-) in Calif

    Thank you for all the explanations. This is very useful information. I can knit like the wind, but I have so much to learn about crochet. I love your blog. Soon I will be able to follow along with your CAL. I’m looking forward to it.
    Thanks again,
    Cyn; -)

  11. Laura

    He Sucrette,
    I really like your blog and every time I come to take a peek, Can I ask what program you use to make pattern’s symbols on the PC? 🙂
    Thank you very much.

    • Sucrette

      I use Corel Draw. it is a graphic design software!

      • Miss J

        I’m curious how you go about using corel draw to create the patterns you post. Is it cut and paste? I prefer the graphic patterns to the written ones and would live to be able to make such lovely graphics as you do.

  12. moulinette

    merci beaucoup pour la traduction.. et les tuto!

  13. Chickencrazy

    I long to make your kaladascope blanket but struggle with the graph, I hope one day someone is able to write out ‘how to’ like Lucy from Attic 24 does.. but thankyou for sharing.

  14. Diane

    I LOVE your blog! You are so talented and the colors you choose are simply beautiful! I would love written patterns as well as I just don’t get the graph!

    Keep up the great work – you are amazing!

  15. Taz

    Hi, I came across your blog from attic 24 it,s very inspirational and I just want to grab my hook and start another project your patterns are really very nice and filled with fantastic colours keep up the good work and thank you so much for sharing.

  16. Astrid

    MERCI pour les tuto et les traductions!
    De très jolis modèles, très colorés pleins de vie !
    Avez-vous essayé de faire des chaussons à porter et non pas pour la déco?

  17. Ginou


    Je suis française et trouve votre site super. Crochetez-vous d’autres décorations pour Noel, comme des pères noel, des anges ou autres?
    Merci d’exister pour toutes celles qui savent travailler de leurs dix doigts.

  18. Gazelle

    Wow! Bonjour Sucrette. Je viens de découvrir ton site et franchement, je suis enchantée. C’est bien fait et les traductions… c’est jouissif. Découvrir ton site ce matin est mon cadeau de Noël, ce qui n’est pas peu dire. Merci de nous partager ton grand talent. Heureuses Fêtes!

  19. LeeAnn

    Thanks for the pattern! I can’t wait to make the poncho for my granddaughter. She found yarn in my stash and has been begging ever since.

  20. Petra

    Good morning!

    Thank you for your wonderfully clear work. It’s a pleasure to read.



  21. deborah

    Are the Japanese symbols the same as these? I see so many wonderful patterns from japanese sites, and can never figure them out.

  22. Heather

    So, I’m going to try your poncho for a baby gift….and while I’m not totally sure what I understand “tr.” to be I will be attempting it happily, it should be a fun adventure. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  23. Rita

    Thank you for your designs and inspiration. You have brightened my day with your bright colors and lovely designs. Thanks again.



  25. Ingrid-Marie Schwan

    Dear Sucrette!

    I`m very happy that I found your lovely and creative blog.
    It gives much inspiration and joy to read it.
    My favourite hobby is patchwork and quilting but I love knitting and crocheting as well.There are so many possibilities to be creative.
    I think our creator put it in our hearts . So many wonderful creative details in creation!
    Wish you a good year 2013

  26. Emine

    çooook güzel

  27. Tamara

    in italiano!!
    in ordine di descrizione dal disegno :
    maglia bassa
    mezza maglia alta
    maglia alta
    doppia maglia alta
    tripla maglia alta 2 maglie alte lavorate insieme

  28. Jane

    What a pleasure it has been for me to have found your site! I just wanted to say thank you very much for all the work you put into sharing with all of us… I have been crocheting for 40+ years now, and have found very few people who can write a pattern as well as you can! What a talent you have….and you share it so sweetly. Your patterns are a pleasure to follow, and your work is just perfectly beautiful! You and your site are a breath of fresh air in our “crochet world”, and I look forward to following whatever you come up with next!
    Your newest fan! 🙂

  29. Regina Wilson

    You say a circle means chain in English. How many chains to form the circle? I’m sorry, forgive my ignorance about using symbols and not instructions.

  30. Kimmy

    My name is Kim.
    I have recently become an official crotchet addict.
    Just discovered your beautiful wonderful site. I have purchased one of your patterns and can’t wait to get started on another project. I would love to create a page OT site like yours but don’t know how or where to start.
    I am having health problems and have many hours of free time so crocheting has been my saviour.
    One problem I has is I keep seeing so many lovely patterns.

  31. Carmi

    Thank you for generously sharing your crochet patterns. God bless!

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