About Ponchos and a pattern :D

October 13, 2010

Hello my friend,

I’ve finished today the baby poncho for my niece Clara who’s six months old…and I’ll put here in this post the pattern if someone is interested in crocheting one…It is sooo simple to make and so cute for the children:) It really makes a great gift 🙂

I’ve already made 3 ponchos…2 in march and 1 now…

The 2 I made in March were bigger (for my own girls: 3 and 5 years old)…

Here they are:

and the last one is for a baby:

For the pattern:

All you have to make is a chain big enough to enter through baby’s head and a multiple of 8: (It is very important that the chain is a multiple of 8!! For the baby I made a chain of 72)

and after that you follow this graphic pattern:

and you continue this way until you crochet the length you desire…

You’ll see, it is very easy and quick!

P.S: This below part was added on march 2012:

I want to try here to explain a little the pattern with written instructions. I’ll use the U.K terms. Remember a tr in U.K terms means a dc in U.S terms and a bride in french terms.

To begin your poncho: make a chain multiple of 8 and big enough to enter the head. close it with a slip stitch.

Round 1: 1 tr, 1tr, 1tr, 1 ch, 1tr, 1tr, 1tr, 1ch on every stitch of the beginning chain.

Round 2: Count your clusters of trebles. If there is 16 like in the graphic above you should make now: “3tr,1ch,3tr” on the first ch between the clusters of trebles of round1, then “3tr,1ch” on the next 7 ones, then “3tr,1ch,3tr” on the 9th one then “3tr, 1ch” on the next 7 ones again…

In fact, you should fold your round1 in two. and make two groups of “3tr,1ch,3tr” on each part of your round1…

Don’t know if I’m making myself clear, please take a look at the graph to know exactly where to make your two groups of “3tr,1ch,3tr”

Round3: make “3tr,1ch,3tr” on the chain between the two clusters of 3tr then continue making “3tr,1ch” on each other ch of round2, then again “3tr,1ch,3tr”on the second chain between the two clusters of 3tr , then again “3tr,1ch” on each other ch of round2…

etc etc

For all the other rounds, you should work the same….

When to stop? when you’ll have the lenght you desire for your poncho 🙂

I hope I made it a little clear with these written instructions…

In march 2014, I’ve made two more ponchos for my girls who are now 8 and 6 years old… You can see them in that post right here 🙂


Happy crocheting to you all!



  1. Paula

    Just beautiful, love the bright colours. I was thinking this would make a great gift for my niece who’ll be 4 in a few months time, how long was the chain you used for the poncho for your 5 year old if you can remember. My niece does not live near me so I can’t use her as a model.

    • Sucrette

      Thank you Paula!
      For my 5 years old daughter I made a chain of 80ch and I used a 4mm crochet hook:)

      • Paula

        Thank you, this will definitely go on my list of To Do projects 🙂

        • tautil

          Un grand merci à vous, j’en voulais un pour mes petits filles !!

  2. 'me'

    I like poncho’s !

  3. tejehannah

    Hello! Lovely poncho! Thank yo for tutorial!
    Wishes Teje

  4. Caroline

    I love your poncho’s have a 2 year old who will look lovely in that next winter. Heading into the Australian summer. Thank you for sharing the pattern….. love the granny monster, we’re moving, so no time at the moment, but will let you know when I hve joined in the fun. I just love your blog, it adds brightness to my day. C

  5. Rachel D.

    I love them (thank you for the tuto) and feel “crazy” enough to make one myself (don’t we all have a child’s inside each one of us ?). Big hugs and thank you for brightening up our days Angie !

  6. Anne Marie

    Thanks so much for the poncho pattern – I was so hoping you would post the pattern. You are so good to your readers – your blog really brightens my day!!

  7. Emma Angel

    Thank you so much for the tutorial. My little one will love one of these.

  8. Maria

    The ponchos have such happy, fun colours. Thanks for sharing the pattern

  9. Jacquie

    Love your ponchos. The colours you have chosen are relly lovely :0)
    Jacquie x

  10. Emma

    Your little ponchos are totally adorable! Such sweet, rainbow-ish colours!

  11. Annemarie

    Hi! Thanks so much for posting this gorgeous poncho on my link party. Love the colours and I’m so happy you posted the pattern. Have a great weekend!

  12. Sandra (zuster Clivia)

    What a lovely poncho! When I finished my cat-blanket and owl mobile (oh, i want to make so much), I would love to make such a poncho. Thankns for sharring the pattern.

  13. vivie1

    merci beaucoup, j’adore ce poncho, et je pense le faire à mes filles !

  14. foldemci

    waouuuuuuuuu!!! merci pour ces belles photos!
    et les explications

  15. Maaike

    Merci! Thank you very much for this pattern. Can’t wait to begin! Could you be so kind to tell me where you order your yarn?
    Greetings from Holland, Maaike

  16. Alhana

    Beautiful ponchos! Thank you so much for sharing the pattern, I guess there will be plenty of little (and big) ponchos soon everywhere.

  17. Aisyah Helga

    Hi! Thank you very much for this easy and lovely pattern! I had a blast making it for my daughter and she loves it! I posted about it on my blog today, do come and see.

  18. Pingback: Pink…poncho | Creationwest

  19. Andrea

    Thank you for the poncho pattern. Beautiful. Greetings from Argentina

  20. Shivani

    Great poncho.
    I didnt know how to make a poncho but was determined to make one for myself. My idea was to make big granny squares and join them. Working on it currently, hope it turns out right.

    But this poncho is great! Please tell me for adult sizes do we have to keep it as multiples of 8 or is there some other number.

    You have inspired me to make one for my daughter as well.

    Thank you


    • Sucrette

      Thank you Shivani,
      Yes, if you want to follow this pattern you have to begin it with a multiple of 8 chain…big enough to enter through an adult head 🙂
      I will make one for myself and post about it when I’ll have more time!
      Have a nice day!

  21. Claudia

    Thanks a lot for sharing the pattern!
    Can´t wait to try it this winter for the little girls in the family!!! 🙂

    Claudia, from Brazil

  22. Anat

    Your blog is amazing. I adore the colors and playfulness of your designs. This is very inspiring. Thank you for being so talented and sharing with us.
    Please help with one questions: I am a beginner and about to knit the poncho for 2 girls (6 year olds. One lives in Tel Aviv and the other one in Budapest), they are my nieces.

    I am not sure how to choose the right yarn? I have no problem with the knitting part. Should I look for a certain mixture? (cotton, synthetic, wool…?), should it be light/heavy and so on. I need to knit as soon as possible as they both have a new little brother and I would like to send it to them in the mail really soon 🙂

    Anyone, please help…. Thank you so so much!

  23. Pretty

    Superbe, merci pour ce diagramme ! J’ai bien envie d’en faire un pour mon fils d’un an !!
    Thank you so much !


    I loved ponchos. Thanks for the chart!

  25. Natasha

    Thank you for the poncho pattern. It looks so lovely. I’m making a poncho for my daughter and she likes it too. 🙂

  26. ganxetades

    Thanks for your pattern!!
    I try it, you can see my version in my blog.

    Thank you so so much!

  27. Faith

    I love this pattern. On the ponch oy ou made with the scallop border, how would I do that border? 🙂 Thank you!

  28. Piglet

    what wonderful colours you use, I too love colour.
    I am new to crochet after many years but becoming a grandmar inspired me to try again.
    I have started on your baby poncho for a one year old.
    I think my wool is a lot finer, DK, as I had to do 88 stitches!!
    I am using 4.5mm hook.
    It’s looking good and I am really enjoying it thanks to your blog.
    Can you give any tips on changing to a new colour. I can’t get it just right.?
    Also do you do 3chains when you move into the next round?
    Here’s hoping you have time to response.
    Thanks for your blog it’s a real motivator

    • Sucrette

      Hello Piglet,
      Thank you for ur message:)
      About changing the color: I just cut the yarn and make a double node with the two yarn ends (the old color and the new one) and continue crocheting…
      and yes, I do, 3 chains instead of the first treble of each round 🙂
      Have a nice day!

  29. Angelika Gorham

    sorry, but I can’t read charts…. boo hoo……any row by row instructions for a crochet ignoramus?????

    • Sucrette

      Dear Angelika,
      I am soooo sorry but I don’t know how to explain crochet with words 🙁

  30. Pingback: Sateenkaarivirkkausta talven varalle | liiolii

  31. liiolii

    Thank you for the wonderful pattern!

  32. Jude Matthews

    Hi thank you for your great blog have made 2 ponchos so far a big hit

  33. chichibun

    Thank you for this pattern to make a crochet poncho 🙂 It is lovely.

  34. nobody

    Love the poncho pattern, makes it so easy. I am making one for my son and for myself.

  35. Jo

    Hi Sucrette,

    Thank you for sharing the poncho-pattern. I made one for my baby girl this weekend (see a picture on my blog). It would be great when you could add to the pattern how you crochet the gulfed border, I tried something, but mine did not turn out so nicely as yours. I’m happy enough, though, the pattern is lovely.


  36. Andrea

    Hi Sucrette,

    I’ve been following your blog for a while now and have been wanting to make a poncho for myself. I’m not that experienced though. So here are some difficulties that I’ve encountered. I am sharing them with you hoping you might give me some advice.

    I am using a K hook as the yarn I’m using is thicker. Sticking to the pattern I end up with pretty big gaps. Should I increase the number of double crochets to close those.

    Thanks, Andrea

  37. Susan Ernst

    I can’t wait to make a couple of these for my Grandbabies!

  38. finn

    I’m just making one for myself. I have 41 different colours of cotton yarn, just love it <3

  39. marta

    Que bonito poncho.Mil gracias por compartirlo!

  40. Jodi

    I love this and have been looking for a poncho pattern for a long item for my LO. I am extremely knew to crochet. i don’t completely understand the pattern. Any advice?

  41. Pearl

    Gosh! This is so cute, I am going to make one for MYSELF!! 🙂 THanks so much for sharing, Angie! XO

  42. Amani

    So wonderful ideas …. thank you for your help

  43. Pingback: Poncho Toddler’s Size « nodaywithoutyarn

  44. Cara

    thank you for this pattern, i have made two already! can not wait to make more!

  45. Pingback: Spoil yourself with a poncho!

  46. Graciela Ferrari

    Muchas gracias por este patrón un beso ♥
    thanks for the pattern kisses ♥

  47. deb

    So cute! Love the color combination!
    Wonder if it would look silly on an over-50 woman—I really want to make one for ME! 🙂

    • Ella tooly

      Was wondering that myself! I am 51.

  48. Kara

    Love the pattern! So easy to follow. I’m following along with your CAL, and I am so excited to have a nice poncho to wear around the fire when we camp this summer!

  49. Jutta

    hello sucrette,
    i have a counting problem! i think it’s not only enough to have a multiple of eight! when you start with a chain of 72 you have 9 blocks of 3 dc on each side of the middle, where i crochet two 3 dc blocks in one chain. but when i start with a chain of 80, i have 9 blocks on one side and 10 blocks on the other side. is this right? the one side of the poncho will get a bit bigger as the other side now. is that a problem? can you see that, when the poncho is finished?
    greets from germany

    • Jutta

      no, sorry, forget what i wrote, i don’t know why and where but i think i miscounted?! it’s right even i started with 80 chains. strange….. 😉

  50. Pingback: Crochet Along: Poncho | Still Dark @ Heart

  51. Hook works

    I like to try dis 🙂


  52. delphine 44

    bonjour Angie !

    Je me lance pour un poncho pour moi je pense en crochet 3.5 ou 4 en coton. Combien penses tu qu’il faille de pelotes de 50 grammes ?? 1 ou 2 pelotes de chauqe couleur ??
    Je vais aller demain matin acheter les cotons !!
    Merci d’avance de ta réponse !!
    Et encore bravo pour le bb no 3
    Delphine 44

  53. janet

    Just finished your poncho for my 2 yr. old granddaughter. Haven’t made one in many years. Thank you for a very colorful inspiration!

  54. Liiolii

    I crocheted already my second poncho using this great pattern. Thank you! (Photo is in my blog if you want to see it…)

  55. Pingback: 2+2 | Miliezebomb

  56. SelMama

    Can you please tell me how you crochte the last row on the second picture?

    Thank you

  57. Elle

    I’m thinking of making this poncho for my cousin and I saw a few images on the ravelry site without the tassle in the middle at the bottom. Can you tell me how I can make the poncho without the tassle?

  58. sandra

    superbe! Je vais sans doute en faire un a mes filles!
    Merci pour le tuto!


  59. Kristen

    Thank you for sharing this! My 4-y.o. daughter just broke her elbow and getting her huge cast into a coat, or even draping the coat over her shoulder, is a long, painful task. It’s starting to get really cold in our area, so I’ve been wondering what to do for her. I stumbled on your pattern this morning and I’m so happy to have found it! Thank you!!!

  60. mina

    merci Sucrette, pour ce modèle facile à réaliser, je l’ai fait avec une seule laine chinée.

    ta petite famille est ravissante et bébé joé et tout mignon, bisous

  61. Kelly

    I’m having a problem.. both w/ the graph and the written instructions. I’m sure it’s me.. but I’m hoping you can help me. When I get to the end of Rnd 1 there is one chain left. The graph says to sc, but I want to ch1 and then slip stitch to the top of the ch 3. But if I do that then I can’t do the next Rnd of stitches.. b/c I’m in the top of the ch3, so I’m thinking I either need to slip stitch to the ch 1 space, or turn my work. Did you turn you work every Rnd? I hope I haven’t confused the situation even more. Thank you for trying to help me!

  62. simona

    beautiful I’m making one myself following your pattern if you want to see me go on my page! hello

  63. Sarah

    Hello Sucrette,

    Greetings from San Francisco!

    I love this poncho – I will be making these for all of the little girls in our family for Christmas. One question though – I see in the photo of the baby poncho that you have added some nice edging. Can you share the pattern for that?



  64. Brenda

    Hi Sucrette

    Greetings from Brixham in Devon, England!

    I have made this Poncho in a baby pattern, I needed it to fit a 3 to 6 months size.

    I tried it with 80 stitches but this worked out bigger one side than the other. I tried it with 88 chain and a smaller crochet hook and this was perfect. I made it in dark mint green and white but instead of the shell trim I put tassels all the way around and made a beenie hat in the mint green with a white crocheted bow attached. Also as I am left handed I had to reverse your diagram in my head so it worked out.

    Really pleased with the finished article.

    Thanks again

  65. Kelly Barker

    Hi love your poncho, i am new to crochet, and was wondering if you or anyone else can tell me what wool/yarn to use and what size hook, much appericiared really want to try doing this poncho

    Thanks kelly

    • Etty

      Since there is No gauge and this poncho is the most easy poncho I ever saw, It is up to you to decide which yarn you like, on the yarn label it will tell which hook / needle fits, but you will have to determine if the result too tide or too loose, and than to switch to a larger smaller hook.

  66. monica

    bellisimo poncho perchè è facilmente adattabile anche per gli adulti dovresti però indicare la grossezza della lana usata e il numero di uncinetto relativo, cosi per noi risulta più semplice realizzarlo. complimenti

  67. monica

    hello, j am again , j have a big problem. j am making a poncho for my daughter of 15 years, a size M about, with a crochet of 3 . j have starter 116 chains but after 20 laps , j realized that freezes or better jumps on the shoulders . I don’t know if I explained well. perhaps, as an adult I had to increase more mesh instead of 3TR 1ch 3TR, j must make from 10 laps 6TR 2 ch 6TR.I can make a suggestion with email. thank you in advance

  68. Namrata

    Hi, I just love your ponch. I was looking to make one for my daughter (8yrs) and niece (2 yrs). My niece stays in US while I’m in India, so I’m not sure of her measurement. Can u pls give me an idea of the beginning no of chains. Thank you.

    • Aussiebelle

      I have made one for my daughter who is 7 going on 8 and I made it using a 110 chain which is big so I just made her a crocheted cord to draw it in so it will fit her for a few years yet.

  69. mandi

    I’m going to attemp to make this for my granddaughter, I’m still a beginner as such and still learning so I hope it comes out ok .xx

  70. Julieta

    I am currently finishing a poncho following your tutorial and I am wondering how did you finish yours? I don’t seem to understand how to knit the last row, as it looks different than the rest in the pictures. Have you knitted *5tr, 1tr*?

    • Aussiebelle

      I am on to my second and third poncho. So to complete the poncho you continue as tho your going to start a new row. What you need to do after the last treble and chain slip stitch into top of 3 chain and then your finished.

  71. Montse. Tisoress

    Hola, sirve el esquema para un poncho de adulto? aumentando claro esta las cadenetas iniciales. gracias

  72. Pingback: Indice | Chez toki

  73. Ella tooly

    To do for an adult what size Hook needed? Thanks

  74. Isa

    Un gros Merci pour partager ce poncho! Je l’adore! Je suis presentement en train de le crocheter pour mes 2 filles de 2 et 4 ans! J’ai presque fini! (je vien de realiser que ce serait mieu un peu plus long! )
    J’aimerait savoir comment tu as fait la derniere ranger, le hedging..
    Merci! 😀

  75. Christine Antoine

    Très joli !!! Quel numéro de crochet pour ce poncho ? Merci beaucoup

  76. Studio nagrań

    Hi there, simply became alert to your blog through Google, and located that it is really informative. I am going to watch out for brussels. I’ll be grateful in the event you proceed this in future. A lot of other folks can be benefited out of your writing. Cheers!

  77. Jacks2

    A damp dull day here, couldn’t do gardening as planned but hey have now started a lovely little poncho. I taught myself to crochet about 4 months ago, and knew this was the sort of thing I wanted to make. Thank so very much!

  78. Janet

    Beautiful – thanks for sharing

  79. Pingback: Joyeux z’anniv’ Paul | Miliezebomb

  80. Pingback: How to crochet the perfect poncho | Queen and Fox

  81. Diane

    regarding “Round 1: 1 tr, 1tr, 1tr, 1 ch, 1tr, 1tr, 1tr, 1ch on every stitch of the beginning chain.” When you mean, on every stitch, do you mean repeat until the end of the row? And what chain do you do the first stitch in?

  82. fiona

    hi sucrete, thanks for sharing this poncho pattern and explaining it on this site. I made one poncho for my toddler girl, easy instructions to follow for first trial. i love your colourful combination too. so tried to do it for mine, but mine’s a bit more reserved. i’ve posted a picture on my blog too.

    keep up the good work.

  83. Frankie

    Thanks for sharing! Like Kristen my little girl recently broke her elbow and its impossible to fit her arm into a coat with such a big cast on, so this will be great for keeping her warm until her arm is better 🙂 x

  84. Susy

    Is the first time that I see your blogg, ans really is fantastic…My name is Susana, I’m mexican and a love crochet an handycraft, because I think to relax me, jajaja sorry, my english sometimes is so bad…but I understand a good conversation very well…..congratulations for yours crochet’s works.

  85. Lorna

    I love your poncho pattern. I want to make one for barbie how many sts do I start off with can you send me a pattern for the barbie it would make me soooooooooooo happy. My granddaughter will be happy with one for her barbie doll.

    From Lorna

  86. Juanita Rynearson

    thank you so much for the poncho pattern. I am making ponchos for my granddaughters. I also thank you for the illustrated crochet patterns. it is so much faster for me to look at the picture and begin to crochet.
    I have made the granny’s shawl and I love the pattern. PLEASE keep up the crocheting for all of us. oh, and thank you for telling us which size hook you used for the project. it helps me a lot.

    Mama Nita
    Idaho USA

  87. Vickie Shane

    Love the poncho pattern. I have made 3 so far, I am lining the inside with fleece fabric and one was hooded. Great alternative for those warmer winter days in the north.

  88. Pingback: I’m back… | Mi Mundo

  89. Thomasina Tittlemouse

    Dear Angie
    Just wanted to say a huge thank you for this gorgeous pattern. I’ve just completed my first poncho with it and it’s been a joy to work with. Now onto my second and am even contemplating a third! Thank you so much for the diagram and clear instructions. E x

  90. Juanita Rynearson

    I am now making a third poncho for granddaughter in her school colors so she can wear it to school. My granddaughters love their ponchos so much and they are very colorful with pinks and purples. Thank you ever so MUCH for the symbol crochet patterns. I love all of them!!!!!

  91. Juanita Rynearson

    I have made four ponchos for my two granddaughters and they love them so much. I made one in school colors so she could wear it to school. I put a backwards single crochet for an edge on the bottom. it gave the poncho a little weight. This poncho pattern is awesome and so easy to do. I am thinking about making me one for the fun of it.
    Thank you for the symbol crochet patterns and your inventive mind.
    keep up the awesome crocheting for the rest of us who are inhibited.

  92. Pingback: Granny Poncho | Goddess Crochet

  93. Terry

    Thank You for this Pattern. You do very nice work. I would like to make a blanket in this pattern, how would I do that? Thank You for your time.
    God Bless

  94. evelyn ruiz

    Thank you for sharing your creativities, I really appreciate and admire your works. God bless.

  95. Susan Ernst


  96. Mahmoud

    can you send me the pattern of this poncho as a pdf file om my email please?

  97. Susan W

    This is so cute. I am going to make this poncho for my 9 yo daughter. Thanks for the pattern!

    • Naomi

      Hi Susan

      How many chains did u use and did you use the same size hook and yarn recommended for poncho

      Many thanks

  98. Cheryl

    I made the poncho for my 7 yr old granddaughter. I used multicolored yarn so didn’t need to change yarn colors. I loved making it and she loves wearing it! Thanks so much! I hadn’t crotched since the 1970’s and only rescently took it up again this past January. So far I’ve made 4 infinity scarves, 3 slouchy hats, 2 baby blankets, a poncho and lastly a cute shortsleeve cardigan, all crotchet! I think I need an intervention….. 😉

  99. Naomi


    Love this pattern and have 6 granddaughters, not sure how big a chain to start with, one is 10 and the other 8, smaller than average do you think 88 stitches is enough, if I want yo use a heavier yarn how do I adjust the needle size. Thank you

    • Sucrette

      Dear Naomi,
      You have to use the needle hook size suggested on your yarn…then make a chain and try to make it big enough to go through the child’s head…sorry but I really cant tell you how many chains to start with…it depends on your yarn and the child’s head!
      Happy crocheting!

  100. Naomi

    Thanks, have to switch to a smaller hook using a worsted weight and the hook size for the yarn makes it too big. Will let you know how it works out.
    You are so kind for doing this.

  101. Pingback: Polka Dot Cottage: That Spring Poncho

  102. Naomi


    How do I do the scalloped edging now that I have finished the poncho and I have yo mak the neck smaller. What do u suggest to crochette around the neck to tighten.
    Thanks I will be starting another one for another granddaughter.

    All the best

  103. Naomi

    Hi Angie,

    I just finished a poncho for my 8 year old granddaughter, her request was for a bright orange ponch with a turquoise and orange fringe
    How can I send a picture.
    Thank you she absolutely adores it and I am starting another one for my 6 year old granddaughter


  104. LindaV

    When you get settled in from vacation, would you be able to tell me how you did the green scalloped edge on the little poncho? I’m working on making several for granddaughters and thought it’d be nice to each be a little different!

  105. Jacqueline

    Hi, love the poncho, can’t wait to make 2 for my Granddaughters. Please could you tell me what weight of wool you used? I’m new to crochet and still finding my way round all the different yarns

    Thank you

  106. Juliette

    I would love if you could add the instructions for the trim you added that is not a picot. In the pictures you did a different finish for the last row.

    Thank you

  107. Cheryl

    Do you have a video tutorial of this please

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