Lampshade: Before and after

October 22, 2010


How’s everything today?

Two days ago, I felt in love with a white lampshade, a very simple one but so charming with it’s round shaped bottom…I had to have it 🙂

I transformed it my way in my head before even I bought it … and on my way back home I was smiling and singing 🙂 (crazy woman, I know!)

So, I have to show it to you:


I adore the ball-shape-ceramic bottom:

and AFTER:

I took the pattern of these cute flowers from this lovely book that is a must-have ! I recommend it!

You can order a copy from here.

This is a close-up of the pattern 😉

I made it without round 5 which is a dc round 🙂 I am a lazy person…

Hope you liked my transformed new lampshade!

I am still working on my MONSTER but from time to time I love taking a break…

I am also making some paintings and it is really distressful ! I am enjoying it a lot, I’ll show you maybe something next time…

Have a happy happy happy week end!




  1. Rachel D.

    Mettre de la couleur partout dans la maison, c’est génial. J’adore. Bisous

  2. marlene

    This is a great ideia! So beautiful!!
    Congrats for you work!
    have a nice weekend,

  3. marion

    Dear Sucrette,

    this looks very, very beautiful.
    I bought this book also and always find some nice ideas.
    To beautify your lampshade in this way is a wonderful idea – Great!!! Very nice Colours…

    Enjoy your Weekend and many Greetings,

  4. Erica

    I absolutely LOVE that “after”! How ideal, for someone who adores color (as do I) to find a perfectly shaped blank canvas, so to speak, to work with! I have that book too, and love it. You did a marvelous job, and I know you must be tickled pink every time you look at that lamp!

  5. ganxetades

    It’s a great idea! Very personal lamp.
    I need this book, aixxx.

  6. Pammy Sue

    So cute! I love what you did to it. I would be singing too if I had that lampshade! It’s a blank canvas screaming for crochet embellishment.

  7. Aisyah Helga

    Wow! That lampshade looks great! Great work!

  8. Jacquie

    Genius Sucrette, Love it . The lamp and shade are such a satisfying shape , and they look so much better with a little touch of colourful crochet goodness :0)
    Jacquie x

  9. Monique

    What à lovely idea. I love the flowers on your lampshade

  10. marion

    Dear Sucrette,

    many, many thanks for your comment on my blog, I was very pleased.
    Unfortunately, I do not have the second book “Around the Corner”, but I think it is very nice and I would like maybe to buy. There are certainly many fine crochet borders in it and there is again a lot of ideas but unfortunately only 2 hands, hihihi …

    I wish you a wonderful evening and send many greetings,


  11. Anne Marie

    Love, love, love your lampshade. Silly question but how did you attach the motifs to the shade – did you use glue??

    • Sucrette

      Yes, I used the gun glue 🙂

  12. Clara

    Such a modern, fresh and vibrant look now to the lamp. What an innovative idea. Just amazing.

  13. tejehannah

    Hello! Your new lamp is beautiful! I have made last summer 50 tiny flowers for a lamp… but the lamp is still missing.
    The granny blanket is going to be wonderful!
    Best wishes Teje

  14. Dorien

    That is such a clever way to ‘pimp’ your lampshade. Really like the way you did this, with nice bright colours. And I agree with you on the book; it really is great and a huge source for inspiration!
    groetjes, Dorien

  15. Terrie

    Thank you so much! I Have been looking for a motif to sew on to my daughters curtains – this is perfect! I shall have to get me this book!

  16. Linda

    I have both of her books and love them! Your work is lovely-thanks so much for sharing!

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