Sweet monday morning…

November 8, 2010

Good morning sweeties,

Do you remember me doing this ?

Well…it turned into this:

A candy cushion!!!

I loved the whole process of making it 🙂 It is a real pleasure to crochet… and it had a great success with some of the family members 🙂

So, what do you think? Sweet no? 😉

It can be crocheted in various sizes and colors…

and OF COURSE, I’m posting  the pattern in my next post…

So, sweeties, come back tomorrow if you’re interested in making a candy cushion for you or for your loved ones…It is a healthy and 0% fat-calories gift 😉

Sweet Monday morning to you all!



  1. Jacquie

    Hi Sucrette , love your cushion . Such a fun idea :0)

  2. tejehannah

    Morning! Lovely idea and so ‘sweet’ cushion!
    Wishes Teje

  3. lavande

    Bonjour, votre coussin est très joli .Les couleurs sont très belles, on dirait un vrai bonbon.
    Un petit message d’Auvergne en France.

  4. Gillian

    Love, love, love it 🙂
    so pretty & SWEET!

  5. Paula

    What a good idea, thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. barbara reichard

    It’s a colorful tootsie roll! Looks delicious.

  7. Rachel D.

    J’a-do-re !! Je ne l’ai pas encore montré aux fistons mais une chose est sûre : je sens que je vais devoir sortir mon crochet pour en faire 2. D’ailleurs, j’ai 2 coussins “boudins” à recouvrir : voilà une idée originale.
    Bisous à toute la famille.

  8. Emma

    Are you putting a tutorial on here?
    I would love to make some of these for presents.
    Em xxxxx

  9. Karen

    This is such a cute cushion. I love that it can be a stash yarn project too.

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