New scarf project and a pattern :)

February 11, 2011

Good morning my friend,

How are you today?

I was so inspired two days ago after seeing the lovely post of Lucy about her new shawl project…so inspired that I took my hook right away and tried the pattern she used…

The pattern is lovely but I wanted to make a long scarf , something like a long neck warmer you know what I mean? and this pattern was kind of “bold” for a scarf…I wanted something “lighter” (Is that a word?)

So, I took an old crochet magazine and transformed my way a pattern made originally for a doily…and I loved it so much……so much…that I crocheted a flower and after another flower etc…with leftover yarns….

…so much that I made right away a graphic pattern for the modified version of the original pattern…


…so much that I want to continue making a long series of flowers to make a very long scarf I can wrap it two or three timesย  around my neck…

so? what do you think? Do you want to join in? You can make a “light” shawl with this pattern too or some coasters maybe ๐Ÿ™‚ I have to leave you now and return to my new project ๐Ÿ™‚ (so excited about it!!!!!!!!!)

Have a beautiful week end!



  1. Halfpint

    The flowers look wonderful and a great way to use up leftover yarns

  2. Jacquie

    Hi Angie, I loved Lucy’s scarf too but I think yours is just as nice …really pertty :0)
    Thankyou so much for the pattern , I’ve never managed to follow a graphic pattern before but I think I must have a go at these .
    Jacquie x

  3. Peppy

    It’s beautiful! And it looks like a lot of fun to do this! Enjoy!!!

  4. Terrie

    Oooo I likey! It’s going to be a very pretty scarf!

  5. hayley

    Hi! It’s very pretty, so bright and chearful. Well done!!

  6. sonieta

    wonderful flowers!!
    I saw them in Lucy’s blog.. and I was testing without pattern…

    you never stop crocheting isn’t it


  7. Fiona

    Those flowers are going to make a lovely scarf, Angie. I may have to have a go at this one sometime soon!!

  8. Victoria

    I like it better than the original. Lovely!

  9. Curly Bird Express

    I am TOTALLY in love with this project, the flowers, the colors, everything! Thanks for sharing your chart too! (Great pictures, can you tell I’m crazy about this?!!)

  10. tejehannah

    Good evening Angie! Great work! I saw also Lucie’s crochet and I was thinking a lighter version would be nice…not to have the flowers so tight together. You make it perfect – it’s going to be adorable! Thank you so much for having the time to make a pattern!
    Sunny weekend! xxx Teje

  11. Marion

    Dear Angie,

    that is absolutly fantastic!!! That looks beautiful, wonderful…I’m just really lost my language…
    What wonderful Colours…and i thank you so much for sharing the pattern with all of us.

    I have to try this now … your scarf is a dream!

    Send you many many Greetings and wish you a nice Weekend,


  12. Penelope

    How beautiful, thanks for sharing your chart, I have already made 10 of Lucy’s flower patterns to make into a scarf but wull defnitely use your chart for another. Yours looks so very bright and beautiful xox

  13. 'me'

    thanks for the pattern ! it’s lovely!!!!

  14. pixie

    **This, i have got to try, thankyou for sharing such a lovely pattern. Pixie.

  15. Aisyah Helga

    Your scarf looks beautiful, Angie! So colorful!

  16. Pati from London

    What a fantastic adaptation. I think Lucy’s one is very nice and perhaps is good for her shawl but yours is nicer for a scarf, it’s lighter and more appropriate for folding it around your neck more than once. Thanks for your pattern once again. You make lovely things!! x Pati

  17. Saritha

    I love how your scarf looks so far!!So bright and cheerful and pretty!!

  18. allison

    gorgeous flowers. thanks for the pattern!

  19. Victoria

    I would love to know how you make those graphic patterns if you wouldn’t mind sharing. Do you have specialist software?

    • Sucrette

      Thank you all for those wonderful comments ๐Ÿ™‚

      Victoria, to make those graphic patterns I use a software called “Corel draw” It is a software for graphic design I learned at college…


  20. Gillian

    Oh it is just beautiful!!!
    looking forward to seeing it finished ๐Ÿ™‚

    thank you for the pattern, I would love to have a go at this sweet flower one day soon!

  21. folksmith

    love the scarf. i’ve never worked from a graph, i will force myself to give it a go. love it. i will bookmark your blog, just came upon it today.

  22. Paula

    I love the pattern and the colours you’re using, that’s going to be a beautiful scarf to wear.

  23. Clara

    Very colorful.

  24. Claudia

    I like your “lighter” version very much!! and I intend to follow you!!
    Thanks a lot for the idea!

  25. Raquel

    Very pretty! Thanks for sharing the pattern. Also great graphic as always.

  26. Janet Brani

    Beautiful project and blog! What program do you use for the chart? It is so easy to follow . . . thanks for sharing your work.

  27. Nita

    Makes me wish I knew how to crochet!

  28. Fernanda

    Hello Angie! I’ve just tried your pattern and I simply loved it! It’s a pity most of my stash are pastel colours… I will have to wait until I get vibrant ones. Thank you a lot for posting the pattern if you want to see my trial there’s a picture on my blog. I will put a link to your site. Thanks again.

  29. Jen

    Hi– I’m just wondering what software you use for your graphic patterns! I LOVE your stuff!!

  30. Jen

    Sorry– here’s my email re: pattern software

  31. Sara Smelt

    beautiful scarf! it’s so sunny it will always make you smile when you wear it! I would also love to know what software you use for the graphic patterns. it looks great. thanks!

  32. GLAMAY

    Thanks for sharing.Beautiful scarf.

  33. erika margarita

    muy lindas flores hermosas diria yo me podes embiar grafico de hojas porfi gracias besos erika 26 11 2011

  34. Jill

    I love your work. The patterns and your choice of colors are so beautiful. I’m crocheting again after 35 years and I’m totally lost on the graphs. Is it possible to find the patterns with words? Thank you for your help and your wonderful work.

  35. Sarah

    I love this! I lwould also love to have the pattern in written words. Thanks!

  36. Sarah

    Beautiful flowers!!! I tried to make one today, but it didn’t work! I, too, would love the pattern in written words–maybe I’m following the pattern wrong? Thank you!

  37. Maryam Khalid

    Hello.. just found out about your website and i am loving it!! i am new to crochet and sadly i can’t read graphic patterns ๐Ÿ™ would love to get a written pattern for your design.. btw i got a written pattern for the original flowers and i’ve made many.. can you tell me how to stitch them together after making all of them? thanks a lot!
    btw i love all your designs.. i am definitely going to try the ripple blanket after i am done with my scarf! ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Charmaine

    You are absolutley just the best…..

    Ilove to crochet, and am not good at reading patterns now you have the grafic ones…

    Iam going to make my granddaugter a poncho for sure !!!

    Once againTHANK YOU for all your trouble , time, patience and love …


  39. Liane Barone

    Angie I just finished looking a your post from feb. 11, 2011. I was boping tbat you might be able to email me the instructions for the two flowers that appear at the start of your post I have been unable to find instructions for such a flower it would make a slightly heavier scarf for cooler weather. Thank you Liane Barone Bellerose NY

  40. barbara micheau

    I am in tears because I don’t read patterns. : ( I think you’ll be the one who makes me want to learn. : )

  41. pippa

    hi angie i just love the pictorial explanations with the diagrams i understand them so much better you are making my crochet journey a whole lot easier

  42. Tine

    je me demande avec quel logiciel tu fais d’aussi beau diagramme ; cette fleur est superbe, merci.
    I wonder what software you do so beautiful pattern, this flower is beautiful, thank you.


    I absolutely love this pattern and would really love to use it to make a shawl/comforter for my daughter to take off to University when she goes. Unfortunately, I can’t understand the graphic pattern as I am a novice. Would you be able to add written instructions too please?
    Many thanks

  44. Jacks2

    Have been looking for a pattern just like this! Could picture it in my head but wasn’t sure it would work. Thank you, a few pressies to make now!

  45. Anne Kaelber

    Very nice work! What program do you use to make your chart with? It looks very nice!


    • Cin Berry

      Anne…. I saw on another project of hers where she stated she used Corel Draw. I hope this is helpful.

  46. Cin Berry

    I posted a picture of your scarf on my facebook and have had many people request a written copy of the motif. I hope I have your permission to translate the graph to a written pattern and to post on my FB.

    Crochet Creations by Cin

  47. Moira Sacco

    Hello Angie, it’s just so lovely to see such inspiring work! 8 came across your blog purely accidentally lol. Still can’t work out how…Hehehe โ˜บ๏ธ
    I have a question for you…. I’m fairly new to crochet, and I would very much like to know how you join as you go with your lovely flower scarf/wrap? I can’t work out how, if you start a flower from the middle. I just can’t work this out in my head, I’m confused. There is so much that I would love to learn and there is no one to ask or show me here. Is there a way that you perhaps could explain? Thank you for sharing your beautiful works. Regards Moira

  48. Maschelle Mashburn

    I adore your pattern for this scarf! I can’t wait to try it, as I’ve always wanted to make a scarf or shawl out of the “heavier motif”, but just don’t have the skills to get it right so far. I’ve ended up with a ton of large, colorful flower “doilies” from all of my failed flower motifs. By failed, I mean mistakes relating to the number of petals ( intending to make 12-petaled motifs but ended up with 11 petals far too often. I also didn’t know the join as you go concept yet, and tried to join all the motifs at the petal tips like they were squares or hexagons..sigh…epic fail and I felt like crying as I’d worked so hard designing each flower as a unique, heavily detailed and customized work of love. Beginner’s mistake on a huge scale. Now, here you have patterned a motif that I believe I CAN manage to join as I go! I’m very hopeful! Thank you so much! P.S. love your other projects I’m seeing in the sidebar and am very eager to read more posts! I’m glad other bloggers had your site listed as one of their faves.

  49. Litl Bits

    I’ve just found this and think, in a finer yarn or thread and a smaller hook, this may make a charming pair of earrings or necklace…..going to give it a try

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