Love at first sight: the pattern

April 13, 2011

Good morning sweeties,

It is so great to have you here today…

This is the pattern of “love at first sight” and I must warn you: This is really a love-at-first-sight-kind-of-pattern…You’ll be hooked and totally, deeply taken by it…

It is such a pleasure to crochet and the result is wonderful…specially when you make the last round in black (or it can be in another color) to join as-you-go πŸ™‚

So here is the graphic pattern:

As you noticed I made the last round (the one you join with the hexagons) with half treble … so the black color will not be too much outstanding…

I crocheted first 9 hexagons to try out the pattern…

For this blanket I will work with 26 different colors and the black…Every time I make a blanket I use the same method to crochet and use equally all the colors…If I have 26 colors I make a series of 26 hexagons at a time…26 after 26 after 26…etc

I make first the first round of 26 hexagons: one with every color…

and then I crochet the 2nd round using the 26 colors again…one 2nd round with every color… (putting aside the colors used already)

and then I crochet also the 3d round…one 3d round with every single color…This will lead you to 26 “unique” hexagons πŸ™‚

This method is fast and simple…it saves time and allows you to not have one color used more often than the others…

It will not take out the pleasure of crochet…but it will guarantee you a wonderful result without wasting time to choose the colors and think what color you have to crochet next and what color you did not try yet…It will make you a “blanket machine” πŸ˜‰ (I love this expression πŸ™‚ hehe ) a blanket machine who enjoys a lot crocheting πŸ™‚

Thank you all for your wonderful comments on my posts… They bring every morning sunshine to my day πŸ™‚

Happy crocheting !



  1. Aisyah Helga

    Thank you for sharing this pattern, Angie. You have been busy! Can’t wait to see the finished blanket!

  2. Caroline

    Lovely pattern and beautiful colours, you are a clever girl. Loving your page so uplifting, may have to use some of your colours, (hope you don’t mind) they look gorgeous!

  3. Paula

    I love the pattern and the colours you’re using, thank you for sharing πŸ™‚

  4. Barbara

    Merci beaucoup pour ces belles couleurs !!
    le noir fait tellement ressortir le travail !
    vite la suite !!!
    merci aussi pour le tuto !

  5. Libby

    Beautiful! thanks for the pattern and the clever tip, I like the production line idea, especially when using so many colours. x

  6. Pauline

    gosh you worked that out quickly!! I’m new to hexagons but may well give it a try as it will be a challenge and a good way to use up odds and ends of yarn.
    Thank you for showing me how to do it, especially the way you do each row 26 times!!!

  7. Dorien

    The pattern looks great and not too difficult. Thank you for sharing it. I like the way you use your colours; the system is clear and simple. Have a great day!

  8. Jane

    Lovely pattern, and that’s such a clever way to make sure you use all your colours evenly! Thanks for sharing, I so need to go and buy lots and lots more yarn! πŸ™‚

  9. Maryfairy

    Well done Angie, I like the way you think, it is a very logical way to go about using all the colours evenly. I will definitely try this technique next time, as I often favour certain colours and end up using them more. Beautiful blanket as usual. Have a lovely day.
    Mary xx

  10. Susan

    Thank you for making the use of colors in this pattern so clear. I am often stumped when it comes to color scheme and amount of yarn used evenly and your explanation makes it so much clearer for me. I love your creative ideas and you crochet so beautifully, not to mention the pictures are really spectacular. Your are a real inspiration.

  11. Fiona

    Thanks for a great pattern and sharing how you use your colours evenly. I recently made some granny squares and found I ran out of some colours and was left with lots of others – so maybe I need to adopt your way of working!!

  12. Victoria

    I would like to work on a blanket for my living room; this may be the one! Thanks for the pattern.

    From your beautiful pictures I have noticed that you don’t leave a very long yarn tail on each round. Curious to know how you weave in the ends after each round. As much as I would love to make a big blanket like this, I dread weaving in those tails! Victoria

  13. karen

    these look great! you sure are a great ‘blanket machine”:)

  14. Pati from London

    Hi Angie, you are a crochet machine! That’s for sure!! Thanks once again for the lovely pattern and wonderful inspiration. I love your blog.
    Have a lovely weekend, Pati x

  15. La crochetnauta

    Angie thank you, thank you for the graphic. You are wonderful!!!!. Kisses. Andrea.

  16. Sophie

    Thank you so much for this new pattern. These are again so lovely. You have a really beautiful blog. I love it ! It is “magnifique”. Have a lovely day ! Sophie xx

  17. Sandra Coatti

    His works are beautiful, congratulations!
    Sandra kisses …… Coatti

  18. Pammy Sue

    Thank you for sharing this. I like that you told us EXACTLY how you do it. Wonderful! It’s going to be so pretty.

  19. penelope dubois

    This is wonderful!!! Thank you!!!

  20. Lita Ashley

    I love your work and your tips about using every colour for the first round and so on, now why did I not think to do that, lol. I’ve never used the grafics just the old fashiond method but I must learn so I can try your patterns out as they are so nice. I look forward to seeing more.
    Bye from Lita in the UK xx

  21. Anne Marie

    Thanks for the pattern and the yarn color tips – you amaze me!!

  22. Kinnicchick

    Thank you so much for your generosity. Such a lovely pattern. (you are quick, aren’t you!?)

  23. Dawn

    So colorful and so vibrant. Lovely, lovely work!

  24. marta

    Thank you so much for sharing this lovely pattern!

  25. Maaike

    Oh wow, such pretty again! I love the colors and the pattern looks indeed great… Have a sunny weekend!
    Love, Maaike

  26. Suz

    Fab colours and another lovely pattern
    Hugs Suz x

  27. Anna

    I have fallen in love with, love at first sight!
    I was wondering how much wool to buy to make a blanket.
    you make up 26 at a time is that from 50grams or 100g balls? does 26 use up the whole ball?
    It would be great if you could up date me on this so I don’t over or undert spend.
    thanking you in advance.


    • Sucrette

      Hello Anna,
      I don’t really know how much yarn I use for every blanket but it is sure with 26 colors 50gr is enough…
      Once I made a very big blanket and its weight was 1kg …so it is 10 balls of 100g but it was very big…
      Hope this helped!

      • Sucrette

        and for the border you need to count at least 3 or even 4balls of 100g

  28. Anna

    Thanks so much for the info, it’s really helpful.
    do you join the hexagons with the half treble, boarder or do you hand sew with needle and yarn?
    I am a beginner!!!!
    I am off to shop for 26 colours, woohoo!

    • Sucrette

      I join them as I go with the half treble border πŸ˜‰
      Have a nice shopping πŸ™‚

  29. Anna

    thanks for your reply
    thanks for your inspiring blog
    have a lovely day

  30. Angelika Gorham

    Thank you so much for all the yummy color inspiration!!! Must ask tho, black border would be the 4th row around each one, or do you use the half treble stitch to join and how would you do that?
    Also a fairly newbie to the whole crochet thang… would love to be able to get your results.

  31. Katrin W.

    Thanks for letting us know how you choose your colours, that really sounds fun, and your hexies are very beautiful.
    What I didnΒ΄t understand is the last row on your graphic pattern, the one outside the half treble crochets, is that just to show where to sew the hexagons together? Or do you join by crocheting?

  32. Alejandra

    Te encontre por otro blog que publico tu nombre y tu arte. Me enamore yo tambien!!!!!!!
    Te felicito por el buen gusto. Gracias por compartir. Besitos desde Buenos Aires.

  33. Grace Ann

    b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. I love this pattern! Simply gorgeous! You did a perfect job!

  34. Sangeetha

    Hi Angie,
    I really loved your tip for “unique” hexagons and I am using it for my blanket. I have mentioned you in my blog at Do visit me and let me have your comments. Also let me know if you have any tips for improving my blog. I really like your blog and the gorgeous colours you use.

  35. Pingback: New website love – Le Monde de Sucrette | Knittwittowo

  36. Laurel

    What size hook did you use?


  37. Pingback: La folie des grannies | Cap'taines Crochettes

  38. kitwench

    All of my great-grandmother’s (very colorful) afghans are joined with a half row of black.
    They are the most treasured heirlooms in our family, because the contrast is so striking and the style – totally her.
    I love this look, and I’m so glad someone is trying to bring it back – color is wonderful, but contrast makes the look and I have yet to meet a man who thought a *black* bordered afghan was ‘too girly’ for a man’s bedroom πŸ™‚

  39. paulette

    thank you so very much for the pattern of love at the first time…..paulette.

  40. Pingback: Loving…learning to crochet | thingsdeeloves

  41. Bev

    Where do I find the Pattern?????
    I want to make this but,
    I don’t see where the instructions are on how to make it.
    Do I just find out how to make a Hexagon and then put in as many colors as you have?
    I love all your goodies, but really need patterns for them. I don’t know how many to crochet to make a chain , and how many to SC in between
    Doubles and the next stitch .
    I need help and I see all of the other patterns are guess work also.
    Thanks Bev in Ohio

  42. Bonnie

    I couldn’t find the pattern for the hexigon. Did I miss something here?

  43. Michelle Costanzo

    I need the written pattern for this. I cant do it using the diagram. I have to practice that way. Thank you.

  44. Christine Michalczuk

    These are lovely! Can I ask, what is the yarn that you used? I’m here in the US, but I’m hoping I can get my hands on some. πŸ™‚ Thank you!

  45. Christine

    thank a lot for this tuto, this blanket is so nice, I began this week-end and it is very funny to make it. But how many pieces do I need for this blanket, in total? And how many pieces for the shortest side? (sorry for my bad English). You have so beautiful ideas in crochet, I am so happy to have found your website, really!!! Have a very nice day, here in Belgium it’s raining…. Bye bye!

  46. Debbie Meyer

    Have you ever made a poncho out of these hexagons or granny squares? I think it would be lovely!! Point me to a pattern if you’ve done them. πŸ™‚ I absolutely love your work. It’s rainy & cloudy here today, and your colorful crochet has brightened my day. thank you!

  47. Geneva Zook

    What a GREAT idea! I always have trouble deciding what colors to use, and if I already used that combination. I loved the solution you have provided. Thanks!!! πŸ™‚

  48. Pingback: I’m done…. | Mi Mundo

  49. Sierra

    Would you please be kind enough to write this pattern out in American? It is so wonderful, that I want to share it with my crochet circle here in the States. Thank you.

  50. Pingback: Crochet Pretty Hexagon Blanket (Free Pattern) - Crochet Arts

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