“Grandma and me” blanket

April 15, 2011

Good morning!

How are you today? Many many thanks for you all who are visiting “le monde de Sucrette”! It is such a pleasure having you here 🙂

and because many of you asked about the blanket I crocheted with my grandma (you can read about this blanket in this post) and especially Nicolette who asked for the pattern I tried this morning to make a graphic one very easy to follow 🙂

So dear Nicolette your wish is my command 🙂 hehe

This is for you some pics of the blanket and the graphic pattern of its square ….

The square is made with 7 rounds…The first and the last round crocheted in white and rounds 2,3,4,5and 6 with one color….

In the graphic pattern above I draw the first 3 rounds…

For round 4,5,6 and 7 it is the same principle as round 2 or 3…You have to crochet 1 treble above every treble of the previous round and in the corner you crochet every time: ” 2tr, 1chain, 2tr ”

It is very easy when you try it 🙂 You’ll see 😉

And when all your squares are done…you align them and join them with a dc chain (maille serree in french)

I crocheted the joining-dc chain every time with a different color 😉

Hope this helped you !

Have a beautiful and springy week end!



  1. nicollette

    Dear Sucrette,

    Many, many thanks for the pattern. I start within an hour (after I took my girls to school).

    I’m going to ask my mother to join me with this project. So the blanket will be finished quicker and later my girls will have a momentum of their grandmother.

    Again, thank you.
    Have a sunny weekend,

  2. Barbara

    Encore de belles couleurs !!!
    Merci pour ce tuto !
    Barbara (France)

  3. Fiona

    Thanks Angie – it’s a lovely pattern.

  4. Victoria

    My grandmother crocheted too. I am self taught–about 3 years now. There have been so many times I wished that she was still around. I often think it would have been so lovely to crochet together. Lucky you for doing this project with your grandma. What a wonderful way to spend time together!

  5. Colette.

    Thank you very much “Sucrette”, you’re a nice girl, and guess … your Grandma too ! ;-))

  6. Tracy Marie

    I LOVE this blanket and thank you so much for sharing your diagram and directions – I can’t wait to try make one! 😀

  7. Anne Marie

    Lovely blanket – thanks for generously sharing your pattern – you are so sweet.

  8. Julie

    Oh. My. Goodness!! Everything is SO beautiful! I am so happy that you linked up your blog to The Crochet Way! I am totally inspired and want to pick up my hook right now! lol

    Thank you so much for the patterns…how wonderful to have the patterns for these gorgeous pieces you’ve created! I will definitely be back and have subscribed to your blog via email.

    Blessings – Julie

  9. Debi Y.

    Pretty afghan – it’s great to have a project that you crocheted with your Grandma. 🙂

  10. Patti

    Hi Sucrette ,
    I just found your blog , and i just LOVE all the things you made …. a real color explosion !! 🙂
    I think your house looks like a fairytale with all those chrochet pillows and blankets !
    Patti xx

  11. Carina

    Wow you are just so quick with these blankets!!!! Wish I had so much time! LOVE IT – so so beautiful! Have a good week. Cx

  12. Elisabeth

    Pretty blanket, very nicely done!

  13. Chandrima

    This is a lovely blanket and easy too. I am a self taught crocheter. Can you please elaborate how to do the joining-dc chain method.
    Thanking you.

  14. totallycooked

    how many chains or stitches do you make to start?

  15. Andria Warner

    I just found this. It’s beautiful. I definitely want to make one. In the directions you say join squares with an “dc chain”. Can you explain what that means? Thanks.

  16. Evelyn

    Hi, in the smaller version of this block that is a solid (the picture of all the blankets folded); can you tell me how you put them together so there is no color showing between them? I would like to make one of these. All bright colors of course!!! Makes me happy!

    Thanks for your reply.

  17. Elle

    Hi there! I just started something very similar, but I’m curious about the size you made this work. I’m working on an oversized king size blanket, and my calculations have me making nearly 200 squares. Do you think this is right, or am I just going nuts over here, lol.
    Any input is appreciated! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration. I always love the idea of granny squares, but not how ‘holey’ they are. This is JUST what I was looking for!

  18. Aliye Imam

    Yeslamu 2ydeyky Sucrette! It is stunning, I just stumbled across your webpage from Attic24. I am totally in love with your work, alf mabrook on your new addition, totally happy to have found your website and thanks for sharing your work and passion with us.xx

  19. Pingback: The happy blankie: the beginning

  20. Linda C.

    I am making this afghan as a high school graduation gift for my niece. Am doing ok with the squares but could you clarify what “joining with dc chain in different colors” means? Thanks so much.

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