Scalloped round stool edge tutorial!

May 16, 2011


Just a quick post with a quick graphic pattern of the crocheted edge I made for the round stool πŸ˜‰

Very simple πŸ™‚

Have a great start of the week ! (Mine will be great for sure as I am going to buy some new yarn πŸ˜‰ )

Ciao ciao!



  1. Jacquie

    Hi Angie , I love your stool cover and I’ve just seen the hearts you made too …all so lovely :0)
    That handmade cushion is adorable !! I love the quote too…such an important sentiment .
    Jacquie x

  2. Saritha

    Love that stool. Soo pretty!!!

  3. Esther

    Oh, thanx for the pattern. Lovely! New yarn, oh what’s better than new yarn!! PLease share πŸ˜‰

  4. Jana

    ItΒ΄s a very good idea! I have a similar stool. IΒ΄ll try it too πŸ™‚

  5. Monique

    Very nice stool cover. I like the bright colours!

  6. Victoria

    Love this piece–thanks, Angie, for the pattern! Victoria

  7. alied

    I saw your wonderful things. I am a beginner, so please, do you have a pattern of this round circle/cushion? I will use this for learning women in Africa to make bags.
    greetings from Holland

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