Daisies in a square: pattern

May 30, 2011

Good morning !

This is the graphic pattern of the baby blanket I’m working on right now…

Round1: color1

Round 2: white

Round 3,4 and 5: color2

Round6 (This is the round I’m using to join as I go): white

I made a real progress on this blanket and it is turning out beautiful 🙂 and I made also some very cute sewing this we…I’ll show you something next time 😉

Sorry again for not being able to explain crochet with words…Hope the graphic pattern will help 😉

Thank you all for your visit and

Have a lovely day!



  1. eleni theotokatou

    Thanks for the pattern! Actually, graphic patterns are much more helpful, especially to me that i am a beginner.
    Thanks again.xx

  2. Susie

    Good morning Angie 🙂 thank you for sharing the pattern with us.
    The yarn looks so sweet , what lovely colors !
    Your blanket is gonna be beautiful, here I’m sure of !
    A baby is going to be very pleased … or else the mum though 🙂

    I wish you a beautiful day !

  3. Jane

    Lovely pattern, Angie, thak you so much for sharing it! 🙂 Your blanket is going to be beautiful.
    Jane x

  4. Severine56

    Thank you for this pattern ! I think this blanket will be lovely !

  5. Debi Y.

    Such a pretty square – thanks for sharing your pattern. 🙂

  6. la crochetnauta

    Thank you, pretty Angie for sharing your pattern. Kisses.

  7. Karla Carolo

    Beautiful, I love it!
    I’ll try to do.

  8. Linda

    very pretty! colors are lovely! Thanks for taking the time to share the pattern.

  9. Tracy Marie

    Love, love, love this square – thank you so much for sharing the pattern! 😀

  10. susana

    Beautiful!!!!Thanks so much for share the graphic pattern. Idem for me is more useful to continue crocheting. Kisses!!!!

  11. Carina

    Such a lovely pattern. Would definitely be one of my next projects, but first need to finish a few unfinished ones. It was lovely to pop by. Carina x

  12. Mary Margaret

    Just found your blog- your projects are lovely! Do you (or anyone else) have any good advice on how to read graphic patterns? I’ve been crocheting for quite a while, but have never been able to make sense of the graphics! I feel like a bit of a fool, to tell the truth. If you could point me in the right direction, that would be most helpful! I NEED to make this blanket. 🙂

    • Sucrette

      Sorry Mary Margaret, but I do not know how to deal with written pattern and how to explain with them 🙁
      For the graphic pattern, for example for this one…you have to begin with round 1 (in red) and make 12 treble then close your round…
      round2 is in blue…following the chart…etc etc
      I am so sorry for not being able to help more:(

  13. Jenny

    Dag, ik zie nu pas je patroon.
    Vanmorgen kreeg ik je email en toen ben ik begonnen met haken.
    Ik had nog geen patroon gezien en hij is prachtig gelukt!
    Alleen gebruikte ik in ronde 3 geen vasten en in de hoekjes stokjes maar ik heb van de vasten stokjes gemaakt en in de hoeken dubbel stokjes.
    Nu is hij prachtig vierkant! Al na de 4e ronde.
    Misschien een tip voor je!
    Ik vind het een prachtig patroon! Dank voor je mooie foto’s en succes.
    Groetjes Jenny

  14. Mary Margaret

    I understand not being able to put the pattern into words- we just have opposite problems! I got the first round, I think it is the blue pointed ovals in the second round that confused me. In truth, that’s the only round I didn’t understand. I will keep looking for a “map key” so I can figure out what the symbols mean. Thanks for your help!

  15. Mary Margaret

    God bless you… I’ve looked everywhere and couldn’t find the meanings. I should have started at the source! Thank you so much- that makes all the difference. I can make sense of this adorable pattern now! 🙂

  16. Jeanette

    I guess what is easy to every one else is not easy to me I guess because I have never seem drawings for instructions before now. I have never use Corel drawings graphs I wish I was as thrill as every one else about them.

  17. Marina

    I’m in love with your blog!!! Thank you SO VERY MUCH for the lovely tutorials… inspirational, even for a seasoned crocheter! Keep up the good work – it is sincerely appreciated.

  18. Pingback: The rainbow-power laptop cover | Cap'taines Crochettes

  19. Federica

    Hello Dear Sucrette/Angie,
    Thank you for your magic blog.
    It’s so sunny, that when I am looking at it I forgot the windy and rainy day of Paris.

    Do you have a photo of the blanket you made some time ago with the pattern you named “daisies in a square” I would love to have a look at it, before starting to make one for my granddaughter , thank you in advance
    Have a good week
    Love always, federica

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