Summer time ripple: the graphic pattern

August 5, 2011

Good morning!

This is as promised the “how to” for “summer time” ripple blanket.

To begin, you have to make a chain : multiple of 11 + 4… I suggest, just to try out the pattern, to make as in the graphic here a chain of 37 ! ((3×11) +4 = 37) and when you try out and you’re ready to start you’ll make a much bigger chain as big as you want your blanket to be…


For Christina’s blanket I started with a chain of 114 (that is (10×11) +4 = 114) which is large enough for a six years girl blanket 🙂

This is a close-up for the valley 😉 (leaving 2 stitches of the previous row and crochet in the 3d one)

and this is a close-up of the mountain 😉 (working 3 treble in the same stitch of the previous row)

It is very very easy to follow…you’ll see when you’ll try…

You have only to begin with the correct number of chain (always a multiple of 11 + 4) and follow the graphic chart…

Happy crocheting 🙂



  1. Fiona

    Thanks Angie. Beautifully explained as always. I’m looking forward to seeing how you will edge this blanket!

    • Barbara L

      I have done this exact same pattern many times… only I use all double crochets all through and it is such a fast and easy pattern…matter of fact I am making one now and I have an i82 yr old client who wants to learn it after she finishes her other project which is a chenille SC ghan for her daughter…

      • Nana

        I see you have made this several times. I really like the pattern but I am not at all clear on the graphic method instead of a written pattern. I submitted a request as did several other readers but no response so far. Is there any chance you could write out instructions? I would so appreciate it and think others would also.

  2. Paula

    I love ripple blankets and want to have a go at making one sometime soon, thank you for the chart 🙂

  3. Lalalizzie

    Thank you Angie! Will definitely give thise one a try, was looking for some blanket inspiration anyhow!

  4. Titi

    Super, merci beaucoup !

  5. Annemarie

    Thanks for the pattern, Angie! Can’t wait to try it!

  6. Happy in Red

    Super!! I really like these ripple blankets but never found a good pattern for them. This is very helpful. Gracias 🙂

  7. ekortering

    Thank you, Angie!

    Two days ago I was looking through my yarn stash trying to pair of up yarn with blanket patterns. Yours will absolutely be added to the list. =)

    Erin @ Dutch Girl Diary

  8. Erin @ Dutch Girl Diary

    Thank you, Angie!

    Two days ago I was looking through my yarn stash trying to pair of up yarn with blanket patterns. Yours will absolutely be added to the list. =)

    Erin @ Dutch Girl Diary

  9. penelope dubois

    Thank you. This will be #3 I am working on!!!

  10. Rene

    I love how you do the graphics. Thank you so much for sharing.

  11. Miss Kitten

    so many thanks that pattern does look nice and simple and relaxing, love it!
    Miss Kitten

  12. Grace Ann

    Love it! Thank you SO much! Putting it in my favorites as we speak…

  13. gaia

    thank you for the pattern; I will give it a try as soon as I can.

  14. marcela

    Angie que manera de tejer!!! muy buena esplicación, a tener en cuenta para después de la manta de la abuela. Me estoy haciendo fanática jiji. besossss

  15. Tammy

    Whenever there are “valleys” I seem to have a problem with matching them up. :/ No matter how much I count, seems things don’t turn out quite right. I haven’t tried a ripple yet but will add it to my list. 🙂 Hazy and hot here today. Hope all is well where you are. Tammy

  16. Sarah

    This ripple pattern looks straight forward. The photographs and graphic
    pattern are just right. Thank you for sharing this with us all.

  17. Monique

    Thank you for the pattern. I love your blog!

  18. Dawn

    I looooooooooove this! Thank you so much!

  19. bri butler

    *Happy Dance* Thank you so much for sharing this! I have never understood how ripples are made, and I just bought a pattern book. My problem is that I am TERRIBLE with reading patterns. I need to see the visual diagram to know what I am doing. YAY! now, I have that 😀

  20. Lizzie

    Love this blanket so much I’m doing one and have done 11 colour changes of ripples so far. Please will you let me have details of the border design you decide on. Thanks in advance.

  21. Katrin W.

    Thanks for showing how this is done. It really looks easy to me now.

  22. Hannah burnette

    Thank you for posting. I am making this one right now as we speak . My toddler loves the color choices ….all shades of purple & blue

  23. fabjan

    Merci pour le tuto your blanket is so lovely, j’adore

  24. Laurence

    Thank you for this variation of a pattern for a ripple blanket!

    If you feel like trying sth new, you could hop over to Lucy from “attic 24”, she has a slightly different pattern that works out quite nicley as well!

  25. Peggie

    This is beautiful. I’m not good at ripples, but I thought I may could do this
    with your great instructions.
    Thank you so much for sharing it.

  26. Amanda

    Thanks so much this will be the next blanket I do after I finish my current two ripple blankets. This one seems just as simple but has such a different look of the soft wavy ones I’m working on right now. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  27. Brenda Jones

    Hi I love your blog and visit it often. I was wondering how to make the blanket smaller for a baby I tried cutting back on the amount of stitches but am not sure what would be the appropriate size for a newborn baby. 114 seems to be crib size and I would like to make it smaller do you think 11×5+4=59 would be a good size for a baby? And congrats on the new little one!!!


  28. nat- tricomania

    c’est tellement bien expliqué que j’ai commencé hier, je mets une photo sur mon blog demain, encore merci pour tes explications, bisous

  29. Liane Barone

    Angie am currently making your summer time ripple blanket. When its complete should there be a row of single crochet along the sides to finish the blanket or just leave it as is? Love all your designs – have made four ponchos and several afghans using a number of your edgings.

  30. Miss Tejidos

    Thank you very much for this tutorial.
    I am currently making this blanket and I find it super!


    have a nice weekend

  31. Victoria Gonzalez

    Felicidades, gracias por ensenar
    nos como los realizas

  32. Kelli

    Thank you so much for this pattern. I am working on my second baby blanket and this was so easy to follow even as a complete beginner. Its going to be nice…

  33. Julie

    What size hook did you use?

  34. Troipom

    Je viens de le finir et j’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à le faire!
    Mille merci à toi!!!

  35. Andreia Junqueira

    Obrigada pela dica. Amei agora fica bem simples e fácil de fazer.
    Tenha uma ótima semana.

  36. Heather

    What is the gauge? Or how wide the blanket is? Either one can help me determine the amt of chain stitches I need.

  37. Astra

    J’adore ton site, les modèles sont faciles a comprendre, beaucoup plus que les longues lignes de textes qu’on trouve souvent, c’est plein de couleurs, ca donne envie de tout essayer 🙂 MERCI

  38. joelle

    bonjour sucrette, je viens souvent chez toi regarder les modèles de couverture, je débute au crochet et j’ai essayé le modèle vagues summer time ripple.
    Pourrais tu me dire la quantité de laine qu’il faudrait prévoir environ pour un plaid pour ma fille ado, à mettre sur son lit.
    (140 sur 160 environ)
    Comme tu as fait beaucoup de couverture peut être as tu une idée?
    je voudrai une laine crochetée en 5 ou 6.
    Merci pour ton site qui est un régal des yeux et une mine d’or pour moi.

  39. rochelle cullers

    The ripple is my favorite crochet pattern. I just discovered this one and I LOVE IT! I want to make this right away. Thanks for sharing this amazing pattern. You are clearly a very talented and creative person and I want to be like you when and if I ever grow up. Thanks again for all you do.


  40. judy Pulley

    would love to be on your e-mailing list to see new patterns and such.

  41. dj hixson

    would rather have written pattern,thanks anyway,will try to understand graph

  42. Elaine

    Is there somewhere I can just get a written pattern for this?

    • Dawn

      Do you have a plain written pattern for this. Symbols to confusing for me… Thank you.

  43. Linda C.

    Is it possible to get a written pattern for this and also the “Grandma and me” blanket? Love them both. Thanks, Linda

  44. kelly

    Is this stich done with treble or double crochet, I see you say treble but I am in usa…so is it uk or usa?

  45. Kikivits

    Thank you! I ‘ll give it a try!

  46. Gail

    Thank you so much for the lovely pattern. I have never attempted a ripple pattern before because they appeared so intimidating. With your instructions seeming so easy, I cannot wait to start my first ripple. I am sure my 4 projects on the go right now are going to take a back seat until I finish this one!

  47. Elaine stone

    I did not understand the pattern. What kind of stitch. I need ore information in the pattern please

  48. Michelle Costanzo

    I would love the actual written pattern. I dont understand how to read the diagram’s. Would it be possible to get the written patterns as well as the diagram’s so that i can look at them both and maybe learn how to read them. I love all of your work. It is so bright and cheerful! Keep them coming, i love looking at your work.

  49. Gramma Judy

    I will attempt to answer the questions nobody has so far. The size of the hook is a 4.5mm as shown in the picture, that translates to American size G. Even though she says to do triple crochets, the symbol on the chart denotes what Americans would call a double crochet.

  50. Gail

    I love this..I would like to make a king size one.How many chains would I need..Thank you

  51. jill

    I made the sample using a n hook and it measured 12 inches

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