Kaleidoscope blanket: small square and ZiG ZaG Joining

August 25, 2011

Well well well, it was such a pleasure reading all your sweet messages on my Kaleidoscope blanket! Thank you thank you ThAnK YoU 🙂

This is as promised, the ZIG ZaG Joining method…

Hope that my explanations will be as clear as possible for you to understand… I apologize for those of you who do not understand graphic patterns…this is my only way to explain crochet 🙁 sorryyyyyyyyy 🙁

So, let’s have a try, shall we?

To begin this is the graphic pattern of the small square:

and then lets take a look to the ZiG ZaG joining graphic:

The red graphic is for the joining …You have every time to make a double crochet in your first square, 2 chain and another double crochet in the second square in EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE YOU DID THE FIRST ONE IN YOUR FIRST SQUARE !

Once this simple thing is clear all will become very easy to follow… Always always make a dc in the first square, 2 chain followed by another dc in the second square in exactly the same place…

I suggest for you, as a trial,  to begin joining 9 squares to make a small blanket of 3×3 squares as in this pic:

You have always to work as follow : Join all the squares of your blanket horizontally (A then B) and after you’ve made all your horizontal joining, you join all your squares vertically (C then D)

This method (joining horizontally everything then vertically) will make the joining very fast…I took some pics to make it clearer for you…

Pic 1: Arrange the colors of your squares as you want them to be in your blanket … I made here 3 rows of 10 squares each (because I have a total of 30 colors )

Pic2: Begin the horizontal joining of row1 with row 2 and then row2 with row3…etc

Pic3: Continue joining row by row horizontally…until all rows are joined horizontally like in Pic4 below

Pic4: After all the rows are joined together horizontally, begin the vertical joining (here in this pic above, one vertical joining is done)

Pic5: All the rows have been joined horizontally and vertically…time to begin the edging 🙂 (which will be explained in my next post 😉 )

Hope it was easy to understand…when you just read this post you’ll feel a little bit confused maybe, the best thing to do is to take a hook and some yarn, make 9 small squares and try joining them …

Thank you for visiting today!

Sending you lots of love through this post 🙂



  1. Happybee

    I’ve just discovered your blog and…I LOVE it!!!!!!

  2. nat- tricomania

    hello, il love your blog, and your explain to do the zigzag is perfect for me, i understand it and it’s more easy for more to see your pictures, thanks of lot, best regards, nath

  3. Esther

    I love graphic explenations, thanx 😉

  4. Katrin W.

    Thanks for showing how you do this. It looks easy and it really looks good.

  5. Jacquie

    Hi Angie, love your Kaleidoscope ……the joining is so pretty and I love the small solid colour squares too .
    It’s really gorgeous, no wonder your daughter loves it :0)
    Jacquie x

  6. Nanita

    Yaay, thank you for the chart, it looks very clear! Can’t wait to have a go at it! 🙂

  7. Marta

    Thank you for the graphics!

  8. winkieflash

    I made a sweater the other day, crocheted, where I joined the sleaves on top in the exact same way and it looks so cool!
    This is the best ‘new’ way for joining grannies out there 😉 Good job! And gorgeous blanket! <3


  9. Gail Wheatley

    I adore this, hopefully going to get a start on it today sometime.

  10. Sarah

    Well what can I say? Your work is fantastic! I love your graphic patterns and am beginning to be more confident with them. I have been sorting through my stash of yarn this morning and this afternoon I shall have a break and try out
    some little squares. Thank you soooo much.

  11. Elly D

    Thank you for this fabulous tutorial!! of your cute and beautiful blanket. Your graphics are very easy to follow. Thank you 🙂

  12. claire

    I realy, realy love your blanket!! Also the way you make them together is lovely. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day! x Claire

  13. Casey

    it looks so great and it’s nice to see that the joining is so easy, now I’ll most definitely try it!

  14. Barbina

    Thank you for your explanation! You did a wonderful job. I love your graphic pattern.
    Have a nice day! Barbina

  15. Jane

    Thank you so much for posting your instructions – I must have a go – I love the way it looks!
    jane x

  16. wendy

    Your explanation looks great to me, it makes perfect sense. Thanks so much for translating the graph for me.

  17. La crochetnauta

    Gracias, Gracias, Thanks!!!!. You are very generous. Kisses.

  18. Fiff

    Hi there!
    I just love your graphic patterns. They are great!
    What program do you use to make them?

  19. Cyn;-) in Calif

    Perfect, Sucrette! Thank you so much for the graphic and all the pictures. Seeing all the pictures makes it very clear in my mind. Thank you again.
    You do such beautiful work!
    Cyn; -)

  20. marcela

    Gracias amiga, mas que claras tus explicaciones, las voy a tener en cuenta para trabajos futuros.

  21. anny

    se ve hermoso y parece facil
    s por el tutorial
    besos anny

  22. ann Van gampelaere

    wonderful, I LOVE graphic patterns. It is so very well explained. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Gaba

    FELICITACIONES por el blog! hacés cosas maravillosas! Éxitos! y muchas gracias por compartir!
    Besos desde Argentina ♥

  24. Catherine Lopez

    Thanks so much for sharing so quickly too.

  25. Tracy Marie Reed

    Thank you so much for the graphic representation of your written explanation! Looking forward to seeing your post on the border, too! 😀

  26. wendy

    thank you for the time you spend to write out the instructions and take photos , much appreciated.
    happy crafting.

  27. Tammy

    Hi Angie, your kaleidoscope blanket is bright and beautiful! I’ve never seen this joining method before. I kinda get it but like you said, would definitely have to give it a go to actually get it. :/ Love the way it ties everything together. Hope you have a great day. Tammy


    Me encanta tu blog, muchas gracias por el tuto desde ahora soy tu seguidora beso desde Argentina♥

  29. Paula

    It’s beautiful, I love all the bright colours on this blanket.

  30. gaia

    Your kaleidoscope blanket is gorgeous! Thank you for the pattern, I love your graphic patterns, I find them quite easy to follow. So, please keep doing what you are doing

  31. Zita

    Many thanks for the details. You are so talented.

  32. Susan H.

    Angie, this is just so lovely. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with very detailed instructions so we can all make one ourselves.
    xo Susan

  33. brianna

    You are SOOOOOOO AWESOME! First, YAY for the finished blanket 🙂 And then, THANK YOU for always sharing your accomplishments and the patterns so we can all learn to do them as well. It means so much to share the love of crochet with everyone. This blanket is amaze-balls!!!

  34. Hannah burnette

    Wow. Thank you so much. I love it. I am going to make this one for sure. My giant granny is taking shape nicely

  35. Sarah

    Thank you for giving all the details of this. I have this zig zag join in a book but in only covers it very briefly and there are no pictures. It’s nice to see how lovely it looks and have it fully explained. I think your blanket is very beautiful with all the gorgeous colours you have used. No wonder your little girl loves it so much! I am going to try join squares for my scarf using this method. xx

  36. NotYourGramsAfghan

    Do you have a picture of what the back side of this join looks like? I love this join method, but was just wondering what the other side looks like.


    • Sucrette

      It looks the same as the front side 😉

      • NotYourGramsAfghan

        Great! I might use this join for two round squares I have been making for a scarf!

  37. Barb Reichard

    Your work is amazing!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.

  38. Amelitienne

    Hi! I began to do these little square, I love this blanket and it is perfect to do for me now because of the exames, I can do them day by day 😀
    have a nice week !

  39. Jacqui

    I have just stumbled across your gorgeous blog and I’m so glad I did. Thankyou for sharing your zigzag joining, your blanket is super cute. Just wondering if the joining create much give in the blanket. I ask because I have a stack of scrap yarn that needs using up and I’m wanting to make a blanket with little squares like yours but larger, possibly double bed size! Ambitious I know but I don’t want the final blanket to end up all distorted from too much give/drooping. Wishing you a great 2012!

  40. Haydee Douglas

    Hi Angie i’m working on these flowers w/ a 4 ply yarn and the pattern at the end it’s tight. What yarn and hook did you use?

    They are coming out fantastic but the tightness at times is felt.

    Thank you

  41. Pingback: El Taller de Bielisa » Manta de ganchillo

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  43. Pingback: manta zig zag de un color | Unique Nails Designs

  44. aurora capasso

    felice di averti trovato………

  45. aurora capasso

    piacere di averti trovato……una pagina favolosa……..


    Bonjour, je m’applles Megumi, suis japonaise.
    J’habite en France avec mon mari.
    Je suis arrivee a votre site en cherchant des tequeniques de joindre des motifs.
    Merci pour votre admirable “ZigZag joining”, et pour ces tutos si bien expliques. Grace a ca, je viens de finir mon petit plaid assemblant des motifs de fleurs et grany-square.

    • Sucrette

      C tres joli 🙂 Je viens de voir 🙂 Les couleurs sont superbes! Bravo pour ce beau travail!

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