Good morning!
Hope you’re having a fresh Monday start! Autumn is here and the fresh September breeze coming from my window in the morning is delightful 🙂
I’m sooo enjoying my morning today and I’m feeling very happy without any particular reason…I think I love September…September and May are my favorite months…I just love the temperate climate of these two months…not feeling hot and not feeling cold either…
Crochet side, I’ve begin a new cushion to go with my vintage one… A mosaic cushion…
I’m enjoying soo much the making of this cushion that I’m already thinking about a future blanket made with this pattern…
Do you feel sometimes that you have so much projects in your head that you wish you’ve had 4 hands or days of 48 hours? that’s always happening to me 🙂
although I crochet very fast… so fast sometimes that I feels that my hook exceeds the speed of my brain 😀 haha
That’s all for today my friend!
Enjoy the coming week and Enjoy September!
See you 😉
Hi Angie, love your mosaic cushion !! It’s such a lovely pattern and your colours are gorgeous. I need more hours/hands too :0)
Jacquie x
Yes, Angie. That’s very true about not enough hours in a day and too many projects that we wish to do, at once! Your cushion looks lovely already!
I love – would be nice to know the tchnique used!
Hugs – Lurline♥
oooooo love love love the new WIP. I’ve had that pattern on my to do list for ages, tempted to start with this now instead of my other plans!! Libby x
Beautiful, I like that hint of white showing through in every round. I have a bag I made with several squares just like that and it’s so easy to do too.
Ohhhh wow, this looks beautiful……alas another project I want to start right now. lol
I know what you mean, I have so many on the go and always feel guily about starting yet another one.
That is a really nice pattern!
Hi Angie! That looks so wonderful! What a great idea and it looks really like small mosaics!
xxx Teje
Love it. How many chains are you doing on the chain round?
Oooo those cushions will go beautifully together! Do you have a link for the pattern or is it your own? Last night was the first night when I laid in bed snuggled up listening to the wind and rain outside… I do love that feeling of being snug inside whilst it is cold outside… soon be time for hot water bottles…yipee! (From one who is not built for heat or speed, but IS built for comfort) :)x
I like this pattern. It happens the same as you, I need not days but nights of 48 hours (I’m crochetera night). My project list grows and grows 🙂
Antara Celetna
this pattern was on my mind for such a long time to make new seat cushions for my kitchen and then I completely forgot it. But now, seeing your pretty rows I immediately made a big note to myself NOT to forget it once more. But you are so right, there are too many beautiful crochet items to be seen on blogland and therefore my list of futures projects is surely for more than just 2 hands (and I also crochet very slow!).
With my best wishes,
Angie, I love the look of the bit of white showing through 🙂 So pretty 🙂
Love the new cushion – that pattern would make a gorgeous giant granny! LOL! I completely sympathise with your time issues too – I rarely seem to be able to find time to even pick up a crochet hook at the moment! And I’ve been thinking for a long time that days are at least a couple of hours too short – maybe I should learn to do without sleep?
And I forgot to mention the infinitely long to-do list …..
Ha! This happens to me ALL the time! I have…. I think 9 WIPs right now (yikes!!) and my wrist started to hurt really badly the other day. It’s almost painful to have to put away everything until my wrist feels better. I SUPER-LOVE this new project of yourse 🙂 How are you making this pattern? I have seen it in rows, but never in a square! Love it!
I would really like to watch you crochet, it would be fun to see your hands being faster than your brain, hahahhaa.
That’s a cool block!!
Love the cushion! I have ‘grounded’ myself from starting any new WIPS or buying anymore yarn until I complete them and use up the yarn. 🙁
OHhhhhhh que c’est beau, j’adore…
So interesting how you have the little white bits in between. I’m trying to work out in my head how you do that…
Once again, another beautiful piece from Angie!
Lovely and ORIGINAL! Congrats!!
hermosa y la combinacion de colores es genial
la combinacion de colores es divina
The mosaic pattern is gorgeous, really different to anything I have seen before. Are you able to give us the pattern/link to the pattern? I’m thinking it may look good using a finer yarn, maybe in cotton? Love the idea of using stained glass window colours too. Can I just ask, how many hours a day do you crochet? You seem to motor through loads of projects! Love the blog. x
Beautiful collours, de pattern is gorgeous, I´ll begin mine when I finish some projetcs.
It is very nice. Please I need de pattern.
God bless you.
Thank you
Alba Howard
looks lovely, and hopefully not too hard!!!
Mosaic cushion is so stunning – love the idea and the colours are beautiful.
Have a good week.
Carina x