Ripples of happiness: graphic pattern

October 20, 2011

Hello hello hello!

I’m slowly but surely progressing on my ripple and I thought about sharing with you the pattern I’m working on. It is a very old pattern from an old french magazine I found in my mother stash. And because the pattern is explained in french I decided to draw a graphic for you my friend !

The pattern is similar to Lucy’s one but it is more wavy. The concept is still the same… it is still  about rippling and rippling 🙂

How soothing it is to ripple…mmmh…a delicious feeling after a rough day 🙂

So, here it is:

First you have to make a chain multiple of 14 + 3… I advice you to make a small sample so you can try out the pattern and once you’re confident about it you’ll start with a longer chain for your future blanket to be…

So let’s start with a small sample…. always always always let it be a multiple of 14 + 3… This is the magical formula! Here it is 31 (14×2 + 3 = 31)

These are the first 2 rows… you continue with the others like for these first two …

and one last thing:  Always remember to crochet 3 treble in the last stitch of every row…

A very easy pattern to follow you’ll see…You have to try it to discover how simple it is …

and remember…I’m always ready to help if you have any question… 😉

Happy crocheting!


P.S: All my graphics are made using Corel Draw, a graphic design software!


  1. paula

    Thank you for sharing this, I love ripple patterns.

  2. paula

    …and, I wanted to add, your blanket is looking lovely 🙂

  3. Rie

    Oh wow. This is the very first pattern that I can understand.. I’ve been looking at everyone’s blogs trying to find a ripple pattern that I understand & bingo! Found the pattern with you!
    I might try a couple of samples to test the pattern (well, actually testing me) and also some colour choices as well. Maybe I can ripple a couple of placemats!
    Thanks for your inspiration, I’ll let you know how it goes!

  4. Fiona

    Thanks for the pattern .. my last attempt at a ripple didn’t work, so I’ll give this one a try and hope for better! Your blanket looks great!

  5. sonieta

    your graphics are always so clear!!!
    thank you very much


  6. Debbie

    That does look like a fun afghan to make. What kind of yarn do you use? The colors are so bright and blend well together.
    Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  7. Séverine56

    Thank you for this pattern ! I’m sure this blanket will be wonderful too, like all what you do !
    Have a good day !

  8. Earendil

    thanks for the pattern, i’ll definitely try a blanket like this one some day! 🙂

  9. Adri

    Hi Angie,
    Thanks for sharing, I have never make a ripple blanket but now I can try!
    Greetings Adri.

  10. Debi Y.

    Your ripple is coming out very pretty. Thanks for sharing the graph pattern. 🙂

  11. Elly

    Your Ripple is looking wonderful :)) Thank you so much for the graphics to your pattern. Hugs Ellyx

  12. TracyMarie

    Wonderful graphic – thank you so much for sharing it along with your explanatory notes!

  13. Maga

    As always I’m enchanted with your blog and your colored way of life :)) tnks for making my day more bright.

    I started mine today, it will be a baby boy blanket, gift for a pregant friend…

    I hope a can show it soon…



  14. Mo

    Thank you so much for the graphic pattern. I’ve made a blanket with the lovely Lucy’s pattern, so will use your one next time as I like the idea of it being more wavy with more ripply ripplesomeness ;0)))

  15. Jen

    Thank you or sharing your pattern. I’ve been following your blog for a while and I appreciate the time you take to make graphic patterns. I find them so much easier to follow. The designs and colors you choose for projects are really beautiful. I bought new yarn over the weekend I’m ready to start my first ripple blanket.

  16. Busir

    Je crois que vous parlez Français ?je viens de terminer le “Blooming flower cushion”..les bords gondolent,je suis donc retournée sur le blog Attic 24 et il semble que je me sois complètement trompée dans mes augmentations ; en anglais j’ai mal lu et fais une augmentation 1m sur 2 tous les deux rgs alors qu’il fallait sans doute comprendre une progression soit la deuxième augmentation 1sur 3 puis 1 sur 4 et ainsi de suite .Pouvez vous me confirmer ?C’est beaucoup plus facile lorsque vous donnez un”graphic pattern”.Merci pour toutes vos explications .Y.S

  17. Tammy

    Happy rippling to you. Your blooming pillow turned out beautifully too. I don’t think you are lazy for using a pillow form — I think you are smart to cut down your work time so that you can continue to create and ripple along. Best wishes, Tammy

  18. Susana

    Hola y gracias por el gráfico, cuando tenga un poco de tiempo, me gustaría hacer una manta de ondas.
    Un saludo.

  19. Tracie

    Thank you for posting this! I just made a sample bit out of this pattern and LOVE it! I am going to get my yarn together now and start a ripple. Oh and this was my first time following a graph and it was so very easy to understand. 😉

  20. Saritha

    Another beauty from you!!

  21. Barbara Reichard

    First, thank you for the graphic for the ripple afghan.
    Seondly, above in the picture that has the pink ripple row on top, there is another crochet mat shown. Have you ever shared the pattern or the full picture for that project? It looks very sharp.Thanks for answering. Regards, Barbara

  22. Esther

    LOVE this pattern! I am way betterwith graphics than we descriptions (yes… I could be a man, ACK!) 😉

  23. Pingback: 3 Temas, 3 | Buscando Comienzos

  24. Rima

    Bonsoir ,très jolies couleurs pour ces ondulations…je me souviens il y a très longtemps ,je faisais des coussins avec ce point…mais je ne me rappelle plus …je faisais un rond en mailles serré je terminais avec des ondulations…bonne soirée.
    ps ,j’ai fait des petites chaussettes …je les ai mis sur mon blog…

  25. K-Sue

    I’ve made Lucy’s pattern, and love it. Now I want to try this one, too!

  26. Victoria

    Lovely..just lovely…thank you for sharing.

  27. Carla Maas

    I really like the Ripples of Happiness Afghan but I am not sure of what is ment by 14+3. Don’t you start out with a chain? I would really like to crochet this afghan but I would need you to explain it in a little more simpler instructions.
    Sincerely Carla Maas

  28. Jennifer

    I am pretty new at crocheting and think this will be a great 1st blanket for me. What size hook did you use? Is it just up to your own personal preference?

    Thank you for your website, it is very helpful and inspirational!


  29. Mia

    What an incredibly talented lady! I just LOVE your blog! So inspirational!! Off to the shops tomorrow to buy some yarn.

  30. Tove Kjærsgaard

    Thanks for the pattern .. my last attempt at a ripple didn’t work, so I’ll give this one a try and hope for better!
    Your blanket looks great!
    I have just startet on one, thanks to you

  31. Christa

    I am new to crocheting and have tried several swatches of ripple patterns – and none of them are working out for me! This is the first graphic pattern I have ever seen and it makes it so easy to understand! I cant wait to try this one! My five year old son saw this blanket and said “Ooo, MOMMY! I want that one!!!” Who can refuse that? Thanks for sharing your talents with us!



  33. Donna

    Can’t seem to get the directions for this ripple afghan. Would very much like to see it so I can see if I might be able to do this one. Thanks.

  34. Marcia

    Love it. Thank you for the pattern and congrat’s for your awsome blog!!!





  36. Ashley

    Thanks so much for posting graphic patterns! I started crocheting in Japan where graphic patterns are popular and am having trouble finding graphic patterns in English! Thanks for sharing!

  37. Akhila

    Thank you so much for posting the graph its such a big help. my ripples are looking awesome. I have the confidence now to do 154in a chain. I want to also thank Debi Y. for leading me to your site. I am going to start following you. YOur awesome teacher thank you saved my life!!

  38. Diana Speed

    Hi Sucrette,
    This is my first attempt to crochet using graphics, so with that said, I have a few questions…
    what size crochet needle and how much yarn
    for a large size blanket? Also is there instructions
    for changing the colors for this blanket, by the way yours is a master piece, just loving it 🙂
    Diana Speed

  39. Tea

    It’s beautiful. Will start it now. Thank you.

  40. jeanne

    Love your ripple. Are you going to post the pattern for the squares in the picture above your ripple. I really like the look.
    thanks jeanne

  41. Stina

    I am so excited to have found your site. I have been searching for the right pattern to use for a rainbow colored blanket for my son and I know that this is the perfect one! Except I am not sure that I am doing the decreases correctly. I have tried to look up the directions for doing treble decrease stitches and can only find info on decreasing 2 stitches not 3. If at all possible, can you please explain the steps for doing the “3 st tr decrease” that is used in this pattern. Thank you so much. I am so eager to start this projectbut want to get it right!

    • Stina


  42. Bethany

    I have a question. Am i crocheting into the 3rd or 4th chain- not counting what is on the crochet hooks? Thank you!

  43. Victoria Gonzalez

    Gracias por compartir tus obras y darnos tus gráficos para poder realizar las que no somos expertas como tú, felicidades y bendiciones

  44. barbara penatzer

    i was wondering what is the beautiful other crocheted item in the picture it is so delicate and beautiful thanks. barbara

  45. ♥Kitty Ange ♥

    Coucou, je crois que vous parlez français quel crochet doit on utiliser svp?

  46. Annika

    First, i will send you a BIIIIIIG thank YOU, for your pattern. I love it. Today i start it, with neon colours (have it found in my stash and think that your ripple pattern is the best for this yarn).

    Did you know a border for your ripple pattern, that you would share please?

    Lovely, lovely greets,

  47. Arlene Brands

    Wish your pattern was at the end, because when I copy I waste a lot of ink copying all those comments. Love your patterns! Can,’t wait to make some for preemies. And vets! Thanks for listening!

  48. Esther

    Wow, another beautiful pattern! I’m working on the poncho right now but was already browsing for my next project. My attention was drawn to the tablecloth/blanket (?) on the right site of the picture. Can I find that pattern anywhere? It was just what I was looking for!

  49. Rusty

    how do i dec tr crochet……3 in the beginning 3 single ..then 3 tr in 1 sp 3 tr 1 sp..3 single this next step…. the upside down 3 tr in 1 st 3 tr upside down in another stitchs…don’t understand

  50. Dominique

    Merci pour le tuto, pour les jolies couleurs et pour la bonne humeur que l’on ressent en lisant ton blog.
    Bon après-midi (ici il est 13h15 en France, dans les Ardennes où il fait bien gris).

  51. Pingback: ripple-a-long | creative'niss'

  52. Minou

    Merci pour les explications !!!!

  53. Janine

    J’aime beaucoup ta couverture zigzag en couleurs variées. Je suis en train d’en faire une avec les couleurs mauve et lilac, je trouve que c’est très beau. Mon patron n’est pas tout à fait le même, moi j’ai des petits trous dans le creux du bas. J’aime beaucoup la tienne et je conserve ton patron. Merci.

  54. Linda

    OK im need this in English please i want to do this blanket sooooooo bad but i dont get it after the 1st valley i can go up the side but i dont understand the mountain…..PLEASE help me : (

  55. dj hixson

    doesn`t a treble in UK = a double in US?

  56. abejados

    porfin entendi, he estado buscando en todas partes. Gracias.

  57. Pingback: Peace Signs & Ripples of Happiness | Night'sWatchBlog

  58. Kate Pongonis

    Dear Sucrette,
    I am about half way through making an afghan with your nana square pattern and love it. I have decided to start ripple of happiness for a change of pace. Can you tell me if you flip the work for row three, or just turn it? It just feels wrong to turn (and not flip). I can’t seem to get going on that row three.

    Thanks, Kate

  59. darcee

    I LOVE making ripple afghans! And my pattern is very similar, but I’ll have to try yours some day. Right now I’m finishing a lap blanket for my husband’s niece’s wedding, using Lion Brand Homespun in OCEAN color (chain 129 – 14×9+3). I am continuing my mother’s tradition (ripples); the only difference is that I double crochet (‘triple’ in Europe) and my mother only did single – so hers took longer to complete! This is my first time to comment, and I want to THANK YOU for sharing your talent w/us via your blog; I LOVE IT!!!! :0)

  60. Stacey

    Hi Sucrette

    Can you please tell me, after you do the long chain, do you do a double stitch or just go straight into the trebles?

    Thanks Stacey

  61. Pingback: Baby’s rainbow ripple blanket | There's no place like homemade

  62. Pingback: Free Ripple Blanket Crochet Patterns #rippleblanket #freecrochetpattern | A Listly List

  63. Pingback: Vers l’infini et au delà ! | Cap'taines Crochettes

  64. Holly Botner

    Love the pattern. If I can get myself to stop cooking for a spell I’ll try it out. Very Missoni like.

  65. Pingback: L’homme qui avait la plus belle écharpe de Stockholm ! | Cap'taines Crochettes

  66. Pingback: Rippling in hapiness | Cap'taines Crochettes

  67. Tami

    Hello. Thank you so much for posting this pattern. All of your projects are beautiful! I am still a bit new to crochet and often have to refer to YouTube for help. I am having a hard time finding one on the Treble 3 decrease. The only one I have found so far has a “bobble” effect. Do you have any videos/links you would recommend or would you mind breaking the stitch down in directions? Thank you so much!

  68. Mindy

    I really enjoy your creativity, you create such beautiful things! I’m having difficulty understanding your patterns, but desperately want to start crocheting many of your patterns. Can you please do a written pattern? I’m trying to find a pretty basic pattern to crochet my 37 yr old aunt a throw afghan she can keep on her couch, yet snuggle under while she is relaxing. I thought this patten would work great! I’ve only been crocheting about 7yrs now, so I’m yearning to learn & try new patterns, just getting not understanding the diagrams. She has chose 6 rustic like colors (dark brown, spearmint green, a dark deep red, off white, mirage, & Country blue) do you or any of my fellow crochet lady friends have any suggestions? I would love some pointers or ideas for this throw:) Thanks so much!!!

  69. Pingback: Sweet Something for the Sweet | the sparkly toad

  70. Pingback: Crochet Stitch Combinations #2 – Free Pattern Friday Round Up!

  71. njt88

    me being silly but what is a 3 stitch treble decrease…only ever done them over 2. How do you do it over 3 stitches?


  72. xxx

    Jе peuҳ vous dire quee c’est cօnstamment de la joie de passer sur votre site

  73. Maria Shaikh

    Dear Sucrette
    This ripple pattern is awesome and I will definitely try it. I have a question. In the last photograph in this pattern, above the ripple, is a doily, or a tablecloth made up of lovely lacy flowers, beautifully joined. Do you have a pattern for that and would you like to share it? I would really appreciate it if you could do so.
    Thanks and regards

    • Sucrette

      Dear Maria
      I am very sorry but this is a doily I made many years ago when I learnt to crochet and the pattern was from an old friend’s magazine and I don’t have it 🙁
      Sorry again for not being able to help…

  74. marilisa gatti staut

    ainda umtanto prematuro para diser;,amuito venho pesquisando oponto ripple,,,mais encontrei oseu ,perfeito;ele ensina o direito eavesso;,acredito ,agora vou ter acerteza de dar certo,sonho em faser uma manta desteponto obrigada ,estou entendendo ,fiz uma amostra ,agora o esquema das ondas ,ea quantidade exata ‘um abraço ;lisagatti

  75. marilisa gatti staut

    obrigada ,finalmente encontrei oripple ,que precisava ,muito generoza ,em compartilhar conosco este ponto’,;um grande abraço”;lisagatti

  76. marilisagatti

    lindo ,seu trabalho gostei muito ,espero ter outra oportunidade de receber outras peças lindas igual aessa

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