How to add rows to your already started ripple from the other side…

October 31, 2011

or how to add rows if you’re not pleased with your first colors rows and you don’t want to unravel…

or how to crochet your ripple from both sides…

Hello hello hello!

So, as you already guessed from the title(s) of this post, today I’m gonna show you how I changed the hole look of my ripple by adding some rows to its beginning side…

Let’s be clearer with some pics πŸ˜‰

I’ve began my “Ripples of happiness” with the green color (as shown in these first two pics)

but I was not pleased with the first colors… so instead of unraveling the whole blanket (a thing that I hate sooo much to do), I improvised and I did a tricky thing πŸ™‚

I just added some rows to the beginning part…(the green rows)

wanna learn how? well, well it is very easy…

If you’re following my pattern for your ripple all you have to do is:

1- turn your blanket

2- crochet on the beginning chain like on this graph:

The green part is the first already crocheted rows of my blanket… I turned it…and I started with the red color on the 1 symbol (on the right) and I followed the graph… It is like crocheting the opposite of the original pattern…

Just follow the graph πŸ™‚ and you’ll make it…

For the symbols meanings:

and now, you can crochet your ripple and add more colors from both sides πŸ˜€

Have to go now…

I have an urgent need to paint … I’m going right now to take out my brushes and colors and make some flower painting… wanna join? πŸ™‚

I’m sending you colors and love through this post… catch them!!

Have a super monday!



  1. Happybee

    Thank you for this!!!!!
    happy Monday and…Happy halloween!!!!

  2. wink

    Ooh! Can’t wait to see what you’re going to paint πŸ˜€
    Have a good Monday! :-*

  3. EllyD

    Thank you Angie!!! Your Ripple is looking wonderful too πŸ™‚
    You paint too? πŸ™‚ Look forward to seeing what you do.
    Happy Halloween!
    hugs Ellyx

  4. Debi Y.

    Very clever – thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚

  5. Susana

    Happy Halloween‘‘‘‘ Su manta de ondas te estÑ quedando muy bonita.
    Un saludo.

  6. HillyT

    That’s very clever and cunning. Thank you for sharing it with us. I’m loving your stripes of love blanket at the moment, definitely one for my to do list.

  7. Teje

    Hi Angie! Thanks for the colours, still need inspiration and time for painting! I think you did well by adding some orange to your blanket! It’s beautiful!
    xxx Teje

  8. Barbara Reichard

    Just beautiful- again you make me smile with your work full of vibrant color. Thank you for sharing the pattern.
    Happy Halloween:)

  9. Pingback: La Mujer que busca Comienzos soluciona “incidencias” | Buscando Comienzos

  10. JustaGirl

    Thats a nice trick !

    I wanna do a ripple something… love ripples… but have not made anything as yet… a runner?

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