Little Christmas socks: the pattern

November 16, 2011

Hello hello hello!

How are you today?

WWOOOOOOOOW! I am soooo thrilled by all your wonderful comments concerning the little socks:) Thank you so much! I could not make you wait longer so I managed to finish quickly the “how to” so I can share it with you today 🙂

It is very easy you’ll see but I hope that I’ll find a way to explain it to you by using simple words…

For these I used Nako Vizon a 100% acrylic yarn with a 4.5mm crochet hook…You can crochet with the yarn that you want but careful to pick up the right size crochet hook 😉

The socks are made using a single stitch (apart the beginning chain stitch (maille en l’air in french)) and it is: d.c (U.K terms) or s.c (U.S terms) or maille serree (in French)!

I’m gonna make with you step by step this one:

Here is a graphic pic to show you from where to begin and where to end with colorful parts:

I’m gonna explain it to you with pics 🙂 Don’t worry it is very easy 🙂

So? Are you ready? Did you prepare some yarn and a crochet hook? Let’s maaaaaake it ! yahooooooooo! 😀

I suggest that you make a sock with a single color to try out the pattern first and then you can make your own multi colorful one 🙂

For this one I used 6 different colors as show in the graphic above…


Let’s begin with Part1 in the graphic pic (purple and yellow)

First (with the purple color) you begin with a circle of 4ch chain (4 mailles en l’air pour commencer)

R1: 10 dc (or sc) in the circle (10 mailles serrees dans le cercle)

R2: You crochet 2 dc in every dc of the previous round that make a total of 20 dc ( crocheter 2 m.s dans chaque maille du tour precedent ca fait: 20 m.s au total)

R3 to R11: 20 dc (20 mailles serrees) (R1 to R6: in purple R7 to R11: in yellow)

That make a total of 10 rounds of 20 dc. (purple and yellow colors part)


So? Is that ok for you so far? You just did the Part 1 🙂 bravo!

Let’s continue… shall we?


R12: 10 dc (10 m.s) (With the dark blue color you crochet on half of the stitches of R11, that makes a total of 10 dc)

and you continue making rows of 10 dc until R17…

(avec la couleur bleu nuit crocheter sur seulement 10 m.s du tour precedent ca fait un total de 10 m.s)

You have now something like these pics above and down…

So R12 to R17: 10 dc (10m.s)

You just did PART2!

You have now something similar to the pic above.

After crocheting R17 you have to close and sew the right part of your sock (see the graphic pic at the beginning of this post : sew here after crocheting part2)

Apres avoir crochete PART2 fermer le cote droit de la chaussette par quelques points de suture (regarder le graphique du debut de ce post pour savoir ou)



With the turquoise color: R18: 22 d.c (22m.s) 

For R18 you have to join together the dark blue part and the yellow part with a round of 22 dc (22m.s) as shown on this picture: (6 dc on the dark blue part + 10 dc on the yellow part + 6 dc on the dark blue part = 22 d.c )

R18: (6 m.s sur la partie bleu nuit + 10 m.s sur la partie jaune + 6 m.s sur la partie bleu nuit = 22 m.s au total )

and you continue from R18 to R 33: 22 d.c ( De R18 a R33: 22 m.s)

R18 to R22: 22 dc with the turquoise color (22 m.s)

R23 to R27: 22 d.c with the red color

and finally R28 to R33: 22 d.c with the pink color

You close your little sock by making a chain of 17 ch so you can hang it 🙂 (fermer avec une chainette de 17 mailles en l’air pour accrocher la chaussette)

You did it ! Your little sock is ready 🙂

You can embellish it by adding some buttons, ribbons or beads…

Ufff! It is done 🙂 I don’t know if I was clear enough for you to understand…do excuse me if no (this is the first time I make this kind of step by step pattern)

If you have any question, do not hesitate… I’ll be more than happy to help 🙂

Do not forget to tell me if you ever crochet these little Christmas socks I would really really love to see your own version…

Kisses to all!

and Happy crocheting 🙂


P.S: A small note for my french friends 🙂

J’ai essaye d’expliquer un peu en francais ce tuto pour les “french” ladies … Ma langue maternelle est le francais et j’ai beaucoup plus de mal a m’exprimer en anglais qu’en francais etant a moitie libanaise a moitie francaise donc n’hesitez pas a m’ecrire en francais ca me fait beaucoup plaisir 🙂 gros bisous!









  1. Sara

    Great! Will try one of these this evening. Thanks for the tutorial!

    • bronwyn

      Angie or anyone
      thanks for pattern, one question though. When working in the rounds, part 1, do you do the slip stitch into the first sc at the beginning of each round, or just keep crocheting round. My part 1 looks different, not even like yours. thanks

      • Tess

        Hello! No, you do not slip stich, ever, unless they tell you to. Hope I helped!

        • Caidy

          I slip stitched at the end of each round, and I didnt end up with spirals.

  2. disou

    Ohe merci Sucrette pour ce tuto super sympa! Elles sont trop mignonnes tes petites chaussettes! Je vais en faire plein avec toutes les fins de pelotes. On joint l’utile a l’agreable: Faire des petits objets magnifiques en vidant les tiroirs! Le top!
    MERCI A TOI! Bonne journee!

  3. lavande

    Merci beaucoup beaucoup Sucrette, pour ce super tuto.
    Cet après-midi, je vais commencer à les faire ces petites chaussettes.
    Mon crochet va ” chauffer”.
    Bonne journée et encore merci.
    Bisous D’Auvergne.

  4. Karen Lindsay

    Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful patterns. These little socks are just too cute!

  5. Barbina

    Thank you so much! Tomorrow, I will make one for me. Have great day! Barbina

    • Cherylwoodrd

      Very colorful like them. Cheerful to look at

  6. Monique

    Thank you so much. You explain it very well and it’s an very easy pattern. I am definitely going to try it soon.

    Groetjes, Monique

  7. Anne

    Thanks for sharing this. I can’t wait to get started!

  8. Наталья

    Спасибо огромное:)))) Они такие милые и радостные, что сразу хочется улыбаться:))) Ваши работы замечательны! Браво!! И отдельное спасибо за мастер класс:) Обязательно попробую такие сделать:)))

  9. Lina

    Oh! Thanks for the pattern, I´ll try next weekend to make my own sock.

  10. nat- tricomania

    cool, merci angie pour ce tuto, puisque tu le demandes aujourd’hui je t’écris en french ( ma langue maternelle) pour l’anglais pas de souci je maitrise aussi, je suis ravie de ce tuto et ne vais pas tarder à essayer car pas difficile finallement
    merci de partager ton talent avec nous

    bisous de toulouse

  11. Saritha

    These are so cute Angie!!And you made it look so simple. Why did I not see this before attempting my sock ornaments. I took sooooo much time to figure out how to do it. Thanks for this!!!

  12. la crochetnauta

    Merci beaucoup Angie par le tuto. Tu es une femme très gentille. Toujors prêt à partager ceux que tu connais. Merci, merci. Je t’embrasse.

  13. Claudia

    I´m totally in LOVE with your little socks! They´re gorgeous!! I´ll definetely do them! Your tutorial is just perfect!
    Thanks a lot for sharing! 🙂

  14. Stocki

    Brilliant! Thanks you, thank you et merci… :)x

  15. Susana

    Hola Angie. Los calcetines son preciosos, gracias por el tutorial.
    Un saludo.

  16. Karla Carolo

    I just love your tutorial. Very very clear. I’ll try it.
    Beijos e obrigada!

  17. Jacquie

    Yay, can’t wait to try these :0) THANK YOU so much Angie.
    Jacquie x

  18. Betty Guyomarch

    et bien, je ne serai ni la première ni la dernière à te remercier pour ces explications si claires et en plus bilingues !!
    Bravo et merci encore Angie

  19. Joyce

    Thank you! Just started working on some Christmas things last night. Will try this today 🙂

  20. Marieta

    thank you, thank you, thank you¡¡¡
    are so cute


  21. Siobhan

    Thank you so much for doing this! It is extremely clear and you must have worked very hard. It’s amazing that you have given the instructions in UK and American terms plus in French too. Not forgetting the brilliant diagram. It is so helpful to see how they were put together. I have to find some nice colourful yarn to make these beauties with now. Many thanks.

  22. Meya

    Roooh, c’est beau ! Merci encore pour ce tuto qui me servira bien pour user toutes mes fins de pelotes ! 😀 En plus, ça devrait faire de l’effet sur les paquets cadeaux! (heureusement que je n’en ai pas beaucoup à faire… pour le moment!)

    Ah, et j’en profite également pour te dire merci pour le tuto du Mosaic Cushion : je viens d’en terminer un et il est sur mon blog par là :

    (et c’est drôle, je me posais la question de si tu étais francophone ou pas à chaque fois que je venais sur ton blog, à cause de son titre… Ben voilà, j’ai ma réponse maintenant ^^)

  23. Teresa

    Thank you. I think I can do it. Your directions make it seem so easy.


  24. Libby

    THANK YOU THANK YOU. I L<3ve these so much. I want to start them right now! I'm having to retrain my though as I have many wips and items on the to do list! ah hang it. I'm going to have a play this afternoon even though I should be working on the chores!!! Libby x

  25. Rachel Mackin

    These are lovely, thank you for sharing your pattern.

  26. Noe

    Muchas gracias por este patron.
    Me encanta todo lo que tejes y
    los colores que usas.
    Un abrazo.

  27. COCO

    I have been trying to learn how to make house slippers for family and friends . I am a very newbie to crochet. Do you think I can use this as a guide? I love your blog and all your inspiring projects.Merci beaucoup.

  28. Libby

    I’ve made my first 1. In less than an hour! Perfection. Thank you AGAIN! x

  29. Laura

    Thank you very much Sucrette, Grazie mille!!!:))

  30. Monica

    That pattern is beautiful and easy! I’ll try it, thank you for share it. You are so sweet Angie!

  31. Colette.

    Waouh !! Merci Angie, tu es trop top, comme tout ce que tu fais !!
    Chouette, chouette, merci beaucoup ! 😉

  32. TracyMarie

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these little stockings – THANK YOU so much for taking the time to share the pattern with all of us – you are AMAZING! 😀

  33. Hazel

    That is a fantastic little pattern and I think it looks very clear to me. I will definitely be giving it a go. Thank you. x

  34. Maryfairy

    Angie, What a clever girl you are. These are so sweet. I must make some right away.
    Thank you for all your hard work making the tutorial. It is very clear and is much appreciated.
    Best wishes.

  35. Grace Ann

    Wondeful job! It was not confusing at all! I can’t wait to whip one up!

  36. teresita


    those little booties are so pretty, i made for mi children while there were babies, y never touhgt to do for my christmas ornaments.
    Tank you for sharing


  37. Cyn;-)

    Great tute – you write very clearly and easy to understand. Can’t wait to give these a try. I need to shop for some Sport or DK yarn first. My yarn is either too big [worsted weight] or too small [fingering]. Maybe i could try using some of my fingering yarn and make teeny tiny socks?! If i do, I will blog about it and post a pic.
    Thank you again for a wonderful little pattern.
    Cyn; -)

  38. Cally

    Voilà une bonne nouvelle… je peux laisser des commentaires… en français !!! Car avec mes notions d’anglais très basiques et très lointaines je n’avais pas osé ! Bravo pour toutes tes jolies créations et merci pour les tutos !

  39. Niamh

    Brilliant, thank you so much for the pattern. Can’t wait to get started 🙂

  40. TracyMB

    These are perfectly scrumptious!! Thank you so much! 😀

  41. majupodi

    j’adore, j’adore, j’adore. grâce à toi j’ai trouvé dans quoi mettre les étrennes de mes neveux/niéces à Noël
    merci beaucoup et en français en plus!!!!

  42. Eléonora

    Chère Sucrette,
    I love love your blog, your world !!! Tout est beau, coloré et généreux !! Thanks for sharing with us so many gorgeous creations !

  43. Lizard

    So cute!!! Can’t wait to try the patter out! Thank you.

  44. Amy

    These are such sweet little socks! I can’t wait to try and make one! Thank you for sharing…and I’ll let you know how it turns out! 🙂

  45. Mo

    Thank you, thank you, merci beaucoup <3 :0))

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  47. Kerry

    Oh! These stockings are SO cute!! Thank you so much for sharing your pattern, it’s very kind and generous of you, and it looks very clear to understand.

    I can’t wait to give them a go!

    Thanks again 🙂

  48. Jess

    Thank you!! They look so pretty! I’m gonna make a whole bunch!.
    Would I be able to make these bigger by adding increases to the beginning? I want to make big stockings to hang on walls so people can put little nick-nacks in them and your pattern makes crochting stockings look easy! Thank you again they are beautiful!

  49. Kelli Woodall

    Wow that was fast! Happy to have the pattern, I just sent my brother your link so we can both make them! Looks very clear in your instructions, I can’t wait to make some! Thank you!

  50. karen

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just finished my first one and I love it!
    You are the best!

  51. Kadie

    Thank you so very much for this pattern!! I just finished my first little stocking. Your pattern was great I had no problem following it. My little stocking turned out so cute! I will be sends some friends over to use your pattern. Thank you again.

  52. Elena

    Thank you! They are adorable. Will definitely try to make them.

  53. Heather

    Wow, I haven’t crocheted in years and I found this on pinterest and decided to give it a try. One question I have is… at the end of every row, are you supposed to do anything before starting the next row, or do you just keep going around and around?? Just curious. Love this pattern. So cute!

  54. Letty

    Thank you so much for this tutorial, can’t wait to start making one!

  55. sue

    hi angie, thanks for your tutorial. I think these are so cute i am going to make one for my 2 nephews. thanks a gain sue~nz

  56. Estaminette

    je viens de découvrir votre blog et j’ai été séduite par ces petites chaussettes qui sont trop mignonnes. Merci beaucoup pour le tuto.

  57. EllyD

    Thank you so much for this pattern Angie 🙂 They are so adorable! I have started one just like your sample one (to keep me straight) I will let you know when I’m finished.
    I too have the same question as Heather though… I’ve been winging it so far but it would be good to know for sure 😉 Merci beaucoup. Ellyx

  58. Patricia

    Son hermosos esos calcetines…voy a intentar hacerlos pues con tus explicaciones de seguro me van a quedar geniales.gracias por compartirlas.

  59. Joanne

    I love those socks, they are gorgeous. I just want to make some and string them across the fireplace. So Christmassy.
    Thanks for the tutorial, can’t wait to start them.

  60. One-oh-four

    These are beautiful – I plan to make lots of these!

  61. K Low

    What a beautiful blog you have! I love your fun, bright colors and the excellent tutorials. Thank you for sharing these cute socks. Look forward to making some!

  62. EllyD

    Thank you for you reply to my question Angie 🙂 and lovely comments on my cushion. I finally got one finished so will post a picture hopefully sometime this weekend ;)) Ellyx

  63. Jeanne

    Adorei o teu blog. Trabalhos fantásticos que ensinas muito bem. Parabéns! Bjs.

  64. cholote

    bien jolies chaussettes et un grand merci pour la traduction en français et les photos d’avancement du travail car mon anglais scolaire est bien loin et il m’est difficile de tout comprendre. bonne journée.

  65. Catherine

    Merci pour ce tuto, c’est vraiment très gai, j’espère trouver le temps de faire ces jolies chaussettes ! ton blog est très agréable, c’est un vrai plaisir pour les yeux. Bonne journée.

  66. sylvie

    Merci beaucoup pour le tuto elles sont très jolies tes cho 7 et merci aussi pour la traduction en français.

  67. Tilique974♥♥♥

    Merci beaucoup pour ce tuto de belles chaussettes, j’ai découvert grâce à Disou!
    Bisous 😉

  68. severine84

    Merci Sucrette pour ce tuto !!!!!
    Je découvre à ton blog grâce à Disou et j’adore.
    J’ai déjà fait chauffer mon crochet pour réaliser une première chaussette en suivant ton tuto, super clair, bien expliqué, bien présenté, donc aucune difficulté.
    Il ne reste plus qu’à s’éclater en mariant les couleurs, finitions, motifs …
    Merci !!!! 😀

  69. Jen Hoover

    I’m thrilled to have stumbled upon your site and thank you for sharing this pattern! 🙂 merci 😉

  70. laurencedu13

    Milles mercis pour ce tuto pour les petites chaussettes !!!!
    Je vais m’y mettre moi aussi, tes petites chaussettes vont faire fureur !!!!!!!!
    A bientot !

  71. mamita

    je découvre avec délices ce matin ton blog magnifique et tous ces tutos plus clairs les uns que les autres !
    Je vais me laisser tentée par ces petites chaussettes que je trouve vraiment adorables et pleines de gaieté !
    merci, je m’inscris à la news pour rester en contact !

  72. sue

    Hi Angie, just a question…when you join in a new colour at the beginning of a round do you need to do 2chain to count as first stitch or do you just keep going around ? I tried one and went a bit wonky(too many stitches) I will try again . They are so cute. thanks sue~nz

  73. Sandra

    Merci pour ce tuto ! Je vais pourvoir décorer ma table de fête. Ton blog est très joli, coloré !

  74. Cécileb

    Merci pour ce tuto très pédagogique et en plus il fait réviser l’anglais, le bonheur. Très bonnes fêtes de fin d’année à toi et tes proches.

  75. Sharon

    Thank you, these are wonderful!

  76. josephine

    Ces petites chaussettes sont trop jolies ! J’aime beaucoup. Merci beaucoup pour le partage et la traduction en français. C’est parfait.
    Belle journée.

  77. Earendil

    thanks a lot for that tutorial, i’ll definitely make some of these soon! and i was actually thinking that i could try some real socks with your tutorial, they’re so cute!
    thanks again 🙂

  78. Joke

    Thank you so much for the pattern of the wonderful little christmas socks. I love them all! The first one i just made! The explaining was very clearly with the photograph’s! Do you mind if i translate your pattern in Dutch for the Dutch people who follow my blog???
    Please answer me what you think about it? I shall always link the pattern to your blog ofcourse! Love from Holland! Thanks a lot! Joke

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  81. Nicole

    perfectly adorable! can’t wait to make one! 🙂

  82. Peggie

    This is so pretty. Thank you.

  83. Mei

    These are soooo cute! Thank you for the tutorial. I shall be attempting these as soon as I get myself some colourful yarn. Such a brilliant idea! x

  84. GLAMAY

    It so cute..thanks for all.
    Gracias?= Thanks.

  85. SandyCroche

    merci beaucoup pour ce partage
    ton blog est super
    à bientôt
    ps j’ai mis ton lien via mon blog

  86. erika margarita


  87. Pingback: Mini jule sok

  88. Lise

    Merci beaucoup de votre générosité.
    Ils sont mignons comme tout.
    Votre blog est super et très colorés.

  89. carmen

    Me parecen una monada, son preciosos, y muy faciles de hacer, GRACIAS POR EL TUTORIAL

  90. Soleil

    Hi Angie! I just finished my first sock! It’s gorgeous! Thank you for a description! It was fully clear for me!
    Olga ☼

  91. Pingback: El Taller de Bielisa » Calcetines para Navidad

  92. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    OMG! Such a beauty, soooo easy! Thanks sooo much, you are soooo kind!
    Muchas gracias!

    Carolina, Hola! Vamos a intentarlo juntas!

  93. Lea

    Thank you so much ! They are adorable!

  94. jocelyne

    merci beaucoup pour ces petites chaussettes vraiment bien expliquées avec des photos et tout elles sont superbes

  95. Lorraine

    So cute! Thank you for sharing!

    Kindly, Lorriane

  96. Debbie

    Thank you so much for this tutorial. I am already on my second little sock and they are so cute! I plan on making some for gifts for co-workers this year. Thank you for sharing your talents!

  97. Ipie

    Thanks from the Netherlands!

  98. Debra

    These are so cute and festive! Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  99. Valentina

    Hi Sucrette, your stockings are just lovely, thank you for the pattern!

  100. Sonja

    Thnx for the pattern! Love it, can’t wait till tomorrow to try it!

  101. Mei

    Sat down and followed your tutorial this morning and found it amazingly easy! Thank you so much again for posting! I’m going to spend the rest of the evening making little Christmas stockings to hang. Thanks again x

  102. Linda

    Thank you so much, they are adorable!

  103. Opal

    These are absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. This week, I just got back into crocheting (many thanks to a lovely lady from my quilting group for assisting me with that.)

    I’ll definitely be trying to make these soon. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.

  104. BalCat

    J’adore votre blog et son univers coloré et gai.
    Merci pour ces adorables chaussettes de Noël.
    Je vais m’y mettre tout de suite, avec toutes les couleurs de l’arc en ciel, pour décorer mon sapin.
    Je vais voir également si, par hasard, leur taille ne conviendrait pas à mes poupées en chiffon.
    Biz CAT =^..^=

  105. cindy

    just found your blog, which i love!!! these little christmas socks are a absolutely adorable and i’m so excited to try them. i do have a question or two for you if you don’t mind. I was trying to find the yarn that you use, but have not had much luck so far. I’m in Texas, is there a yarn comparable to that one I can use? I’ve tried it with some worsted weight I have, but they seem to turn out a little big. Thanks for your help and your blog is beautiful and inspirational! 🙂

  106. Blossom

    I think you did a wonderful job on writing this pattern out. I love how you did picture’s. I can understand this with NO problem at all. Thanks so much for sharing and your time doing this pattern.

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  108. Alejandra

    Me encantó!!!!!! Quedan tan lindas y es tan facil!!!!!
    Eres muy inteligente!!!!!!! Te felicito!!!!!!! Gracias por compartir.
    Ya voy a ponerme a tejer.

  109. Maggie Hassett

    Hi Angie! Thank you so very, very much for sharing your lovely crochet Christmas Stocking Patterns with everyone! They are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! I can’t wait to try them! I am more of a knitter but I am going to try crochet for a change of heart and knowledge! The instructions are very well detailed with photos, etc…and they look easy to follow, so thank you again for making them so clear for us to make! You are most kind to share them for free and your talent is surely a gift from above! Happy Holidays to you Angie! 🙂

  110. Sharon

    Thank you so much for these adorable little socks – I am setting aside my WIP’s to make one right now!!
    You did a fantastic job with your pictures and explanation!!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  111. Miss Touchatou

    Merci beaucoup Sucrette pour ces charmantes chaussettes,bonne journée !!!!!!!!

  112. GaelleB

    Super ces petites chaussettes, les couleurs sont trop trop belles …Je suis déçue d’avoir a attendre jusque l’année prochaine pour en faire une joli calendrier de l’avent pour mes filles…. Mais comme j’ai le temps je pense en faire un pour toute le famille!!!!
    Merci sucrette, je te pique le tuto!et je file voir si je peux m’inscrire à ta newsletter…..

  113. Marie

    Qu’il est joli et coloré, ton blog ! Je viens de le découvrir via celui de Mamita.
    Je me suis tout de suite inscrite à ta newsletter !

  114. Rima

    Bonsoir ,merci pour les fais pas mal de petites choses pour mes poupées ,je vais essayer d’en faire …bonne soirée .

  115. céline

    merci pour les tutos c’est super ce qu tu fait bravo!

  116. GreenFuzzer

    Every week I get together with my mom, aunts and sister to do crafts. This week 4 of us made these cute little stockings. They were a great success. At every color change we passed our ball of yarn to the right for the next person to use. It is cute how they all go together but are different from each other. I have a picture to show you but don’t know where to email it.

    • GreenFuzzer

      Sorry just found your email address so will be sending you a picture.

  117. Melanie

    GREAT post, perfect pattern. It worked up so quickly and I plan on making MANY more!



  118. terlicoton

    Je découvre ton site grâce à mamita
    Tu nous fas des merveilles avec ton crochet
    Bravo Sucrette
    Et mrci pour c bea

  119. terlicoton

    Je découvre ton site grâce à mamita
    Tu nous fais des merveilles avec ton crochet
    Bravo Sucrette
    Et merci pour ce
    Gros bisous

  120. Eileen

    Thank you Angie! I LOVE this pattern and made my first one last night. I haven’t decorated it yet but wanted to post it right away. I linked to your pattern at my blog. Your tutorial was so good I didn’t have any problem making it. Keep up the good work!

  121. Katell

    Très jolies ces chaussettes, cela fait des décorations très originales
    Merci beaucoup pour ces explications
    bonne soirée, bises

  122. Annette

    Thanks so much for this! I had some beautiful chunky yarn, and to my amazement the finished sock is big enough for my toddler to wear! I am going to make a pair for him!

  123. michelle mamie42

    j’aime beaucoup vos petits chaussons de Noël, aussi je vais prendre l’idée pour l’atelier tricot du centre social de mon quartier. un grand merci pour les explications .

  124. Snowcatcher

    Your commenters more than tell the story. This is one cute little pattern! You have a lovely blog.

  125. Claire

    These are great! I’m making once each for my children’s teachers to put a gift in for them. The photo’s are great as I’m just learning to crochet, but it’s really easy. Thank you!

    Do you sell a licence to make them to sell? I’ll have to look into it for next year.

  126. Chloe

    Merci pour ce tuto, cela semble vachement moins compliqué tout d’un coup

  127. Jennifer

    I came over from Pinterest. I have fallen in love with your site! These stocking are adorable and I love the colors you use for your projects.

  128. Tsitsa

    Merci pour ces explications. Ce chausson est vraiment très mignon ; je crois que je vais me laisser tenter ^^
    Et bravo pour ton blog haut en couleurs et beaux ouvrages.

  129. Mo

    A question if I may – What size are these please? The first one I made, using 5.5 hook and dk yarn is about 10ins in length. Yours seem much smaller? Or is it just my perspective.
    Thank you.
    Btw I have said I love them before now haven’t I? I’m sure I did :-/ If not -I LOVE them!!! :D:D

  130. Siobhan

    Just wanted to tell you that I’ve started making these. They look lovely in all the different colours and the pattern was easy to follow. I’ve made three so far but I want to make a garland of them so more to do yet. Thank you!!

  131. Kristen

    Bonjour! Thank you for your pattern, & step-by-step instructions! This is a wonderful project, & leaves so much to the imagination (colors, stripes, blocks of color, embellishments, etc.) I am working on my first one as I type this. I can’t wait until it’s finished! Thanks again!! 🙂

  132. Lacey

    just made one, and you made things so easy and clear! Thank you!!!

  133. patch faribole

    Je découvre ton blog et j’adore !! Je pense que je vais piocher beaucoup d’idées chez toi. A commencer par tes petites chaussettes qui sont vraiment adorables ! Merci beaucoup pour ce tuto ! Joyeux Noël !

  134. recycleCindy

    Love the pattern and I just printed it all out. I have the same question several others had about the joining of the first rounds. Do you join or just work in the round without joining? I looked and did not see a reply to the question in the comments. Could you please reply and/or email me the answer. I started the beginning ring and am not sure about the 2nd row. Thanks in advance for this help.

  135. erika margarita

    estannbellos los hare me encantaron gracias por compartir besos

  136. LYNE

    SUPERBE ces petites chaussettes !!!
    J’adore, et ton tuto est très bien fait.
    Félicitations je viens de découvrir ton blog plein de couleur et de vie.
    Il ne ressemble pas aux autres vraiment unique et chaleureux..
    Merci pour tout ce bonheur !!!
    Joyeux Noël à toi et à toute ta famille!!!!

  137. Paula B

    These are so addictive. I’ve made several in the past week. I posted a picture on my blog, with your link (I hope that is okay). Wonderful tutorial. thanks so much!!

  138. Pingback: Crochet Central | TOP CRAFTS

  139. Danielle

    I love these little socks. I have blogged my attempt at that them and linked to your post. Thank you for the tutorial! Danielle

  140. Pingback: Guest Post from Marie of the Underground Crafter on gifting handmade | Anastacia Knits

  141. Pingback: Crochet by francette - Pearltrees

  142. Susan Ernst

    Can’t stop looking at your stuff…. everything is coool as heck.

  143. mamie vero

    Bonjour – merci beaucoup pour ce tuto – je pense pouvoir le réussir malgré ma non connaissance de votre langue – passez de très bonne fêtes de Noël et de fin d’année – amicalement – mamie vero –

  144. joelle


    merci pour ce tuto, je viens de confectionner une petite botte rouge et blanche. Dès que je peux, je la mets en ligne sur mon blog avec le lien vers le tien. bisou

  145. Monique

    Merci Sucrette pour ce tuto des petites chaussettes qui sont vraiment trop mignonnes….Bisous et joyeux Noël. monique

  146. Pingback: My Crochet Projects from Fall 2011 | Crochet Your Way

  147. cindy

    Thank you verry much for the little christmas socks pattern, i follow your blog

  148. lucia

    Ciao, sono lucia, italiana, complimenti per queste calze della befana, ci stò provando a farle…tanti auguri per tutto….

  149. Brodeuse92

    Quelles adorables mini-chaussettes!! Merci pour ce tuto.
    Bonne et heureuse année 2012!

  150. Mararete

    I never comment on anything, but these are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! I hope I get a chance to make some. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  151. Pingback: This Weeks Favorites

  152. Ivana

    Hi, I really like your blog because you are a true artist and I have become one of your followers.
    Thanks for the tutorial…..I’ll try.
    Greetings from Rome

  153. Laura

    going to make a shoe box full of these for next christmas and attach them to presents with a candy cane in them and give some to the hospic near me.

  154. viana

    thanks for sharing!! how cute!!

  155. Kathy

    SO CUTE!!!! I am going to make some for the crochet group I belong to. We make items for babies in NICU and these would be cute.

  156. chantal

    merci beaucoup tres mignon

  157. Pingback: ZIEMASSVĒTKU ZEĶĪTES // Little Christmas socks | manas neatkārtojamās dzīves piezīmes …

  158. magali

    merci beaucoup!!
    ces chaussettes sont geniales
    et le fait de mettre les doubles explications anglais et francais c’est vraiment sympa!!!
    bonne continuation et encore merci pour vos beaux modeles

  159. Bernadette

    Many thanks for this pattern. I’m going to try to make some for my dolls. If you want me to translate this pattern in flemisch don’t hesitate, as I’me a Netherlands speaking lady I can translate your patterns in Netherlands. Yust let me know.

  160. Delecia

    Thank you sooooo much for the excellent tutorial. You made it look so easy I’m going to try one now. I would like to make 60 of them before Christmas for the children at church. Thanks again!

  161. Susan

    Thanks for this darling pattern! I’ve found some varigated (sp) sock yarn in Easter/spring colors and I’m using this pattern to make tiny “Easter stockings” with little chicks and bunnies sticking out of them!

  162. vanessa

    kikou une petite française qui te remercie beaucoup pour l’ effort que tu as a fait ton tutoriel est super et ton ambiance poppy est a croquer j’ai l’impression d’êrte dans une confisserie et il y a tellement de bonbons quoi choisir sinon tout bonne continuation ….

  163. Shelly

    Merci beaucoup pour ce tuto! It is very easy to understand and I can’t wait to make some!

  164. Bérangère

    Bonjour Sucrette
    c’est une bien belle balade que je viens de faire sur votre site .Merci pour avoir mis les explications de cette petite chaussette en français (^-^)
    Bonne continuation

  165. ponponrose

    merci beaucoup pour toutes ces jolies choses.

  166. Kathryn

    Thank-you for sharing these cute little stockings and the pattern. I’m not an experienced crocheter, so when I was successful in making one of these this morning I was absolutely thrilled. I think you provided the spark to grow my interest and skill in this craft. You have a new follower. Thanks again!

  167. Donna

    These little stockings are absolutely adorable!!!!! I’m definitely going to give these a try,,I will let you know how I make out!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  168. ilse

    oh my, these are cute!!! thank you! (yeah, I know, not very original: but it’s the truth!!)

  169. Pingback: Ube and cheese baby socks « the unnatural mother

  170. crochepatyfil

    vraiment tres sympa ce partage merci beaucoup ma belle thanks you .

  171. Jenny Sheehy

    Just love these little socks, have made many pairs, they are just the best

  172. hg

    i assume theres a chain 3 so do 9dc’s in row 1.

  173. haley

    I’m trying to learn french. tres bien!

  174. Ann jens

    I’ve done the first part (yellow and purple) and when looking at the photo they don’t look like double crochets. Does the photo show single crochets?
    Ann J.

  175. Yvonne D.

    Thankyou so much for the patterns! I do know how to crochet, but always like looking at pictures! They are so cute!!!

  176. Mel Bridgewater

    You made some nice points there. I did a search on the subject matter and found most people will consent with your site.

  177. Lani B

    Hi I love these little socks! I just learned how to make a circle….. Is there a way to make them large like for my daughters Christmas stocking? I would like to be able to fit a DVD in it? How would I go about that?

  178. suchi

    Such a wonderful blog full of wonderful crochet.Thank you so much for graciously sharing the patterns.I just made the christmas stocking in thread..super cute.
    Greetings from India


  179. Pingback: Meia de Natal de crochê | Gráficos e Receitas

  180. Nessa

    Oh WOW! You made this look super easy. I was a little intimidated at the thought of making stockings for my kids this year, but now I’m not near as afraid as I was before reading this. Thank you!

  181. Sonia

    Veri nice Worl i would love them too, i love crochet, i commend them for their Worl

  182. sarah

    thanks for your subj and the photos I emrissed that so mutch

  183. kay mcgill

    Thanks so much these are fun and really cute and you are so thoughtful with the way you presented this pattern. Bless you

  184. corentine

    coucou, je découvre ton blog grâce à Careli – ces chaussettes sont superbes, je fais en faire pour les poupées – je reviendrais plus longuement visiter ton blog – biz et kenavo (en breton “kenavo” veut dire au plaisir de te revoir)

  185. sylvie2841

    superbes!! merci beaucoup pour les explications de ces chaussettes!
    amicalement sylvie

  186. Georgette

    merci pour ce superbe tuto! je cherche depuis des jours un modèle de chaussons crochetés qui pourraient aller a mon fils de six ans et finalement en ajoutant une semelle de cuir et en adaptant un mieux le nombres de rangs et de mailles c’est PARFAIT!

    a savoir pour une paire de chaussons en 30 je tourne jusqu’à 24ms au début puis je fais dix rangs de 24ms, 5 rangs de dix brides pour le talons puis je remonte a la cheville 🙂
    je partagerais ton tuto sur mon blog des que j’ai fini le deuxième 🙂

  187. kathy will

    I LOVE THESE!!. I have been looking for a pattern for these forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making such a beautifully explained tutorial with pictures. I cannot wait to make some for my grandkids. They are spectacular! Thanks again.


  188. Monica

    We just found out we’re going to be grandparents so I guess you know what I’ll be making!!!!! Love them…so adorable…thank you for the detailed tutorial!

  189. Annie

    Merci pour ce tuto
    Merci de pouvoir communiquer avec vous en français
    Je vais essayer vos chaussettes
    Annie de Belgique

  190. Caroline

    Hello from Dublin Ireland! thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial, I am new to your blog and love everything on it!

  191. sandra lookingbill

    Thsnk you so very much for sharing your patterns. All of your work is gorgeous. sandra lookingbill

  192. Andrea

    OMG, you must be so excited. Your pattern was featured in ‘Hooked on crochet’. So cool to get credit for your great work like that. : )

  193. Diane

    Hello! Thank you for these adorable little socks – and for your lovely, gentle instructions. I’m an experienced crocheter but have only recently gotten back to it – I am going to LOVE trying these and using them for small gift holders for my sisters (earrings, etc).

    Thank you again!

  194. Jo

    Why does the picture show SINGLE crochet and your directions say d.c.?

  195. minh

    Cam on ! Cam on !
    These are sooooo cute !

  196. Kat

    I love the way you have written this pattern, so clear and so cheery! You have a great style.
    C’est magnifique!
    Katrina (UK)

  197. Slydora

    Merci beaucoup pour ces explications!! J’adore <3

  198. Natascha

    Hello from Germany, just love these little socks. I am just about to leave for a 4 hour train ride, just the perfect work for that. Wonder how many I can finish on that ride. Great, easy to follow pattern, even beginners can do it.

  199. Babsee

    Hi..thank you so much for this..I have bought a book on how to make socks and search the web and still could not figure it out then this morning I got a link to this page and now I am well pleased cos you have explained it with pictures..simple as that ..Thank you so much..Now I can go ahead and make some now after months of trying lol 🙂

  200. Helen S

    Thank you for this pattern, especially the pictures. You make it look so easy. Will try this soon. Our church is having a fete very soon, these would be good to put on the craft stall.

  201. Line

    Merci pour ces explications. Même si je suis la nième à le dire.
    J’avoue ne pas savoir faire les chaussettes et j’espère réussir ma première paire!

  202. Dolly

    Wonderfully presented, and this is your first time for step by step! Great pattern. Easy to follow. I just love what you are doing, keep up the great work.

  203. Dolly

    I am very thankful for your use of French, I use to speak it in high school sooooo many years ago. Now I will relearn it here. It will also help me with the French patterns I have to translate so I can do them, Merci beaucoup!!!

  204. Kristina

    At the end of each round / row, do I join with (slip stitch, ch1), or do I continue in rounds, marking the first sc of each round with a contrasting color yarn?

    I LOVE this pattern and am going to see if I can adapt it to a baby bootie pattern for charity. I’m also going to make one for the residents of our community nursing home. I think they will look GREAT hanging from the windows in their rooms.

  205. Vicki Brenner

    These little stockings are great. I use them each year for the ones I give money to. Besides getting money they also get a new stocking for their tree. Love your tutorial.

  206. sheila ostiana

    i really like them,they are very beautifull job well done, keeping on doing the good work.

  207. Kath

    thanks for explaining them so easily! they are cute as!

  208. Tiffany Stewart

    This is the absolute best and easiest way I have ever seen this pattern explained. Thank you so much for sharing. I plan too make some soon 🙂

  209. Pingback: immer wieder sonntags… « handmadebywenona

  210. Kaz

    Just seen these. i am off work currently undergoing chemotherapy and needed a beautiful project that was not to large undertaking. Perfect. thank you, just made my first one and will be making at least 5 more so all the grandchildren can have one.

  211. CJ

    Hello. Love the mini Christmas stockings! Can you please tell me the measurements of one of the stockings you have completed. Thank you!

  212. faten

    thanks you are very intristting by teaching

  213. Pingback: Where you naughty or nice this year? « Tales of Twisted Fibers

  214. Twisted Fibers

    Thank you so much for sharing this lovely pattern. I’ve made a few stockings (miniature versions) using your pattern and they will go up on the tree this Christmas. I’ve posted an image on my blog with a link back to your blog. Thanks again 🙂

  215. Amy

    Just made one of your little sockings. I did an all red one and used white for the last 3 rows with a double loop stitch. It turned out great and will fit a gift card in it, which is what I plan on making lots of these for. I might also make them for my son’s preschool classmates and fill them with goodies. Very cute thank you.


    Thanks for sharing your pattern!!
    Do you have a spanish ancestor as well? that way you could translate the meaning of the stiches for me. I live in Argentina!!

  217. Ultragold

    Je cherchais un “gligli-qui-pendouille” pour accrocher à un anneau pour des clés, pour le swap de dimanche (1er anniversaire de notre tricothé en Suisse Romande) et je suis tombée sur ce modèle de chaussettes, génial ! Je posterai une photo de ma chaussette sur ravelry (même pseudo) après le swap.

  218. Elly

    Dank je wel, het was makkelijk te volgen en snel klaar.
    Ga er nog meer maken voor de kerst

  219. maria alice


    I’m from Brasil. I loved the litlle sockes. I got to do it, the oattern is so clear. Thanks.

  220. Barb Espinoza

    I feel in love with these and made some in camo yarn I have made about 18 of them now and just waiting for xmas to hang them on our tree..Thank you for sharing this pattern

  221. Pingback: Free Crochet Pattern - Little Christmas socks -

  222. Melanie

    Made these today, but I can’t upload a picture.

  223. Lucie

    thank you for your pattern. I love it. I just did my first sock. 🙂 I am going to make more for xmass

  224. kelly

    Oh so perfect, I can’t stop making them! They will make a great advent calendar. Thank you!!!

  225. Pingback: Skarpety na szydełku |

  226. Jacqueline

    Bedankt voor het delen! Ik heb een link geplaatst op

  227. lenetour

    merci beaucoup pour ce tuto, première fois que je faisais des chaussettes (je fais pourtant du crochet depuis plus de trente ans!!) adaptées sans problème pour ma petite fille et maintenant je recommence en plus grand et au couleurs de de Noël, doré rouge et vert pour mettre les couverts à l’intérieur dans les assiettes ainsi chaque invité pourra repartir avec sa chaussette !!! merci encore votre blog est très agréable coloré et gai Nicole

  228. Marie Claire

    merci de partager toutes ces merveilles, bonne continuation et je me remets au travail!!
    Gros bisous

  229. Sue Coletta

    WOW! Great patterm and beautiful stockings! Not only will I be making some to be used as ornaments I also want to attempt to adapt your pattern to fit my feet!!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for sharing.

  230. Terri Jouty

    Oh I love these…they do look easy. I want to try some in red/white…thanks so much for sharing this pattern.

  231. Janice

    oh my.. thank you for the chance to make these little bitty socks. I cant not stop making them. lol Such a easy pattern to fallow and I just cant say enough TY

  232. Jeri

    are these being made in SC or DC? Instructions say DC, but looks like SC

  233. Terri Jouty

    Hello…I wasn’t too sure which size hook to use..pattern calls for a 4.5 and I had a 4.25 (G) or a 5.00 (H) so I used the H….my stocking came out to be about 6-1/2 inches from top of cuff to heel with toe extending down longer than that. Mine definitely looks bigger than yours. I would love to take a picture but I’m not technically savvy about getting pics on the computer. I do think my “stocking” came out pretty darn cute though….I did in two colors with the heel and cuff being in the same color. I plan to make more of these. May not be perfect but I think it is cute. And I did it in a short time this evening. Wish I had seen this years ago – it would have made some cute teacher gifts, etc. Thank you so much!!!

  234. Choco

    Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour ce tuto! les chaussettes sont adorables et j’ai même réussi à en faire une hier soir (je suis débutante au crochet)
    votre blog est génial, merci aussi pour votre grande générosité 🙂

  235. Heidi

    Terri, mine too are way huge! I went down to an F hook but they are still very large. Even with very thin year they are very tall. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

    • Jeri

      did you DC or SC? I tried with DC and they were huge!

      • Heidi

        I did dc as tight as I could. Maybe I should try sc. Thanks for the idea. Simple yet so complex 🙂

  236. Nancy Francisco

    Thanks for sharing …very pretty and looks easy…will have to give it a try…Merci… 🙂

  237. Crystal

    Hello everyone in this pattern the D.C (dc) stands for single crochet in U.K terms and so if you are in the US then you will need to do a single crochet (sc) stitch for every stitch that says (dc). I hope this helps and good luck 🙂

    • Heidi

      Oh!!! Well that will make a huge difference. Thank you Crystal 🙂

  238. Liz

    These are so cute. Thank you for sharing. Please come on over and see the ones I made from your pattern.

  239. Pingback: Say-Very Sweet Things

  240. tinou

    Mille merci pour ce joli tuto, j’ai hâte d’essayer

  241. Patti Cobbin

    Thank you so much for posting the pattern to this stocking. I did the closing of the heel a tiny bit different (I hate sewing)…I sc the first 5 stitches and then the last 5 were stitched THROUGH the corresponding stitch of the first 5. I’m thinking next year I will decorate the tree in nothing but lights and a bunch of these stockings made in odds and ends of yarn not big enough for any other project!

    Thanks Again!

  242. Robin

    Merci! I love your blog — the colors alone are so cheerful! Also love, love, love that I can read the french, which warms my heart and reminds me of when I lived in Quebec, outside of Three Rivers for a few years, right out of college. The kindest people on earth! Also, little Joe is just an angel. Thank you, again, and the happiest of holidays!

  243. Robin

    Oh, nearly forgot — I’m making these Christmas socks for my step daughter’s kitties for Christmas. 🙂

  244. Manisha


    • Manisha


  245. Pingback: Little Christmas Stockings | The Little Room of Rachell

  246. Veronica

    Thank you for your very beautiful picture and socks :). i am new in crocheting but your instructions look so eas. I might try my hand on this, and maybe prepare for next year’s Christmas and use these socks as decors. Thank you for sharing.

  247. Pam G

    Just wanted to let you know I linked my blog post for Amigurumi Penguin Christmas Stocking to this post because I used it to help me come up with a larger stocking pattern.

  248. fanfan-8308

    bonjour Sucrette,
    merci pour ce joli tuto (d’ailleurs tout est joli sur ton site !!)
    c’est sympa de lire un blog en français avec des réalisations d’inspiration plus “anglosaxones” !
    joyeuses fêtes de Noël

  249. Ingrid-Marie Schwan

    Hi, I´m totally excited about your cute little christmas-socks and the way you explained how to crochet them. Think I´ll be able, to make them:))
    Have a merry blessed Christmas, thank you for sharing!
    Ingrid-Marie from Hamburg (Germany)

  250. Susanne from Canada

    Hello from Canada, windy and cold here today, I am looking over some of the older posts, and came across this one, OMG!! oh, my goodness!! how cute, do you actually think these little socks would fit a baby, does anyone know? we are expecting twin grandsons soon and I am just learning to knit (very slowly) so perhaps I could crochette a pair of these? but could they be worn perhaps if made with finer baby yarn?

  251. Pingback: Mini Christmas Stockings Free Crochet Pattern and Blog

  252. Ann

    Merci beaucoup! I made a solid red one 7 inches on the diagonal; larger than I thought it would be; but it turned out just fine with your pattern directions.

  253. Dame tortue

    Bonjour sucrette,
    Grâce au blog de “Pas de temps pour soi ?”, je découvre votre joli blog.
    Alors voilà mon problème: Je me débrouille un peu au crochet, mais pas du tout en anglais. Vous serait-il possible de me faire un petit tuto chaussette s’il vous plaît.
    Merci beacoup.

  254. Marilyn

    Hi from Austraslia…The Barossa Valley home of great red wine. Winter is on the way and I was looking for some projects to do. Not sure why I looked under “Christmas” but glad “I did. Your instructions were great and well done. I will pop a little bear in this stocking for my craft stall and build up a supply for Christmas. Cheers

  255. seo service philippines

    First off I want to say awesome blog! I had a quick question that I’d like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your head prior to writing. I have had difficulty clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out there. I truly do take pleasure in writing however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are wasted just trying to figure out how to begin. Any suggestions or tips? Thank you!

  256. sally beauty supply

    Braviary is a corruption of bravery and a combination of brave and aviary.

    From clip in coloured streaks as seen on Katy Perry, to the ravishing red
    colours seen on hair chameleons such as Rhianna and Drew
    Barrymore, it’s super-seasonal to sport the brights trend on your head as well as your face and nails. The intuitive feeling I had about the rainbow trend must have been right.

  257. Pingback: Free Patterns To Spruce Up Your Christmas Tree | Living Lavishly For Less

  258. Val Barnes

    Just found your sock pattern it looks wonderful will try it this week-end – hoping to make some for Christmas to sell on behalf of our local Cancer unit at local hospital, and will now start following your Blog. Thanks so much

  259. victoria webster

    If I want to print this pattern, the printer says 76 pages. Isn’t there a way to make a printer friendly pattern/


    Hi there, I want to subscribe for this webpage to
    take most recent updates, so where can i do it please assist.

  261. claire

    Pourriez vous me dire le nombre de mailles pour une géante car je dois pas commencer par 4 seulement et 10 mc arfffff merci d’avance

  262. Heather

    these are so ADORABLE!!! They will be my next project. Thanks!

  263. Pat

    Soooooooooooo Cute, Blow christmas socks going to make these for my granddaughter to wear.

  264. judy bee

    These are so cute, and thanks for sharing, can’t wait to grab my bag of scraps to start one. Joyous Noel.

  265. Katka

    Thank you very much for your patern.

  266. AruljothiKarikalan

    this is really a useful pattern thanks for this pictorial pattern

  267. senobar

    thanks a lotttttttt………….

  268. Kimberly Quinn

    Do you have a printable version without the pictures? Your explanation is great but I don’t crochet while sitting at my computer and I’m not lucky enough to have a tablet or smart phone.

  269. Monica Liliana PANTEON


  270. Teresa

    Hi The teaching was very helpful. Thanks

  271. Deniece

    Think I will try to make these for each lady and gent at our Bible Study Class on Tuesdays. Will send pics if I can. Thanks for the wonderful descriptive lesson on how to.
    Love your blog, it always makes me smile with the bright colors everywhere.CrochetDee

  272. Malilène

    merci beaucoup pour ce tuto très bien fait. Je cherchais des idées de petites déco à offrir à ma fille pour son petit studio d’étudiante. ces petites chaussettes vont faire partie du paquet c’est sûr!
    je vais continuer à parcourir ton blog, je me régale tout en travaillant mon anglais très scolaire……..est très ancien!!!!!
    bonne soirée.

  273. Pingback: NAVIDAD, NAVIDAD QUE LINDA NAVIDAD (PARTE 1) | 100hechoamano

  274. Copete

    Merci beaucoup sont adorables ces petites chaussettes

  275. somecookie

    So far I’ve made 2 and plan to make more for a garland for the fireplace. They are so cute and easy to make. Easy pattern and great tutorial!

  276. Pingback: Mini-Weihnachtsstrumpf ^^ | Gorhaija Das häkelt...

  277. Virginie

    coucou, oh merci beaucoup, je m’y mets dès cet après-midi! ce tuto est superbe! merci!

  278. Jana Hunter

    Thank you! If these are big enough, I may make one for each of my students and put a little candy kiss and candy cane in each one! Since I would have to make 19 of them, I think I will keep each one at one or two colors! Perhaps the body one color and the heel another? Can’t wait to try these! Your pattern, pictures, and instructions are wonderful!

  279. Virginie

    coucou, ma version est sur mon blog tout neuf, si tu veux la voir ^^ encore un gros merci pour ce tuto vraiment parfait! merci! Je me régale!!!^^

  280. Pingback: Decorazioni Natalizie all’Uncinetto: 6 FOTO Tutorial | LUNAdei creativi

  281. GoodmorningBeautyful

    Thank u so so much for this free pattern, m learning to crochet n this seem so right for me, just d one i have been looking for, simple n easy.

  282. mamalouga

    MERCI :))))))

  283. Natassia

    I am making these now…they are fabulous and so quick to make…I am going to hang them on my Christmas Tree with numbers 1 to 24 on them, and they will become a kind of advent calendar…thank you!

  284. Pingback: Meia de Natal de crochê | Gráficos e Receitas

  285. Christy

    I was wondering the same thing about the slip stitch into the first SC? Also do I need to chain 1 after the slip stitch before beginning my round of SCs? Or do you just SC all the way around non-stop?

    I think that might be my problem, I am having trouble seeing where one round ends! Anyways I will keep working with it – I absolutely love the pattern and the size. This is first pattern I have found that actually looks like a little stocking and will fit on xmas packages and trees.

  286. marie3346

    quand j’ai vu tes petites chaussettes de Noël, je me suis dis “oh que c’est mignon” mais quand j’ai lu rapidement les explications en anglais, je me suis écriée “oh non, pitié pas encore de l’anglais” et puis finalement, j’ai fais un grand “oufffffffff” en voyant ta traduction en français. Alors oui, un grand Merci pour ce joli partage, je vais les faire pour ce Noël ainsi, j’aurai une petite pensée pour toi le jour J.

    Très bonne journée à toi et encore merci ! Je reviendrai sur ton blog. Marie3346

  287. Caidy

    Do you turn or chain or slip stitch at the end of each round? I’m ending up with just a big spiral

  288. carmen Johnson

    Thank you for sharing pattern. It’s adorable.

  289. jane

    the best xmas socks there is;

  290. Sonja

    MERCI pour cet adorable tuto!!!! Je m’en vais chercher des pelotes colorées et des boutons pour essayer 🙂
    Et si je les publie sur mon blog, je ferais bien évidemment un lien vers ton post!

  291. Pingback: Little Stockings Sweetness {{30 Days of Christmas Crochet Cuteness}} | the sparkly toad

  292. Vicki

    These stockings are absolutely adorable. Love them! Thanks so much for sharing.

  293. Libby

    Perfect doll size. Thank you very much! I sl st after each round (I’m so used to doing it) and it turned out fine.

  294. Pingback: 11 Little Stockings | the sparkly toad

  295. Claire

    Merci beaucoup pour ce joli tuto de petite chaussette ! :o)

  296. Pingback: Adventskalender Türchen 24 ~ Little christmas socks | Schneewittchen`s Welt

  297. Fatemeh :)

    Thank you soooooo much for this awesome pattern!!!!!! I just finished making one!!!! I absolutely LOVE it!! My very first crocheted stocking ever is hanging by the fireplace now 🙂 I’m very happy I found your website today!!! Thank you very much for sharing your great pattern and for your super clear explanations!

    Now that I’m done with the last-minute stocking I wanted to make, I’m going to browse through your amazing website!

    Happy holidays!! :))))

  298. Bidule

    Merci beaucoup pour ce superbe tuto. Je vais me lancer dans cette réalisation dès ce soir.

  299. antonella

    Thank you very much for your tutorial 🙂 you are very kind.
    I sent one of these to Scotland to one of my friend I knowed on october .


    Your house and your family is very beautiful! COMPLIMENTS 🙂

    CIAO from FLorence ITALY

  300. Pingback: Christmas Projects + Patterns | Do It Yourself

  301. Angela

    This is such a lovely little sock! Thank you for sharing it. I hope to make several for the Christmas tree this year. <3

  302. Christabel

    How much yarn did you use, please?

  303. Dawn

    Love these socks, will be making them. you made very easy to follow. thank you

  304. Cousin

    super travail et merci pour vos explications Cela va me permettre d’essayer de fabriquer les chaussette de mon petit garçon

  305. Marie Dann

    Thank you so much for this free pattern. I’m self taught and wasn’t sure if I would be able to follow your pattern but the instructions are so detailed that even I couldn’t go wrong. I have successfully made 30 stockings as a little Christmas gift for a class of children I work with. They are the perfect size to hold a few chocolate coins and a couple of candy canes. Once again thank you!

  306. Pingback: Fun Crochet Christmas Stockings - Pattern Center

  307. Mélanie

    Merci beaucoup pour le modéle et la traduction en français !

  308. Pingback: December 2022 Art Dump – Katy Blogs Things

  309. Vera Sosoxy

    WOW! they are beautiful, i have to try it.

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