My vintage blanket: the edging

December 20, 2011

Good evening!

Just a quick post tonight to post the graphic of my vintage blanket’s edging…and to tell you THANK YOU for all your wonderful comments on my previous post! I am really lucky to have you all … and so happy everytime to share with you and read your sweet words…

So, here it is…

To make one picot crochet 3 ch and then 1 dc (or sc for the U.S crocheters) in the first ch.

I just love this edging…The picot are a little “pain in the a…” but the result really worth it … simple but beautiful don’t you think?

Have to go now….

Sweet dreams!



  1. Marie

    Que j’aime ton univers si joliment coloré !

  2. valérie

    The cover(blanket) is magnificent! Congratulations! The motive is sunburst, I make him(it) at present for a scarf(sling). I hope that my English is understandable, I am French and I use the translator.
    Thank you for this fantastic blog which is very useful for me because I am novice in the hook.

  3. Estaminette

    J’aime beaucoup aussi cette bordure, et ça se marrie très bien avec les carrés. Merci pour les explications.

  4. Victoria

    Stunning! Such a beautiful item to snuggle up with.

  5. marieta

    oh my God¡¡¡
    thak you for the pattern.
    i love the Blanket.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year¡¡¡

  6. EllyD

    Oooh! Thank you so much for the pattern to the lovely edging. The little picot does add so much 🙂 Thank you! And Merry Christmas to you and all your family 🙂 Ellyxx

  7. Maria Laura

    el patrón del cuadradito también es este? GRACIAS!!!!!

  8. moisel nylev

    Merci pour ça, je trouve très beau et maintenant je comprend comment faut faire 😉 Merci !!
    Bises du sud ouest de la France, et joyeux Noël. Moisel Nylev.

  9. sylvie

    Très jolie bordure J’aime beaucoup. Joyeux noel et bonne année

  10. Stocki

    Beautiful Angie…thank you so much for the graphic…. Merry Christmas ! :)x

  11. Misty Ratliff

    Thanks for the pattern, it’s so easy pesy. I can’t wait to make one now, but it will have to wait after the new year. Happy Holidays.
    Misty and Pets.

  12. Angela

    Thank you so much for the directions 🙂

  13. chris

    hi angie,
    love your blanket and the edging just finishes them of .
    will be making one for myself.merry christmas and all the best for 2012. happy hooking
    chris from australia

  14. Kelli Woodall

    I have been making a couple of stars that use picots and I actually like making them! Love your border, thanks again for sharing!

  15. Betty Guyomarch

    Merci pour le diagramme ! Si avec tout ça je n’y arrive pas…
    Tu as raison pour la bordure, simple mais efficace, elle ajoute du charme à ton plaid.
    Je te souhaite un joyeux Noël à toi et ta famille, pour ma part je vais le fêter à Nantes dans ma famille et je reviens à Paris la semaine prochaine.

    gros bisous

  16. Barbina

    Soo beautiful! Love your blanket! Thank you so much for the pattern!
    I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas! Barbina

  17. Lucie

    Moi aussi j’aime beaucoup ta bordure ! Merci pour les explications.
    Je te souhaite une très bon Noël avec ta petite famille !

  18. Katrin W.

    This blanket is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
    And have a wonderful christmas!

  19. Laura

    Hi Angie – it looks beautiful!! That picot really stands out so well. Thanks for the pattern. As usual you are so generous to post it for us all. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a Happy (and hooky) New Year!!! xxx

  20. Martina

    So cute!! And thanks for sharing…

  21. Kashi Griffith

    How wonderful that you put up all the different crochet symbols. I can read the UK and US versions, it is nice to see what the french symbols mean too. Your blanket is stunning. I really love it. Merry Christmas.

  22. Peppy

    I love this edging, thanks for sharing!

  23. Romarine

    Un magnifique plaid pour ce Noël ! La bordure est superbe, merci beaucoup pour les explications !!! Un grand bravo pour toutes ces merveilles tout au long de l’année ! Joyeux Noël !

  24. Angela

    Gorgeous blanket and edging! Thanks so much for sharing the graph. Merry Christmas!

  25. sophie

    Quelle jolie couverture !!!! toutes ces couleurs me font envie, a prevoir pour 2012
    I wish you and your family a merry Christmas!

  26. sarahj

    Delightful edging! Enjoy snuggling under your blanket over the festive season.

  27. anna

    I love it that it snows on this blog!!!!
    It makes me homesick for my hometown. (Chicago)

    Merry Christmas!!!

  28. Victoria

    It is a fabulous blanket! And the edging is lovely.. I am betting the picots are a p.i.t.a, as you say, but it does look good!

  29. Earendil

    thanks a lot for the pattern, it’s a very nive edging indeed 🙂

  30. Alejandra

    Gracias por compartir!!!!! Te admiro mucho!!!!! Feliz navidad!!!!!

  31. sue

    That’s just the perfect edging I love it! :o)

  32. Niamh

    Beautiful. Merry Christmas:)

  33. Marta

    A wonderful blanfet! Thank you so much for sharing with us your graphics.
    I hope you and yours a Merry Chritsmas.

  34. Barbara Reichard

    Happy Holidays! Thank you for having this beautiful, so colorful blog.


    Your latest ripples afghan looks wonderful! (So does the vintage blanket!) I was trying to find out how to find that colorful yarn from the ripple afghan. Unfortunately I couldn’t get the website to cooperate with the translation into English to get the details, etc.
    Anyway, I’m not sure where you are located, but if you are able to get it, please let me know where.

    Thanks for your generosity.

  36. Pingback: FO: Cutie Cover | Barn Talk

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  38. Wanda

    Hi Sucrette
    I am making your vintage blanket for my mom. I finished two squares, but to me it looks like the first colour (the 2st treble clusters) does not lay flat. It pops out. What am I doing wrong? I almost feel like the beginning colour is to big for the next colour to follow. Hope you understand my question. also, how big is your squares? In South Africa our choices for wool is quite limeted. So I used a double knit and I’m using a 3.5 mm hook. Hoping to hear from you soon.
    Kind regards
    Wanda Augustyn

  39. nani

    Bonjour! c’est vraiment très joli! bravo!

  40. susan learned

    I just love picot stitches. Theyre reallly not that hard and give the the project a professional look.

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