on the go…

January 6, 2012

Good morning !

How are you feeling today? Are you still in “Holidays-mode” or did you get back to your everyday’s “routine”? I’m trying to get back to the routine-mode but it is quite hard…the girls are still at home and there is still mess everywhere and new toys in every room and this is getting me crazy…

I saw, once, a very cute quote: “Please excuse the mess, the children are making memories” This quote makes me smile and everytime I get mad about the mess around here I try to remember the quote 🙂

So, this is how we are spending our days, girls playing with their new toys while mummy  try to concentrate on hers …

…starting three new projects…

…One with her best friend her acrylic nako yarn…

… one with her cotton stash…



…and the last one with a brush and some colors…

It is always so exciting to start new projects…but to finish them is another story 😉

Will tell you more about each project later …Have to go now…There is some shouting coming from the playing room 🙂 the girls are surely making memories 🙂

Have a wonderful end of week!



  1. Betty Guyomarch

    quand je vois toutes tes couleurs, je comprend qui m’a influencé !
    C’est toujours un vrai plaisir de voir tes débuts d’ouvrages, je sens que ton tableau va bien me plaire !

    Travaille bien

  2. Laura

    Hello! I know EXACTLY what you mean. I have to detangle my wool constantly from a mass of toy cars, transformers and the odd cardboard box or tube!!!! Little hands make their memories and I make mine….. xxx p.s. such beautiful colours in your stash

  3. Jenn McClure

    Your paintings are beautiful! I can’t wait to see what yarn projects you’re working on. Your stuff is always so colorful and I LOVE it. 🙂

    <3 Jenn

  4. Mo

    Good Morning 😀
    Ooh, I can’t wait to see what delights you are going to reveal 😀 Don’t keep us in suspense too long now…..;0)
    Adore the colours you have there, gorgeous as ever 😀
    I do so love that quote and must try to remember it often
    Have a good day and a better weekend
    Mo 😀 xx

  5. severien

    i LOVE your yarn basket!! so cute

  6. Jackie

    What a wonderful quote ~ it really does make you smile! Loving all your new projects, they are all so colourful. Looking forward to seeing them when they are finished :O)

  7. Linda

    This quote i will try to remember 🙂 the next time i am looking at the mess they produce. And looking at youre pictures i m getting inspierd for my shop. i m going to make babyblankets from merinowool . im sure my clients wil loving them (and i am for making them)

  8. Tammy

    Ha-ha! This is such a sweet post. No matter how much I clean up around here, it’s always mess. One thing I accomplished last week was making over the kids room. One more bookshelf to buy at Ikea today and then it will be all organized. Yea! Your home is so lovely and inviting. I could cozy right up there on the couch with you and crochet the day away. Enjoy the weekend. We are back to school and regular days on Sunday. :/ I do so enjoy being at home. Best wishes, Tammy

  9. Leah

    Love that quote x

    Have a lovely week of crafting fun!.

    Leah x

  10. Heike


    You have a wundervoll Blog.

    Greetings Heike

  11. Pascale

    Hi, I can so follow what you mean, have two adolescents in the house this week…. and hmmm let’s say, getting alorg is not always easy ;-)) perhaps I should also remember your saying about making memories… not bad… although I prefer good to bad memories ;-)) Have a nice weekend. Jewel

  12. Stocki

    What a lovely post Angie.. I used to tell myself that quote too…and now my children are all in their twenties (and still all at home), I still say it.. sometimes through gritted teeth 🙂 That cotton project is looking beautiful and your painting is amazing… I would love to see that design printed on fabric! Ooo Le Monde De Sucrette Fabrics! :)x

  13. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    The quote is a very good one, I will try to remeber the same. Though it is sooo true! Happy times.
    Your work looks Ok, feet up, Tv On, crochet on hand jajaja…
    Happy new year!
    x Lorena

  14. Teresa

    I remember those days. My kids are now 20 and 15 so the toy messes are somewhat less. As hard as it seems at times, the years pass by so quickly so let the memories make. Can’t wait to see your projects. Always inspiring me with your colors.

  15. Barbara

    I read one time that if your workspace was neat and tidy you were a crafter, if it was messy and upset you were an artist. I was so happy to realize I was an artist. LOL I tell all my friends they can come see me anytime but if they want to see the house clean, make an appointment. I’m 76 and still trying to learn to crochet and your website makes me smile when I see what you do with bright colors.

  16. Jacqueline

    What a lovely colorful home. Such inspiring details.

  17. Teje

    Hi Angie! What a wonderful painting you are doing! ‘Making memories’ – that is a lovely way to say!
    Have a wonderful weekend! x Teje

  18. wink

    I love your new painting! So awesome that you’re doing this again 🙂

  19. djimi

    bonjour!!bravo pour tes beaux auvrages c’est un vrai plaisir de voir tout ce beau travail,je te souhaite une tres bonne année 2012,et bon courage dans tout tes projets gros bisous.
    djimi de meditérannée.

  20. Cybouille

    Hi lovely you,

    Love the way you’re getting on crochetting time : nice pics !
    Nice home, nice quote, and I’m sure Nice projects !!!!
    This yarn Nako looks bright and soft as you tell…so, did you check out with their website ?
    Is it possible to buy this wonderful nako from France ?
    take care.

  21. Sarah - Crafts From The Cwtch

    Fab photos as always, and I have to say that I am totally borrowing that quote! I might have to make a big something with it printed in very large letters so that when my husband comes in and complains I can point it out to him (by which I mean “hit him over the head with it”).


  22. Marion

    Quelles jolies couleurs!!!!! j’ai hâte de voir ce joli début de projet 😉

  23. Kelli Woodall

    I love your paintings, they are very pretty!

  24. Sonia

    tres proyectos a la vez????????????????

  25. Séverine56

    J’adore cette expression !!! Je la note dans un petit coin !!!
    Dis donc, voilà de beaux projets pour 2012, dépèche toi de crocheter pour qu’on en voit un peu plus ! A bientôt!

  26. valeria

    essas crianças deixam agente doida mesmo…a minha pequena também faz bagunça em cada comodo da casa…mas como voce disse…são memórias!!!!
    Adorei seus novos projetos,ansiosa para vê-los concluídos!!!!

  27. Katie

    LOVE love love your stuff! First time I visited your blog. Its a dreary day here in Ireland, and your colour palette warms my soul! I will visit again soon, when I have more time to dwell! Want to start a new project based on everything I just saw of yours! Your painting is fabulous too! Thank you for being so generous with your ideas!

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