Deep orange and yellow…

January 9, 2012

Sometimes I feel like I’m zero creative and I feel down down down….I can not even hold my crochet hook…and I am unable to do anything at home… 🙁

Even though those kind of days are rare, they do happen and I can not make anything but wait until they go…

Sometimes I buy flowers… to bring back my normal happy mood …




Sometimes it works… sometimes it doesn’t…

See you very soon in a much better mood I hope…



  1. tracie

    Feel better enter soon Angie! We all have our days like this and will be waiting to see your next amazing creation.

  2. Teresa

    Sunshine to better days ahead!!! Yes, we all have days like that. Just know that all your readers are here for you and are cheering you on.

  3. Helen Witcombe

    Hey, chin up Angie…. big hugs and kisses with added rainbows and butterflies to keep you smiling. ( all made out of crochet of course!)

    How about a nice big cup of hot chocolate????? 🙂

    helen xxxxx

  4. sarvenazian


    ce qui est sûr, les fleurs sont bien belles et de couleurs bien agréables à l’oeil.

    bonne soirée

  5. Julia T

    Dear Angie,
    What gorgeous flowers! I hope hey do the trick to put you back in a happy mood!
    I was in the doldrums last month and found your site and it changed my outlook on crochet! I made 31 little stockings and gave them as gifts, stuffed with packets of instant coffee, candies, and small trinkets! Several people did not realize they were handmade. Thank you so much for your blog! I really love how you make the instructions easy to follow and also I like all of the bright colors you use in your projects!
    Next I am working on a simple afghan for myself (I have made many items for friends and family in the last 20+ years, but nothing but a scarf for myself) and then will begin making comers with your Vrazy Coaster pattern. I also like the Flower Scarf.
    Please know how much your blog means to so many of us crocheters whose families just don’t understand our fascination with yarn.
    Many hugs and sunshiny smiles to you, my dear!

  6. Diane

    Beautiful sunshiney flowers. I hope they do brighten your day and that you’ll soon be out of your funk. Maybe some TLC is in order: a nap? a hug? visit with a friend? curl up on the sofa a watch a good movie?
    I’m sending a hug your way!

  7. Happybee

    Hello Angie,
    sometimes day like this simply…happens…
    but…the right mood will return soon, I’m sure…
    try to think positive, surround yourself with colors and happy tought and…try to not force yourself…
    tomorrow will be better…I’m sure!
    Hugs, Dany

  8. René

    Hi Angie,
    Feel better soon, I hope the flowers do the trick, they are beautiful. Also your ripple in the background is looking lovely.
    Hugs to you,

  9. Stocki

    Hey Angie… This isn’t like you… and that is what you have to hold on to.. this is just a ‘blip’… the real, creative, colourful, wonderful Angie will soon return …treat it like the flu.. lots of tender loving care and feet up… Happy Healing :)x

    • Mo

      What lovely words 😀

  10. Mo

    Hey there Angie 😀
    So sorry to hear you’re feeling gloomy and down in the dumps xHUGx It’s awful when these moods strike but know we are all here with big warm bear hugs and best wishes to help cheer you up. But still, the flowers are beautiful and will undoubtedly brighten your day before you know it.
    Sending you cheery vibes for a sunnier week
    Mo x

  11. GerryART

    Oh, you’ll come ’round, Angie.
    Just buying these posies are signs of it.
    get ta hookin’

  12. The Wife

    Hi Sucrette!
    I send you a bunch of flowers, colours and a big warm sunshine for a happy mood. I live in Germany and every day I watch your pictures, your wonder-colour-ful artwork makes my day, especially in these grey winterdays.
    I hope, you feel better soon!
    Jutta/ The Wife

  13. Cybouille

    There is no need to hurry
    Take your time, sweet Angie
    sometimes, this blues feeling
    Gets us a strange meaning
    Time to rest, Time to dream
    Find beauty in everymorning.

    We’ll wait for you.

  14. Pammy Sue

    They brightened MY day! So pretty.

  15. EllyD

    So sorry to hear that you have the winter blues. I too bought some bright flowers to brighten up the space where all the Christmas decorations used to be 🙁
    I hope you’re feeling better too. Those lovely bright flowers should help. Take care, hugs Ellyx

  16. faith

    with some blues….sorry you are feeling low energy however, your flowers made me smile … thank you and take some down time…you’ll be back soon! <3

  17. Séverine56

    Bah alors ???? Ca va passer, je crois qu’on passe toutes par ces moments de blues de la crocheteuse ou de toute autre “bidouilleuse”… Moi, ça m’arrive souvent les jours où j’ai plein de temps justement ! Alors que les autres jours où je cours à droite à gauche, j’ai plein de projets créatifs en tête et je rêve d’avoir un p’tit moment à moi pour prendre mon crochet ….. A bientôt !

  18. Karen

    Hello Angie….I’m sorry to hear that you have a case of the winter blah’s. That is not at all uncommon, so rest assured that you’re not alone. Take your time, get lots of rest and you’ll be back and busy as before.

    Hugs, Karen

  19. Debi Y.

    Hope you feel better soon. 🙂

  20. Anna

    Hi there,
    I’m sorry your having a down kinda day, I know what that’s like. It happens, chocolate cake usually does it for me. 🙂

    Or listening to salsa music. Hahaha!!!!

    Hope you feel better. Ahug is on it’s way!!!!

  21. Andrea

    Remember tomorrow is a brand new day with 24 hours waiting for you to fill them with your beautiful creations. Rest is important to refuel and gear up for the next burst of creativity.

    Feel better, Andrea

  22. Marie

    “Après la pluie le beau temps”, dit-on. Alors, courage, ça ira bientôt mieux (pour moi, le mois de janvier n’est jamais terrible non plus : fêtes passées, maison à nouveau vide, grisaille dehors et dedans…). Mettons de la gaité et des couleurs dans nos blogs (comme tu le fais si bien) pour retrouver le moral !

  23. Kelli Woodall

    Happens to us all unfortunately! Happy moods sent your way luv!

  24. Betty Guyomarch

    comme le disent si bien “séverine 56 et marie” ci-dessus on a toutes et tous ces passages. La saison hivernale et l’après fêtes de fin d’année y sont pour beaucoup, mais là, on prend le chemin du printemps !

    Alors, haut les coeurs Angie !
    Gros bisous

  25. beberouge

    I recently went through the same kinda of episode it’s horrible you just feel so lost, I do hope you feel better soon. xx

  26. Titi

    Oh non, il ne faut pas être triste ! C’est une perte de temps.
    Demain est un autre jour. Gros bisous ma belle.

  27. moleymakes

    Angie, I know how you feel. I suffer from the blues quite frequently, all hormone driven but there you go.

    Sometimes a short break to rest, relax and re-focus on the things that bring pleasure and peace is needed. There is such a thing as crochet/knitting burnout. Especially if you really cranked out projects for Christmas pressies.

    The flowers are beautiful and I’m sure they will help as a stepping stone back to your happy place.

    Ruby x

  28. Laura

    Oh Angie I’m sorry you’re feeling low….. Sending love, laughter and a whole lot of light to you across the World….. lol xxx

  29. pontinhosaovento

    Quando isso acontece, não adianta insistir.
    Um passeio ao ar livre, um café numa esplanada a apanhar um pouco de sol, e no regresso a casa pôr a tocar uma musica bem alegre…
    Geralmente ajuda um pouco. Deixe o seu crochet em cima da mesa para ele olhar para si.
    Um beijo

  30. Sonia

    Espero que pronto estés mejor de ánimo!!!!!!!!!!!Te mando abrazos desde andalucía!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  31. Maga


    How come the person that cheers me up every day is down? No no no, you’re not allowed :))

    Love, I hope you come back soon with your bright, your words of joy and your coloured soul because you ARE NECESSARY.

    A healling super duper hug.


  32. wink

    We all have off days, don’t feel too bad 🙂 Hope you feel happy soon!

  33. Cheryl

    I’m another who found your site last month, and am grateful.
    It’s a place of such joy, color and sweet inspiration.
    Thank you, and all the best.

  34. Sandra

    Sorry to hear you are having an s**t day. It sucks when that happens. Never mind, embrace the opportunity to sit down and do nothing 🙂

  35. Floortje Wartenbergh

    Oh Angie, I do recognize this feeling and it is awful! I hope it goes away really quick! By the way, I really love the doily underneath your flowers….do you have a tip were to find the pattern? Sending you lots of warmth from sunny spain, hope it brings you inspiration!

  36. Adri

    Hi Angie,
    I bring you hugs,
    I bring you kisses,
    I bring you energy,
    a handkerchief to sweep your tears,
    a better mood to go on,
    All this only for you!
    Greetings Adri.

  37. Siobhan

    Somewhere I heard that you should go out for a walk and look up! I have to say it works for me. If you look up you will see, the sky, the sun or moon or stars, birds flying in the air or sitting on trees or on roof tops, leafs, twigs, blossom etc. I would go further and say look all around you. Peep into people’s gardens – they have lovely flowers and sometimes they have nice smells as you walk past. I am not a runner but I make myself run for 5 minutes, just down the road in normal clothes. I know it all sounds silly but the running is invigorating and makes you feel more lively and the lovely things to look at (a bit like your gorgeous flowers) also make me realise what a beautiful world we live in which helps to energize me a bit more.

    Hope you are feeling OK again really soon!

  38. Mo

    Hey Angie
    Hope you’re feeling a little brighter today 😀
    Sending you love and hugs <3 <3 XhugX
    Mo x

  39. alba

    Hi Sucrette:
    The flowers are very beautiful.

  40. Maria Laura

    espero te pongas mejor… Uno pasa por momentos dificiles, pero esos momentos ayudan a valorar los buenos momentos. Una cosa.. muy linda esa carpetita ¿la hiciste vos?. Besos

  41. Merce

    I know the feeling very well! I usually sleep it off as it is, for me the only way to control it.

    Praying your feel better soon! Your work is amazing and always cheers me up.


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