The traditional granny square

February 13, 2012

Good morning sweet friends,

How was your weekend? Hope that it was a little less cold in your part of the world…Here it was sunshine with a good 18 celcius d. so yesterday the girls played outside and had so much fun after weeks of gray and rainy days stucked indoors ๐Ÿ™‚ Sunshine again…yes spring is not so far anymore …

I’ve made more squares for my Love Birds blanket…I’m getting a little bored from this square ๐Ÿ™ …so I must work on something else in parallell if I want to be able to finish it …yes 121 squares is something huge and I can not work it without crocheting another wip at the same time… for the distraction ๐Ÿ˜‰

Some of you asked me how I begin a new row when I don’t want to change the color and cut the thread… Well I’ve made a small graphic for you to understand this small trick…it is so easy …

Here is the graphic of the traditional granny square I’m making for Love Birds (the first 4 rounds):

and here are the symbols used:

As you can see in the graphic, you have to close each round with a sc (U.S)ย  instead of crocheting one ch and a slip stitch. With this sc, you’ll be able to stay in the corner ( hope you’re understanding what I mean ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and begin a new round with 3ch instead of the first dc (U.S) !

For each Love birds square, I crocheted the first 3 rounds with one color and then the next four rounds in another color…

and round8 with the lovely turquoise color (I’m so in love with this color, thank you so much for all your kind comments concerning my joining colors…now, thanks to you, the turquoise is surely a winner ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and then I’ll join my squares with a line of sc (U.S) with the darker turquoise ! (You can see a small sample of the result in this previous post)

So, my sweeties, this is it! I have now to find a new wip so I can work on more than one project…yes, I am not a monogamous woman (is that an english word or translator is giving me wrong translations?????) I can never stick on one project at a time …

Have to leave you now… and go see my box-of-left-behind-wips ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a wonderful week!


P.S: Thank you so much Olga, Heidi, Carol and Cynthiaย  for the versatile Blogger award! That is really sweet from you ๐Ÿ™‚ THANK YOU !



  1. Lina

    Hello Angie,
    I am always delighted when i get a notification telling me that you posted something new!!! Because i know it will be joyful, colorful and sweeeeeet!
    Ton love birds avance bien!!!! Je suis sรปre que le rรฉsultat sera รฉpoustouflant !
    Merci de partager avec nous ๐Ÿ™‚ aujourd’hui il fait moins froid ร  Paris -1 C alors qu’on a eu -10 les 2 derniรจres semaines!!!! Donc tes 18 degrรฉs ร  Beirut me font rรชver !!!!
    Gros bisous ร  toi et ร  mon beau pays!!!

  2. Nurhayathxcy J

    Hello Sucrette your squares are looking real good there!
    I’m with you on finding another wip while working at a big project.
    I’m kind of bored with my blankie project at the moment so I’m surfing the net to look for something else to crochet or maybe knit.
    Anywayyy, I wish you a wonderful week too!
    Have fun with your hook ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Dorothy

    Angie, I’ve been following your blog for awhile now and love what you’re doing at the moment. Those squares look lovely and I’m really looking forward to seeing the finished blanket.

  4. Jenn McClure

    Your squares are looking great Angie! I know what you mean about getting bored with a single project and needing a different WIP to keep you going. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m the same way. I can’t wait to see your finished blanket!

  5. Charlien Richter

    I just love your blog and I’m soooo impressed with your graphics!! Thank you very much for charing your creative projects. Greetings from South Africa

  6. Hazel

    Ooooh lovely squares! I may have to copy your idea. x

  7. Betty Guyomarch

    MERCI , j’imprime direct le graphic du granny et je vais tester la maille serrรฉe qui me semble une super idรฉe.
    Tes couleurs et ta bonne humeur nous rรฉchauffe le coeur et en ce moment Paris et la France c’est plutรดt glagla !


  8. Ira

    Me encantan los grannies estos ejjeje.

    Muy bonitos

  9. Renate

    Your big granny square project is lovely, but yes, things can get boring – after a while your eyes get glassy and you crochet as if you were in a trance – I definitely agree with the idea of doing a paralell project. Have you ever tried the African flower square? It demands a lot more attention, so boredom won’t set in. BTW, you are to blame for turning me into a blanket machine, LOL – I’m following you Vintage Blanket pattern and I’m almost finished! And it so much fun!! Thank you for sharing your coloerful world with us!
    Beijos from Brazil

  10. anny

    me encanta todo lo que haces y tus graficos impresionantemente hermosos
    esa plaza va a quedar divina.

  11. Stocki

    The blanket is coming along beautifully Angie…I cope with colour changes by changing before the end of the last stitch in the row… but now I am going to experiment with your way. I can NEVER have only one thing on the go.. especially big projects… if only you could see my work trolley…you would laugh your head off! :)x

  12. Chahrazad

    Hi Sucrette,

    It’s fine today, some shy sunny rays are caressing our faces and me feel good, I fell in love with granny squares when I wanted to share “crochet a rainbow” operation. I did many of them but they were not respecting the rules, I had to use a 4 or 4.5 hook. I didn’t see that one since my childhood? i did my best to find one and finally, you won’t believe acanadian living in Belgium and working in Algeria brought me 2 of them, my sister in law also brought me two, but it was too late to honor my promise, I’m sad about that, et j’espรจre que je vaix me rattraper.
    Merci pour toutes les couleurs que tu mets dans nos journรฉes

  13. Victoria

    Hmmm. I think I get it. Will have to try. I know what you mean about getting bored with the same project!

  14. Angela

    I have just started to crochet and I am doing a huge ripple blanket. But, like you said, I need to do something else also. So I am doing lots of Grannys to learn… ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love your blog!
    Greetings from the very, very cold Germany, Angela

  15. Teresa

    Looks wonderful. I do the same thing. Right now I have three projects going. It keeps me busy and not bored. Looking forward to seeing what you pick for your next one.

  16. Anna

    Very pretty and colorful. Keep on grannying!!!!!
    Have a great week!!!

  17. Susan HomeMaker

    I understand getting bored with one project, I am working on a 100 sguare myself. I need to break it up with smaller projects as weel. Here in the U.S. monogomous mostly implies marriage. Momogomy being married to one person; having only one spouse at a time. A better translation for crochet might be, I am not a faithful to one project at a time. It’s okay, We know what you mean. I don’t like being married to my 110 square quilt, either! LOL

  18. Andrea

    Wow, so beautiful. I am following your lead and have ordered 39 skeins of a cotton boucle for a beadspread for our queen bed. This will be interesting. It’s our 20th anniversary this year and I figured it would be nice to make something special. I will be playing around with the granny square as I’d like to make a more solid square. I’ll show you what I come up with. My children are very excited. They helped me choose the colors. For my hubby it will be a surprise : )

  19. Sophie

    Merci beaucoup pour cet excellent blog !! Enfin quelqu’un qui nous met des dessins pour expliquer les projets crochet ! c’est tellement plus simple, enfin c’est comme รงa que j’ai appris et je suis toujours perdue si il n’y a que du blabla !! Bref, surtout continuez ร  nous ravir ! bises du Pas de Calais !! Sophie

  20. wink

    I always have a few granny squares around that I’m working on, and I am definitely trying your corner-method of sc’s instead of ch’s. Sounds good ๐Ÿ™‚
    Still love the colors Angie!

  21. TwoLuLa

    Love your cheery squares! How do you create your diagrams? Do you do it yourself or do you have a software program to make the stitch diagrams?


  22. Linda

    Your squares are lovely and your blanket will be beautiful when it’s finished but yes I am like you I have to have more than one thing on the go at once at the moment I have 6 on going projects, it takes much longer to get them finished but I’m never bored lol ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. stephanie b.

    Bernat yarns is starting a CAL on feb 15th if you want something to work on just a thought.

    • Mo

      Thanks Stephanie, I’ve just signed up for the CAL/KAL ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s actually my first ever ๐Ÿ˜‰ Are you doing it too?

  24. Angela

    Yes, big projects have to be broken up by smaller fun ones. But you have accomplished a lot already. Right now I have four big projects going. Yes, they take a lot longer to finish, but hey, I’m doing them for fun, right?

  25. Jess / Bohemia Heart

    I LOVE how happy and colourful this is! I can’t wait to try my first granny square blanket. Your craft work is very inspirational to me ๐Ÿ™‚ Also I am happy that you are feeling better, being sick with the whole family is never fun!

  26. BajuKorea

    Hi Angie, If you have tips for joining granny square please post it too. I will waiting for that ๐Ÿ˜€

  27. Manny

    I have started this blanket for my daughter, can you explain how you joined it together? I love your blog, it inspired me to start a crochet group at my local coffee shop, we meet once a week for a couple of hours and several of the women have tried projects from your site. Thank you! Love…Manny

  28. Emma

    Hi Sucrette,

    Just wanted to say that I love your blog. I have been following it for a while but haven’t commented before and just wanted to let you know that I find so many of your patterns inspiring.

    I have only been crocheting about 9 months and already have a queue of things I want to make. I finished a cushion at the weekend which was the biggest thing I have done, a major acheivement!

    I have been meaning to try granny squares for ages and found a pattern for something, but got completely stuck on the corners as I didn’t want to change colours, then I remembered your blog which I had saved, and it all became clear, so thank you.

    Hope your pregnancy is going well, that baby’s life will eb full of beautiful wools and yarns!!


  29. Maggie

    Hi Sucrette-
    Love your website and all the beautiful colors. The Granny Square is one of my favorites too. I love all the patterns you’ve shown and will try some of the edgings. The baby vest and boots are great!
    Hope things are well with you and your family. Thanks for sharing your talent!

  30. Pingback: Baby granny blanket!

  31. Pingback: Baby’s patchwork bedspread

  32. BDN

    Many Thanks for your explanations, your blog is wonderful!!!I’m french and i’m learning crochet…..

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