February 14, 2012

You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
And, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each others cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each others keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each others shadow.

Gibran Kahlil Gibran


Happy Valentine’s day to you my special friends,

 May LOVE be always in your home and in your heart!


 P.S: You can find the pattern of the small heart here!


  1. Happybee

    Happy Valentine Angie!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Betty Guyomarch

    Merci et joyeuse saint Valentin à toi aussi !

  3. rossella roselli

    Please visit my blog, there’s a bonus for you. Thanks Alsiva.

  4. Cil

    Joyeuse st Valentin !! Cil

  5. Mo

    That’s beautiful – thank you 😀
    Wishing the same for you and yours Angie 😀

  6. Lucie

    Très bonne St Valentin à toi aussi ! Plein de lumière dans ton coeur et de bonheur autour de toi !

  7. Ira

    Feliz San Valentín desde España!


  8. Soleil

    Oh, Angie! I really liked the poem! Lovely!
    Happy Valentine for you too!
    Olga ♥

  9. Stocki

    Happy Valentine’s Day Angie… what a beautiful poem.. :)x

  10. Toñi G.

    Hola, te ha quedado precioso y original el corazón, me encanta tu blog y todos los trabajos que tejes, viendo tus cositas nos animamos a tejer contigo, gracias por compartir los tutoriasle con todas las blogeras, que pases un buen día de San Valentín, besos

  11. Marja

    Hello Angie,

    Love the poem. This one was spoken to us at our weddingday by my brother-in-law. Love the poems of Khalil Gibran!
    Have a lovely Valentine.
    Btw….I like your blog.

    Love from Holland,

  12. sarahj

    I have a copy of this book given to me many years ago. How lovely to see it quoted here. xx

  13. Julia T

    Dear Angel…I mean Angie 😉
    That is a beautiful poem! Did you write it?
    And I love the little puffy heart 😉
    Can’t wait to crochet a few and hang them at different heights from long ribbon… I used to decorate for every holiday, but as the years have gone by and my kids have gotten older, it isn’t as much of a big deal in our house when V-day comes around…but NEXT year, I would like to decorate my kids’ bedroom doors with a few of these hearts…or how about a garland of the hearts, decorating the dining room chairs, so that when everyone comes in to sit down for breakfast, they get a lovely treat for the eyes? I hope you have a lovely Valentine’s Day, and keep on doing what you do! You make the world a nicer place by just being in it! 😉 I love your blog. I am now checking your page every day for a new post, your words tend to brighten my days, and the words of your readers make me feel like we’re all one big, friendly group of crocheters, coming together for something like a modern-day quilting bee 😉
    Hugs and sunshine-y thoughts to you from all the way over here in the southeastern United States!
    Julia 😉

  14. Tammy

    I sure hope your whole family is all better now. Glad to her that you had nicer weather and some sunshine. I love all your granny squares! I’ve made so many but have yet to make anything with them. One day it will happen. Love and blessings, Tammy


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    ___,’_______ GRACIAS X TU ___`._
    _______,’___ AMISTAD ♥♥♥ `._____

  16. MARTHA




  17. Karen

    That is so lovely Angie
    Happy Valentines day
    Karen x

  18. Teje

    Thank you Angie! Happy Valentine’s and Friend’s day to you, too my friend! x Teje

  19. Cybouille

    Sucreeeeeeeeeette, ( je fais comme toi ! ) ,
    Love is in the air : so I declare : I LOVE … Your website !!!!

    Sérieusement, merci pour ce magnifique poème , quelle belle idée.
    Vivi, le crochet d’accord mais tant de sensibilités aussi à partager : musique, livres, cinéma …ça la blogo ,c’est vraiment chouette.

    See you next time, dearest Angie and take care you and your lovely family.

  20. Barbina

    Hi Angie! I´m sending love, hugs and kisses to you! I hope you had a wonderful day! Barbina

  21. Ana BC

    I love this poet. He is very deep.
    Thanks for sharing, and ♥ ♥ to you!!
    Ana BC

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