Spoil yourself with a poncho!

Sucrette's granny poncho cal
March 19, 2012

Good morning sweet people,

As you already guessed from the title of this post, the new cal (crochet-a-long) will be a poncho 🙂 Yes, an adult granny poncho.

As we always crochet for the others, making blankets for all the members of the family and crocheted gifts for our friends, this project is totally selfish. For spring and autumn, a poncho is something special to wear…it makes you warm and happy for no reason 🙂

So, my sweeties, what do you think? Are you in? Are you totally thrilled by this project like myself? I think it will be awesome if once the ponchos are made, to set a particular day so we can all wear our ponchos 🙂 A “poncho day” for you sweet ladies around the world ! I just love this idea 😀

Let’s set up now some rules, shall we? 😉

Rule1: Crochet a granny poncho for yourself. And if it is not your kind of clothing to wear, crochet a poncho for your child, your daughter, your mother or as a gift for a special friend.

Rule2: No date limit to finish the poncho. You can begin it and finish it whenever you want 🙂

Rule3: No special colors to use. It can be very colorful (like mine 😉 ) or crocheted with just one color or two…It is up to you!

Rule4: No special yarn to use also… You can crochet it with acrylic, wool, cotton or whatever you like.

Rule5: Pattern: HERE! It is a granny pattern, very simple and easy to follow. It is a graphic pattern but I tried, yesterday evening to add a small paragraph to it, to explain it with written directions… If you have any problem starting the poncho, don’t hesitate to tell and I will help you. This pattern is totally addictive, you’ll see 😉

If you want to see some crocheted ponchos with this pattern, go here!

So, these were the rules. Are you joining in this fun project? Come one! Let’s spoil ourselves with a poncho! Let it be a selfish project and we will all encourage one another in creating this “happy piece of clothing” to wear on the grayest days 🙂

If you want to join, leave me a comment on this post or here in this flickr discussion or here in this ravelry discussion and tell me if it will be for you or for somebody else and what yarn you’ll be using. Don’t forget to post your blog address if you have one!

I created also a flickr group and a ravelry one so we can all share our pics and progress…

I am sooo happy already 🙂 Come on! Join in! It will be so much fun!

I’m waiting for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Have a bright and colorful week!


P.S: – I’ll post next time, the beginning of my poncho 🙂

– And please feel free to grab the buttons of Sucrette’s granny poncho cal. for your blog or website:

For the large version to put in a post:

This is the html code:

<a href=”https://www.lemondedesucrette.com”><img title=”PONCHO’SCAL” src=”https://www.lemondedesucrette.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/PONCHOSCAL1.jpg” alt=”” width=”354″ height=”354″ /></a>

and for the smaller one to put in your blog’s sidebar:

Sucrette's granny poncho cal

This is the html code:

<a href=”https://www.lemondedesucrette.com”><img title=”Sucrette’s granny poncho cal” src=”https://www.lemondedesucrette.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Sucrettes-granny-poncho-cal1.jpg” alt=”” width=”177″ height=”177″ /></a>


  1. Pam

    I’m in!!!! I love this idea!

  2. Marie

    Chouette, ce poncho ! J’ai bien envie de te suivre !
    Juste quelques petites questions : quelle grosseur de laine faut-il et quel crochet ? Combien de laine, à peu près ?

  3. Alexa

    Big like for this idea. I’m in 🙂

  4. Misty

    Thank you so much for the pattern, I have been wanting a poncho pattern for awhile and this one is so cute I can’t wait to make it. Your’s are so cute. Have a great week.
    Misty and Pets

  5. Jerriann

    sounds brilliant! can’t wait.

  6. Spatules et crochets

    Je participe 🙂 Le poncho sera pour ma puce de 20 mois 🙂
    J’attendais un CAL pas trop long a faire, celui-ci est parfait 🙂

  7. Rosalie***

    Can I join you?
    I love this patern of poncho, I have yet made 6 ponchos like this!!!
    But It’s not a problem!
    I’m happy to make one again!
    If some body wants the patern in french, it’s here on my blog :


    puis-je vous rejoindre?
    J’adore ce modèle de poncho, j’en ai déjà fait 6 comme ça!
    Mais je suis contente d’en faire encore un avec vous!

    Si quelqu’un cherche le tuto en français, il se trouve sur mon blog :

  8. Sacha (maarnietvangrijs)

    Yes, I’m in!!!! Great idea, love it!!!! Can I use your poncho-button in a bogpost?
    Looking forward to start! 🙂

  9. Miss Butterfly

    Love the idea ! Something easy and fast to do …Count me in !
    Think I will spoil my little girl with a colorful poncho for spring !
    Looking forward to see all the ponchos !!!

  10. Jutta

    I think I’m in too! 😀
    It’ll be a (2nd) poncho for myself, maybe in white, so I’ll wear it all summer long! 😀
    But I still have a ripple, a scarf and a shawl to finish, so I can’t say when I’m able to start!
    It’s a nice idea anyway! 😀

  11. Penny B

    Haven’t made a poncho since the 1970’s. Will give this a whirl!!
    love the blog and your enthusiasm.

  12. Sophie

    Ca me plait beaucoup ! je te suis, heureusement que tu as prévu un graphique car euh mon niveau d’anglais laisse à désirer. J’ai envie de quelque chose de très coloré. On va bien s’amuser !!!!!!!!!

  13. Barbina

    I would love to join! It sounds like a lot of fun! I´m thinking about making something fo me for a while. This would be perfect! And I love the poncho day idea!
    Thank you for this great CAL Angie! xxxBarbina

  14. libby

    Yes! I made 4 last year for the little girls in my life and bought the wool for mine and never got round to it, this will make me do it! Thanks angie! X

  15. Patrice

    love love LOVe this idea! I’m IN for sure!!

  16. Lauren

    I am in! I have never used a visual pattern before versus wrotten……can I email you if I get “stuck”? Love love love your blog!

    • Lauren


  17. Stephanie B.

    I’m excited I Have always wanted to do a poncho! YAY!! thanks!

  18. Ellen

    What fun! I’m in.

  19. Laura

    Count me in!!! Am buying wool tomorrow so will post on my blog with colour choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! xxx

  20. Mona

    Love the poncho. I can’t wait to see your colorful creation! Check my little girl Bloom Ponchos out at http://www.love2bloom.com. I just love your blog and those egg bunnies are adorable!

  21. Cindy Smith

    I have wanted a poncho for a long time! This is excellent!

  22. Sandra Danae

    I want to participate!!! It´s a beautifull poncho!!!


  23. delphine 44

    super idée que tu nous proposes !! Je te suis avec grand plaisir , et merci de nous faire partager tes créations !!!
    Delpnine 44

  24. Debbie Constable

    I’m in!

  25. Sandy

    I’d love to participate! Thanks!

    For some reason the html for the button is not working for me…

  26. Linda

    I am already in the middle of making poncho’s with knitted squares, crocheting them together and embellishing them with crochet flowers and motifs, I love the way they are turning out. 🙂

  27. Alisia

    I am so in! Was just thinking of starting a new project and tis will be a great way to use up some of my stash! I will be making one of these for me and perhaps a matching one for my daughter!

  28. anny

    Que lindo proyecto, no me anoto por ahora pues tengo varias cosas empezadas,cualquier cosa te aviso en esta entrada

  29. EllyD

    This is a great idea Angie!! I have put your button on my blog and I hope to participate and make one for moi! 🙂 Thank you for organizing this fun. hugs Elly

  30. Rie

    Ok, I’m seriously thinking about it, give me a couple of days to mull it over in my head & then I’ll probably commit! Great idea btw!

  31. Pingback: My poncho…

  32. sonieta

    I have one poncho following your pattern in a box waiting, waiting…
    May be it’s the moment to get it out of the box…

  33. Graciela Ferrari

    Qué buena idea Angie !!! gracias aqui vamos!!!
    A great idea Angie!!! thanks!! here we go!!!!
    kisses for you♥

  34. Paty

    Hello dear, im from Spain , I love ponchos and I start with you.
    Lots of Love

  35. janie

    That would be great to make for our annual Church bazaar!! Some little girl would love it!!

  36. Claire

    The last time I made a poncho was for my eldest when she was a babe… 7 years ago! Now I have another babe, and I would love to do it again! I am in! Will have a post up on my blog soon, and will join the Flickr and Ravelry groups as soon as I can 🙂 Thanks so much for getting us all together!

  37. KayakerKaty

    I’m totally in!! This is SUCH a GREAT, FUN idea!! Can’t wait!

  38. Renate

    Hi Angie, count me in too! It is getting cooler now in Brazil, autumn is coming, so by the time I’m finished it’ll come in handy!

  39. Susana

    Hola. Me gustaría participar en tu nuevo reto del poncho si todavía se puede, quiero uno para esta primavera.
    Me gustan los retos que propones porque de esta manera aprendo a hacer cosas nuevas.
    Un saludo.

  40. mamita

    j’avais l’intention de m’en faire un du coup hop, je prends le train

  41. martichat

    Je suis intéressée pour une taille adulte, mais je ne parle pas anglais… heureusement les diagrammes sont compréhensibles dans toutes les langues.
    Je viens de chez Rosalie.
    Bonne soirée.

  42. Annie

    Yes, I join you! I love ponchos
    I’m french, and a Rosalie’s friend
    oui, je vous rejoins ! j’aime les ponchos
    Je suis française, et une amie de Rosalie

  43. Maya

    I am in!!!! I love this idea. Even though I am crocheting something else, well to tell you the truth I am crocheting more than one thing because I feel bored with one project ony so I have various projects at the same time.

    Thanks for this lovely idea!!!

  44. Lydia

    Merci pour les directives pour ce joli poncho! J’en ai déjà fait trois pour mes petits neveux. Je planifies un pour moi, mais je suis pas sûre concernant le choix de couleurs. Mais, compte sur moi! Je le ferai!
    Bises d’Allemagne,

  45. Sal

    I bought purple and black yarn for my poncho. 🙂

  46. Maggi

    My Aunt Bertie crocheted ponchos for all the nieces when we were kids. And that was no small feat as there are about 20 of us! I think I was about 10 whan I got mine. I need one again!

  47. Pingback: Crochet Along: Poncho | Still Dark @ Heart

  48. Pingback: CAL: Poncho & “Hunderunde” | Sal Kaye

  49. Pati from London

    Hello Angie, I used your poncho pattern last year to make two for my daughters. I loved making them and love how they look. Can I participate? Would that be cheatting? At the moment I am studying for some exams and don’t have a lot of time for crochet… Please let me know, Pati x

  50. mimi la bidouille

    Coucou, quand j’ai vu ton CAL chez Chahrazed des Envies de Sarrouska, j’ai vraiment eu envie de participer, mais comme d’hab, je me suis finalement décidée sur un coup de tête et j’ai oublié de te signaler ma participation, (c’est mon premier CAL), je viens donc m’inscrire et en même temps te dire que j’ai fini le poncho pour ma fille. Si tu veux, je peux t’envoyer des photos, ou tu peux aller voir sur mon blog ici:
    Merci pour ton tuto très clair et pour ton blog que j’ai découvert à cette occasion, ça donne envie de se lancer dans d’autres projets! Bonne journée

  51. Debi Y.

    I’m going to join in. I’ll be using ‘I Love This Yarn!’ acrylic in ‘pinkytoes sparkle’. Thanks for hosting this CAL. 🙂

  52. cevenole

    Ok, je participe aussi et ce sera un poncho pour moi!
    Merci pour ce kal
    Bon week end

  53. Chuva de Cores

    Yesterday I was starting to do my poncho.
    It’s for myself.
    I’m using 100% acrylic yarn.
    You can see my crochet works at

  54. PaMiGu

    I am in too 😀 … just started now! I guess it will be for my daughter, 10 years 🙂 …. I am using a 100% acrylic yarn (Ice Yarns Magic Light) in bright orange …. you can see my poncho growing (soon 🙂 ) on ravelry (PaMiGu) 🙂 …. thank your for this CAL 😀

  55. Vivian

    Today i got the wool (acryl 100%) in different schades of blue and I’m going to make one for myself!

    • Vivian

      I had done abouw 10 rounds with the 100% acryl but is was stiff and i thought the colours i had where to dark/hard. And because i just startend with the crotcheting (after a couple of years) i’m discovering new sorts of woll all the time.
      I have started again now with Dralon acryl: much softer and flexibel and i have changed the colours to: turqouise, grey, white, beige and a aquamarijn colour. Lovely! This version i will finish!

  56. Panoramka

    Hello, I’m in the beginner-intense crochet period and I found your website… I juste loved the idea of making a poncho – so I’m joining you. It’s a poncho for my daugther (3 years), the yarn is a mix of cotton and viscose and it’s coming out splendidly. Almost finished. 😀 Thank you for the inspiration on your website!

  57. elaine

    I am in I just bought yarn as I was thinking of doing a shawl or poncho.

  58. Rosa Maria Valencia

    Hola muy linda propuesta he realizado varios, se vale que participe con uno ya terminado que curiosamente sigue el patrón que nos brindas, estaré atenta a tus comentarios, para subirlo en mi blog, me llevo tu link para que más amig@s se anoten, tienes un blog precioso

  59. Hazels Crochet


    I have just found this post and I have decided to make a granny poncho because I love granny squares and stripes!

    So lovely!

  60. Tanya

    I’m making two of these at the moment, one for my nearly 5 year old, one for my nearly 10 year old – and then I need to buy the yarn to make one for the 7 year old!
    As soon as I’m finished, I’ll post them on my blog, and link it to here for the pattern.

    • Tanya

      P.S. If you don’t mind, I’d like to write the pattern in words, too. I noticed a few people have asked, but you were unsure of the way to do that.

  61. Beauty

    Iam definately going to make one for me

  62. Debbie Rines

    Count me in. The hard part will be choosing a color I will wear all the time. I also have 3 baby girls in the family, 18 months and younger so this is one project for their next Christmas. Thanks for the pattern and I love your blog. You are so sweet to share.

  63. Mispa

    I love your blog and i love this poncho , i such fore a long tome fore a pattern but … i don`t understand englisch patterns 🙁

    Have somebody this in Netherlands ? I w`ll be happy and thankfull 🙂

    Greetings, Mispa

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