Souvenirs de vacances…

May 24, 2012

Good morning sweet people!

I really really missed you! Today, a simple post to show you what I purchased during my trip. Please don’t laugh…I have a problem, a serious one, you know, I always buy childish things … I just love childish colorful things and I can’t help myself resisting to the temptation… Every time I say to myself: do the normal thing everybody does, do the normal shopping in normal stores, go see clothing brandy shops and buy normal clothing for yourself instead of buying these nonsenses but this is me… and I can not make “the normal kind of” shopping…

Wanna see what it’s all about? ok!

From Barcelona, I bought this cute little poster. (The original painting was made by a very talented spanish painter but I couldn’t afford buying the original one) and also magnets to add to my collection on the fridge…

I love collecting magnets from every country I visit and I have now several…

I love my magnets … every one of them have a memory and I have a small story behind  it 🙂

From Barcelona, I bought also this cute little handpainted owl…

The one next to it (in stone) was a gift from my grandparents and it is very special to me and holds a special place in my heart.

From Italy, as you may already guessed, I bought a wooden “pinocchio” 🙂

to add to my wooden dolls collection 😉

From the frensh “provence”: this cute couple of farmers for my kitchen…

I just love their cute little faces. The tea pot you see in the pic above was a purchase from last year trip to Istanbul.

And finally, from the port of Civitavechia in Italy, this cute little handmade door-key bear…

You see? It is nothing too huge and too important…It is not cool stuff and brandy clothing… It is just small treasures that makes my heart sing with joy… I just cherish objects and they hold special places in my heart specially when there is a small story or memory behind them…

Simple things are the best….don’t you agree?

Have to leave you now and wish you a special day wherever you are on this planet…

Big hugs!


P.S: In my next post, I’ll be holding a small giveaway to celebrate my 1000 followers. That happened a couple of months ago but I totally missed it 🙂 Thank you so much for always being here and visiting and leaving such sweet words…You are the best! That’s why….Stay tuned for next time 😉


  1. Sandra

    I would love to go shopping with you as I think we would love the same type of shops. That is all the fun ones with cute items.
    I wish i had room on my fridge door, mine is filled with dentist appt cards, special school day activties and receipts my kids don’t want to loose :0

  2. maha

    i love all your purchases may you enjoy every one of them

  3. delphine 44

    Hi Angie,

    Ravie de te lire à noouveau ! j’adore ton blog !! si coloré et toujours aussi ensoleillé !!! Super tes magnets !! j’ai aussi la même idée que toi, à chaque endroit ou je vais, je regarde s’il y a de jolis magnets à rapporter en souvenirs, et comme toi, j’en ai un certain nombre sur mon frigidaire !
    bonne journée à toi et chez nous à Nantes super soleil et 26 degrés annoncés pour cet aprèm !
    biz Delphine 44

  4. kesam katz

    I am also a child at heart and love all of your goodies–thanks for sharing.

  5. tiflipt'

    sooooo lovely ! I’m in love with the sandals, the poster (the kiss) and the tiles … oh my god ! those tiles are just gorgeous !
    have a wonderful day you lucky mother-to-be ! : -)

  6. Mo

    Hi Angie 😀
    What a lovely lot of bright & joyful goodies you bought 🙂 and they are all jUst right to gladden the heart in a way no brandy clothes EVer could 😀
    Belated congratulations on 1000 Followers! WooHoo 😀
    Have a good day
    Mo 😉 x

  7. Caroline D

    Tous ces objets sont à ton image : colorés et gaies. J’aime beaucoup aussi.

  8. Lucie

    Comme toi, je pense que le bonheur réside dans les choses simples ! Tes petits souvenirs sont très mignons et te rappelleront pendant longtemps tes beaux voyages.

  9. Lauren

    I think your “treasures” are perfect, and speak to who you are. Enjoy them!

  10. Chris

    what a nice souvenirs !! I Like the owl too and your wooden dollcolection is really nice
    and that teapot is gorgious!!

  11. Maggie

    Ooh love all the magnets especially the flip flops! Maggie xx

  12. Pati from London

    Lovely and sweet little things (the best!!). I always buy childish stuff and love owls (I think I already have 8 owl handbags of different types of materials….I prefer them to designer ones!). Glad you had a good holiday, Pati xx

  13. Andria

    Oh what a fun shopping trip. I love everything you bought. The bright and cheery colors make your home come alive. 🙂

  14. Teresa

    I’m older than you and I love the same kind of things!
    And I think we don’t have to change, just be as we are,
    don’t you agree?
    Have a good day!

  15. Mira

    Angie, tous ces objets sont de vrais trésors… Je suis contente que tu as passé de bonnes vacances.

  16. mamifoise

    bonjour Angi je vois que tu as passé de bonnes vacances et fait des folies mais tu as raisons toutes ces petites choses ont des histoires, des souvenirs.
    Bonne fin de semaine.

  17. Debi

    You said, “It is just small treasures that makes my heart sing with joy” I think those are the very best treasures of all!!! I am so madly in love with that little owl. And it looks right at home with the owl from your grandparents. 🙂

  18. Jean in NH

    You buy the same types of things I do when I go on vacation. Watch out for those magnets – I almost need a second refrigerator to hold them all!

  19. Lyn Z...

    Loved the tinies you brought home…. these are the best sort of memory makers..
    We each have something that makes our hearts and spirits sing and we ought never apologize for what it might be…. Each us of us has a story to tell and special purpose for being on the earth none is greater or lesser than another!!! So many of you follow your blog as it brings us a measure of happiness and joy!

  20. Rô Szili


    Eu sou como você, compro pequenas coisas fáceis de colocar nas malas, mas jamais deixo de trazer, fios e agulhas para aumentar mais minha coleção de lãs e linhas!

    Rô Szili

  21. Maga

    You have to come to Brasil to add some beautiful hand made stuffs from here 🙂

    I love you not normal way of life 🙂

    Peace and love


  22. Laura Miller

    All gorgeous Angie but I especially love those farmers…. lol xxx

  23. Any de Chile


    Son todos muy lindos…..


  24. Isabel

    Todo es muy bonito 🙂 un abrazo

  25. becky

    Angie, I can see the creative part in you coming through by looking at the things you bought! I love colorful things too! The poster is adorable and I would frame it and put it on your wall in a special place! Becky

  26. Jess

    No shame in that kind of shopping – I don’t know how to shop any other way. Buy things that make you happy, not other people. Bright colors bring life into a home. Thanks for sharing your treasures!

  27. anny

    Hola Angie!!!
    Que encantadores son esos recuerdos que has traido, claro que comprar cosas que te hacen feliz es lo mejor.
    Besos desde mi Cordoba, Argentina.
    Gracias por compartir con todas nosotras esos tesoros tan alegres y coloridos.

  28. Annie

    jolis souvenirs!

  29. Stel

    I love your thingies – it’s your memories. Specially that lovely teapot from Istanbul!

  30. Barbina

    Hi Angie! I´m so in love with everything you have bought. So many treasures, lovely!!
    Congratulations to more than 1000 followers, that is amazing!
    Hugs, Barbina

  31. Barbara Reichard

    We should compare our finds. I love to buy the little things that hold such big memories.

  32. Tammy

    Your trip sounds wonderful! And your fridge looks just like mine. 🙂 I love buying small things from wherever we travel. And if you look around my home, you will know that to be true. I hope all is okay where you are. I hate to hear things are starting up in Lebanon. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  33. Misty

    I love to buy the cutsy things also. Why be normal, I have not followed mainstream and I doubt I ever will. I still get stuffed animals and trinkets. I like being who I am and I love color, so either take me as I am or not. But if they don’t, it’s their loss. I like you as you are too, so don’t worry what others think. Be free and just keep being sweet you.
    Happy Thoughts,
    Misty and Pets.

  34. WoollyBudgie

    You bought some lovely things. I love them all! They will hold their own special memories for you.

  35. beberouge

    You’re magnets are all so wonderful, I especially love the cuckoo clock ones. I too love filling my house with small things that have a story rather then brandy in fashion things much better to be surrounded by loving stories then the must have objects. xx

  36. Rachell

    Really love the farmers!

  37. Lianne

    Lovely purchases!!

  38. Maggie Hassett

    Hi Angie! Just like you, I love listening to my “inner child” when I go somewhere and look for a little trinket to bring home from my trip. Whenever my sisters come up to visit me, we all go out shopping and call out to each other in the store(s) to see what treasures we found that we just have to have! We also surprise each other with a purchase that will always remind us of our times together. My house is full of them! LOL I love every items you bought! So colorful and unique! Happy 1000 fan! You will double that number in no time at all! Have a nice weekend, Angie!

  39. Esther

    Hi Sucrette, I love love love your blog. I live in Nottingham U.K, my husband is half french. We visit france every year, Ronce Le Bain/St Jean Du Mont and I love it. We hope to live there eventually, maybe when we retire!!
    Take care, Esther
    P.s If you get a Moment pop over to my blog

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