On my needles…

August 21, 2012

Helloooooo lovely people,

I’m here today to announce to you that I AM ACTUALLY LEARNING TO KNIT 🙂 Yes, I started two weeks ago when I bought this wonderful book full of beautiful pics …

 It gave me the “punch” I needed to get started …It is simple not too complicated until now…

I’m still practising the very basic stitches till now… nothing important 😉

but I soo want to know how to knit in 3D to make toys, how to increase and decrease, how to make these beautiful “jacquard” style knitting…

Oh I have sooo many beautiful projects in my head that I want to make…It is wonderful to learn a new skill isn’t it?

But tell me…did you learn to knit after learning to crochet?

If it is after (like myself) did you find it easy or difficult?

Which craft do you prefere? crochet or knitting? and why? I would really love to have your opinion on this subject…

Until now, I just love the sound the needles do….this isn’t the case for crochet…I think the music of the needles is very soothing and calming, don’t you think?

I’m spending some time on Pinterest too to get some inspiration…You can see lovely pictures of knitting projects on my board ” knitting” on Pinterest here…

Have to go now…

Thank you so much for your kind words and all the prayers for my little country Lebanon…It meant a lot to me…and we really need prayers…It is the only thing we can do…unfortunately…to fight against war, blood and dark days….Praying for peace…

So a BIG thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you… one by one !

Have a beautiful day!



  1. Claire

    I am also learning to knit! I really do prefer crochet (which I learned first) but then I also like the feel of a knit fabric which is a bit smoother than crochet. I’m desperate to make a cardigan 🙂 My knitting still has lots of holes in it though, so I have a lot more practice to do. Yours looks great -well done!

  2. Laurence

    I learnt to knit after to crochet, I still prefer my crochet, I feel so free with it ! It is easy to crochet with a baby in your arms (impossible to knit). Most of the time, after crocheting a pattern, I don’t need to sew anything, I can’t do the same when I knit.

  3. Spirou / Evelyne

    I learnt crochet and knitting when I was very young, so I don’t which one was the first. I like both and I can’t choose a prefer beacause each one has advantages.
    I’m surprised to see that you’re learning knitting with a French book. Is French your natal language ?
    Have a nice disovery of a new skill and all my prayers for your country,

  4. Alessandra

    I’ve started to knit when I was 11!!!! Crochet came later: infact i began during last Easter holiday!!! ;oD To me the difficult part in crochet was how to hold the hook in one hand and how to hold the yarn in the other one!!! You know, with knitting this problem doesn’t exist, because of the symmetry !!! I think that crochet is much easier than knitting and it’s faster, really quick! If you like, come to visit my blog for some crochet/knitting ideas!!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  5. Rachel Lewis

    I learned to knit before I learned to crochet – but I’m much quicker at crochet and find it a lot more practical and portable especially with a very active toddler to look after! Mind you, i’m also expecting our second baby (due in December) and am starting to want to knit again in preparation for the new arrival – but I think crochet will always be my biggest love!

  6. Dorothy

    I could knit before I learnt to crochet (over 40 years ago) but my favourite craft is now crochet. For garments that need to ‘flow’ softly I think knitting is better but for most other things I prefer to crochet. Besides, its much quicker !

  7. Teje

    Dear Angie, I’m so happy you are knitting! I can’t remember what I learnt first – I guess crochet (when I was 5) but I love more knitting! It’s not difficult and after a while you can knit without watching your work so you can knit well while watching a movie, playing with your children even reading a book! Of course more complicated patterns need more attention. That book looks great and few photos reminds me about some Kaffe Fassett’s patterns. I loved to make those colourful designs!
    Knitting is also much more quicker and that’s why easier for cloths. Start to use those round needles (with a plastive wire), they are easier, because you don’t have the wigth of your work on the needles. Also they are easier to carry with you. You can buy different lenght and if you make pullover you use long one and you can mesure your work easily. If you like to make a round circle (pullover neck, perhaps some toys) you can choose short one.
    When you learn to change the colour, you can knit what ever pictures you like!
    Enjoy and have fun! x Teje
    Ps. one more tip: keep your shoulders relaxed!

  8. Ilse

    My first attempts were in knitting, but these failed because I kept having issues with the long needles. When I was given a gorgeuos crocheted pillow, by my aunt, I decided I should be able to crochet… For the past three years I have been hooked!
    A few months ago I decided I should really work the knitting thing out and my mother advised me to buy short bamboo dpn’s. Turns out, that was the sollution to all off my knitting problems…. At the moment I am so proud off my new knitting skills, and excited about all my specially bought for knitting wool, that I do knit more at the moment. But crochet is my first love!
    Besides, each give a different type off fabric and it really depends on the purpose you have in mind which technique works best.
    I have to add, that, just like with crochet, whenever possible, I like to work in the round. So yes, that’s four needles to juggle….

    Love and be safe- I hope things get better soon


  9. Barbina

    Hi Angie!
    I have learnt to knit last year after learning to crochet. It wasn´t so difficult for me. There are so many videos out there showing how you can do the different stiches, so it is really not a problem. I started to knit because I like the look of knitted shawls and soft toys and it is great to knit while watching TV.
    I love your pinterest collection, just the things I would love to knit too! And your first knitting looks so much better then my first tries last year! 🙂
    I´m wishing you and your family all the best and I will pray for your country! Many hugs and kisses to you my friend! xxBarbina

  10. SquashMama

    Hi, I have just found your lovely blog. Your English is excellent, I would never have known it wasn’t your 1st language. I’m sorry your homeland is so unsteady, I hope it settles down soon.

    Your blog is amazing, and I shall be trawling through the archives to catch up! Much love from Yorkshire, UK Xx

  11. Sara

    I learnt the basic stitches of knitting and crochet as a child but not how to use them and no shaping. I preferred crochet then. Now I am a decent knitter and crocheter and taught myself just by knitting or crocheting the patterns I wanted. What I needed to learn, I learnt as I went along.

    I have no preference. Knitting is lovely and I like the fabric and I love knitting socks on my lovely dpns. I like lace patterns which drive me mad but challenge me and make me feel good when I finish something. I love that crochet is used to make perhaps a wider range of things than knitting and blankets are so beautiful in crochet. It is easier to be creative and mix and match colours in crochet and make your own designs. People who crochet seem to enjoy themselves and have fun. Knitting seems to be done more seriously by solemn people. Knitting is more constrained where crochet allows for spontaneous design. Maths seems far more important in knitting and I am not even good at counting! I am glad that I can do both as neither is better than the other. After a while of crochet I miss knitting and then with knitting I miss crochet. I like to keep improving with both. I am not bothered about quickness, as I enjoy the action as well as the fabric of both while I am doing them.

    They are equally beautiful but sometimes each of them surpasses something similar in the other craft. It is nice to have the choice. I love them both.

  12. Fiona

    I started knitting as a child and was hooked .. I came to crocheting only a few years ago and found it difficult to learn at first. On balance I prefer crochet as I think it’s more versatile, but it’s great to be able to do both. Earlier this year I knitted a bag but used crochet for the straps and crocheted the seams together instead of sewing them.

    Hope you enjoy learning to knit, Angie! Looks good so far.

  13. laure

    c’est génial ! je t’avais dit que tu t’y mettrais ! moi j’ai appris le tricot en 1er puis le crochet seule devant youtube !!! j’aime les 2 mais le crochet c’est bien plus rapide!!! et le tricot on peut faire de jolis points….
    bonne journée! bises

  14. Kashi Griffith

    Hi Angie, I continue to pray for you and your country everyday. I do hope everything works out. I learned to knit last year, but I am really still learning. I love learning something new too. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Take care. XOXO

  15. domi83

    j’ai commencé par le tricot quand j’avais 8 ans environ par la voisine de mes parents !!! le point mousse, des kms de point mousse 😉 ensuite j’ai appris le crochet toute seule en me débrouillant tant bien que mal et quand internet est arrivé j’ai beaucoup progressé grâce aux vidéos !!! je ne tricote plus depuis longtemps mais j’ai une passion pour le crochet …. c’est tellement pratique dans le sac … 1 pelote 1 crochet et tellement de plaisir 😉

  16. becky

    I learned to knit after crocheting my wedding dress. I love the knit stitches! The stitches are closer together than the crochet stitches it seems to me. Good luck in learning – you will be good at it!!!!!!! Becky

  17. Claudia

    I learned to knit before crocheting and it was my Mom who taught me both. She always told me I´d love to crochet, that it was easier, and I kept saying I wouldn´t… Today I do both, but far more crochet than knitting, because it´s easier and quicker; for instance, when you make a mistake in crochet is super easy to correct it, in knitting is almost impossible… rsrssr But I love knitting as well! And it´s great knowing both techniques!

  18. Stephanie B.

    I have not learned to knit, only crochet and I am happy with that decision. I like having a hand free. I think it’s easier to put down, but not really sure, just my opinion. if I feel the need, I will learn but I am very happy just crocheting!

  19. Raluca

    I learned the basic steps for knitting from my mother when I was 7-8 years old (about 20 years ago..). When we were little my mom used to knit for us sweaters, pants etc. In elementary school I learned to crochet and from the beginning of this year I rediscovered the pleasure of crocheting and I can`t stop from making granny squares, rippling blankets or other small accessories for my house. Therefore, I associate knitting with making cloths rather then making the crafts that we do by crocheting and for the moment I don`t have any project in my mind that requires knitting..but who knows…
    Right know I could say I`m really hooked on crocheting 🙂
    All the best,

  20. mamifoise

    Je pratique les 2 depuis que je suis toute jeune alors l’un ou l’autre peu importe.
    Pour ton début de tricot c’est très bien et régulier.
    Tu as envie de faire plus de points mais si je peux te donner un conseil entraînes- toi à bien faire tes points de bases et après tu pourras te lancer dans les diminutions et augmentations.
    De toutes les façons tu peux me demander des conseils c’est avec plaisir que je d’aiderai
    Pleins de bonnes pensées pour toi et ta famille

  21. Charlotte

    I learned to knit first when I was in the 9th grade. After my first child was born, I taught myself to crochet using a book. Knitting is too slow for me, but I enjoy watching others knit. Good luck.

  22. Lucie

    Pour les doudous et les vêtements, je préfère en général le tricot qui donne un lainage chaud, très souple et sans trous : parfait pour les bébés de France !
    Le crochet me semble toutefois bien adapté aux pays chauds : très souple si l’on utilise une laine très fine ou du coton et un point fantaisie (mais il est alors plein de trous dans lesquels peuvent s’accrocher les doigts des nouveaux-nés lorsqu’on les habille à moins que l’on utilise la maille serrée, malheureusement beaucoup plus raide).

  23. Jacekica

    How wonderful! I think this book is something perfect, no such here in Croatia.
    I crochet and knitt, love both, sometimes it is easier to crochet when you are outside, or don’t want ot bother with needles, but you will see how beautiful it is to know both. Yo can knit something and suddenly just wanted to crochet a little or vice vera, I sometimes dream (real dream when I sleep) about knitting or croscheting and in the morning can not wait time to come from work to start what i dreamed. Every craft has its beauty……. there are period for years that I only knitt, but both are so rich and beautiful and calming that you will enjoy all the time. Learnin is also nice, sometimes not knowing how to do something from the book but than you tube jump in and you see in video how to…..
    Must say that you first attemp have no signs of novice – stitches are so even…..

  24. kara

    Looks like you are off to a beautiful start!!

  25. Becky

    My grandma taught me to crochet first. I tended to crochet way too tight. I had to learn to relax. Then my mom taught me to knit before my first baby was born. I was nervous about using two sticks instead of one hook but I soon loved it. I have done both thoughout the years. I have been in a big knitting mode for several years because of some “charity” projects I do. Since I discovered your blog and several others I have been crocheting more. I think they both are wonderful and it just depends on my mood as to which I do. You look like you are doing a great job.

  26. Debi Y.

    Have fun learning how to knit. 🙂

    (p.s. – I will pray for peace for your country.)

  27. monica

    Hi. I learned needle knitting when I was a child and crochet two years ago. I like most crochet but with your skill and perseverance I’m sure you will learn jacqard which I couldn’t learned. yarns get a mess when I’m crossing them.
    go on. you will succed.
    lovely regards

  28. Cheryl

    After knitting for 44 years, I found your wonderful blog and decided to
    learn to crochet. I love color too, and am just putting the border on my first blanket.

    I enjoy both, and needlepoint as well. Thank you for inspiring me to get with the hooky craft.

    Prayers for your dear country, and beautiful family.

  29. Vivian

    I learned knitting as a child, but the piece of wol ( in my mind) didint grow and stayed the same size. So i stopped. Then tried at the age of 19 again and same effect. The crotcheting then came and i made a couple of scarfs and even tried a sweater. Now afther having a burn out at 30 years and having tot stay at home in bed started with the crotcheting and again the knitting. And this time i learned it so easy and now im knitting scrafs, hats and now im looking at a simple schoulderwarmer to knitt. In the meantime it helps me to get peace in my head and step by step im getting better. Hopefully i will be working again in a couple of months.

  30. Tabby

    I learned to crochet first. I knit like a crocheter so I don’t really like to knit because it hurts my wrists, plus I can’t move passed the knit stitch, I’d love to purl. Your knitting looks fantastic! Kudos to you for learning how!
    Hugs and love!

  31. Susan Being Snippy

    I learned to knit from my grandma, before I was 10 years old, I made scarfs, then I learned mitts — we need those things in Canada! I taught myself crochet when I was in my teens, I prefer crochet, easier to shape and to add colour changes.

    I am sorry to hear of your situation in Lebannon. Being a Canadian and always having lived in Canada I have not ever experienced war or conflict anywhere near me. I thank the stars everyday for being born in Canada.

  32. GerryART

    Your knitting sampler looks very lovely, my girl.

    I love your enthusiasm for learning. Right now knitting is my PASSION. You can see some of my projects on my blog. I’ve just posted pics of my recent completed shawl.

    Keep up the good work on your knitting.

    Sending Positive Thoughts


  33. Fariba

    Hey Angie,
    I am so proud of you. You always brighten our days with your blog posts.
    I am a knitter at heart. Learned it from my mother many years ago and learned to crochet about 15-years ago from my mother-in-law. I enjoy both of them and these days I am more inspired to crochet than to knit. Thanks to you and your beautiful posts.
    Wish you the best with your new baby as well as a comfortable and easy delivery.
    Love from Alabama

  34. Darlene

    My mother taught me to crochet when I was 8. It was somewhat an ordeal, since she was left-handed and I was not. It was mastered though, and I must have crocheted enough headbands for the neighborhood, and clothes for all of their Barbie-dolls as well. It was not until I was in my 30’s that I tackled knitting, with a Better Homes and Gardens craft book on the subject and size 8 needles in my lap, I then proceeded to make sufficient scarfing fabric for the entire neighborhood. My favorite was a variegated scarf I made for my daughter, done in basket-weave pattern. She still has it, 20 years later!! I have to say that I admire those who whip out projects in knit and end up with professional-looking sweaters, etc. But I am at heart a crocheter and suspect I always will be. Knitting just doesn’t have the “flow” for me, things just go more smoothly with my 2 hands and only 1 hook!! My favorite things to crochet are afghans, mostly because they can be done 1 square at a time and later put together. I can’t even tell you how many I’ve made over the past 50 years!! But I can say they were each made 15 minutes at a time!! (block by block) Happy knitting
    and crocheting, painting and stitching to you!! Hope all goes well with the upcoming birth of your baby!! Sending love from my family to yours, Darlene.

  35. cannellecha

    apris le tricots en premier, vers 8-10 ans
    mais avec de longue aiguille de 40 cm donc je tient mes aiguilles pas de façon conventionnelle, la j’ai trouvé une techinque de tricot rapide le tricot selon la méthode suisse http://eliseshop.canalblog.com/archives/2009/05/12/13697403.html
    puis le crochet toute seul
    je passe de l’un à l’autre selon l’humeur et le lieu le crocet s’emporte plus facilement
    très bonne fin de grossesse et d’ondes positives

  36. Karen

    Hey! Love your knitting 🙂 and the things you have put on your pinterest board are so yummy!
    I learnt to knit when I was about 7, I was taught by my mum. But my mum could not crochet so I didn’t learn. I really wanted to though and about 4 years ago I discovered that a friend’s mum can crochet and so I asked her if she would teach me – which she did because she is lovely! I now LOVE crochet, totally love it, but I think it is because it is still quite new for me. I do still love to knit and I usually have at least one of each project on the go at all times (plus sewing!). I find crochet works up a lot more quickly than knitting, but I’m more confident with knitting because I have been doing it for 25+ years!!!
    About 3 weeks ago I taught my mum to crochet, which was really lovely – so nice to pass a skill on to her as she has taught me so much over the years. She is now working on a ripple blanket and loving crochet too!
    Sending lots of love and happy thoughts your way
    Karen x x
    PS just started up my own blog (which I think I have linked) so you can have a look at my projects if you would like to! xx

  37. Maggie Hassett

    Hi, Angie!

    Your knitting looks fantastic for a beginner!! The tension is so even and the stitches look so good! You go girl!!! My very first crochet item was a scarf that I made for my then boyfriend, who is now my husband of 38 years. It was suppose to have rows of vertical lines but it ended up with horizontal lines from top to bottom. LOL I was so discouraged from ever picking up a crochet hook ever since that day. About seven years ago, my sister taught me how to knit and I made some dish towels, two baby blankets, some Christmas ornaments, some Easter Chicks, and only half of a baby toy Octopus because I could not figure out the instructions in the pattern, so I only have the body without the eight legs. LOL I want to crochet, which is quicker to do for most projects, but I think the transition from a knitter to a crocheter, is harder to do b/c there are so many different stitches to learn. I will give it an honest try some day. I am so inspired by your work, Angie. A good website that I found years ago to learn how to knit/crochet and to view how-to videos is: http://www.knitpicks.com I will go there to learn how to crochet. Meanwhile, enjoy the calming sounds of the knitting needles. It is so relaxing to knit! Time goes by so fast when you are knitting. I will sign up for Pinterest and see what knitting projects you are interested in doing.

    I will continue to think about your family and your country and pray for peace in Lebanon. Sending you many hugs and kisses. 🙂

  38. Alejandra

    Hola Angie!!!!
    Ahora que estoy jubilada, me he dedicado al crochet, pero siempore teji en 2 agujas. Es hermoso pero me hace doler la espalda jajajajajaja. Desde que encontre tu blog he terminado animalitos, una manta y sigo creando. Gracias a tus colores!!!! Ya con 61 años, no he perdido el amor por el crochet!!! y sigo creando. Muchos besos
    Alejandra. y cuida mucho a esa panza. Buenos Aires Argentina

  39. Any de Chile

    que bien….. yo no se leer patrones de tejido a palillo y la verdad es que prefiero crochet….pero bien por tí, además que tienes una facilidad increible para hacer maravillas…..

    • Lorena (sonido retro UK)

      Hola Chilena! Y tambein soy de Chile y vivo en Inglaterra! Que onda tu! Yo tampoco leo patrones, no de tejido ni de crochet, todo al ojo, bien chileno! Carinos!

  40. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    Angie, I learnt how to knit and crochet 3 years ago via YOUTUBE, yes, the online grandmother…
    Where there is a will…
    Both are exquisite in their own way…
    I find that you have to have your eyes a bit more open with the needles.
    All the best! xx
    Lorena, chilena en UK.

  41. Angélique

    Félicitations Angie moi je ne m’y suis pas encore mise 😉 joli début. Bonne nuit.

  42. LuAnn

    I have crocheted since I was a young girl and taught myself to knit about 15 years ago. I have just started working on an entrelac scarf and trying figure it out. I do know what you mean about liking the sound of the knitting needles, too. But, I can crochet so much faster and easier than I can knit; with crochet I can fix my mistakes. When I knit it is harder to fix mistakes without twisting the stitches or dropping them off the needle. I do like to do both though and usually have at least one knit and one crochet project going. Your knitting looks great. Look forward to seeing more of your work. LuAnn http://easycrochetpattern.blogspot.com

  43. Taciana Simmons

    Hi Angie, I learned to crochet first ( when I was about 5 ( I’m 50 now and very proud :)) I learned to knit about 10 years ago and knitted for about 10 years with crocheting once in a while. It wasn’t until about 6 months ago when I found Lucy from Attic24 and your blog that I started crocheting obsessively … I now always have a knit and a crochet project on my needles ( well, i have to confess I have more than 2 projects :)) and it’s impossible for me to choose. It depends on the day and How I’m feeling, and if I go too long without one …I really miss it… So you see why it’s so hard for me to choose one? I love both and I think I’m going to have to leave it like that… I think you are dong a great job and when you feel more comfortable you will relax and just LOVE to knit…hope you are having fun… I’m still praying for you and your family.

  44. Paula

    I learned to knit as a child and have knitted many things over the years. Now in my mid 40s I decided I wanted to learn crochet and found classes last October. I have not looked back since, I love crochet, my knitting needles have sat there idle almost since the start of classes, some with projects on. Crochet for me is quicker, easier and you can do so much with it. I am currently teaching my 10 year old daughter to crochet which has been more successful than teaching her to knit.

  45. Tammy

    Dear Angie, your knitting looks pretty good to me. And I know if anyone can learn, you can. I tried several years ago but found it very difficult. I much prefer crochet, though I feel I am still such a novice and always will be no longer how long I do it. Some patterns just don’t make sense to me at all. My hairdresser knits beautifully and asked me to teach her to crochet so she would do trims and such. She found it a bit hard, but the first project she did was a shawl (we crocheted one together at the same time) and then I taught her how to do a trellis scarf and she managed that one, too. Some people just have a knack for creativity … you are one of those people. But I also see that you got some of your talent from your mom. All the items she made for the baby are so precious. Not much longer and you will welcome your little one. My girlfriend, Mona, was here when they closed the airport temporarily. She was still able to leave that next morning as planned. I do hope things will not escalate in Lebanon. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  46. Madeleine

    Chère Angie,
    J’admire votre blog et votre enthousiasme! J’ai appris à tricoter quand j’avais à peu près 5 ans, et c’était une corvée qui m’était imposée et que je détestais! ça fait plus de 70 ans! Finalement j’ai appris à tricoter et lire en même temps, ce qui m’a réconciliée avec cette activité.Je m’y suis remise après mon mariage, avec plaisir cette fois.J’utilise des aiguilles de bamboo, elles sont beaucoup plus légères. J’ai appris à crocheter à l’école, on a fait un filet pour le ballon. Ensuite j’ai laissé tomber jusqu’à ce que je voie votre blog. Je suis au stade des petits carrés, mais je ne réussis pas bien, j’ai besoin de m’entrainer.
    Je voulais surtout vous dire que nous prions pour votre pays avec mon mari, on en donne des nouvelles à la télé. Bonne fin de grossesse, et bon courage!

  47. René

    Hi Angie,
    Love your knitting. I learned to crochet first around age 13. I have only been knitting for less than a year. It took me several tries at different times for the knitting to click in my brain. I would think I had it and I would go home and try and couldn’t do it. Now I love knitting, I too have many things I want to try. What I craft at a particular time is determined by what mood I’m in. However if I want to make a gift, that I need quickly it would have to be done in crochet, because for me to finish something knitted takes me too long, as I’m not a fast knitter. I have quite a few knitter friends that tried crochet and find it hard and therefore they are still knitters rather than both!!!
    Praying for you and your sweet family and your country.

  48. Natas Nest

    I cannot remember if I first learned to knit or to crochet, it was in my childhood when my dear mother teached me both. There was a time when I prefered knitting, but that’s yeears ago. I’m still doing the one or other knitting work, I like it, yes. But I’m really addicted to crochet and if I had to decide for one, I’d definitely decide for crochet 🙂

  49. Dany

    Bonjour Sucrette,
    Je découvre avec bonheur ton blog, grâce à Rosalie, tu as des doigts en or, bravo pour tes ouvrages et tes explications. Bon courage pour le tricot, tu verras c’est génial, il y a énormément de possibilité de points, de combinaison de fils. Bien amicalement. Dany

  50. Becky

    Hi Angie
    My mum taught me to knit basic rows when little, but gave up thinking it was for Nanna’s(!!) I was jealous of a friend and her crochet that I took it up and have been crocheting for just over a year. Last month, my Mum taught me to knit again (after I looked at someones knitting and got extra jealous) and I’m really enjoying it
    Since I’ve only been doing knitting for a month I can’t say if it prefer it over crochet or not, though its like a shiney new toy at the moment and my poor hooks have been negleted.
    I definatly found it easy to take up knitting since I knew the basics of crochet first

  51. Carine_07

    Perso, je préfère le crochet car je suis plus habituée et aussi car c’est plus facile de ne gérer qu’une seule maille 😉
    Je viens juste de terminer mon premier gilet tricoté suivant ce modèle http://www.garnstudio.com/lang/fr/visoppskrift.php?d_nr=97&d_id=18&lang=fr J’ai beaucoup appris avec des vidéos sur youtube et des vidéos sur Drops http://www.garnstudio.com/lang/fr/video.php?sort=&thumbnails=&categoryid=1
    Je te recommande les modèles de Drops qui sont bien expliqués http://www.garnstudio.com/lang/fr/kategori_oversikt.php

    Sinon, si tu cherches une petite veste pour Joseph (toutes mes félicitations, au passage), regarde ce modèle http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sues-no-holes-hexagon-baby-sweater ou celui-là http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/L10465.html?noImages=

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