
November 19, 2012

Good morning my friend!

How are you? How’s everything in your part of the world?

Today, I want to show you my finished cowl, the beginning of a new ripple blanket for baby Joe and many other things…

First, there is something that made me super happy this week end:

One of my patterns has been featured in AllFreeCrochetAfghanPatterns…yaaay 🙂 It is in a free e-book that includes 7 different ripple patterns. Please feel free to download a copy of this lovely e-book from this link:

Thank you allfreecrochetafghanpatterns 🙂

So I started a new blanket for baby Joe using this particular ripple pattern…Here is what I’ve been up to so far…

I’m loving so much the colors 🙂

I wanted to make, using the same colors, a moss stitch blanket for Joe…I started it but felt that it will never finish on time and that the winter will pass before he can use it… so I stopped…The moss stitch is wonderful but the progress you make with that stitch specially when you have a time-consuming-little-baby is very very slow…that’s why I chose to make a ripple instead…

Here is my finished cowl using the moss stitch:

Excuse the pics taken with my PJ 🙂 but that’s what I’m wearing most of the days 🙂 hahaha

The cold days are slowly coming in our country and the crocheted bedspreads are back again on our beds…

In Joe’s room:

In the girls’s room:

And in our’s too:

Our room is still waiting for its new beadspread “love birds” which is still not finished 🙁

and finally finally the love of my life…

Baby Joseph who’s now 2 months old

and who’s making his first smiles

Have a happy week 🙂

Big big kisses from the bottom of my heart!



  1. Patricia

    Hi Sucrette, Lovely pictures of your baby Joe. I really enjoy reading your blog, and thanks so much for sharing the link to the ebooks. They look great and really useful. Have a great day. In New Zealand where I live, the sun is beginning to shine and it’s warming up for summer and Christmas.

  2. Stocki

    Hi Angie… Aww baby Joe’s smile just made my day! He is a really sweetie! Congratulations on your pattern being included in the ebook… I shall dash over there in a minute and have a look. I LOVE your cowl… that stitch gives a beautiful effect doesn’t it? Keep warm… I’m sitting here freezing waiting for my heating to come on 🙂 Jill x

  3. Annie

    Bonjour Angie,bravo pour toutes tes merveilleuses couvertures,et ton col!et félicitations pour ta parution dans le livre!et merci pour le lien!et un gros bisous à ton adorable petit Joe qui a un si beau sourire!

  4. maggie

    Hi Angie , thanks for sharing,………
    your wee boy Joe is lovely and what a smile !!

    love maggie from Sydney Australiaxx0

  5. Alessandra

    Love your new blanket!!! And your little boy, too!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  6. Sangeetha

    Hi Angie, I know you must be so busy these days. But you still find time to crochet, that is really great. My crochet and blogging has fallen back as my mother-in-law is visiting us. I find myself eagerly awaiting your posts just to see pictures of cute little Joe. Each post leaves me greedy for more. Every time there is a new picture I drag everybody in my house to the monitor to see “my friend’s baby”. Crazy!!….I know 🙂
    Love and big kisses to you and your three little ones.

  7. Gabi

    Dear Angie, your blog is as beautiful as a rainbow, so colourful and so vibrant with positive energy. Thanks for bringing some sunshine into the bleak German weather. All the best! Gabi

  8. Janice

    Hi Angie baby Joe is adorable & I am so happy that you have been published in an e-book. I downloaded it & I also pinned it on Pinterest for my friends to see & get it as well. Your work is beautiful & I have enjoyed your blog & work for quite a while. Blessings & love Janice

  9. Jacekica

    Baby Joe’s first smile – he is so cute, these first teethless smiles are the prettiest for me, like sunrise on gloomy day.
    Happy for blanket and thanks for the link, I saved it for winter days crochet time.
    Your home is so warm, colourful and happy – so many vivid colors, so much light……..thank you for sharing it with us.

  10. Lucie

    Qu’il est beau, ton petit Joe ! bravo pour ta parution dans le free-crochet-ebook ! Merci pour le lien ! Tes couvertures sont très chaleureuses ! Bonne semaine à toi et à ta petite famille.

  11. christine

    trop trop beau le petit joseph
    que dire de tes couvre_lits, magnifiques
    bonne journée
    a bientot

  12. Helen

    Those smiles are precious. My little boy is 5 months old now and I adore his interaction with his big sisters. His face lights up whenever they are around. But even more than that I love when he looks at me like I am the best thing in the world, I get a big smile and lovely big flirtatious blink of the eyes. So sweet.
    xXx Helen

  13. domi83

    toutes ces couleurs …. reflètent le bonheur chez toi 😉 quant à ton petit garçon il est magnifique, souriant et plein de joie -) un gros calin à Joe !!!

  14. Graciela Ferrari

    es hermoso tu bebe te felicito!!!! y tus mantas y bufanda tambien suerte!!!!

  15. Lilli

    Congratulations on having your pattern published, I’m so pleased for you because your patterns really are super.

    And as for baby Joe…adooooooorable!! The second picture of him smiling makes me want to kiss those chubby cheeks 🙂

  16. helen

    A happy start to your week I see Angie… health and happiness to all from us.

    Lovely crochet beds! xx

  17. Ana

    Que nene mas lindo! Y gracias por tus informaciones! Me alegran siempre el dia!

  18. Marcia

    Lindo trabalho, adorei todos e como voce trabalha com as cores.
    E que bebê mais fofo !!! suas crianças são muito lindas!
    adoro receber seus emails pra mim são inspiradores.

    bom dia pra voce aí no seu lado do mundo.

  19. Debi

    This post is full of so much loveliness!!! You’ve put a huge smile on my face this morning, and I’m guessing lots of other faces, too! 😀

  20. crochetparty

    Quel magnifique bébé et tes réalisations au crochet sont superbes

  21. Brenda

    Aw, your baby is too beautiful! And I love all the hooky goodness in your home! Have a fabulous week!

  22. becky

    Baby is sooooooo cute! Thanks, he made me smile!!!!!!!!!!!! Becky

  23. mrs juan

    what a cute baby!
    actually we have our babies at about the same time, mine is 2 and half month and it’s a girl.

    I always enjoy your postings! love the color of your projects..have started few small project using your ripple pattern but it did not end up as neat as yours 😛

    perhaps I need to practice more..
    thanks for sharing Angie and have a fabulous day!

    it’s a wet season here in Malaysia 🙂

  24. Any de Chile


    Me encanta la sonrisa de tu bebé…está muy lindo….

    Gracias por tus colores…..

  25. Dorothy

    Gosh time flies .. it only seems like yesterday that we were all awaiting the news of Baby Joseph’s arrival. Your home looks beautiful with all those lovely crochet blankets – oh and congratulations on having your ripple published in the eBook. Love those baby smiles – obviously a very happy little chappy. xoxox

  26. Janet

    Joseph is so handsome. Lovely baby. The best to you and your family.

  27. anny

    Que hermoso tu bebe y que lindo todos tus tejidos
    Feliz semana!!!

  28. Inez

    Lovely blankets and rooms and what a great smile! I’m sure you melt every time you see it.

  29. Darlene

    What better way to start the week than with lots of lovely crochet and precious baby smiles!!! Have a good week. I will check the Allfreecrochet website for your pattern, maybe is time to try a ripple!

  30. Carolyn Geoffrey

    Good morning, Angie (it’s morning in my part of the world). We too are going into our wintertime and it has really turned cold.

    Your blankets and cowl are beautiful, and baby Joe is a delight! Congratulations on having your blanket featured in the AllFreeCrochet e-book. I have downloaded it and added it to my library of crochet e-books.

    Please give baby Joe (and your girls too!) a gentle hug from me.

    Carolyn Geoffrey
    in Texas, USA

  31. niki

    your baby is truly beautiful. we have a joe, he is now 11. love all your blankets! i need to start crocheing big projects like that.

  32. Lauren

    I look forward to your posts. They are so Joyful. They make me smile and inspire me. Baby Joe is so very adorable! Thank you for sharing yourself and your home/family with us 🙂

  33. GerryART

    Joe’s a Sweet Angel! ♥♥

    All your crochet is so darn colorful
    and just plain makes me happy!

    Have a great week !


  34. Linda

    Wow! Your blankets are all so pretty. Love the colors in them. Baby Joe is a cutey.


  35. beberouge

    Oh I am so jealous of all that beautiful colour. Just look at all those blankets such a joy to see!! Isn’t baby joe big now. I hardly get to visit blog land these days and I can’t believe how much his grown. Absolutely beautiful xx

  36. Arezoo

    all of your pictures are great and adorable!
    good luck!

  37. nathalie

    Jamelo jamelo, god bless you and your family, Angie,
    Hope we meet one day.
    Because of you and (of course Attic24),i started crochet again and I love it.
    I have a expo before christmas and I am going to put some of my new work.
    maybe you can pass by in beirut, will give you details later.
    Baby Joe is adorable. Love all your rooms, will try to make my balcony full of pillows and blanket, but for now am on a schedule for the expo.
    Love your scarf.
    See u soon,
    Kisses and hugs.

  38. Cassandra

    He is absolutely adorable. Your house looks so nice and cozy and ready for winter with all those wonderful afghans on your beds!

  39. Lorena

    Goshhh How you keep busy!
    the baby is so handsome!

  40. Angélique

    Joseph est toujours aussi craquant. Dis moi une petite précision le lien que tu a partagé c’est quoi exactement? Je suis désolée je suis pas trés à l’aise avec l’anglais. Ta ripple promet encore d’être sublime. Et je suis bouche bé devant tes recouvres lits un travail de fou félicitations. Bonne journée et merci pour l’info

  41. Karen

    Oh Angie I love your crochet, always so cheery & colorful, but now baby Joe is guaranteed to make me smile every time, he’s way too cute 🙂
    Karen x

  42. liza

    I always find so much inspiration when you let us peek into your home :). I so love your choice in bold, bright colors. Beautiful!

  43. Akhila

    what a cutie pie he is..I love your creations very nice hun.

  44. patricia

    aw your baby’s smile made me smile! toooo cute!
    and i’m heading over to download that pdf right now!

  45. heather

    Love your new ripple! The colors are great!

  46. Susanne from Canada

    What a beautiful baby, My boys are 24, and 26; I miss the days of babyhood. Thanks for the pictures, reminds us of what is really important, our children.yours are precious!!Hope all is well in your part of the world.greetings to you and the children too! It’s cold here but no snow yet.

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