A granny shawl for me me me ;)

December 13, 2012

Good morning lovely ladies around the globe 🙂

How’s everything?

So, I started something for myself with the sooooo beautiful yarn Joumana sent me…(Joumana, with every stitch I make I think of you and thank you 🙂 )

You know something? I’ve never tried to crochet with something else rather than acrylic and cotton yarn 🙂 funny eh? and I am sooooo enjoying the softness of the alpaca yarn…will I become addicted? Hoping no 😉

I’m crocheting a granny shawl for myself like you already guessed from the title of the post…a big big granny shawl…big enough to wrap me completely 😀

Wanna see some pics?

This is the start of my granny shawl…

The pattern is very simple to follow…it is like crocheting a granny square cut in half 😉 .

and like all granny squares it is ADDICTIVE and easy and perfect to crochet with a baby, or watching T.V as you don’t need much concentration to make it…

This is the graphic of the shawl if you’re interested in making one for yourself or as a gift for someone special…

It is crocheted in rows.

I managed to add more rows before I wrote this post…This is my progress so far…

Yes it is very fast to crochet 😉

Would you join me in this new adventure? Hope that you will … so we can both wear our big and beautiful granny shawls and think about each others 🙂

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Big kisses


 P.S: “Love birds” the bedspread I was crocheting for our room is almost done…I am making right now its border…so suspect a tadaaaaa post very soon…it will be explosive 🙂

I am having some problems with the subscriptions and I know that many of you are not receiving e-mails notifications every time I write a new post…I am so sorry about that…I’ll try my best to fix this problem asap.


  1. Helen

    Looking forward to seeing the new project for you! Have a beautiful day:)!

  2. faustine2

    Bonjour ,la laine d’alpaga est une laine très douce,tu as été bien gâtée,et tu auras plaisir à porter ce beau châle même avec bébé…bonne continuation et bonne journée.

  3. Lucie

    De la douceur et de la chaleur juste pour toi (ou si ton châle est vraiment très, très grand une petite place en plus pour abriter sous tes ailes tes “oisillons” ! Je suis contente !

  4. Esther

    Oh lovely, must make me one of those these days 🙂

  5. Barbina

    Your shawl is so beautiful! It must be a pleasure to crochet with this yarn! The colours are so lovely!
    Sending you lots of hugs and kisses!!! Barbina

  6. Janet


  7. sara

    Is there a secret to an easy way to sew in all those different colored ends?

  8. Any de Chile


    Queda muy bien la combinación de colores. yo tejí uno igual, pero con una lana matizada… quedan hermosos….

  9. Angélique

    Un magnifique chale half granny 😉 J’en suis pas a mon premier non plus et pas le dernier aussi 😉
    Il est trés coloré et trés beau.
    Bonne journée

  10. anny

    queda magnifico, la combinacion de colores es genial

  11. Lauren

    I am not familiar with following an illustration pattern. Do you know where I could locate a “written out” version? It is gorgeous, as are ALL of your creations.

  12. Carolyn Geoffrey

    Angie, I love your new shawl and think I will join you and make one for me 🙂 Thank you for sharing the pattern.

    I do not believe I have missed being notified of new posts to your blog.

    I’ll bet baby Joe is growing fast. Must keep you busy crocheting new things in bigger sizes for him. He’s such a cute little guy.

    Carolyn Geoffrey

  13. heather

    That’s the kind of shawl that will make you smile ear-to-ear every time you wear it! Love it!

  14. Stocki

    Beautiful Angie! It looks cosy and warm… and will be lovely to wrap you and your children in together 🙂 LOVE the colours!! Hugs, Jill x

  15. Cassandra

    Your shawl is beautiful, I have made a scarf with that pattern using crochet cotton, and it is a nice mindless pattern to do. I’m glad you are making something for yourself…sometimes you can get so caught up in making things for everyone else that you forget to do something special just for you…I know I do.

  16. becky

    Oh how lovely! You’ll keep warm in the beautiful shawl. Becky

  17. Daine M

    Absolutely delicious granny shawl!! I am looking forward to your post with pictures of your “Lovebirds” bedspread. Happy holidays!! 🙂

  18. GerryART

    Your creation is so gorgeous. Such luxury !

    How could you not wrap it round yourself and
    feel comforted and loved !


  19. Darlene Lehman

    Wonderful choice of project for your new soft yarn; a snuggly warm shawl for yourself!! Will be watching for your progress.

  20. Akhila

    very pretty. I love how neat and colorful it looks. Thanks for the graphics to the pattern. Very helpful. I still need to get the granny stripe down first before i do this one:)

  21. Sharon

    Very nice. I have a granny square I wear in the house during the winter when these old bones feel the cold. 🙂

    • Sharon

      I should have said, granny shawl not SQUARE lol!

  22. Karen Hillier

    What a lovely way to use your gifted yarn! The shawl is looking very lovely already 🙂 Karen x

  23. Inge

    Very beautiful!
    Thank you for the graphic of the shawl!

  24. Kate/Massachusetts

    This is such a happy shawl! I would love to make one, too! I’m curious if you have any “tricks” for hiding the yarn tails? I would like the back to look as nice as the front but haven’t learned how to weave in ends cleanly. Thanks!

  25. wendy

    The beginning of a beautiful shawl.

  26. Hillary


    I have not had a very good day today at all, and as I was getting ready to go to bed, I decided to check your site to see if you had updated. I know that with your new baby you aren’t updating as often as you used to but I check every day just in case! So I was happily surprised to see your new post. It made me so happy and was a great end to my day!! Thank you!! I love your granny shawl and its colors! 🙂
    And I also love the snowflakes you have falling on your page 🙂 It’s so wonderful!! I wish you a very Happy Christmas if that’s what you celebrate!!

    Hugs from Pennsylvania,

  27. Flo H

    Hi Angie, I have made this pattern a lot of times for my friends, they love this granny pattern, very popular in the U.S.A. Your shawl is very pretty as all of your work is. Wishing you the best of everything.
    Sending love and prayers your way from Pennsylvania.

  28. Annie


  29. gaia

    Looks lovely, Angie. Can’t wait to see it finished….

  30. Lauren

    Pattern with “words” vs pictures?? 🙂

  31. Noor

    hello Lucy, thank you for sharing. I like to make a scarf for a very old lady in Hungary( who has nothing warm to wear in wintertime) so I am very glad with this tutorial so I can make one for her.
    Thank You…. Wish you warm Christmasdays!

  32. Noor

    sorry for the wrong name!

  33. Taciana Simmons

    Hi Angie, beautiful shawl and Joes blanket is just gorgeous.
    merry Christmas to you and a wonderful New Year!
    ps: im one of the people who is not getting notification of your new posts, but I check your blog regularly.
    Have a beautiful holiday season. 😉

  34. Rosa

    ¡¡¡ Feliz Navidad !!!

  35. Pingback: Mon tout premier châle | 3 petites mailles

  36. Angela

    Hi Angie – I love this shawl & would like to try it – can you just tell me how to start – I am looking at your chart & can’t figure how to start do you chain 3 then work into or do you chain 3 & slip not together then work in the center of circle? Thanks so much for sharing!
    Take care, Angela, Middletown, NJ, USA

  37. Mari

    I hold the ends of my new color and old color over my crocheting and crochet over it for several inches. Then I don’t have to worry about working in any ends later. I just snip them off after avcouple inches.

  38. tyaa

    It’s beautiful!
    When I look your pictures it’s a line near the number. But I make this shawl and it’s not a “good” line :s
    (quand je regarde votre photo,, la ligne au dessus des nombres est bien horizontale. Je fais le châle d’après les schéma mais je n’obtiens jamais une ligne horizontale :s

  39. Rynearson Juanita

    What size of hook did you use? Beautiful shawl.

  40. Regina Wilson

    I love your designs, but do not know how to crochet using diagrams. Would you have written directions?

    Thank you,

  41. lizette

    thanks a lot for the chart pattern doing a soft pink for mother in law for her 80th bday prezzie. hugs. i LOVE your blog and help my as a beginner a lot.

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