“Fall” in love: the graphic chart

January 7, 2013

Good morning!

How are you today?

This is, as promised, the graphic chart of the square of my actual wip blanket: “fall” in love.

classic granny

As you can see, the square is very simple and easy to make…You add on every round: 2dc,1ch,2dc in each corner…And with the last round (round4) you join the squares together (see the arrows).


I am enjoying too much this blanket…and loving how each square is joined to the others as-I-go…(You can learn more about this great method in the wonderful blog of Lucy here.)

I’ve made 4 rows till now:


What do you think? Do you love the autumn colors as much as I do?

Have to go now and take out all the Christmas decorations 🙁

Time flies…

Wishing you a wonderful week!




  1. Ivani da Costa

    Thanks for sharing the graphic, and the blanket in works is being beuatiful, I love the colors, and the square have a such texture, congratulations, your cousin will be very happy with the surprise.
    Ivani from Brazil

  2. Marcia

    Obrigado por compartilhar seus trabalhos,
    esse é lindo , como os outros

  3. Fiona

    Hi Angie, It is a fabulous blanket and I am fascinated by how you have done JAYG on solid squares, I “think” you are doing 2 chains and then a join and not trebles as well like you do on a regular granny. I struggled and couldn’t get solid square JAYG to look right but yours does so I will have to practice! thank you for the inspiration Fiona

  4. annie35

    Tu dois avoir quatre mains pour travailler aussi vite !! Jolies couleurs, merci pour le diagramme !

  5. Ellen

    THANK YOU! I am going to start one today.

  6. Angélique

    vraiment magnifique encore un beau projet félicitations avec de belles couleurs.

  7. Janine

    Les carrés sont absolument superbes!!! Je vais en faire ça c’est certain. Merci pour le motif et toutes les explications.

    Janine de Montréal 🙂

  8. Lucie

    Un grand merci pour tes explications ! J’aime beaucoup tes coloris d’automne ! Très bonne semaine à toi !

  9. Janine

    Bonjour Sucrette.

    J’ai une question : si je comprends bien, il faut toujours avoir au moins deux carrés d’avance. Quand on en termine un en faisant le dernier tour on le rattache au suivant. Est-ce que j’ai bien compris?

    Janine de Montréal

  10. Cassandra

    Thanks for sharing the chart, it looks super easy but from looking at your blanket you would never know how simple it is.

  11. Beverly

    Is there written instructions for this?

  12. Sue

    Thanks for the pattern. It all looks easy enough apart from the joining. I have mastered this technique using Attic 24’s instructions but this will be different with all the chains.

    I am sure it will become clear when I try it out.

    I love the colours in your “Fall in love” blanket. It is growing very quickly.

  13. Any de Chile

    Hola Angie,

    Gracias por gráfico. Está quedando muy linda tu manta, es increible como avanzas……


  14. Atelier Anne

    Lovely! I am definitaly gonna try this one! Great blog! Anne

  15. Casey

    I love how the squares are joined with chains, the blanket is going to look awesome!

  16. Heather

    Very lovely, will put this on my ever growing “must make” list. Thanks for sharing, Heather x

  17. wendy

    Lovely and the mix of colours so bright!

  18. Eva Lopez

    Hello, would you be able to make a small video?

  19. Taciana Simmons

    That looks lovely. I hope to finish a granny square I stated last year and maybe make a colorful,one next. Very beautiful. Love the colors 🙂

  20. Faith

    It’s beautiful! How do you find the time to be so prolific? Esp, with a new baby?? You must crochet so fast! Takes me longer to get my projects done. I love all of your work and your sweet words to all of us…your friends! Thanks!

  21. domi83

    merci beaucoup pour ton croquis 😉 j’aime la forme de ce carré et je vais commencer un plaid avec ce motif 😉

  22. deb

    love all the variety of colors and the simplicity of it. Thanks for the instructions.
    trying to figure out the joining method

  23. deb

    do you have written instruction also?

  24. Joan

    Thanks for sharing the graphic chart, love the mix of colours.

  25. kara

    I love those colors!

  26. peg decker

    love these colors…joining is what i would love to have instructions on…it looks simple….(ps…i have done over 50 little christmas stockings!!!) the best…xoxo peg

  27. Marcia

    Olá Sucrette,
    Boa semana pra você,
    adoro seu blog e fico feliz quando recebo as atualizações no meu

  28. liliablue

    Hallo Sucrette!

    Merci beaucoup pour ces explications de granny!
    J´apprécie beaucoup votre blog plein de chaleur et de couleurs!
    Merci de nous donner tant de vie par vos créations!
    Bonne continuation!
    Bien amicalement!

  29. Marieh

    Quel joli blog ! Plein de couleurs et de chaleur !
    Merci pour vos conseils et explications.
    Bien cordialement.

  30. Pingback: Fall in love…

  31. Christine

    I have always enjoyed making granny square projects. Really like this solid square. Joining all the pieces never bothered me. I am looking forward to trying the solid squares with the as-you-go joining process you referenced from Attic24.
    I am constantly impressed by the colors you choose and the impact created when they are together.
    Thank you for your wonderful blog.

  32. Chel C

    This is fantastic. Exactly what I have been looking for. The colours are great and I love the way even though it is block colours, you can see the textures come through. Thank you for sharing. Chel

  33. fafa

    would u plz show me the back side of ur blanket. i am trying to make one but i dont know how to hide the remained thread when change color in squares hope to express what i mean.hope to hear from you

  34. Annette

    Can I please have pattern

  35. Kate Pongonis

    Sucrette, this Fall in Love afghan is beautiful. Are there written instructions or only the diagram? I searched for it on Ravelry, but could not find it. I am a new crocheter, so the written instructions would really help. Thanks, Kate

  36. Michelle Costanzo

    I love the “Fall” in love blanket you made. I need the whole pattern though in order to try making it. Is there somewhere I can go to get it? Thank you.

  37. Romy Williams

    This join-as-you-go is exactly what I need. I have oodles of these little squares that I make from leftovers that I intend to make an afghan with when I have enough. I’ll use a neutral color to do the “join” and I know it will look stunning! And … since I do better with diagrams, this is so perfect for me. Huge thanks!!

  38. Pingback: Happy happy happy :)

  39. Kate Pongonis

    Thank you so much for sharing your patterns. This weekend I finished both the Ripples of Happiness AND Fall in Love Afghans. I am now trying to decide about borders. Is the border you show for Fall in Love the same as the one you did for Ole Ole? If not, do you have a pattern for it? I cannot find it. Thank you very much. Kate

  40. Michelle

    are there written instructions for join as you go method? Can’t quite get the diagram. thanks much appreciated

  41. Anne Marie

    I know this is a while ago, and I have tried to do variations of this square but I am at a loss to know where to start, after the first round? Do you start in the corner please? The actual diagram I can understand but not the beginning point. I’m sorry if that doesn’t make sense. I did one from someone else’s written instructions, put a picture on my facebook and someone said that if I slipstitched to the corner, I would not have what looked like ‘seam lines’ where I joined.

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