Hello everybody !
Joe is going to daycare for a couple of hours per day, the girls are at school and I am back to life 🙂
That’s how I’m feeling…sorry if this sounds rude to some of you but I really really really missed being alone just me with myself for an hour or two… and spending some me-time without thinking: should I be able to finish this round of crochet before he wakes up from his nap?
I think that when you’re away from your children for a couple of hours that makes you a better mom when you’re with them again…and that makes you appreciate every moment spent with them even more…don’t you think?
So,lovelies, I am back to life, back to my craft room (that is on the first floor of my house), back to my sewing machine, back to my paintings too…Oh how I missed spending some time down there…
In the first months after Joe was born I felted an urgent need to go down…just for an hour…but that was impossible…now it is…
Just sitting behind the sewing machine was a real pleasure…
I’ve made nothing important…I’ve sewed some hearts for my sister’s home (she asked me if I could make some for her home back in december 🙂 )
Opening the closet and smelling the colorful fabric was blissful too 🙂
How about looking from the window and appreciating the beauty of our springy blue sky…
and admiring the lovely little flowers that the girls planted at school and brought back home with them…
Oh how I miss these 3 little people of mine when they are away…
Life is a treasure my friend… enjoy every second…
and have a beautiful day!
Kisses, hugs and LOVE to all!
I totally get what you mean. You have to have some “me” time now and then. I think it does make you a better parent and your right you appreciate them so much more when they come home. Enjoy your “me” time 🙂
My youngest starts nursery in September and although I am sure I will miss her, I am also really looking forward to having a few hours to myself everyday. I think it helps to recharge the batteries and reminds you that there is more to life than just being a Mum. Enjoy your sewing time!
brings back such memories! I feel the same, especialy with a newborn you would love to have a litte me time, but once they’re not around, you miss them like crazy. I agree with you, every now and then we need some me time, so enjoy it!
Oh, je te comprends et comme tu dis, avoir un peu de temps uniquement pour soi, ça permet d’être une meilleure mère ensuite. Et puis, Joe, à 8 mois si je ne me trompe pas, n’est plus un nourrisson !
C’est tout à fait naturel d’avoir besoin de temps pour toi, à toi. Et ça ne me choque pas du tout, bien au contraire ! Ce “souffle” est nécessaire pour notre équilibre et pour les enfants, même tout petits comme Joe, les moments passés ailleurs, en compagnie d’autres enfants, favorisent l’éveil, la sociabilité, la curiosité.
Profite de te ces moments à toi en toute sérénité pendant que tes bouts de chou découvrent le monde et ses merveilles.
You are so right!
I really, really love my son, from the bottom of my heart. But right now there are times when I could kill him…
We moved in December and since then he has been with me, because we’re still looking for an appopriate daycare.
So I totally know what you mean and would not dare to scold you 😉
It’s really true. When you have time without your kids, it makes you a better mom. Calm, relaxed and loving.
Greetings 🙂 ♥
Você é uma pessoa muito abençoada e feliz e eu adoro constatar que ainda há pessoas assim no Mundo! Eu também sou positiva e tento todos os dias aprender um pouco mais a dar graças pelo que tenho e pela felicidade que sinto. Você não só faz coisas maravilhosas como tem uma família linda! Você é linda e uma MULHER FELIZ!!! Parabéns!
É sempre bom lê-la e uma inspiração e incentivo!
Bem haja!!!
…one never needs to apologize for being a good mom and doing things that help you be a good mom…blessings as you continue to enjoy your “me time”… 🙂
Dear Sucrette, it´s really true, that time you spend without beeing responsible for your loved ones for a little while makes you happy and relaxed -and that´s a blessing for you and your family –and for us, who can take part in your creative life, while watching , enjoying and beeing inspired of all your precious crocheted things…:)
thank you again for sharing
love and blessings….Ingrid-Marie
You can’t be a mother 24 hours a day. It’s not good for your mental health. I think what you are doing is absolutely commendable.
I wish I had thought of it when my children were younger.
I have 7 children,and have always loved crafting. I’m 52 and disabled because of my spine.
Now, I have 1 son ~12~ at home yet…and have all the time in the world for my yarn and things, while hes at school. And when he IS home…Taylor doesn’t mind at all if I’m crocheting or knitting, cuddled up on the couch or bed watching a movie. Sometimes, I do crafts that he can do,too. He really likes to weave on a small loom.
I do realize Joe’s a bit young for this…but as he gets older, you can play with Playdough with the kiddie’s,or let them help u bake cookie’s. Right now,you can teach the girl’s how to crochet, or make simple beaded bracelets.
When they were younger, I had MY TIME…after they were tucked in at night. Even if it was an hour.
Relax, hunny…as they get older…it gets easier. Take it from an experienced friend
You’re so right, Angie! This time for yourself only, doing what you love to, is absolutely necessary, even vital. Do not ever feel guilty, thinking you should be a mom 24/7. There are other parts of you you which have equal rights to be lived… if you have found a way to reconcile them all, you have learned THE SECRET! As always, I wish you all the best – you are truly an inspiration to so many of us all over the world.
Beijos from Brazil
Yes, Angie, you need some time for you to recharge. It’ll be good for little Joe also; to be with other little friends, to learn to interact with them, he may enjoy it. He is such a lovingly happy little guy. Take care and enjoy.
You are really a poet!!!!
and don´t feel guilty from wishing to be alone a couple of hours!!!!
oh i love your hearts, thats so pretty..
Wow, those hearts are beautiful! Could you maybe post a small tutorial about them here? I once tried my hand on sewing hearts but they turned out more like chuny triangles. I especially wonder how you get the turning points so neat.
Love, Kirsten
Hello Angie
I would like to congratulate you on winning the **SUPER SWEET BLOGGING AWARD**
To receive this award, simply copy and paste my post on http://thepolkadotroom.wordpress.com/ follow the rules and spread some sweetness of your own! Thanks for being so fabulous! Kate x
I looooooooooooooooooooove your closed!!!!!!!
Think of it this way too, the kids are away learning new things and getting their batteries recharged, same as you! Never feel you need to apologize!
Love your hearts (maybe because my birthday is Valentines Day!!!)! I just learned if you cut them out with pinking shears they won’t have to be clipped to turn right side out nicely!!!
Seems were all of the same mind
ME TIME is a necessity
We just got home from picking up some groceries
When we walked out of the store
Our sky was just gorgeous
Blue sky
White puffy clouds
Just like your’s, Angie.
Love & Kisses & Hugs back at cha,