South bay shawlette…finally!!!

May 27, 2013








Yes, it is FINALLY done 🙂 I’m very pleased with the result but I must confess I did not enjoyed the whole making process because it was my first one-color-project 🙂 I am not used to work with just one color …I get bored easily 😉

The pattern is lovely…It is a free Lion brand’s one and you can find it on ravelry under the name: South bay shawlette… here 🙂

If you like the pattern and you are used to work single color projects… I sooo recommend you give it a go 🙂

The result is beautiful! don’t you think?

Wishing you a beautiful week my friend



  1. lizette

    lovely i love it

  2. wendy

    Simply Beautiful

  3. annie35

    Je ne me lasse pas de ce modèle réalisé plusieurs fois déjà, mais ce rose est bien tentant !!

  4. jacekica

    It is so lovely, I did one also, now I am doing secong one 🙂
    Pattern is so nice, but as I see you with this beauty I think my first one is not big enough….
    I like edging, it seems I misunderstood edging pattern (only letters without symbols hehehe) and I didn’t make proper one. So this post is not just lovely but also very useful for me…Thank you for lovely pictures and sharing the pattern with us. Love the colour!

  5. Karen

    Oh it is so pretty! Looks like such a lovely stitch, and I love that pink! 🙂 Well done for sticking with it!!

  6. chris

    that is FANTASTIC love it

  7. Lisa

    That is so beautiful. I think I will make one for me soon. You chose the right colour. It is lovely.


  8. francoise

    quel joli modèle, et le coloris est super BRAVO

  9. Inge

    Very pretty!
    Beautiful colour.

  10. Nijenn

    Il est ravissant et parfaitement réussi! J’aime beaucoup les points de coquilles (ou d’éventails).
    Je n’aime guère non plus crocheter (ou tricoter) un ouvrage de longue haleine en une seule couleur et dans un seul point. J’ai de quoi me faire un châle en mohair d’un beau gris clair lumineux, mais j’hésite à me lancer pour cette raison.
    Il y a toujours la solution de crocheter deux ouvrages à la même période (dont un en grannies par exemple 😀 ), pour pouvoir alterner.

    Quoiqu’il en soit, pour ton châle, le jeu en valait bien la chandelle. Il est magnifique !
    A très bientôt !

  11. Sue

    It is very pretty. Well done for finishing it. I am not sure that I have enough patience to make one.

  12. Kirsten

    It is indeed very pretty! I often do multi-colour projects as well, but a complete project in one colour can often be also beautiful, especially because it draws the attention more to the pattern and details compared to multi-colours.

    Love, Kirsten

  13. Hazel

    That is beautiful. I started one in a similar colour but I only had one ball so it is more of a scarf. Well done!!

  14. Jean in NH

    SO pretty!! This pattern has been in my queue for a long time and you have inspired me to make one for myself!

  15. anny


  16. Janine

    Bonjour Angie,

    Ton châle est absolument superbe!!! Tu te souviens… je t’ai envoyé une photo de mon châle bleu parce que c’est toi qui m’avait dit où le trouver en plus du diagramme. Je le donne en cadeau à une bonne amie demain pour son anniversaire de naissance et devine quoi, j’en ai commencé un autre beige. C’est tellement facile à faire. Merci encore et Félicitations pour le tien. Il est magnifique!!!

    Si tu as d’autres patrons faciles je suis là.

    Après 3 jours de pluie à Montréal nous avons finalement un beau ciel bleu mais c’est pas chaud, environ 14C-58F.

    Bonne journée et j’ai bien hâte de voir tes magnifiques projets.


  17. Any de Chile


    Quedó muy lindo. Si bien es menos entetenido tejer en un solo color, a mi personalmente me complica mucho esconder los restos de lana cuando trabajo con más de un color…..pero tienes razón, es más entretenido y alegre con muchos colores….


  18. cristina

    I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it!!!!!!
    Congratulations for this beautiful work!
    Kisses from Catalonia!

  19. Stocki

    Beautiful Angie! x

  20. Karen H.

    How beautiful !!
    So delicate looking and such a cheerful colour !!

  21. Denise

    this is beautiful.

  22. Tracy Marie

    Your shawl is Beautiful – another wonderful project completed! – thank you for sharing it with all of us! 😀

  23. Flo H

    Very nice indeed, Angie. I had made shawls for the senior center here in my town and I’ll make this one for them soon. I’ve seen this on Lion Brand’s web sight but was intimidated by their looks of it. Thanks oodles for posting close up photo of the shawl. You are one special lady for sharing your work with all of us. You are one special lady! God Bless You and your Family.

  24. Darlene Lehman

    So beautiful!!

  25. actiu

    muy, muy bonito!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Susan @ Felted Button

    Beautiful!! I love the little picot on the edge. I, too, have a tough time with single color projects! Color play keeps me interested. But the shawl is lovely indeed! Well done!

  27. Genevieve

    Angie –
    Fantastic job on the shawl. Sometimes one color projects make a bigger impact than multi-color projects. Also, I can just imagine this shawl made up with a white or silver irredescent thread running throughout. I am just amazed at how much time you have to devote to your crochet projects (especially with young children). Keep at it though.

  28. domi

    j’adore d’ailleurs je l’ai déjà fait plusieurs fois et il plait vraiment!!! bises domi

  29. Sophie

    Que c’est Joliiiiiiiii !
    Avec cette couleur, ce châle est absolument magnifique !
    Je vais chercher le tuto car il donne envie d’en crocheter un de ce pas !!!

  30. lulu

    beautiful, love the color also..

  31. Christine

    It’s beautiful! I hear ya on the one color…boring….. but this stitch pattern wouldn’t have looked good in a multicolored yarn. And that pink!? tres chic!!!

  32. Stephanie B.

    That is beautiful!

  33. heather

    The shawl is really pretty and the color is lovely with your hair as well.

    I know what you are saying about one color projects. One color projects with a repeating pattern are even worse for me. I have to have a couple projects going at once so I can mix things up!

  34. Jenna

    Oh, so lovely! Thanks for the pattern, that kind of shawl would be great while being in the summer cottage (heh, finnish must-to-do things). 🙂

  35. martichat

    Bonjour Sucrette,
    Je me suis abonnée à ton blog fin avril, mais comme je n’ai eu aucune nouvelle depuis, je me demandais si tu étais souffrante, ou un de tes enfants. Je recommence donc mon inscription qui n’a pas dû être prise en compte. J’espère que ça marchera cette fois-ci.
    J’ai fait le SBS en rose aussi, mais avec une laine qui change de couleurs. J’aime bien le tien en uni.
    Au plaisir de te lire (en traduction automatique car je ne suis pas anglophone).
    Cordialement. Martine

  36. trish

    wow that is gorgeous!

  37. Sophie

    Bravo, cela me tente beaucoup de le faire. Je vais essayer de trouver le modele. Super aussi la couleur. A bientôt

    • Janine

      Sophie, regarde sur le site de Ravelry. Le patron est là.

      Janine 😉

  38. Lisa

    I love your shawl, the color is so pretty.
    I just wanted to tell you, I just looked at the pattern on Ravelry, and yours looks so much better.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Lisa in Alabama USA

  39. Helen

    A wonderful piece of work and the lady wearing it becomes it Am going to go over to Ravelry and check it out there too. Thanks so much for sharing this with us SMILE
    Helen A fan in the South

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