The table runner :)

June 6, 2013

Oh hello lovelies!

It is such a beautiful day today and I’m in love… deeply madly crazy in love with my latest finished project… Are you ready to fall too? I’m sure you are 😉


Let’s have some close up pics …




I love love love this simple graphic square…I think it is simple but beautiful… and I love it even more because it is the fruit of my imagination… my own drawing… 🙂


and I love the whole result…the table runner in all its glory…all these bright and beautiful colors mixed together in a lovely patchwork…


I feel happy whenever I enter the sitting room 🙂


Now for the part you are all waiting for: The how to…

I crocheted this table runner with a thin cotton yarn called “Camilla 6/4” and a 2mm crochet hook. I made it by joining as I go the squares together in a randomly use of colors…

I drew for you my friend the graphic chart of this square… It is right here:

graphic square


As you noticed, the joining part was made as-I-go with round 5 (in black in the chart) and it is done where I put the arrows…(Instead of the middle chain a slip joining stitch)

Each square was done in a different color and I made a very simple edging (1sc, 4ch, 1sc) all around the whole table runner…

I am in love with it (did I already told you that?? I don’t think so :D) and I think that this graphic square will be beautiful if used to make coasters, cushions or a summer blanket why not?

So, my lovely friend, I’ll have to leave you now with a last pic…


and wish you a wonderful day!


P.S: I draw all my graphic charts including this one using Corel Draw (a graphic design software) as many of you keep asking me 🙂

and one last thing: Some of you asks me if I can explain some of the charts with written words and I am so sorry about that but I just can’t do it sometimes… I am unable to do it 🙁 It is too difficult for me as I myself cannot follow an english written pattern 🙁 not yet! but one day… 😉

Kisses to all!



  1. chris

    that looks fantastic. love the pattern

  2. Lisa

    I’m in love, too. That is so beautiful. I will make one for me one day.


  3. nathalie

    Bravo, super beau j’adore!

  4. Debi Y.

    It’s a pretty square – and it made a lovely table runner. Thank you for sharing your pattern. 🙂

  5. Sue

    The table runner is very pretty. You are very clever as you designed the pattern yourself.

  6. Stocki

    Gorgeous Angie!. Thanks so much for sharing the pattern too 🙂 x

  7. Any de Chile


    Qué puedo decir ?? Una vez más has creado algo muy lindo…….

  8. Linda

    I am so happy you do charts. I love this pattern. Thanks You. Linda

  9. anny


  10. Stel

    That is a lovely open square, Angie! I’m adding to my list of possible patterns for my future summer throw…oh, when will I get to it…

  11. Brigitte

    Joli travail, les couleurs sont magnifiques, merci de nous faire partager cet ouvrage !!!
    Have a nice day


  12. Becky

    Thank you so much for this pattern. I really love the look of it. I am thinking I need to try this very soon. 🙂

  13. Christine

    awww…….that is so special of you! I was scrolling through the pictures and thinking “I wonder how you joined the squares” and BAM! there is was in your chart….THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love charts and almost won’t even do a pattern if there isn’t a chart.

    The table runner is so happy! I just bought the new “Cotton-ish” yarn (~50/50 cotton/acrylic) here in the States, and it has beautiful bright colors and this runner is perfect to do with this yarn.

  14. Debi

    Very pretty, indeed! And I just LOVE it every time you show glimpses of your home. I think you have the happiest looking home ever–seriously, how could one not feel cheerful in those surroundings?!! 😀

  15. Daine M

    I absolutely love your tablerunner and the block you designed to make it! Thank you so much for posting the chart — I much prefer following a chart than reading words!! And English is my first language 🙂 Thanks again!!

  16. Ann

    Such a lovely square!

  17. Flo H

    Oh how beautiful, Angie! You’re so talented! I love your work! I look forward to see your web sight on my computer. Makes my day! May God Bless you and your family. Hugs.

  18. Linda

    Wow! It is sooo beautiful! Nice work… I really love how you were able to take all of these very different colors and just make them work so beautifully together! And the simple white trim is perfect. Beautiful! 🙂

  19. Lorena

    C’est génial! xx

  20. Nijenn

    Très joli ton chemin de table ! L’association de couleurs est parfaite.
    Et bravo aussi pour le superbe bouquet de fleurs. 🙂

  21. Lisa

    i love your table runner; and, as always, your colors are so pretty.
    I like working a pattern from a chart, mostly if it’s a doily or bed spread type pattern.
    Thank you for sharing your patterns and all the pictures of the work you do.
    Lisa in Alabama, USA

  22. Susan

    I love the table runner and the square you designed. I now want to make one for my dining room table. The cotton yarn you used is not very thick is it?

    I check in your site often. I really enjoy seeing what you are working on. You are very creative.

  23. Pingback: My first doily! | Queen and Fox

  24. Barbara Bryson

    Maybe someone who knows how to read charts would volunteer to translate the chart into written pattern. It should would help me as I don’t know how to read a chart. Anyone interested?

  25. Andrea

    I am so thankful for your blog. The other day I just had to do something other than studying or writing papers. So I chose some yarn from my stash and started crocheting. No pattern, just going for it. Well the corners are not working out, the sides are warping…I got frustrated. Today I got you new post in my email and it reminded me of the runner you made : ). The pattern is already printed and I am looking forward to creating a wonderful runner without encountering more difficulties, all thanks to you sharing your patterns!! : ))

  26. Rima16

    Bonjour ,toujours joli et coloré ,bonne journée.

  27. Dane

    c’ est très coloré avec toutes ces couleurs j’ aime beaucoup tu fais des merveilles !!je suis moi aussi dans les grannys pour faire une jupe voir blog, je te souhaite une bonne journée

  28. Charlette Smith

    Just found your blog.. Thank you.

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