A new addiction called amineko :)

July 17, 2013

Good morning sweeties,

How’s everything? Are you enjoying summer?

Last week I discovered a very cute book and since that moment I am totally addicted…


Totally in love with that little cat…and totally addicted in the “making-process” of it 🙂



I started my second “amineko” yesterday. He needs a friend no? 🙂 Look how he is patiently waiting for me to finish his friend 😉


Ami means friend and neko means cat in japanese. The book is a japanese one but it has been tranlated into english and french. I just “love” japanese books. Aren’t they the best?


It is a very easy to make cat , the instructions of the book are very clear and simple and there is a very funny story about amineko.


Now I am totally into making “amineko”s. How many will I crochet? 😀


I will not stop with just two …I am sure… I left all my wips behind and I am enjoying enjoying enjoying to the max this amigurumi cute cat…


Isn’t it adorable?

If you would fancy making an amineko…

You can find here the book in english.

And for my french ladies, you can find it here 😉

I also changed the books in the left sidebar of the blog, if you love to take a peek, they are all wonderfull !!

And one more little thing before I go… You can now leave a comment on the post…It wasn’t working on my last one and I was feeling miserable without all your kind words…It really means a lot to me… Just say hello so I know that you are here… it makes me really happy…

Wishing you sunshine, love, peace and many many moments of joy…



  1. chris

    They are fantastic . I got the book when it first came out.

  2. Nijenn

    Il est mignon comme tout cet amineko !! Terrible ces addictions… Moi je suis toujours et encore gravement granny maniaque. Je ne m’approcherai pas pour l’instant de ces chats… je risque de succomber et de ne plus pouvoir trouver le temps de faire dormir mes yeux la nuit.

  3. domi83

    j’adore ils sont trop mignons et ils ont des attitudes tellement …. humaines 😉

  4. Ellen

    So cute! What a fun project…thanks for sharing.

  5. kecka

    for the first time – hello from Czech Republic 😉

  6. helen warren

    Found a copy on a South African site. Wonderful!!!!

  7. Becci Sundberg

    How cute!
    These would make fabulous christmas presents

  8. Tajana

    It is sooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  9. Donna

    We love Amineko in our house. I made mine last summer and he still doesn’t have his facial features but has so much character. Your post might have given me the kick I needed to finish him off!

  10. anny


  11. GerryART

    I L♥VE the way you’ve ‘styled’ Amineko.
    He really has ATTITUDE.

    Thanks for introducing Amineko to us.

    I’ve added this book to my wishlist.


  12. Leslie

    I have the book also, but have not attempted the project. I hope it is easy because I’d love to make them for the kids in our local hospital.

  13. Carolyn

    Good morning, Angie 🙂

    I love your little animeko! It’s adorable and I just got to have one of my own 🙂

    Thank you for sharing the link where we can get the book in English.

    I especially love the design and colors you have shown for your animeko, and can’t wait to see what the next one will look like.

    Was this for little Joseph or for you?

    Carolyn Geoffrey

  14. Janine


  15. Brenda Jones

    Hi I just love the pillow tops with the letters could you tell me where I might buy the pattern?? Thanks so much for making your site exciting to come to I never know what you will be up to when I come to see what lovely things you are doing. Keep up the good work.


  16. Deniece

    Just love your site.You brings smiles to my day when I receive the email. Thanks
    God Bless

  17. Janine

    Hi Just wanted to tell you how much I love the little kitty too. Have ordered the book so I can make some too.

  18. Jenna

    You could make an army of those cats and i’d still love them all!!!

    Lovely, how can you say no to that adorable little thing? I wonder if I could find that book in finnish: my friend’ll have a baby and I wonder what could I make for him/her.

  19. HillyT

    This is such a lovely pattern, I made one myself for a special little girl not long ago and she adores it! Yours is beautiful I love his jumper.

  20. Maya

    I know for sure that you won’t stop with just two of them!!!!
    They are beautiful!!!! And he is patiently waiting for his fiends!!!!
    God Bless you for you blog I really enjoy visiting you!!!


  21. dom

    j’adore tous ce que vous faites .cela met de la couleur dans ma vie et me donne envie de faire ses petits chats
    merci d’exister

  22. Faith

    So cute! I have to try this! Thanks!

  23. mamifoise

    Bonjour Angie ils sont magnifiques tes petits chats

  24. Charlotte

    Your amineko is very cute!

    Actually, the pattern for the cat is freely available on the website of Nekoyama (http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~mite/diagram/crochetedCat.html) 😀

    Also, I know ami means friend in French, but it does not in Japanese 😉 . In Japanese its tomodachi.
    The ami in the word amineko stands for crocheted/knitted (the Japanese do not make the distinction, only one word for the two). So amineko literally means “crocheted cat”.

  25. Annie

    Love your amineko – I hope you’ll be very happy together!

  26. Tabby P.

    You and I are on a parallel crafty plain! I was making the Shawlette when you were and I just finished two amineko kitties for my girls! I think it’s crazy but so fun! I love your new kitty and can’t wait to see your next one.
    Hugs and love!! ❤

  27. Darlene Lehman

    Very cute!! And it is very addicting, isn’t it?? I saw the Octopus that Gleeful Things (on Ravelry) had made, I think that was about a month ago. And I had to try one, seeing as my usual forte is afghans!! And everyone who has seen them after I’ve made one, has wanted one. So lots of gifts given this summer!! I am working on #9 tonight! Crochet on!

  28. Vivian

    He looks great! I also have that book on my wishlist! I think every kid will want one and everybody else in the family!

  29. Pingback: one? two? three!!!!!!!!!!!!

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