one? two? three!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 22, 2013


Did you guess what I’m talking about??

1 the-3-of-us

Oh yes! The crazy woman in me crocheted these 3 cats in two weeks… Well the second and third one in a week!

It was fast and mad crochet… but I kept my promise and I finished two cats for the girls before the weekend…as the blue one was made first for little Joe…and the girls wanted their own amineko 🙂


Blue was patiently waiting for his friends in Joe’s room…


…while I was crocheting purple for Sarah… She chose the colors and was very happy once purple was done 🙂


Then I asked my biggest girl Christina what colors she wanted for her cat. She answered black with a multi coloured shirt (with all the colors you have in your stash mummy 🙂 hahaha ) This is my girl 😉


and there was Black in all its glory 😀


The girls slept with their cats and I was very happy…I love when they play with handmade toys and I feel proud to produce something they’ll cherish for years (I hope so 😉 )


These cats are my addiction of the moment…

I feel like making one for myself too (don’t tell anyone 😉 )


If you want to make your own “amineko”…  (It is very easy to crochet) … You can purchase the book in this previous post of mine here…or in the left sidebar of the blog between the books 🙂

Have a wonderful monday!



  1. Linda

    Aw I love them all Angie so cute. 🙂

  2. Natalie

    they are so cute! I would have chosen a black cat too. Can you take a picture of your children while holding the cats?

    xxx, Natalie

  3. Dorothy

    Awww .. your amineko cats are adorable. I’d like one myself !!!!! Perhaps I’ll put it on my ‘to do’ list. Have a lovely week. xoxox

  4. Lucie

    Ils sont trop mignons tes petits chats ! Je comprends que tu veuilles le tien ! Bonne semaine à toi !

  5. Madeleine

    Lovely! I wish I could make one for my little grandson!

    Have a nive week!

  6. Nijenn

    Adorables Angie ! Ils sont adorables ! J’ai un faible pour le blackie à pull rayé multicolore !! Tu as raison : fais-en un pour toi !! ♥

  7. Inge

    They are very cute!

  8. carnam

    That reminds me of “my” Minkoman 🙂
    First of all it was ment as a joke – there’s a strange cartoon my fiancé once made up with a friend years ago, very stupid and bloody, without a real sense. But well, different people, different humor.
    One day, I made a crochet Minkoman (as a surprise) and guess what? My son grabbed it and declared it as his toy…
    So I made another one for my fiancé and his friends all went nuts like “I want one toooo!!!”.
    So I made another one at a knitting an crochet meet up and guess what: Everybody was like “Awww, how cute, you should sell them!”….
    Now I’m starting a small business 🙂

    Have a nice and sunny day ♥

  9. Paulette

    These are just the sweetest little cats! Your crochet is always so lovely. I really enjoy your blog, Angie! 🙂

  10. Debi Y.

    Awww – they are adorable. Your crochet work is always so pretty and colorful. 🙂

  11. Tajana


  12. dannythegingercat

    Just lovin’ those cats x Jo

  13. Lily

    I love the cats – they are so floppy and cuddly. Did you use acrylic or cotton yarn? I would love to make these for Little Son and my little neices. Lily. xxx

  14. HillyT

    You are really making me want to make another one of these! The are gorgeous, I love their stripy jumpers. They look as if they are all good friends as well!

  15. Carolyn

    Lucky little people!! To have a mom like you, Angie, that crochets such wonderful things for them 🙂

    I love your cats and you should definitely crochet one for YOU…a momma cat 🙂

    Very sweet. You do wonderful crochet, my friend 🙂


  16. Darlene Lehman

    Must tell you they are all so sweet!!! Well done, by the way!! Best to you and the family.

  17. Nadette

    I love them all, but I have to know, what colors will you pick! 🙂

  18. Marie

    You are so talented!
    I must tell you, here in Sweden we use that sweet cat for a good cause and we call it “hjärtekatten” which means “the heart cat”. People all over the country crochet cats and put a little red heart with a scar on the cats chest. They are then sent to the two hospitals i Sweden where there is heart surgery performed on children and every child gets his or her own little cat with a scar, just like them. It’s very appreciated. Here is the link to the blog:

  19. GerryART

    As I said,
    Every time I read your posts
    A big smile happens

    You have styled these adorables wonderfully
    Giving them individual personalities


  20. Alison

    Really love your work and posts. Gives me a moment to smile and inspires me to crochet on. Thank you so much. Alison.

  21. kecka

    it is very…(where is dictionary?!) very cut toy. i like it…

  22. Natas Nest

    Oh Sucrette, they are sooo sweet!! ♥ I’m also a big fan of Amineko and have made three some time ago. They were sitting on the sofa’s backrest for some time and now they are sleeping on my yarn baskets ;-).

  23. Janine

    Bonjour Angie,

    J’ai tellement hâte de recevoir ton courriel et la surprise qui y est jointe. J’adore les chats, d’ailleurs j’ai une chatte noire et les tiens absolument magnifiques! Bravo!

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