An update ;-)

August 27, 2013

Good morning!

Yes, I’m still alive… I think that’s how I should start each post from now on …

No…This is such a stupid joke …eh?

We have to laugh about it so we will not cry…That’s how the situation is in my little country Lebanon these days…


You can not imagine how much each and every comment you wrote on my last post touched me deaply… Some of your words made me cry… And they all made me realize how much this whole blog-friendship is important to me and to my mental health… I am really THANKFUL for your words, your kindness, your prayers and your love… I wish I could hug you all 🙂

Today, I am showing you little bits of my creative life…These little wips that are allowing me to remain “normal” and to not become insane every time one of my family member leave home…

So, my lovelies, this is the latest acrylic painting I am working on right now…


This is my village 🙂 It is called: Beit Chabeb

The painting is not over yet…I still have to add small details (I just love this last “stage” of a painting… just like edging a crocheted blanket 😉 ) but I thought about showing it to you like a wip…

And …


This is the crazy ripple so far….

32 rows …that means 16 hours of crochet…wowwww 🙂

Do you love the colors?


I adore them 🙂 I love how they melt together…


That’s all I have for today my friends!

Have to leave you now…and I hope to be back to you very very soon…

Until then take good care of yourself…

and THANK YOU once again for just being here… Your presence is all that matters 🙂

Hug and love




  1. Adrienne

    I have never commented before, but have read your blog for quite a long time and so enjoy all that you do! Keep strong Angie in this very difficult time for you and your countryfolk. Your painting and crochet brings rays on sunshine into our loves and we send them back to you with our prayers for your safety and for peace. Hugs!

  2. Sue

    I have been thinking of you and your family for quite a while now. Every evening I watch the news on the TV and hope that Lebanon does not get involved in the troubles. Things are not looking good in your part of the world and I hope that you all keep safe and well.

    Keeping busy with colourful projects is a good idea.

    I love the colours in your painting and your ripple is beautiful.

  3. Ana Silva

    All my pray’s are with you and your familie. You are a strong human and the sun is shining on you so I think that you must live each day as if it was the last and enjoy all the moments and things that you love and do so well.
    Is never too much say to whom we love how we love them.
    I love the sunshine that you transfer to me and I love your paintings.
    If one day you will think to sell one, if I have the money, you may be sure that I will buy it.
    Kisses and hope for all, be happy.

  4. Liz Warner

    I have followed your blog for sometime and find your work so colourful and inspiring. I would love to be as good as you someday. I have been thinking of you since your last blog send special thoughts to you and your family and hope you are all keeping well and safe. Sometimes in this horrid world it is comforting to know there are people out there thinking of you so I hope this brings some comfort to you.

  5. Snap

    Sending you good thoughts and much love. You bring such joy and color into the world. Wishing you and all … peace.

  6. christine ferro

    Chère sucrette, je te suis déjà depuis pas mal de temps mais je n’ai jamais repondu a tes notes. J’admire ton très grand courrage et j’éspère q ce cauchemar se termine bientôt. Toutes mes pensées son avec toi et ta famill.e

  7. Stocki

    All beautiful as usual Angie… I am especially loving the blanket…and glad to hear that all is well with you & yours… I think many people can ‘hear’ what a lovely person you are in your posts, so send you good wishes. Hugs, Jill x

  8. Inge

    Very lovely painting with lovely colours!
    I’m happy to hear from you and I also send you good wishes!

  9. Sonja

    Dear Angie, what beautiful,colourful artwork you are producing! I like the painting of your village. The colours resemble your ripple blanket. You inspired me to crochet Aminekos (I’m crocheting number 3 now 😉 and I think I will start my ripple blanket with the next yarn stash.
    Sending my love and prayers, Sonja

  10. Janine

    Bonjour Angie,

    Il n’y a que du bonheur et de la joie qui vient de toi. Seulement au dernier post tu étais telllllllement triste mais je comprends et je suis très contente que tu es toi-même encore maintenant.

    Ton tableau est magnifique et ta couverture est un arc-en-ciel pour nos yeux. On voit bien qu’il y a du soleil dans ton coeur. Continue de prendre soin de toi et de ta famille et de nous montrer tes beaux travaux. Bon courage.

  11. Lauri

    Dear Angie,
    I don’t think I’ve ever left a comment, but I’ve been reading your blog for a long time. In fact, I still have your “is this too colorful” post marked as my inspiration for redecorating my living room. Not only is it definitely NOT too colorful, but it’s exactly how I want my living room to look. (I’m slowly redecorating… very slowly.)

    I’m on the other side of the world from you, and it can be so insulated and removed here from the very real troubles on your side of our beautiful Earth. But we are all here together – sisters – not only in our love of needlework and color, but also in our common humanity, motherhood, womanhood, etc. One family.

    I wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and your country. If there is anything your readers can do to help you, please please do say something. You’ve brought joy to so many lives – please do let us help you when and if you need it, OK?

    lots of love to you…

  12. Nijenn

    Je pense à toi souvent, très souvent et pas seulement lorsque je viens sur ton blog. Je sais que derrière tes créations joyeuses et colorées, il y a une angoisse de chaque instant et des craintes qui n’ont rien à voir avec nos petits soucis quotidiens de gens qui vivent en paix.
    Mais le vacarme du monde nous parvient et je suis de celles qui ne se bouchent pas les oreilles et veulent savoir. Parfois, ça m’empêche de dormir. Sache que tu n’es pas seule, tous ces témoignages le montrent et j’espère qu’ils t’apportent un peu de réconfort et d’espoir pour toi, tes enfants, ta famille, ton merveilleux pays.
    J’aime beaucoup tes peintures et particulièrement celle-ci. Comme toi j’apprécie beaucoup ce moment où une création n’est pas encore tout à fait achevée mais presque. Déjà complète, mais encore dans la fraîcheur et l’émotion de l’élan créatif (je ressens la même chose pour mes poupées). C’est un peu difficile à expliquer.
    Je t’embrasse, Angie.
    Prends soin de toi et des tiens.

  13. Mam'zelle Flo

    Dear Angie, sending you big hugs from France, I hope things will settle soon, for your sake and your country too! I’ll pray for you and your family, and I wish I could do more!

  14. Claire

    Hi Angie,

    I have only quite recently started to read your blog, but I really enjoy seeing your colourful work and reading your posts. Your painting and ripple blanket are just lovely 🙂 A large ripple project is on my ‘to do’ list when maybe some of my other (many) wip are finished!! Lots of love to you and your family. I hope you take some strength from all of us out here who you give so much enjoyment too. Claire xx

  15. Claire

    Hi Angie,

    I have only quite recently started to read your blog, but I really enjoy seeing your colourful work and reading your posts. Your painting and ripple blanket are just lovely A large ripple project is on my ‘to do’ list when maybe some of my other (many) wip are finished!! Lots of love to you and your family. I hope you take some strength from all of us out here who you give so much enjoyment to. Claire xx

  16. jacekica

    I think about you and your family often, every time when I pray you are included ( it is few times a day, and during nigt).I really hope and wish the end of it and that your country once again become like your latest painting – village full of sun and colors.
    Your ripple is wonderful – I love so much bright and vivid colors. Once again – you, your family and your country are always in my prayers.

  17. Stel

    And then they say this internet community is not real…I beg to differ, having experienced same with various groups.
    Stay safe.

  18. amber1156

    I look forward to your blog, it is a bright spot in my day. I love, love, love your crochet and the kaleidoscope of color that you use. Even though we are half a world apart, my thoughts are with you and your family. I never “knew” anyone in your part of the world. Thank you for sharing your creations and just know that you have a sister in crochet out there.

  19. Ellen

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. You add so much joy to my day with your creativity and friendliness. Thank you. You and your country are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending hugs and heartfelt thanks from Wisconsin.

  20. Barbina

    Dear Angie! I’m thinking of you and your family very often during the past weeks! I’m praying, that everything will turn out fine for you soon! All my little worries every day are so tiny compared to yours! If there is anything I could do for you, please let me know! I’m here for you!
    Sending you lots of hugs and kisses! Barbina

  21. Karen

    Glad to read your post today. You and your dear family have been in my thoughts. I will continue to pray for all of you and your country.
    Stay safe my dear !!

  22. Elizabeth

    Love cheery colors supporting my wish for world peace. Prayers and our love

  23. Anne Marie

    I adore the colours in the ripple you have just shown. I am doing a little one for a friend’s 9 month baby, simply because the love bright colours and she can cuddle into it. It is in acrylic so she can chew it and it won’t harm.

    I love the yarn you are using and would be interested to know what sort it is. I want to try Stylecraft as that is widely recommended but what I used was a lot cheaper. I’m not sure though, if it is nice to work with.

  24. GerryART

    Angie, well, you’ve brought another day of sunshine to my life.
    You are in my Thoughts daily
    I think it was Stel in her comment above
    – your Aminekos are alluring
    In fact
    Because of you
    That book is in my Wishlist at my Barnes & Noble Book Store online account
    Now because the store issued a 20% off coupon
    This book will be ordered today
    And soon at my house
    Now to screw up the courage to get out my hook. 🙂

    Hugs, Sweet Friend


  25. Ipsa

    Later your children will say : our mother taught us courage, respect and love. She knows the true colors of the world et ces couleurs demandent en ce moment un immense courage. Mes pensées t’accompagnent toi, ta famille et tes amis.

  26. Valérie C.

    Sucrette, you still shining through the darkness. We still close to you.
    Around the world we think about you.
    Stay strong and keep create.
    De tout coeur

  27. anny

    Envio mis buenos pensamientos y mucho amor. Tu traes tanta alegría y color a este mundo. Te deseo y todo … la paz.
    La pintura bella ylos zigzag encantadores
    Besos Anny

  28. Kirsten

    Lots of love to you and yours. Stay strong.

    Love, Kirsten

  29. maura

    angie, it is we who must thank you for the joy you bring us even thru the struggles

  30. Carrie

    Thinking of you and thanking you for your colourful world and joyful pictures x Take care xxx

  31. Elly D

    If only the world could be as joyful as your beautiful paintings Angie. Watching the news this evening and seeing that there is trouble all around you. Keep strong and safe. Prayers continuing for you and your family. Hugs

  32. Elly D

    Oh I forgot to say, Yes I love the colours of your new ripple! xx

  33. cristina

    Dear Angie … I do not know how to write encouraging words and think at the same time all this barbarism that is happening in her country and neighboring countries … I would think that the world is beautiful, as are all the blogs that I read … beautiful people, generous and charming, we just want to express joy and happiness through our blogs … the cruelty of the world is a great shame … it is a shame! all wars only lead to destruction and civilians is always the loser … Angie …. I want to help you! you and your country! I hope that good people one day govern the world, which now seems that only bad people can have access to power … I do not know …. I think you and your family and friends….. I want to stop the violence! I think that if criminals learn how to make crochet could be good people, right? it’s nice to dream …. we never stop dreaming …. in a fairer, less cruel …. Be sure to make crochet and distract your thoughts! You know: that we all looooooooove you! and you never stop to create beautiful things! Millions of hugs and kisses from Catalonia!

  34. Flo H

    Dear Angie, May you have peace very soon. Happy to hear from you and to Know you and your family are fine. I hope you can have a peaceful sleep at night. Your crochet work is so beautiful, it brings sunshine into our world. Flo H. from Pennsylvainia

  35. Debbie R.

    Dearest Angie,
    I will be praying for you and your family. Please know you bring joy to so many of us that get to see your beautiful hand work. You are blessed with so much talent and sharing it with the world is appreciated. Be safe.

  36. clairdesoleil

    Merci de nous avoir donné des nouvelles, j’étais inquiète.
    La couverture et le tableau sont toujours aussi colorés et j’aime beaucoup.
    Je continue à penser très fort à vous et votre famille
    bon courage

  37. jeanne-hélène

    Le monde de sucrette est un monde de paix et votre village est peint avec amour et poésie ; tout est calme, lumineux, apaisant ! Du plus profond de mon coeur, je vous souhaite de pouvoir peindre très prochainement une belle fête dans ce village. Pour être en lien avec vous, j’ai fait une copie de votre réalisation et je l’ai mise sur mon bureau de PC. Je vous embrasse.

  38. Joyce

    Continued prayers.

  39. Jo

    You and your family are in my thoughts. I pray that peace and love prevail. Stay strong. Xxx

  40. Deniece

    Angie, You are so talented. I love the painting. So bright and cheerful just like you.
    In three weeks I am going to start a ripple afghan in many colors like yours. I have not done a ripple for many, many years so I hope it comes out ok.
    You and yours are in our prayers.
    We love your blog.

  41. Alise

    lovely-lovely blanket, so full of colour and dreams!

  42. wendy

    Bringing lots of happy colour into your part of the world, that is what the beautiful picture certainly does and the lovely ripple wip.
    Take care my blog friend and yes you are surrounded by many many caring worldwide ♥

  43. Kathy

    I absolutely love your painting (and ripple!) You are so creative and talented and kind – and I love your style. Thinking of you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing. xoxo

  44. Mary

    Beautiful! The painting is so bright and lovely! The ripple is also very bright and lovely!
    I just happened upon your blog! I love it! Now I follow it.
    I hope Lebanon stays out of all the troubles….I will pray for you and yours….
    Much Peace To You…
    …and HUGS too…
    Mary 🙂

  45. René

    You, your sweet family, and your country will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    I love also all the color on your blog, beautiful ripple as always!!!, Love, love the painting, and the cats art so cute.

    Hugs to all of you, René

  46. Darlene Lehman

    Beautiful colors of the ripple; Shockingly bright, but friendly with each other! Best to you and your family.

  47. Melody A.

    Your painting is beautiful, so rich in color, very happy looking! I am praying for you and yours that all will be well in this difficult time.

  48. Olga

    I love all the colours you are using around you, Angie! Either this blanket and the painting. As well all colourful things at your home. You are very talented! Kisses to you and I wish all the best to you and your beloved once!
    Olga ♡

  49. Carolyn

    Angie, my prayers are for you, your family and friends, and your poor country. What terrible times we live in!

    I know it is difficult, be put on a smile for each of your loved ones. It will make them feel secure to see your smile, and to see all the colorful and lovely things you are creating for their world.

    Your painting is beautiful. I love the colors so much, just like all of your crafts you do — each one is a masterpiece, in my eyes 🙂

    Sending you love and hugs,
    Carolyn Geoffrey in Texas

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