One year old already :)

September 16, 2013

On his first day…


On his first week:


On his first month:


And today:







My sweet little man is turning one tomorrow…

He is a joy to the whole family… He smiles a lot and my heart every time melts with love…

He has two teeth now …he crawls and stands up alone… It is amazing how much progress he makes day after day…

Happy birthday baby Joseph ๐Ÿ™‚

The girls and you are the best thing that ever happened to me…and I thank God each and every day for such a blessing!

I love you more than anything in this world….



  1. Annie

    Joyeux 1er anniversaire petit Joe,tu es beau comme un coeur!! tu as 3 enfants adorables Sucrette!gros bisous

  2. chris

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY little man Have a great day

  3. Madeleine

    Happy birthday, little Joseph! God bless your lovely family! Thanks for the nice pictures, thanks for sharing, Angie!

  4. Anne Marie

    Happy Birthday Joseph. You have a beautiful family. Have a lovely day.

  5. Titi

    Dรฉjร  1 an ! Que le temps passe… c’est fou.
    Bon anniversaire petit Joseph !

  6. Stocki

    Happy Birthday Joseph! What a gorgeous little man you are ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  7. Lucie

    Quel beau petit garรงon ! Bon anniversaire Joe !
    Tes filles sont adorables ! Quelle jolie famille tu as !

  8. Barbara

    Happy Birthday to your little boy, Angie – this was such a cute post, I wish you and your family all the best!!


  9. Alessandra

    buon compleanno Joseph!!!!
    xxxx Ale

  10. Karen

    Congratulations to all of you with little Joseph’s birthday. You have the sweetest children! Have a fun day and thank you for sharing the lovely photos. xxx

  11. Stel

    No ways, one year old! Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag, seuna!

  12. Penny Bennett

    Happy birthday to your son. You have a beautiful family.

  13. Inge

    Happy Birthday tomorrow !!!

  14. jeanne-hรฉlรจne

    Joyeux anniversaire tendre petit Joseph ! Sucrette, vous avez fondรฉ une belle famille et les sourires de chacun de vos enfants en disent long sur le plaisir qu’ils ont ร  en faire partie. Je vous envoie mes meilleures pensรฉes chargรฉes de sentiments de paix.

  15. nathalie renault

    dรฉjร  un an , mon dieu que le temps passe vite, happy birthday Joe, bisous ร  tous nath

  16. Sara

    Your family is beautiful. Happy Birthday Joseph, I just love his curls too. He is very handsome.

  17. Eveline

    no way! has time gone by so fast!?!?! Congrats with the big little man! He’s a hansome fellow!

  18. Angรฉlique

    Bon Anniversaire ร  ton Ange ๐Ÿ˜‰ Il est magnifique avec ses boucles!

  19. Becci Sundberg

    That’s right he was born on Eli’s 3rd birthday.
    Happy Birthday Joseph!

  20. anny

    Feliz cumpleaรฑos pequeรฑo Jose, esta divino!!!

  21. Tabby

    How truly blessed are you with those beautiful children!! Happy birthday, Joseph! It hardly seems like its been a year already.
    Hugs and love!!

  22. Any de Chile

    Una abrazo gigante, Feliz Cumpleaรฑos….es impresionante lo rapido que pasa el tiempo y lo que ha crecido….Dios lo vendiga…Angie, es hermosa tu familia…


  23. Fran

    Happy birthday little man. So lucky to be surrounded by such a wonderful family.

  24. Fariba

    Dear Angie,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with all of us. Your daughters are beautiful and your litttle man Joseph is a handsome “dude”. You share your love with us every day and for that we are thankful to you. Please know that we are all honored to know you and your family.
    Happy Birthday Joseph……

  25. beth j

    Happy birthday. Love the red curls so adorable! Continued prayers for you and your family

  26. Ellen

    Happy Birthday Joe!

  27. Jean in NH

    Look at those curlies!!!

    Happy birthday Joseph – you are such a lucky guy to have such wonderful sisters!

    Time goes by too fast, doesn’t it?

  28. Sue

    Happy Birthday Joseph.

    He looks like a happy little boy and I love his curly hair.

    The big sisters look very sweet too.

  29. Ana Reyes

    Tes enfants sont si BEAUX!… Happy Birthday beautiful Joe!
    Congratulations and thanks sooooo much for sharing.
    Keep hooking and posting.

  30. Cheryl

    Happy Birthday dear Joseph!

    What a lovely family.

  31. Maureen

    What a beyooooteeful baby boy. And what lovely little girls. Happy Birthday Joseph!
    Maureen from Maryland, USA

  32. Angela

    sweetly put & so true!

    Happy Happy Birthday to Joseph!

  33. Flo H

    Hi Angie, Happiest Birthday to Little Joe, so precious! Your girls are so pretty; Happy looking children! Lot of love comes across in your blogs! You bring joy to this sad world! Am so happy I found you for my cyber friend! God bless You and Yours and keep you & family safe. Flo H. from Pennsylvania

  34. Tracy Marie

    Dear Joseph,
    Birthday wishes especially for you and lots of warm thoughts come along with them, too! Happy Birthday!
    Big Hugs,
    Tracy Marie & Family

  35. domi83

    happy birthday to Joe !!! il est craquant et tu as un trรจs jolie famille ๐Ÿ˜‰

  36. GerryART

    Angie, what a sweet family you have.
    Each is adorable

    love and hugs to all

  37. Stephanie B.

    what a cutie and his sisters too!

  38. Carolyn

    My wishes for a Happy Birthday to Little Joe.

    Angie, you sure have 3 gorgeous children!! But, I’m not surprised because look at the beautiful woman that is their mama ๐Ÿ™‚

    Will you be giving Joe a birthday party with birthday cake and lots of presents?

    Carolyn Geoffrey

  39. wendy

    Happy birthday Joseph โ˜บโ˜บโ˜บ

  40. Darlene Lehman

    What a precious little one !!Wishing him a Happy Birthday!! Love the picture with the messy face; my son reprimands me all the time for a picture I took of him at around a year old, sitting in his little jumper chair, gnawing on a caramel sucker, coated from hair to chin!! Those are the memories that warm the heart. He is now an account executive at a large company, but he is still my “little one”. Best to you and the family!!

  41. Elly D

    Such cuties! Happy Birthday to your little one! Doesn’t a year go in fast!

  42. Kate

    Happy birthday and many blessings ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Anna

    God bless little Joe on his #1 birthday.
    Many blessing to your beautiful family. ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Alison

    What a wonderful post. It made my heart sing. Thank you. Love Alison.

  45. Helen

    Happy birthday to the handsome 1 year old! My how time flies!!

  46. Renate


    you are truly blessed with such lovely children! Happy Birthday to little Joseph!

    Beijo from Brazil.

  47. Zelna

    Happy Birthday Joseph!! He is such a cute happy boy Angie – and you have such beautiful daughters! You are truly blessed! Enjoy every moment with them – they grow up so fast!

  48. carnam

    Oh my, Happy Birthday little Joseph!
    It’s been already a year? Time flies!
    I hope you’ll experience even more joy and love the next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. julie

    Que Dieu vous les garde toujours en bonne sante, Happy Birthday to Joe and many more of course.

  50. Adrienne

    Oh how the time flies – I cannot believe he is one already. What a lovely smile he has, and what a lovely picture of your three children. Happy birthday Joe – hope you all had a very special day with him!

  51. Sandy

    Happy birthday little man,enjoy your day.xx

  52. Susan DiMucci

    Your family is beautiful. Your girls are gorgeous and little (or maybe not so little) Joseph is awesome. I love his hair. You are truly blessed.

    I love your crochet work.

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