It is all about crochet …

September 18, 2013

Good morning sweet people around the globe!

It is always so nice to have you here…Thank you all for your wishes on Baby Joe’s birthday 🙂 Your nice words made my day 🙂

Today’s post is all about crochet… and I am not feeling super sure about myself anymore…I will explain…


These days I am like a child experimenting with his new toys… I feel like I just learned how to crochet and I lost my self confidence …


I will not say that these will become bedspreads… I will not even say that they will be blankets…neither cushions… I will just enjoy crocheting…just enjoy the stitches I am doing and the making of whatever they will turn into…


I am afraid to make plans…even crochet plans…that’s how I am these days…

I left behind the crazy ripple I was doing…did not like how it is turning out as a bedspread…I tried it on the bed and did not like what I saw…did not feel it…

This is the first time something like that is happening to me: 22 hours of crochet for nothing…I am so dissapointed… Maybe I’ll finish it one day as  a blanket… and maybe not…


Now I am making these grannies and classic squares that … I hope … will turn into something…


Using my leftover stash…I’ll try to enjoy crocheting…just crocheting…without thinking about the result….


Did you experience something like that before? Did you one day lost your self confidence about your trustful craft? Did you left behind a project you were crazy about and spent on it long hours of crocheting-knitting?

Please share your experience… I would love to hear about it…

A lovely wednesday to all!

Kisses and love






  1. Zelna

    Hi Angie. If writers can experience writer’s block – surely we can experience crocheter’s block? I think your idea of going back to the real basics is brilliant! I always find that making a bunch grannies makes me fall in love with crochet all over again! But you so do not need to be without confidence in your craft – the stuff you make is totally gorgeous and colourful!!

  2. Barbara

    I agree with Zelna, I think what you are experiencing is normal for a creative person. Sometimes we need to turn the brains off and go back to basic to regain energy and inspiration. Take care of yourself and don’t lose hope, your confidence will return someday!

  3. Alessandra

    …or maybe, just experiment some new crochet? I mean, something that you didn’t crochet before or new stitches??? This is a good exercise, too!!!!
    No worries anyway, it happens to everyone!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  4. Stel

    Today. 🙁

    Luckily I only completed 2 squares (after hours of pondering!) when I realised it was not going to work.
    I like the colour grannies with the white edge, we had one like that on Ons Hekel just earlier this week and it is beautiful, classic.

  5. Penelope Beaumont

    May be you just need a break from crochet work, put it away for awhile. You must find when you are painting one of your pictures when you stop to take care of the children, or come back to work on it the following day you see your work with fresh eyes, you notice if something that needs reworking.

  6. Gwenn3438

    Désolée de ne pouvoir vous répondre en anglais, il est bien loin et je suis incapable de tenir une conversation. Je comprends un peu ce vous dites, mais pas tout. Votre site est magnifique et tout ce que vous faites est très beau : Merci de nous montrer vos travaux, tout est magnifique ! encore une fois Thank You !!!!

  7. Ana Silva

    Angie, dont be afraid we all have passed for something like that in a certain point of our life. You are woried and your mind is tired. Try to do someting diferent, look into other blogues of another kind of arts or recycling, do anything knew.
    Ana Silva

  8. Rebecca

    Hello! Just wanted to say your blog is great! Thank you so much. R x

  9. Ellen

    Yes…yes…yes to all questions. I currently have one project “taking a break”, something I seldom do. I have had others that just didn’t turn out the way I hoped, so I took them apart. But, time crocheting is never wasted, it brings joy to my days even when it doesn’t turn out the way I hope it will. Your work is beautiful, and I’m sure it will all come together for you eventually. Sometimes taking a break from a large project like your ripple is the best thing. I once took a nine year break from a ripple, but eventually it was completed and was the perfect gift for a friend:) Hang in there, and keep crocheting.

  10. Debi Y.

    Yes, it’s happened to me quite a few times over the years. I always feel restless and lost when it does. But have no fear – the crochet mojo returns and then I’m happy again. It will return for you too. 🙂

  11. cindy lee fearon

    try not to get discouraged. i’ve been where you are now many times! i think crocheting just for the sake of crocheting is an excellent idea. a lot of times its good to just do it for no reason at all, and then before you know it the love you have for your art will return.

    🙂 cindy

  12. Laura

    It happens my friend. I had that happen a little while ago. I have a basket full of small granny squares that I was not sure what to do with them, going to make a scarf. Until then I am making caps to donate to chemo centers.

  13. Luz

    Hi, Angie. I am writing from Spain and just wanted to tell you that I follow your blog, and that I wanted to thank you for your wonderful ideas, mood, colours, creativity, art…
    I wish you all the best. Keep crochetting and giving us all your happiness. Luz

  14. Carolyn

    Oh Angie, my dear…

    I think all of us who have been crocheting for any length of time have experienced “burn-out”. But, it’s just temporary, hon. When that happens to me, I take a break from crocheting for awhile. Also, I’ll start looking at crochet patterns in books and on the internet for inspiration. Go to Pinterest and Ravelry for inspiration. If that doesn’t work for me, then I just go read a good book and forget about crocheting for awhile. I take a vacation from it 🙂

    Hope you find something to inspire you, for you sure inspire me 🙂

    Carolyn Geoffrey

  15. Laura :)

    Yes totally normal!!! I go through periods where I feel uninspired and nothing I try feels good. That’s when I get online and look around at your blog, Lucy’s blog, Color n Cream’s blog and lots of others to see creativity and colors. I might find a new project or idea, but often I just feel good visiting and wait out my slump. I once had a bag go waaaayyy off track!! I was following a pattern but it was just SO big it was lame. So, I frogged it down quite a few rows and tried to narrow it up a bit and it still was lame. So, I decided I didn’t ever want to see it again and I frogged the whole thing and saved the yarn. Within a week or two I saw your cute circle in a square pattern, printed it out, made some and created a lovely pillow for my sister with that yarn!! Win/win lol!!! So, while it can be discouraging for a bit, remember that inspiration will come soon!!! I love your blog and I am sending all good thoughts your way from southern California!! 🙂

  16. Kate

    You poor dear! It’s terrible when that feeling overcomes you. I know; I’ve experienced it. Nothing I made gave me a sense of joy, no matter how many hours I’d put into it. I questioned everything I made, the colors, the material, the pattern. The only comfort I can give is this feeling will go away. Just relax and enjoy the simplicity of basic stitches. Your crochet mojo will return one day 🙂
    Blessings 🙂

  17. Lucie

    Tu sais, Angie, je crois que ça arrive à tous les créateurs dans tous les domaines. Ne te pose pas trop de questions et continue à crocheter avec plaisir même si tu ne sais pas ce que cela deviendra. Et surtout ne perds pas le moral pour ça ! Un jour, tu sauras quoi faire de tes carrés.

  18. Deniece

    Hang in there, Angie. This too will pass.
    I have three projects started and fell into a slump and put them all down and I have been reading books for the past four months. I picked up one project and after working two rows frogged it back to nothing. I am trying a plain granny to be a baby blanket for a new baby coming in March or April. I do not like the way it looks but I am hoping It will look better as it grows.
    Keep the faith, Angie. You bless me with your blog. Thank you

  19. Maureen

    Hi Angie! Happens to me all the time -especially on bigger crochet or quilt projects. About half way through I start to wonder, “What was I thinking when I thought this would look nice?” I generally press on. And if I really hate it when it is done, I can always donate it/give it away to someone who will think it is just fine indeed.
    Hope this helps a little.
    Blessings, from Maureen in Maryland.

    PS -we are getting ready to move about 4 hours north, and I can tell you, I am REALLY experiencing “What Was I Thinking?” in a BIG way! Keep calm and press on is the only way through. (I am encouraging myself here! LOL!)

  20. susan learned

    Sweetie, your country is in turmoil, your sence of security for yourself and children has been undermined. Your soul is under soooo much incredible stress. Going back to survival for your mind. You are totally normal. Dont be so hard on yourself.. What youre doing enables you be that source of strength for your children…When youre feeling better something will come to you re what to do with the squares. For now..just create what soothes you. <3

  21. liz warner

    You give so many people inspiration I’m so glad to see so many people giving something back to you. I am normally a card maker and after several years being totally obsessed with the craft and having spent so much time and money on it was hit with terrible crafters block. Nothing seemed right and i got no enjoyment from making anything. I was so worried it would never come back. I turned to other crafts (hence why I took up crochet again) and gave card making a rest and hey presto I not only discovered a skill I had forgotten I had but also started wanting to make cards again.

    Don’t force yourself to do anything but just do little bits that you do enjoy, whatever it is.

  22. Rachael

    I haven’t had time to read through all the other comments, but I’d like to say I think this isn’t about crocheting; it’s a reflection of what’s happening outside your doors.
    Maybe the repetitive making of stitches can give you some stability….and I pray for you that one day the squares will turn into something to bring hope for you all and be a reminder of the tension you lived through.
    Be gentle on yourself.

  23. joni

    A little story for you, and a few thoughts;

    It was many months ago I swore off crocheting. I suddenly had had enough! I was no longer feeling inspired. I didn’t want to “make” anything, to commit to a project…even the thought of new yarn did nothing for me. I decided that, for me, crochet had probably run its course. This surprised me, because, in the past 30 years, crochet is the ONE creative outlet that I’ve stayed true to. So…I put away my hooks, and announced to my friends and family that I was done crocheting, and I probably would never crochet another thing in my life!

    For awhile, it was good! It was very very good. I felt no pressure to finish all my WIP’s, no preconceived notions about “best use of my time”…no self imposed expectations to create something tangible. I felt very self-indulgently lazy for a good long time…months….

    One day in a store, I casually picked up a crochet magazine…and felt a little familiar thrill. I put it back. However, over the next few weeks, slowly I became interested in crochet again. I didn’t push it. I didn’t force it…but my natural love for this beautiful craft began to have a rebirth. Today, I’ve finished a scarf, and am crocheting two hats for a new baby…I’ve decided to finish an afghan, and have scoured ravelry again for wonderful patterns…

    In summary, I think that sometimes, we put so much pressure on ourselves concerning our creative energies, that it ceases to be fun, and begins to be just another something that is always crying to be done. When I let go of that notion, the enjoyment came back, all on it’s own. I have decided, that I will always give myself permission to leave a project unfinished, to frog a project, or…to NOT begin a project that I feel duty bound to take up. I will also always give myself permission to take little vacations from crochet, whenever I wish.

    Crochet is my crafting love. I intend to nurture it, and keep it that way. I hope you find a way too…

    Blessings for you and your beautiful family from

  24. Rochelle

    I have over 100 red and white crochet squares done and when i started joining them together realised that I didn’t like the look of the blanket. I have nearly finished joining all the squares and when I do, will donate the blanket to good will, hopefully someone else will like it as I don’t. It took me a couple of months to crochet the square and years to finish the joining because I just don’t like the look of it.
    I am sharing this because I feel your pain, the loss of time and money and their is no happy ending or tah dah moment.

  25. Lenette

    Yes I had the same experience with an afghan I was crocheting for myself. I had all the large squares made and the squares stayed in a box for a long time because I did not like the way they looked when I started putting them together. I finally pulled apart all the squares and made a scrap afghan which I loved, and I donated that afghan to a charity. So do not worry, you have not lost your way…you are just taking a little detour. The squares you are making now are lovely and they will show you what they should become. You are an artist and that magic will never leave you.

  26. modestine

    Dear Sucrette, I am a French fan of your blog which I discovered a few weeks ago. I love what you do, and I understand your feeling because it happens to me all the time! I spend hours doing something, and then a few minutes undoing it… I hope you will keep on crocheting and painting and I wish you better days. I love your crazy ripple by the way! Anne

  27. Lisa

    I, too, would like to tell a little story.
    A few years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromialgia. I had lost interest in all my crafting, in addition to crocheting, I love quilting and I do woodturning. I spent a few years not doing any of them. I was in a deep depression, and I didn’t have interest in working on anything. With a lot of medicine to help my pain and depression, and my faith in God, I have been able to slowly get back into my crafting. I’m so glad I didn’t give up, I really enjoy crafting, and I never go anywhere without a project to work on. My husband has been in the hospital twice in the past month, and I have taken projects with me each time, and I have finished several quilt blocks, and I have made a gallon baggie full of the little Kaleidoscope blocks.
    I don’t know what your faith is, but just keep it in your heart. Don’t give up on what you have gotten so much joy doing. Put it aside for a while, if you must, but just don’t give it up.
    By the way, I love your crazy ripple, and all the blocks you are working on now, and I’ve always loved the colors you choose. You do beautiful work, and think of all the pretty things you are making for your children, and someday for your Grandchildren 🙂
    All the best to you and your family,
    Lisa in Alabama, USA

  28. Sue

    Oh Angie I love you crazy ripple.

    I know how you feel as I have often put projects aside, sometimes for years, as I did not like the way they were turning out. When I do go back to them they are fresh to me and all ends well.

    With all the things happening in your part of the world maybe your brain it unable to be creative for a little while. Doing some simple squares (which look lovely) will help to keep you calm. You will soon feel creative again.

  29. Jenna

    Well hello again Angie. 🙂

    I have that feeling very often: I haven’t done crocheting or knitting very much, so I do A LOT of mistakes. But then I just… well… When I do a big mistake, that what-ever-am-I-doing-thing will just “disappear, and I really don’t know where it is” (= my cat ate it, or I accidentally flushed it in a toilet). 😀

    When feeling that there’s no joy in doing, just eat some chocolate, watch a couple of movies and play with your lovely children. And you’ll get your self confidence and inspiration back soon enough.

    … Or try to do something VERY different and artistic without trying. Take your balls of wool and make some spider webs everywhere. :> … And don’t worry who’s gonna clean all that stuff. 😉

    Let’s hope you’ll get your joy of doing back soon!

  30. Cindy

    Hi Angie, I been following your blog for 2-3 months now!, Im new at crochet,but the same thing happen to me… I was doing a bedspread for my bed and after many hours of crocheting I didnt like it very much, so I tried other patterns, and because is a very big proyect I got bored. Now I beginning a new bedspread with summer garden grannies, like big squares…
    Good luck in your next project!

    Cindy from Tijuana, Mexico/San Diego, CA.

  31. Darlene Lehman

    I see we all agree!! Very normal to have spells of un-creativeness, or frustrations that our projects don’t seem to want to cooperate with us, it just happens. Fortunately, it doesn’t usually creep in to bother us for extended periods of time. Hope you get back in the groove!! It can be bothersome, but there isn’t too much one can do; wait it out, read a book; I enjoy looking at home-decorating magazines, it seems they always have room colors that inspire me! Meanwhile, I am now working on a “sock monkey”, one that my grand-daughter has ordered done in a very bright yarn color: Day Glow Brights! So far it is looking good. Best to you and your family!!

  32. René

    I go thru this more on projects than I’d like to admit, sometimes I complete something and don’t like the finished product, but other family members and friends say it is fine (so of course I am my own worse critic). I also will start something work on it for sometimes minutes to hours and put it aside and decide it is not what I am feeling like working on. I find I can’t force myself to work on something I’m not loving working on because usually then I’ll end up having mistakes. I too, like lisa above have Fibro and depression, but I also have some form of obsessive compulsive disorder also. Currently there is alot going on in my family life, I believe that has an effect/affect on my crafting, I’m also a project starter and not always a project finisher right away.
    But I didn’t mean to ramble, Angie, your such an inspiration, and I pray your crochet inspiration pops back in real soon


  33. Karen@Mix•Ture43

    Angie, sending you big hugs and wishes that you will not be too hard on yourself!! Enjoy the crocheting and the inspiration for the end product will emerge – when you least expect it and it will be wonderful. In the mean time you will have learned so much and have lots of new crochet experiences to build on. I’m loving all your little squares and the basket/bag is GORGEOUS!! I’m having my own little crisis at the moment as my eldest son has left for university and I miss him so much. My life has started anew chapter, and i have the support of those around me to listen and help me move onto a new adventure with my grown up son. Much love. karen :o)xx

  34. Carol

    Bonjour Angie,

    Je crois que tu souffres de la même maladie que moi qui est “Je doute trop de moi”. Je suis retournée sur ton précédent post et je trouve que ta ripple blanket est parfaite 🙂
    Mais je suis un peu comme toi. Parfois je commence des projets et je ne sais pas trop où je vais et alors je défais tout en pestant contre moi-même. Sois indulgente envers toi et je peux t’assurer, qu’après avoir regardé tes créations dans le détail, tu as de l’or au bout des doigts.
    Allez, tu la reprendras plus tard cette blanket et tu vas la redécouvrir et l’aimer j’en suis sûre !

  35. Susan being Snippy

    yes, sweetie, I have spent time creating and then being disappointed, last winter, I made the same sweater pattern three times with different yarns and each time unravelled each one! It just didn’t feel right. Now, like you I am working on a simple granny project and a crochet bag for variety… Next project? more grannies, or hex grannies.

  36. Anne Marie

    All you make is beautiful and I think you must be a beautiful person too, as it comes out in your work.

    I spent a lovely day on Saturday in Skipton, Yorkshire, at Yarndale, the wonderful show of all things wool. Meeting not only lovely bloggers who crochet but some beautiful live Alpaca too.

  37. Rynearson Juanita

    I love your pattern and I read symbol crochet however I am
    Having a small problem and it begins on row three? Or 4? The
    Treble crotchets in the middle of the page, which row do they belong to? My trouble is keeping the rows figured out since they are not straight rows.
    Your crocheting is beautiful, never stop.
    Thank you

  38. daisie

    Hi Angie
    For many years was a cross stitcher(as I think were you).But I started feeling as if I had to stitch instead of actually wanting to and getting enjoyment from it.Then I began to actually dislike even looking at my cross stitching supplies and projects.I decided to put everything aside for a while.That turned into well over a year of no stitching.I did recently try again,but my heart is still not in it.So I decided to save the bare minimum and sold some supplies and donated the money to a charity.That way I lost the guilt of all the stuff sitting in the cupboard 🙂
    So now I crochet a little here and there,read and of course spend time with my family and no longer feel bad that I am not stitching.
    I know your crochet bug will come back.I guess what I am trying to say is our crafts are for our pleasure and not something you feel you have to do.
    Sending Big ((Hugs))

  39. Mei

    Hi Angie,

    I’m one of your blog reader from Indonesia. I started crocheting in July 2013 and still learning to make better crochet stuffs. Sometimes I get bored with my project, so I just put my crochet aside and do another project. Then, my mom told me I need to focus on one crochet, before I start a new one, and not getting galau or bingung too much (galau and bingung means confuse in Indonesian).

    it’s so normal to get bored with crochet routinity. But I try to finish a project I start and I’ll find a way to finish it. I bet you can conquer your crochet problems.

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