I heart you :)

October 4, 2013


Thank you so much for your great response about the new shawl I’m crocheting at the moment!

It is a pure pleasure to make and I feel like it’s gonna be gorgeous!I-heart-you

This is as promised its diagram…

Sorry if I’m posting just a diagram for this as I don’t know how to explain patterns with words and I know that many of you keep asking me about written patterns…I really should learn how to do this stuff 😉 One day…


The diagram is made of

– double tr (U.K terms) or tr (U.S terms) ou double brides (French terms)

– dc (U.K) or sc (U.S) ou maille serrees (French)

– chain stitch ou maille en l’air (French)

and you begin it from the bottom of the shawl.

I hope that the diagram is clear for you my friend…

For this shawl, I’m using a super soft yarn called Nako baby. It is a 50%acrylic 50%polyamid yarn and I’m crocheting it with a 3.75mm crochet hook.


Have to go now…

If you’ll be making this beautiful shawl, please do tell me cause it makes me very very happy to know that you are crocheting along with me 🙂

Kisses from the bottom of my heart!


P.S: I have some sort of spammy stuff on the blog with links everywhere and open windows that leeds you to nowhere…when this happens please try to click on the “to back” button so you can view the post. I’m trying to fix all these problems with hubby asap and asking for your patience… so sorry about that!



  1. vanessa

    This is just such a beautiful shawl! I will be making it for sure and I think I have the perfect yarn for it too! Thank you so much for sharing the shawl love! xxxxxxx

  2. Ingrid-Marie Schwan

    Dear Angie,
    I just opened your mail and I want to thank you for all the love you put into your beautiful creative things,
    which are sooo beautiful and bursting with beauty and showing hope, beyond every situation that might hurt <3 <3 <3
    So, God bless you and your dear family today and on!
    Sorry, my English isn´t so good but I hope you un derstand my intention

    Love and hugs


  3. Annie

    Très très joli Angie!bravo et merci pour le partage du diagramme,bon week-end,bisous de France

  4. Charlotte

    Thank you Thankyou, Your shawl is really gorgeous!
    I love the heartpattern! It gives me very very much inspiration!
    My thoughts are with you and your family in your country in this difficult time. I hope the crocheting chears you up!
    Love, Charlotte

  5. Lucie

    Merci beaucoup pour le partage de ce très joli châle !

  6. Stocki

    Thanks so much Angie… I am going to make one for my Mum for Christmas! I’ll post it on IG when it is done 🙂 x

  7. Elly D

    Your shawl is beautiful! Thank you so much for making the chart pattern for us all. (I prefer charts as they are easyier to follow 😉
    I just wish I hadn’t already made 2 shawls recently! LOL…Though my sister was coverting my last one 😉 Hmmmm…
    How big will you be making yours?

  8. Liiolii

    Like Stocki, I decided to crochet this shawl for my mum for Christmas present. 🙂 Thank you for the diagram!

  9. Madeleine

    WOW what patience! I’m sorry Angie, but I could never ever make that, too long, and too complicated for me: I wish I had a daughter who made it for me, that would be lovely.
    Lots of love Angie!

  10. Cynthia

    Your shawl is beautiful. Would love to make one, but I am not good at charts. Maybe someday you will be able to write it out.

  11. Elizabeth

    I am so please to see your updated diagram I always prefer a visual chart over written instructions anyway. I absolutely love this pattern and your work is coming out so beautifully. My sincere congratulations. I have posted a picture of your work in my Facebook site called mylove4crochet and I was also asked to provide pattern I was more than happy to provide a link to this beautiful website thank you so much. You have a following to make this gorgeous pattern.

  12. Carolyn

    Thank you very much, Angie, for sharing the charted pattern for your lovely shawl. I too plan on crocheting this for ME! LOL I have some lovely sport weight yarn which is very soft to the touch that I shall use. I just love shawls!

    And your charted patterns are just fine, hon. There are many websites that give directions on how to follow charted diagrams and we can expand our knowledge and learn how to do this 🙂

    With baby Joe and the rest of your family to take care of (as well as the worry I know you are going through with the state of your poor country), you don’t need to worry about trying to figure out the written directions for your patterns. Just my opinion 🙂

    Carolyn Geoffrey
    Texas, USA

  13. Meredith

    The shawl is going to be spectacular.
    Hugs and good luck,

  14. René

    Hi Angie,
    Oh, Thank you so much for the pattern I too plan to make it, I love, love things with hearts on it!!!

    Angie as for Madeleine, do you have a way to contact her, I may be able to make one for her, would need to know where she lives, I live in Us. Currently I can’t get into my blog, or my emails.

    Thank you for everything you do, so sweet

  15. Anna

    this pattern is really beautiful! I took light pink yarn for it and want to make one for my daughter (she’s 2,5). But I think I colud even make one for me too… :))) Anyway, these hearts are amazing!

  16. domi83

    merci merci c’est très gentil d’avoir pris le temps et de partager avec nous 😉

  17. Karen

    Your beautiful shawl looks like a soft fluffy cloud… Lovely !!

  18. modestine

    Thank you for sharing, your diagram is great and easy to understand. But sorry, i won’t be crocheting along with you because it is too long for me!!!! your shawl is going to look wonderful! Anne (France)

  19. Karen@Mix•Ture43

    HI, your shawl is deliciously beautiful and I’m so pleased you are a happier little bunny!! Tres tres jolie!! :o)xxxx

  20. GerryART

    Your Diagram is superior


  21. Anna

    Hello again,

    I’ve got a question – how do you finish this shawl? I’ve almost finished one for my daughter and I wonder if I should make some additional round? Do you finish with a row of 4-chains? Do you make fringe?


  22. Carolina

    Thanks so much ,much prefer this Kind grafic chart!will try to make it!

  23. Cynthia

    Still want to make the shawl. Waiting patiantly! If you could just maybe tell us how to start maybe the first two rows or so.

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