Another week…

October 22, 2013

Good mornng everyone!

Another week had gone by so quickly and I feel like I am such a bad blogger 🙁 Don’t know what’s happening to me… why am I always so busy…why am I always so tired… that I sleep sometimes around 9:00 pm…

A lot happened in my colorful world this past week…a lot I did not blog about…


A bunting has been added to the playroom… (please look at the bunting and ignore the mess 🙂 )


A birthday has been celebrated…This little girl of mine turned 6 🙂



Some lovely cotton-crocheted-by-my-mother-shelves have been added to my kitchen…


Oh mum you are THE BEST 🙂 THANK YOUUUUUUUU for these beauties 🙂


This is the kind of crochet I can not simply do… I am not so patient you see 🙂


Crocheting with this thin cotton thread is simply magic and my mother is that kind of fairy 🙂


Some spotty colorful bins have been added to the kitchen too…


The first 100g of soft blue has been crocheted on the “I heart you” shawl…


55 squares have been almost added to the happy blankie squares (yes almost…the 4th row is still missing for 20 of them 🙂 )

You see a lot happened…

I feel like I am a loving but exhausted mum…

a happy hooker …

but such a bad blogger…

Hope that things will get better on this front soon 😉

Wishing you a wonderful week my friend!





  1. Madeleine

    You are a wonderful blogger, Angie, honestly! But don’t be so hard on yourself!! And what you do is beautiful. I feel you are stressed and tired because you feel you have to be up top all the time! Smile, God loves you!

  2. Inge

    What a happy playroom with the bunting!
    Beautiful crochet on the shelves!!

  3. chris

    Angie you are not a bad blogger. Your blogs are lovely and full of colour which makes me feel happy when i feel down

  4. arMi arMa

    Que bonitaaaaaaa! Me encantan estas cocinas tipo años 50-60. los toques de las baldas han quedado preciosos. Enhorabuena, es una maravilla.

    arMi arMa

  5. Rachel

    Your Mum is so clever! I’d love to try this kind of crochet. Can you ask her to do a guest tutorial post please? 😉

    Don’t put yourself under pressure, once a week or whenever is fine for blogging. It’s meant to be fun for you, not a chore. x

  6. Lucie

    Une semaine bien remplie tout de même ! Bravo à ta maman pour ces magnifiques broderies d’étagères ! Et tu as bien avancé le châle coeurs et les carrés pour plaid, sans compter la jolie bannière pour la chambre de jeu et l’anniversaire de ta fille. Donc, tes longues nuits sont bien méritées.

  7. Dane

    et bien une vie bien mouvementée, ta puce est ravissante! j’ adore ta dentelle pour ta cuisine c’ est top!! bravo a bientôt biz

  8. Mia

    Hi, I love your website and your crochet creations, but I have a question for you. I love the crochet on the shelves and have been thinking of making some for my shelves, but how do you attach it to the shelves? Thanks Mia

  9. Debi Y.

    You have a beautiful, colorful home Angie. I love the crocheted lace your Mom made for your shelves – it’s really lovely. Don’t feel pressured to blog – just do it when you can. 🙂

  10. anny


  11. Ellen

    You are a great blogger! What a beautiful home full of love and color. I too struggle with the thread from time to time with little success. Thank you for all that you share with us.

  12. Annielou

    Please don’t be so hard on yourself for not blogging, there are other priorities for a busy Mom. Your home looks wonderfully bright and happy. You are so talented xx

  13. modestine

    You are a wonderful blogger! your home is amazing, I love all the colourful rooms, and all the crochet things everywhere… Anne

  14. Barbara

    pięknie i kolorowo Ciebie;0
    chętnie zostanę na dłużej:)
    dobrego dnia:)

  15. patricia

    je vous lis parfois en anglais et parfois je fais traduire par google. Mais la traduction est souvent très surprenante. Merci pour toutes les couleurs de votre blog qui nous réchauffent le coeur.

  16. Sonja

    Happy birthday to your little girl! You did such a great job decorating her room. I love the colourful bunting! And the cheery colourful kitchen bins! Your mother is a real crochet artist. Wow! xox Sonja

  17. Lluisa

    I love the crochet of your cupboards in your kitchen, my mum is good too with that kind of crochet, must be something about mums lol 🙂

    You are a fantastic crocheter dear, I love following your lovely and colourful blog.

    Lluisa x

  18. Deniece

    Your colorful ideas make me smile when I enter your blog. With all that color it must be hard to frown.
    We are working on updating our home and getting rid of clutter and then I can add lots of color with yarn projects. You give me great ideas each time I visit.
    Thank you and bless you and your family

  19. Anna

    Your mother’s crochet is beautiful! It looks lovely in your colorful home, also.

  20. cristina

    Oh! I love the banner! is cheerful and beautiful!
    and your mother is a generous mother and a great artist!
    are very nice decorated your shelves!
    and I admire your collection as colorful ceramic kitchen canisters! congratulations for your princess!
    and you’re very good blogger but first you must care for children,
    the house, the job… this happens to all! hahahaha! forward!
    you never fail to create beautiful things!
    thanks for sharing!

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