Enjoy every moment…

November 26, 2013

Just another week has gone by and I’m still here doing the ordinary every day stuff…

Crocheting a lot…



Adding grannies to my blanket…



Adding rows to my knitting cowl… 😉


Adding some new candlesticks to my growing collection…



Decluttering some shelves and loving the result…


Savouring delicious books and discovering a new filofax-kind of-passion-obsession…


Enjoying home and dreaming a lot too 🙂

And you? What about your days? Hope that they are filled with good things 🙂

Life is beautiful my friend! Enjoy every moment…

Kisses and love!



  1. Kirsten

    Love your candles! So colourful 🙂 I’m cluttering and decluttering at the same time. Sometimes stuff just doesn’t want to stay nice and tidy right?

    Hope all is well with you 🙂

  2. sew~amy

    I love all your crochet, it is just gorgeous! I’m been stitching up Christmas gifts… cross stitch and embroidery. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Annie

    Merci pour le partage de tes jolies photos et de ta joie de vivre,bisous Sucrette

  4. Lily

    I am a secret filofax lover too. It seems funny to me that they were so popular for a while and now have of course fallen from favour because of everyone being able to have smartphone or tablet. I still find the act of writing something down keeps it fixed in my brain better than just typing it. I love the cowl. Such a cosy project for this time of the year. Lily. xxx

  5. Darlene Lehman

    Beautiful crochet, as always!! And I love the way the colors are coming together in your knitted piece. Candlesticks collection is very pretty, such nice colors !! I keep a minimum of things on shelves and on display, we live on a gravel road out in the countryside, so lots of dust makes it’s way in. I could dust 2x per day and never stay ahead of it!! But, I am busy crocheting instead of dusting. Best to you and the family!!

  6. Cindy

    wow those candles!, I’m crocheting a blanket too (summer garden grannies) and a cushion cover 🙂

  7. dom

    merci d’exister et de nous donner des journees remplies de couleur et de crochet .
    j’adore les chandeliers .
    par contre mes etageres sont toujours bien remplies de bibelots de toutes sortes racontant chacun un moment de ma vie ou de livres de crochet , tricot et autres .
    de vous suivre ,me permets de mettre un pied devant l’autre tous les jours .

  8. Rebecca

    Hello! I just wanted to say “Thank you” for sharing the pattern for the little Christmas socks. They are such fun to make. I’m not very good at crocheting but I am enjoying the creativeness of it all. I just wish I had more time. Ho Hum! I’m making my third one at the moment. All the best to you and your family. x Bec x

  9. Marie

    J’aime toujours autant ton bel univers coloré !
    J’étais abonnée à ton blog, puis, un jour, je n’ai plus eu de notification à la parution de tes articles. Depuis, je me suis réinscrite plusieurs fois, mais toujours rien. Je viens de le refaire ce soir, j’espère que ça va enfin marcher et que je serai prévenue de la parution de tes chouettes articles.

  10. modestine

    How lovely and organized your home is! The amount of crochet you do in a week is amazing… Anne

  11. Angie

    I love decluttering. It can be addictive. I also like this crochet number on the table,so colorfull.

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