This week…

February 28, 2014

Some pics of my week so far. I love to share with you these simple moments of joy of my everyday πŸ™‚


* Enjoying the very first hours of my morning with a cup of coffee, a little crochet and some planning πŸ™‚



* Looking around at my messy house after the children has gone for school and daycare and enjoying being alone… completely alone… just me and myself πŸ™‚




*Progressing on the girls ponchos and dreaming of spring πŸ™‚



* Drawing and coloring with my oldest while she was feeling sick and stayed home. This girl is very talented with choosing and mixing colors and I am proud πŸ™‚



* Enjoying my one square/day of the Crochet Mood Blanket 2014, watching it slowly grow and dreaming about how big it will be once done πŸ™‚ (January and February in the pics above)

Before leaving you today I want to apologize for being such a bad blogger… I know that I barely write a comment or reply to an email or comment and I am really ashamed of myself… But believe me, I always write my posts in a hurry… I am always in a hurry… so excuse my lack of writing back to you πŸ™ I promise to make efforts… I always visit, read your posts but don’t comment πŸ™ Bad me….

Wishing you a lovely weekend!




  1. Mary

    Its ok we all busy mums.
    Love ur pics
    Wish i had eye for colours i ask my girls too.

    Plus i love ur planner/jornal
    It looks lovely

    Keep up good work

  2. Lolly

    I’m a bad reader, Sucrette. I always read and enjoy your posts, and I rarely comment! Your daughter is not only lovely, she seems to inherited your love of and talent for color! Thank you for your blog. I’m a fellow color-lover and your blog always brightens my day. I wish you love & hugs!

  3. Gabi

    you has so many colours around! πŸ™‚
    that’s really nice to start day in a such energetic way
    best regards

  4. modestine

    Your daughter is very cute, and her colourings are lovely! I understand perfectly that you cannot reply the comments, and no you’re NOT bad! β™₯ Anne

  5. Anne

    You don’t have to comment to share. Your colors and artistry in crochet never fail to inspire and I always look forward to peeking at your work. Thank you.

  6. Lily

    Hi Angie – don’t feel bad about commenting, its enough to read your colourful and cheerful posts. Its hard to fit everything in. I haven’t posted since May as I kept getting such bad guilt trips when I couldn’t keep up that in the end I gave up!!

  7. Maureen

    Don’t worry about it, Angie. As more people begin to comment on my blog, I get overwhelmed, sometimes, with trying to respond to everyone in a timely fashion. And I don’t have three little children! Blogging and uploading all those lovely pictures you do takes enough time, already. We are just happy to share a little in your colorful life!

  8. Elisha

    Lovely! May I ask what coloring book that is??

  9. Flo H

    Hi Angie, You do great by having 3 small children and a beautiful home to keep up. Taking care of children is a job in itself. You do write to all of us at once in your Blog .
    I do admire your crochet work very much. Take care, Flo

  10. meredith

    Life is so busy, I am glad you are enjoying a bit of alone time. Your house looks so warm and cozy and the mood blanket is looking fantastic.

  11. Stel

    You blanket gets prettier by the day.

  12. Eva

    I read your blog as I get it in email and I never have time to comment. So I am the opposite of you. lol, but keep on posting.

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