
April 1, 2014

Good morning!

I am very happy today because I am up to date with my Crochet Mood blanket 2014. I was a little behind with March’s squares but I finally catch up and joined them yesterday eve 🙂

Here it is so far: January, February and March 2014 in all their glory 🙂


 I left this project a little behind to concentrate on the girls ponchos and now that I am back to it , I’m falling all over in love with it again 🙂




And it is gonna be HUUUUGE: Imagine this big rectangle x 4 😀 Maybe a bedspread 😉


And I’m working on the Vintage stripy blanket too and enjoying it 🙂


My life without crochet would be very boring…

I’m wishing you a very happy day 🙂

Sending you a basket full of love and kisses



  1. Madeleine

    Dear Angie,
    Thank you very much for your update. I feel you are such a grateful person, aiming at always seeing the positive side of everything. You must be a real blessing to those surrounding you! Lots of love,
    Madeleine (To-day is the 49 th anniversary of our marriage, so thankful to being old to-gether!)

  2. Ellen

    So much beauty and color…you always brighten my day. Thank you.

  3. Anyvette de Chile


    Está quedando muy lindo…….

    • Carmen

      Tres beaux vos couvertures. Felicitation. Moi aussi j’adore le crochet

  4. heather

    Love it! All the colors are just gorgeous and I love the patchwork effect with the switch in direction of each square! It’s going to be huge by the end of the year!

  5. Vivian

    Really love your crochet! Love it that you make so much time for this. Wish i could be able to make so much stuff! Greeting from the Netherlands!

  6. anny

    divino y los colores geniales

  7. Federica

    Bravo, Sucrette, your new blanket is just so full of colors,
    Hope you a nice bright day
    federica from France

  8. modestine

    Your blankets are so beautiful, and large!!!!!! I love the colours and the style. I think of you every time I crochet a square (granny)… Anne

  9. Marie-Noelle

    Could I know the crochet stitch used for the cover(blanket) with the multicolored lines? If possible of course.
    Thank you very much.
    I am french…

  10. Marie-Noëlle

    Je viens de commencer la couverture avec les rayures….et j’ai un problème, idiot sans doute: j’ai 200 brides au 1°rang, puis 199 au 2° rang puis 198 au 3°, ce qui est normal puisque je passe dans les intervalles…mais comme je n’ai pas l’intention de réaliser une pyramide, j’aimerais bien savoir comment avoir toujours le même nombre….
    Et autre question: à chaque rang, on change de couleur et on retourne bien l’ouvrage?
    Merci de ta patience avec moi! Je t’ai envoyé aussi un message sur facebook, mais c’est plus facile d’écrire ici.
    Très bonne soirée

    • Sucrette

      Je t repondu sur facebook 😉

  11. ssissyy

    j’aime tellement ce patchork multicouleure et que j’ia commencé tt de suite un pareil merci pour l’idée!!!

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