
April 16, 2014









The days are passing by so quickly…

The children are growing so fast…I still remember when they were newborns and it feels like yesterday…

I feel a little nostalgic today…

Crocheting makes me think about my life in general and I am thankful for my little family…

While I crochet I always have thoughts…sometimes it is bad and negative thoughts sometimes not… I try always to see the “positive” in everything and not think about dark days 🙂

A cup of coffee and some stitches make me feel better … always…

Life is good and there is always a rainbow after the rain…

Have a colorful end of week and a bright and beautiful Easter!



P.S: The blankets you see in the pics above are my 3 wips of the moment. I love them all 🙂


  1. Kirsten

    You have such a sweet family 🙂 And I love your square blanket with the different stitch directions, supercool!

  2. Dane

    ils sont adorables les petits bambinos!! de belles couleurs aux poignets, de beaux coussins et plaids c’ est colorés a souhait j’ adore bravo
    et la petite tasse a petits pois rouge et blanc j’ adore je suis fan des petits pois!!! biz a bientôt

  3. Linda

    Your children are so lovely Angie, but yes you are right they grow so quickly it doesn’t seem like my four were small and so cute like yours enjoy every minute while they are young. My daughter is travelling to your Country as we speak. 🙂 xx

  4. Marie-Noëlle

    Quelle jolie famille! Toutes mes félicitations.
    J’ai quatre enfants de 30, 27, 22 et 19 ans, et une petite-fille de bientôt 2 ans… Oui, le temps passe très très vite, il faut profiter de chaque moment! J’ai démarré le crochet il y a 3 mois seulement et c’est un vrai bonheur! Et encore merci de m’avoir répondu si vite il y a quelques jours.

  5. Fariba

    Hi Angie,
    I hope that this note finds you well, because you always make us happy with your little notes. I love the picture of your kids. Your son looks very cute with his curls. Your family is lucky to have you. You have a big heart and you are always willing to share it with all of us around the world. Cheers!!!!!!!!

  6. pat

    hello. Your children are so beautiful ! Bisous from France

  7. chris

    They certainly have grown. Most of us are the same with more than 1 project on the go.

  8. tyaa

    Happy Easter? Your children are cute 🙂

  9. Anyvette de Chile


    Tus hijos son hermosos y estan cada día más grandes….Te felicito, tienes una hermosa familia……

  10. Christine

    Bonsoir Angie,
    quelle belle famille, ils sont adorables! En effet, le temps passe si vite, c’est incroyable, il faut profiter de chaque instant.
    Merci de nous faire partager tous ces instants de bonheur et toutes tes belles créations.
    Bonne fin de semaine, bisous.

  11. Tracey

    You have beautiful children 🙂 A very happy Easter to you all.
    Tracey xx

  12. modestine

    Beautiful children in a lovely colourful home!♥ Anne

  13. Lorna

    Your blankets are gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as your little lovelies – just found your blog via bloglovin, off for a little mooch around.

  14. Alise

    Very joyfull post!

  15. Hazel

    Beautiful children, beautiful crochet, beautiful life! You’re blessed. xxx

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