Living slowlier…

April 30, 2014

Hello dear friend,

I feel everytime I write a new post that I repeat myself, talk about the same things, but that is what my life is all about…


I love it… I love having habits… I love waking up each morning and do again and again the same things 🙂


I love repeating the same chores…


Home time (mostly spent picking up things from the floor), cooking time, crochet and coffee time, children time, family time, Hubby time…


Each part of my day brings me joy..


Finding pleasures in the little things that is what life is all about…


The more I grow older, the more I appreciate the little things, the more I enjoy moments of happinesss…


I am living slowlier now … taking the time to look at the blue sky and smell a flower…


Taking the time to add one square … just one square a day to my Crochet Mood blanket 2014…

(Above you can see the first 4 months of 2014)

Try to live slowlier my friend, don’t be always in a hurry, take time to enjoy the moment, life is too short…

I’m gonna make a coffe right now… do you want a cup 😉 ?

Sending you my love through this post…

See you soon,



  1. Dane

    jolie plaid ou couverture bien colorées, il y a tout pour passer une bon moment le crochet les gâteux et tout le rest on se sent bien chez toi !! biz et bonne journée a bientôt biz

  2. Lisa

    I feel like you. I do the same every day and I love it. I love my crochet time and I crochet every minute I have time to crochet.
    Have an nice week.


  3. Stel

    Loving your blanket more and more, Angie – must be one of the nicest, simple ideas to have come through blogland! I’m think of adding this to my neverending To Do-list…would make a lovely blanket for one of my boys.

  4. Karen

    Completely agree, everyday life is the best, wouldn’t want to change my home life for anything
    Karen x

  5. Anyvette de Chile

    Eso está bien ¡¡ que te guste tu vida, tu día a día y lo más importante que tengas tiempo para hacer las cosas que a ti te encantan y que puedas relagonear a los tuyos……
    A mi me encantaría tener una vida en casa y trabajar desde ahi, para hacer muchas cosas, pero me tocó distinto así que cada dia dejo un ratito para mis lanitas…..


  6. Maureen

    Angie, you are a true philosopher. xxoo, m

  7. Mary


  8. Carolyn

    Angie, wish we lived close enough where we could enjoy a cup of coffee with one another 🙂

    Your mood blanket is going to be beautiful when it is completed 🙂 I did not crochet one this year (too many other things occupying my time and my hands now) but am definitely going to start one January 1, 2015.

    By the way, I have completed a shawl using your pattern, and am now crocheting a poncho for myself using the pattern you did for your children. I am loving it very much! Thank you for generously sharing your patterns with us 🙂

    Carolyn Geoffrey
    in Texas U.S.A.

  9. wendy

    Symply lovely and yes enjoy every day ☺☺
    Love your square a day blanket, going to be a real treasure xo

  10. modestine

    I wish I lived near you! you have understood everything about life and happiness, thank you for sharing! ♥ Anne

  11. Natas Nest

    Beautiful pics and words, thanks for sharing :-). Your blanket looks great ♥. Have a cozy day!! Greetings, Nata

  12. meredith

    I think that is good sound advice. Love your blanket.

  13. Christine

    Très belle journée à toi Angie, je prends un petit café avec toi. C’est toujours un plaisir de te lire et de partager tes passions. Très joli ton plaid. Gros bisous.

  14. Pat

    A lovely post …. and I so agree, I am a creature of habit and very comfortable with it! Love your Mood Blanket; I am so enjoying this project, the pace of 1 block a week is easy to maintain so no stress, just happy colour blocks! I call mine my Blissful Mood Blanket!
    So happy to have found your lovely blog!
    Pat 🙂

  15. Tracey at yarn and pencil

    I can smell the coffee 🙂
    I’ve been forced to live the slow life and it is indeed wonderful,
    Tracey xx

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