Granny squares love

May 19, 2014

There is something about granny squares I can not resist… when I see a pic on the net or on the TV of a granny squares blanket I feel like my heart is beating furiously and I feel the urge to crochet one myself… It is like a kind of drug or something … the granny squares love… it hits you and you can not resist the temptation of starting something similar….


That’s what happened to me the day I started this granny squares blanket… It was the urge to crochet … just crochet grannies without something particular in mind… just a blanket of grannies surrounded with white… for whom? for which room? No idea… just a granny squares blanket and nothing else…

And then I began slowly but surely crocheting these squares…


One by one… with no previous idea of how big will it become…


And it became day after day bigger and bigger…


And I was soooo enjoying the hole process that I did not felt bored at all…


And I was happy watching the colors melting together in each little square …


Each little 5 rounds square was making me happy and in love …


And I started to join them as I go using Lucy’s super method (here) … and decided to make them become a summer runner for our bed 🙂


And then I made some math counting and decided that I needed 58 more to add….


So I crocheted the 58 😉 (the above pic is without them)


Now I need to join these 58 and make a good picots edging and I will have the most beautiful granny squares blanket on my bed and I will be the most happy woman on earth 😀 hahahaha

Can’t wait to show you my finished granny squares piece of love 🙂

Have a wonderful week!



  1. Evelyn

    They are lovely! There’s just something wonderful about simple multicoloured granny squares 🙂

  2. Madeleine

    Lovely! Have a nice day, love to you!

  3. Lisa

    When I see a crochet blanket on TV my heart starts beating, too.


  4. Dorothy

    Even without the border and picots, your blanket looks amazing. I love how the white yarn really makes the colours pop. Look forward to seeing it when finished. xox

  5. Funky Fibres

    Lovin it I feel the same about addictive granny squares
    Keep on hooking x

  6. Stel

    I love this; classic, beautiful crochet.

  7. Ellen

    I too love granny squares. Your new blanket is beautiful! Thank you.

  8. Anna

    These are so cheerful!

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    C’est vraiment magnifique!
    Je ne peux pas ouvrir le lien pour la méthode de Lucy
    Est-il possible d’avoir un autre lien?
    Merci beaucoup d’avance!

    • Sucrette

      Chere Marie Noelle,
      En effet le blog de Lucy a il me semble temporairememt des problemes…nLa meilleire chose a faire c’est d’attendre qqs jours et reessayer…sinon essaie de faire une recherche sur google de la methode: joining squares as you go
      Car je n’ai malheureusement pas d’autre lien 🙁

  10. anny

    son preciosos
    y bien coloridos

  11. Marie-Noëlle

    Je viens de trouver un site:

    Il sera peut -être utile pour certaines.

    Merci encore pour ta réponse rapide.

    Très belle soirée pour toi et ta famille!

  12. Barbara Reichard

    How do you deal with all the tails from all the colors? I love your your color changes in your squares. It makes me put down my present project and get out out my squares again. B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l work.

  13. Christine

    Quelle merveille, j’adore! Toutes ces superbes couleurs, un vrai arc- en -ciel, félicitations!
    On se sent heureux rien qu’à le regarder!
    Bisous et bonne nuit!

  14. Deniece

    I hate putting squares together but I love to crochet them. Silly, huh?

  15. chris

    it looks beautiful

  16. Flo H

    Hi Angie, I love your granny squares! I also have some to put together; hate sewing them together; will have to learn your way. Right now I’m making a shawl for my 92 year old (young) sister. Much Love to you and yours.

  17. Darcee Vandenburg

    I LOVE your granny square masterpieces!! I was wondering…… do you plan out where each square goes (which color goes by which other color) or…. do you just grab and go? Thanks for sharing!!!!!!! :0)

  18. jo


  19. Vivian

    Hi Sucrette,

    Yeah, i love granny squares too. I am curently busy on an scarf with a yarn that chances colours. Loving it already. I won’t show you a picture, because then you might have another work in progress to start on. 😉 I also have 2 boxes of yarn to make an summerblanket, but also so many projects to finish first. I need more time!

    Greetings from Vivian from the Netherlands

  20. Karen

    Looks stunning
    Karen x

  21. Pat

    Love, love, love granny squares … when I need some relaxing crochet time, I make grannies!
    Your blanket is toooo gorgeous!
    Pat xx

  22. Šárka

    I totally understand your love of granny squares 🙂 The blanket is really lovely and I really liked the pics where you have the blocks assembled in a box by colour.

  23. Lynne Gill

    Love your blog – but oh that irritating little thing you have going on in the right hand margin! It feels like you are nagging me to check out your pinterest and Facebook, and it is very distracting. Don’t spoil your blog with things like this, it doesn’t need gimmicks!

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