Colors make me happy

May 28, 2014

Good morning dear friends,

How are you? Hope that everything is OK and that you are surrounded by rainbows and colors everyday 🙂

Lat week was a colorful one in my small part of the world…


I’ve added more colorful washi tape and my collection is slowly growing 😉


I’ve played with my clover pompom making and enjoyed a lot these little colorful balls of yarn. Let me tell you something this clover thingy is totally addictive… so easy to make pompom that you feel like you want to add pompom everywhere around your house 🙂


I’ve made a garland to hide a little bit my hubby’s stereo (which I don’t like but he does 😉 )…


In this pic you can see it more clearly 🙂 Now, with the pompoms I don’t have a problem looking at it anymore 😀 hahaha…Crossing my fingers that hubby doesn’t read my posts 😀


Some new colorful flowers bought from the local market made me very happy too 🙂 I love fresh flowers…


I’m still not done with my granny blanket… joining a square every time I have a spare moment…


Still have 7 squares to add and then the edging…


Talking about edgings this book is great… I’m trying some of its borders but I have a feeling, a deep inside feeling, that finally I will make a very simple one … We’ll see 🙂

Have to go now my friend,

Some homely chores are waiting for me …

Wishing you love, sunshine and colors 🙂




  1. Stel

    Have a great day, Angie. Love the look of that blanket on the couch! It’s going to be so nice.
    I also have that border book – so many beautiful ideas.

  2. Mary


  3. Maureen

    Oh, Angie, your comment about pompoms all over your house made me laugh. I can just see them festooned across the bathroom mirror, hanging in all the closets, in the kitchen cabinets… LOL!
    Happy Week, dear!

  4. Anna

    Ooh your blanket is looking so cosy! And I know exactly what you mean about the pompom addiction… Ive not stopped making them yet. x

  5. VeggieMummy

    Beautiful blanket and a very impressive Washi tape collection! x

  6. Anyvette de Chile

    Como todo lo que tú haces, está quedando hermoso….me alegran mucho tus colores ¡¡¡¡¡


  7. Jacky Russell

    I love your blanket and the one in your header picture. I keep seeing the tape everywhere – what sort of things do you do with it? 🙂

    • Sucrette

      Thank you so much! With the washi you can decorate all kind of things….i use them to decorate the pages of my planner 😉

  8. sumona

    Cute pom poms… lovely colors..

  9. Anne R

    Beautiful blanket. Thanks so much for sharing and for all your wonderful blog.

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