Vintage stripes blanket chart

June 23, 2014

I feel like I’m neglecting a little bit this blog of mine and I apologize for that….

I feel like I’m running out of time and with the children at home for their summer holidays it is quite impossible to concentrate on something for more than 5 minutes 🙂 I think you understand what I’m talking about 😉

And there is INSTAGRAM. It is so easy and so quick to post a picture with a few words and share it that …well… you end up neglecting your blog and your posts… and it is annoying me I must confess… I love this little blog of mine…I feel like it is my own home, my secret place where I can hide from all the daily “routine” stuff… A kind of escape 🙂

Well… I know I talk too much 😀 I want to show you today some pics of my past week and my actual wips … Most of these pics I’ve posted them already on Instagram (Sorry my IG friends 😉 )


* My Vintage stripy blanket: This blanket is my stress-away wip. It is very soothing to work on and I am in love with how the colors melt together…


* That’s why I’m sharing here its chart. Many of you asked me about this pattern. It is a little bit tricky to begin and end each row…so before beginning your blanket try the pattern on a small scale to make sure it works with you 😉 Very easy once you’ve made your first rows…


I started it with 150ch. Working it with a 4.5mm hook. I think the more chunky the yarn is the more beautiful is the effect 😉 That’s my opinion 😉


* This is the second wip I’m working on. A winter bedspread for our room. I’ve already made some squares and I love how they’re looking 🙂


Traditional granny squares are my favorite. You know that eh? and the more I crochet them the more I have projects in my head with them… I think that my brain is full of granny squares ideas… they are everywhere in my home and I just can’t have enough of them…


They are beautiful…don’t you think? Little sweets for the soul 🙂



*Some pics of my planner. I am in love with this little filofax of mine. Its color, its shape, everything inside it makes my heart sing with joy… And I feel that I am more organised now that I am using it. Everythink is planned, my week is decorated and I feel calm just looking at it 🙂 Nurdy lady 😉



*and this last wip of mine. My crochet mood blanket 2014. I am up to date with it and find again a lot of joy crocheting each morning a square depending on my mood of the moment 🙂 There is not a lot of grey and dark colors… don’t you think? 😉


* My new comfy birkenstock. I love their color and painted my nails to match them 🙂

* And finally: My reason to live…My love… My life… My time consumers… My sun… My rainbow… My everything… My children…


I’ll leave you today with their picture. I just LOVE them so much and I am thankful every day and blessed for having them in my life…

Have a wonderful day my friends!





  1. Soleillucie

    Très jolies couvertures! Que d’heures de travail!
    Et, pour toutes, vivement un agenda! C’est la meilleure façon de faire plus avec une journée et ça nous permet de garder la trace de ce que l’on a fait. Le votre est superbe!
    Bonne journée!

  2. Carolyn

    Beautiful! Just beautiful!! Both the crochet AND the children!!

    I am in love with your blog, Angie 🙂

  3. Cil

    Thank you for this pattern.. I love came and read your post here… I feel like in another world so sweet and beautiful… And i can revise my english with you also… 😉 Cil

  4. Cil

    J’ai une petite question en francais du coup puisque vous parlez francais 😉 Pourquoi y a t il des mailles en l’air sur certain rang ?? Merci.. 😉 Cil

    • Sucrette

      Eh bien…c juste que ça n’a marché que comme celà…je ne pouvais pas faire les cotés bien droits que de cette manière… Si tu y arrives fais le moi savoir stp et je reajusterai le tuto…

  5. Niki

    Hello Sucrette, what gorgeous crochet you have going on there….3 lovely children x

  6. Kathryn Vercillo

    Lovely shares! And it looks like you’re having a beautiful summer.

  7. anny

    hermoso todo, tanto el ganchillo como los niños

  8. Christine

    Toujours si contente de te lire et d’admirer tes joyeuses créations!
    Quelle belle famille, heureuse de les voir en photos.
    Jolie couleur pour tes petits orteils, tu es lumineuse jusqu’au bout des pieds, quelle joie!
    Bisous et bonne soirée.

  9. Lisa

    I love your Blog, I love looking at what you are working on.You always have bright, beautiful colors in every thing you make.
    Your children sure are growing up fast. I enjoy looking at pictures of your family, I hope your girls ‘follow in your footsteps’ and learn to crochet just like you.
    Thank you for all you share with us,
    Lisa in Alabama, USA

  10. Anne Marie

    Oh I do so love looking at your work and your colours.

    I am sorry I keep asking questions about this lovely blanket. Why do you have to have the chain in those alternate rows please? Also I think I read you start at beginning of each row by joining back at beginning, ie not turning ? Is that correct as it what I’m doing and too late now to change. Oh dear and I thought it would be simple. Looks gorgeous though.

    • Sucrette

      Hello Anne Marie,
      I could not figure out the pattern without those chains…I think that help keeping the sides straight…I think you can turn after each row…it does not change anything 😉
      Sorry to tell you this but I am unravelling mine and starting a V-Stitch blanket instead 🙁 Will post soon the new wip pics 😉
      Happy crocheting!

  11. cynthia naven

    Some months ago you posted a graft for the heart shawl. I have looked and cannot find it. Would really like to make it, could you send me the pattern or repost it, or tell me how to find it?

  12. Sharon xx

    Hi there Sucrette

    What a lovely blog. I’ve had a really good ‘trawl’ around and feel totally inspired by your lovely home.

    Quick question, where do you buy your filo faxes, or more importantly the lovely stationery/pages that go in them? I love the little designs on them and are those little book marks peeping out of the top? I can’t quite tell. Delicious!! Do share..xx


    Sharon xx

    • Sucrette

      Thank you for your message! Concerning the filofax I bought them from their website . Concerning the inserts pages I design them myself. And the little bookmarks I bought them from a local store here in beirut. But you can find really cute stationary stuff on 😉

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