V stitch blanket chart

July 1, 2014

Hello lovelies,

How are you? Woooow we are July1 already…time flies… 2014 is half gone and I am half done with my Crochet Mood Blanket 2014.


Here it is from January1 (up-left light purple) till June30 (down-right blue turquoise) 😀 Wooow! I am really happy to be up to date with it 🙂 It makes me proud, happy and makes my heart sing with joy.


See? Not so many dark and grey days! Hope that the second half will be as happy as this first 🙂


I am pleased with it even though it will be BIG very BIG . The first half is 120 x 145 cm. So the final blanket will be 145 x 240 cm 😀

And I started also something new…


 Well, I am unravelling an wip and crocheting a new one… Remember my Vintage Stripy Blanket? Well, I decided to unravel it because I was not pleased with its sides …they were not straight and it was bothering me … A LOT… So, I decided to unravel it and with every row unravelled crochet a row in a new Vintage-V-blanket 🙂


I love the colors. That’s why I am keeping them as they are…unravelling from here…crocheting there 🙂


And I am falling madly deeply in love with this V-stitch blanket 🙂 It is addictive…and once you start you can not leave your hook anymore 😉


I drew a small chart to show you how I am working on it. You can find online if you google: Crochet V stitch many patterns, charts and videos too…but here is my own “version” with less “holes” 🙂 and I am really pleased with it.


I am working this blanket with a 4.5mm hook and a yarn similar to the Stylecraft special DK but a little thicker. It is called Nako Vizon. A 100% acrylic yarn 🙂

If you have time and are wondering what to crochet, I really advise you to try the V-stitch. It is totally addictive easy and fast to crochet 🙂 You’ll be totally hooked 🙂

Have a super day!



  1. b.géraldine

    Génial ! Merci de nous le faire partager ! Point que je vais essayer ! Bonne journée ! Géraldine

  2. heather

    I think you have gotten me hooked on the v. I’ve been watching your progress on Instagram and I think I may be starting a v-stitch blanket with scrap yarn this afternoon. So cute!

  3. Amy at love made my home

    Hello, I am new to your blog, but wanted to say how much I like your v stitch blanket! I hope that you keep enjoying it and I look forward to seeing your progress. xx

  4. marianna

    Thank you for the inspiration – love your v stitch blanket.

  5. soleillucie

    Je vous remercie de nous montrer la progression de votre blanket. Ça me motive et j’en ai bien besoin. Soyez fière de votre travail, il est vraiment joli.

  6. Maureen

    Hi Angie…Love, love, love both of them!!!!!

  7. Jason

    I’m making a black -edged granny square blanket too! Several in fact as presents for Christmas. Yours is looking great.

  8. Lorraine

    I am so impressed with the v blanket. I have a lot of scraps so it would make the perfect project. I look forward to following your progress.

  9. Joyce

    Love this, I copied down your pattern and plan on making myself one!

  10. Pat

    Wow, your Mood Blanket is fabulous! I chose to go for one line of seven squares for each month, so it’s not tooo much pressure! I love your V pattern blanket, I am a huge fan of easy quick stitches!
    Pat x

  11. Alise

    V-stitch looks gorgeous!

  12. Darcee

    Your work is SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! I alway smile when I visit your blog. :0) I’m not very experienced at reading patterns that are pictures, so I was wondering if you have your V-stitch blanket pattern written w/words. If so, please share! Thanks! :0)

  13. modestine

    This Vstitch looks great! your blanket is going to be gorgeous and you are crocheting very fast!!! I cannot believe that you are unravelling your vintage blanket, it was very nice too, and you had done a lot of work…. (but I am the same : I cannot finish something when I am fed up, and I don’t want to waste the wool/ material…, so I re-use it) Anne

  14. jen

    Hello! I am new to your blog and I LOVE your version of the v-stitch. I’m trying to follow your chart but I’m not sure I’m doing it right. Here is how I’m reading the first row:

    dc in the 4th chain from the hook. Then dc2tog starting in the same chain I did the first dc, skipping a chain, and finishing the 2tog in the next stitch.

    Is that right? I would love any feedback you can give. I am not chart-savvy at all. Thank you so much!

  15. Joan

    I am so in love with your vstitch blanket and can’t wait to make one of my own. I have searched online and cant find one like yours. I see you shared the chart, but although I am a fairly experienced crocheter, I can’t read charts. Would you mind sharing written directions as well? I would be eternally grateful ☺

  16. Neha

    Hi Angie,

    Is the V-stich chart in UK or US terminology. From looking at the picture of the blanket it looks like US terms but just want to check with you and make sure.
    It’s so beautiful….absolutely love it. I’m also using your old blanket border for a blanket of mine and it looks fabulous. I so love your designs and colours…

    • Sucrette

      Yes US 😉
      Happy crocheting!

  17. Connie Clark

    I really like your V stitch blanket! Could you write out the pattern? I have a hard time understanding the diagram. Thanks!

  18. Shannon Egan

    I’m also wanting to know if you have the worded directions as I can’t follow diagrams. I also have a WIP I’d like to unravel and repurpose the yarn, and this looks like the PERFECT project!

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