Yarn shopping

July 23, 2014

We’ve had a wonderfully sunshiny beautiful week in Turkey (Letoonia club – Fethiyeh). Enjoying the sun, the beach, the sand in our toes 🙂

We’ve really needed this one week vacation away from everything to recharge our batteries (mine was really really empty 🙂 )









* I couldn’t resist going to Turkey and not bying some wonderful yarn: chunky yarn in beautiful colors: Alize: This is the first time I’m trying this brand…will tell you more about it once I begin using it 😉 (1st pic) and some of the Nako yarn that were missing from my stash 🙂


Now I am back home, happy, calm, batteries fully charged 🙂 I love my home and I love going back to my crochet wips too. One week without holding a hook that was veryyyyyy long 🙂

Sending you sunshine, colors, and lots of kisses!



  1. Gillian

    Glad you enjoyed your holiday. I’ve been on holiday once to Turkey and loved it.

  2. Connie

    I couldn’t resist buying yarn when we were in Turkey in the end of May either. Somehow 30 balls of cotton sneaked into my suitcase, and i can’t wait to make a blanket of it, but I have a few more projects I need to finish first.

  3. Lorraine

    Looks like a great holiday and nothing nicer than buying a stash of yarn.

  4. b.géraldine

    Sympa de voir que les vacances se passent bien ! Have a nice sunny summer and take care !!!

  5. Anyvette de Chile


    Me alegra mucho saber de lo feliz que han estado y que hermosas y grandes estan tus niñitas……hermoso lugar

  6. Deniz

    I’m on Pinterest and following your blog and similar handcrafting blogs, especially those with lots of yarn. Good to hear you liked your holiday in Turkey. I’m Turkish origin and live in Turkey. It seems that we have common interests and I could suggest you a link where you can get to cheap yarn. They have international deliveries. Let me know in case you are interested. Good day to all yarn lovers 🙂

    • Annette

      Hallo from South Africa.
      My friend and I toured your beautifull country in 2013, and we are still upset that we could not bring back more wool and crochet cotton.
      Your products are so good, but so difficult to decide what to buy and what not.
      So I would appreciate if you could also forward me the link for possible ordering of yarn.
      Thank you

  7. Amy at love made my home

    It looks as though you had a wonderful time! I love the street with all the umbrellas! xx

  8. Jenna

    Oh, those umbrellas are quite inspiring for a new crocheting project! 🙂

  9. Mary

    Im happy u had lovely time
    U deserved it

  10. Emm.A

    I love the umbrellas! Nice blog you have there, by the way! 😉
    Greetings from Austria, Emma

  11. Maureen

    Turkey is bEAuTIfuL! Glad, glad, glad being there recharged you, busy mama.
    xxoo, maureen & josephina ballerina

  12. liz warner

    What a beautiful place, glad you had a relaxing, lovely time. Enjoy the rest of the summer and keep blogging.

  13. Melody A.

    How wonderful for you and your family to have a beautiful vacation that everyone needs once in a while!!! It looks so beautiful!! and all your creations you put in your last 2 posts are amazing!!

  14. Pat

    How utterly gorgeous …. a most beautiful place to spend a vacation, lucky people!!!
    Pat xx

  15. Anne Marie

    Beautiful photos.

  16. lesley

    drooling over the umbrellas – breathtaking!

    also dying over that yarn!!!

  17. jane

    Hi, just love your work, you’re very talented! Unfortunately, Iam not! Please would you be kind and write the pattern down for the lovely v blanket, Iam new to crochet and cannot follow the chart. Thank you!

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