
September 22, 2022

Hello there. It’s been a while. I missed so much this little place of mine. How are you? I don’t even know if you’re still here 🙂 So many things happened, so many changes in my life. I was surprised reading my old posts and discovering that the last time I wrote was in 2014. Charly was even not born yet 🙂 It feels stange. I am writing you today from my little home in Bordeaux. We moved here one year ago leaving our beloved Lebanon. The situation there was becoming unbearable and it is for the future of the children that we decided to move. Leaving my family, my friends and my home there, leaving everything behind and just shut the door was one of the hardest decisions I took. The first year in France was very hard. But I am thankful now that we made it. Now the children are happier in their new school, they made new friends… and we are kind of settled in our new environment. Life is not easy every day. I miss my family and I miss Lebanon every single day. But I am happier now in Bordeaux. I love my small home here. The people are nice and friendly. The weather is fine. I crochet and sew every day. And I am grateful for the little things. Have to move now… I came to update the shop and here I am writing a blog post :)))) I guess this shop update will have to wait. I am leaving you now sweet friends. Take care, surround yourself with colors, have a little me-time every day and be happy!!! Life is good.

With much love,



  1. Caroline


  2. Elena

    I’d love to see more blog posts from you.

  3. Jody

    I am sorry you had to leave your home! Thank you for the update and blessings on all of you!

  4. Tracey

    I’m still here; crocheting, sewing and reading. Sending you peace and happiness, Tracey x

  5. Sara

    I am so glad you and your family were brave enough to make this very difficult move. I am so pleased to know you are safe now. I know you love your home country very much, and it would have been traumatic to leave it. I also remember how scared you were at certain times, and you were always in my thoughts whenever I heard about bad things happening. I did not know that you had moved to France. I am relieved to be honest and happy that you are safer there. I know it is very hard to just leave and feel you have no real choice but to do so.

    I wish you all much happiness and joy in your new country and a relief from anxiety and worry. Keep on crocheting and painting and all the other joyful things you do. You have so much talent and creativity. I look forward so much to reading new posts from you but above all I’m just happy to know that you have found greater peace. Thank you for coming back and updating us with your story. Be well, be safe, be happy is my wish for you and all your family and friends – be they with you in France or left behind.

  6. Rita

    So nice to see the photo of you and read your blog post, even if you have a hard time behind! Welcome back, it is a good sign you write again in this space!

  7. Danielle Guillin Tabib

    J’adore votre petite famille.

  8. Chaya

    So lovely to hear from you, and see your family. I’m sorry you had to make such a difficult decision, and am glad that you are feeling settled in your new home.

  9. Sandy

    Nice to read your post after so long. I follow you on Instagram but hopefully you’ll find time will heal your feelings leaving your homeland, family and friends behind. X

  10. Angela Catania

    Hello Angie – So happy to see you again – I love following you & your beautiful colorful life. I can only imagine how hard it was to leave your home. Home is where your heart is & you have a heart full of love, a joyful soul & a beautiful family – be happy where you’re planted – much love & hugs to you❣️

  11. martine

    je vous souhaite la bienvenue en France, ainsi qu’à toute votre petite famille. Que votre nouvelle vie soit douce, après ce difficile déracinement.
    Je continue à vous lire et à crocheter.

  12. Breda

    Hi Angie I’m so sorry you had to move home etc. TG you’re safe and happy now. I’m about to start the crochet blanket I bought off you during coivid. I bought 2 and gave one to my niece who have hers made ages ago.. I’m going to give it to my granddaughter Ruby..
    kind regards

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