Hello! Thank you so much for visiting le monde de Sucrette’s blog!

My name is Angie. I am a happily married, stay at home mum of two girls and two boys.

My passion is to crochet and to sew and there is nothing more relaxing to me than to sit and crochet while listening to soft music.

I love also spring time, the laughter of children, rainbows, flowers, bird singing in the morning, beautiful quiet sunset, chocolate and many many other simple things in life…

I’m Lebanese and I live in France, in Bordeaux right now. Hoping to go back to my little beloved country when the general situation there improves.

Hope you’ll enjoy your visit in my colorful world!

Ciao ciao!




  1. Silvia

    Congratulations for blog and beautiful works!

  2. La crochetnauta

    Mucha suerte con el nuevo blog. Un abrazo grande.

  3. Teje

    Congratulations to your new blog, Angie! This theme looks great – which one it is?!
    Hugs from Teje

  4. judith


  5. Lyda Rengers

    Hallo, gefeliciteerd met deze mooie, nieuwe blog! Lyda.

  6. niniepatch

    oh my god!!!!! you blog is so cute, nice with lots of beautiful things…..

  7. Susan

    When I see your post in my email it makes me happy. I love your blog and your passion for crochet art. I think your English is fantastic.

  8. Adri

    Congratulations with your new blog, everthing looks so beautiful
    I love it.
    Many greetings Adri.

  9. Barbi15ca

    Beautiful blog…I enjoy it so. Thank you sharing your abundant talent!!

  10. Mo

    Such a lot of inspiration here. Thank you, but now I’m all,
    ”I want to make that. And that. And that. And that………” 😀
    Keep up the good work :0)))

  11. Betty Guyomarch

    Thanks a lot, for all the beautiful things you do and for all the good ideas you give to us !
    Have a nice day
    Betty from Paris

  12. lynette

    Beautiful blog!

  13. Elisa

    Dear Sucrtte,

    Love your beautiful works.
    I want to make a ripple of happiness for my daughter.
    What kind of yarn do you use? I live in tropical country, I think of using cotton instead of acrylic. Is that acceptable?

  14. Betty Guyomarch

    cher Sucrette,
    j’ai cru comprendre que vous parliez le français ? Alors je me permets de communiquer avec vous dans cette langue, si toutefois vous préfériez l’anglais, no problem !
    Merci encore pour votre joli travail source d’inspiration, mais je ne vous “arrive pas à la cheville !”
    Betty de Paris

  15. Diane

    I love your blog. So many beautiful colors. I’ve fallen in love with granny stripes, squares, etc. And, I love how you call us your sweeties! =) Thanks for sharing your love of crocheting with us!

  16. um 3mor

    i love your blog ..thanks : )

  17. Monica

    me encanta tu blog!! gracias por compartir.

  18. Sonia

    Hermosos tus trabajos, me inspiran para vivir día a día.

  19. teresa

    molto bello il tuo blog.pieno di bellissimi colori. a presto teresa

  20. Fée-ronique

    Je viens de découvrir ton blog : superbe !
    Quel travail toutes ces jolies couvertures.

  21. fabi


  22. Estaminette

    Je viens de m’inscrire à la newsletters, ne voulant pas en perdre “un fil”. J’aime beaucoup votre blog et ses couleurs toniques.

  23. Maria Laura

    Beautiful blog and projects. Besos

  24. Denise

    Votre crochet est belle. Vendez-vous un de vos articles sur Etsy? J’adore votre poncho.J’habite en Ecosse

  25. Osman Kilic

    Dear Angie,
    I have been informed by your blog from a friend of mine..
    I was happy to see your beautiful work and also saw that you are using our yarn (NAKO) we will follow you..
    All the Best

  26. Lorena (sonido retro UK)

    Hi, marjaba! I am Chilean but with some Syrian background. I love Arabian food and Arabian sweeties… Oh dear delicious! Xx ma’a salama!!! 😀

  27. Anna

    Hi there! I just found your blog, through, well, another blog.
    I love the little socks, very cute, and of course your ripple happiness. I finished one my self not too long ago. I still love it!!!

    Have a good rest of your week!!!’

    Hi Lory!!! 😉

  28. GaelleB

    Je découvre ton blog grâce à Mamita ; Il est très beau , avec plein de couleur, de belles créations….. J’ai envie de tout faire!!!! bisous bisous et j’espère que tu continuera longtemps à nous faire plaisir en nous montrant tes jolies réalisations!!!! A très vite!

  29. laurence

    je viens de découvrir ton blog, ton travail est superbe !!!!
    Bravo, je me suis inscrite pour ne rien louper. A bientot, bises

  30. MARTHA




  31. michelle mamie42

    j’aime beaucoup ce que vous faites

  32. Linda Tuk

    this is realy beautiful. i want to learn this 🙂

  33. marta

    Siento no saber inglés,pero espero que puedas comprenderme.No soy una maestra del crochet pero me encanta y poco a poco estoy aprendiendo.Queria falicitarte por tu hermoso blog y tambien agradecerte todas las cosas hermosas que ensrñas en el,,,,Gracias!

  34. Gabriela

    Hello! Congratulations on your beautiful webpage and many thanks for sharing! do you happen to have any kind of tutorial on how to join your hexagons as you go? (black colour in your post) Thank! Greetings from Argentina

  35. Karen Ciullo

    I am so happy I found you. Your patterns are beautiful. I want to make them ALL!!!

  36. Lucie

    Coucou Sucrette !
    Je découvre ton blog aujourd’hui et je le trouve très sympa : tes modèles sont pleins de couleurs et de bonheur ! Merci pour tes explications, pas toujours faciles pour moi, qui me débrouille très mal avec l’anglais. Mais, je devrais y arriver petit à petit.
    Bonjour de Charente-Maritime en France.

  37. BJ Stacy

    Love your site

  38. Jewel

    superbe blog!!!!

  39. Pam

    I love the bright colors you use in your projects! I especially love the basket you showed with the collection of colors all ready to go on your latest project. A beautiful decoration as well as so useful. I went right down to my basket collection, and brought up one that will work for me. What great projects to use up the extra yarn I have. Keep up the good work. I will look forward to your new patterns and projects. God Bless.

  40. SandyCroche

    un superbe blog haut en couleur riche en idées
    un grand merci pour tous ces partages
    à bientôt

  41. nancy

    just became your follower. really enjoy your colors and choices. so many things to start working on. thanks

  42. Darlene Lehman

    I have just joined also, though I had marked some of your projects on Ravelry into my “favorites”. Do love the crisp, bright colors and lovely projects you have done!

  43. Peggy

    I just love all the beautiful items you have made! So colorful and rich. The colors used are so lush and wonderful. I am now an avid follower of your projects. Thanks for a great website!

  44. Loredana

    Beautiful work. I am going to enjoy following your blog.Happy New Year 2012

  45. Jean in NH

    I just LOVE how much you LOVE color! Your blog is like sunshine and I can’t wait to see what is in store next!

  46. dadajo

    Ciao, grazie per aver accettato la mia iscrizione. Congratulazioni per il tuo sito, davvero interessante. Buon lavoro a tutte.
    HI. thanks for accepting my subscripton. Congratulations for your website, it is very interesting. Enjoy
    (ops: sorry, but I don’t speak english very well)

  47. MARES

    Hermoso blog! Lleno de vida y color, plagado de cosas visualmente preciosas. felicitaciones.

  48. GerryART

    Well, Angie, I love reading your blog.
    Your colorful photos brighten my day.

  49. Lina

    Hello Sucrette!!!

    je viens de découvrir ton blog, il est superbe!!!! j’ai envie de tout faire et je ne sais par quel modèle commencer!!!!! je te remercie de partager toute ces belles choses avec nous!!! Je viens de voir que tu es libanaise!!! Ana kaména mén Lébnén w 3ayché bi France sarlé chi saba3 snin!!!! je viens juste de reprendre le crochet, j’en faisais avec ma grand-mère quand j’étais petite!!!

  50. Laura

    Love your site, have 1 question do you have a “page” for US crochet terms as I am new to crochet and from the US.

  51. Stephanie B.

    Love your blog and all the color you use in your creations

  52. Bernadette

    Many thanks to let us make part of your happiness.

  53. giovanna

    Your work is a rainbow and make me very happy.

  54. alice

    Hi Angie
    Love your work… every day i passed by to see the “news”.
    kiss and hugs
    Alice from Portugal

  55. Amanda

    Ho Angie.
    Thanks to share your work with us..
    i find you blog a inspirational.

  56. Mrs Thrifty

    What a wonderful website – thank you – I am just learning to crochet and I can’t wait to try out some of your patterns.

  57. Patricia

    Hermoso tu blog. Una maravilla de trabajos!!!! Todos son una fuente de inspiración. Saludos desde Comodoro Rivadavia Argentina


  58. ghis33

    Bonjour, je n’ai rien de plus beaux, merveilleux. Votre est une mine de trésor, j’espère que je pourrais réaliser quelque chose d’aussi beau. Merci encore. Bonne journée. Ghis33

  59. bebe

    Just came upon your site. You do beautiful work. Love your Grandmother’s afghan. My neighbor taught me to crochet 40+ yrs ago (almost 50). Thank you for your blog.

  60. Maya

    I’ve been following your blog for some time now.
    My mom taught me to crochet and I like very much!
    I continue learning every day and this is a form to share beautiful time with my mom and nowadays I teach her what I learn on the red. 🙂
    Thank you for all the wonderful and colourful things that you share with us!!!!

  61. Kanchan

    One of the best crochet sites I have ever seen. Best wishes!


    Parabens, site maravilhooooso, mtas coisas legais

    Maria Padua

  63. Susa Sanne Schmiddi

    Hello !!

    i find your blog about Facebook and i will say, its very very great and im happy to see your crochet pattern. I love your Style and your gratefull design. Sorry about my bad english, i have learned 20 years ago at school ;o)

    greetz from Germany…

  64. Planet Penny

    Hi, I’ve just ‘Stumbled’ on you, and love your blog, very inspirational!

  65. flo

    merci pour vos partages et votre blog!!
    je viens de m’inscrire à la lettre de diffusion
    à bientôt

  66. Cristina

    Muchas gracias por aceptarme !!!
    Un abrazo

  67. Barb G

    Your beautiful blog brings joy and color to my daily life.

  68. Dong Ziek

    I’ll be honest, I’m kinda confused. But nice post.

  69. Tania

    hello ! I love your website. I would like to subscribe to your RSS feed, but it says there is a problem with it…… please can you look.

  70. Brigitte

    Beautiful blog,


  71. Any

    Muchas gracias por aceptarme. Tus trabajos son realmente hermosos. No puedo dejar de ver tus trabajos y admirar lo lindo que quedan…


  72. Guida

    Obrigado por partilhares os teus trabalhos. Eles são extremamante bonitos. Parabéns vindos de Lisboa, Portugal.


  73. chris richards

    So glad to have found you……such an inspiration, thank you !
    love and hugs
    chris richards

  74. Margaret

    Wonderful work!

  75. Imola

    I absolutely adore all your work. I just picked up crochet after a 30 year hiatus and find all your instructions a breeze. I love your charts, they are very informative and frankly I think all the crochet patterns should have them. I am used to knitting with them and it is much easier than finding something in a long sentence…

  76. Marie

    Bravo pour votre site – je voudrais me lancer au crochetet je pense qu’avec vos explications je devrais faire quelque chose

  77. Carine

    Ton site est superbe !
    Que de beaux projets en perspective.

  78. Pingback: Kansas State Basketball

  79. Rose Pompon

    Plein de couleurs et d’idées, bravo!
    Ca donne envie.

  80. wendy

    Such beautiful work and pictures ☺

  81. Ivani da Costa

    Your work and blog are as always a great fountain of inspiration, thanks a lot for sharing your ideas and crafts.
    Lots of success,
    Ivani from Brazil!

  82. Maria do Carmo Pezzuto

    Obrigada por enviar E-mail e deixar participar do seu sorteio.Parabéns por seu blog,trabaalhos lindos.

  83. ivchinja

    Dear Sucrette,

    I read your creative blog every day since last year and I love it so much! All of your colourful crochets and paintings are very beautiful and full of joy. Your wonderful blog inspire me to create, too.

    Thank you very much!
    All the best wishes to you and your family!

    ivchinja from Latvia

  84. Kathy

    Beautiful projects…I need to try a pattern one day. I am a beginner, so it is a little daunting.

  85. jade

    bonjour sucrette,
    Félicitations pour ton blog et pour ton bébé.
    C’est plein de vitamines ce que tu crées
    bises de France La rochelle charente maritime

  86. cristina

    Congratulations for your blog! I love it!

  87. Hélida

    Congratulation for your blog, projects and artistic ideas! I’m brazilian and I love your blog! Thanks a lot for sharing with us!!

  88. Aafke

    I like your blog very much, thank you for all the work you put into your blog!

  89. Silvia vH

    I fell in love with your blog and your realised ideas. I really love your choice of colours. 😉 <3

  90. Sylvie

    J’adore et j’ai hâte de feuilleter tous les billets … j’ai déjà fait le poncho <3 … maintenant j'attaque les squares !


  91. Chouchenn

    gourc’hemennoù evit da vlog! brav tre eo. kisses from little britany

  92. Holly

    Through Pintrest I found your blog. And I’m so happy that I did. I love all the colors you use in your paintings and crochet. Thank you for sharing. Congrats on the new baby to be.

  93. Ethel

    Thank you so much for allowing me to subscribe to your blog. I’m in awe with the crochet that you have created & so grateful for your excellent tutorials. May you continue to inspire the world wide web!! xo

  94. Maricarmen

    Gracias por aceptarme….Que trabajos tan bellos…. con tu permiso usare tus ideas….los colores son de un brillo y positividad extraordinarios….. reflejan tu actitud y alegria.
    Un abrazo,

  95. maura

    oh Sucrette, I love your blog, its the first one I look at every day. I hope you do not have another war. I shall keep you and your country in my prayers.
    thank you for the beautiful blog

  96. Frangina

    Felicidades por este blog tan estupendo, te he conocido gracias a AM y MA, me llamó la atención que tu blog y el mio empezaran igual Lemonde jejejejeje, espero tu visita y si te gusta puedes quedarte, yo lo haría en el tuyo pero parece que solo admite suscripción por e-mail, que tambien lo he hecho. Reitero mis felicidades y que nos veamos pronto. Bay

  97. cathy vidal

    superbe blog je vais me régaler!!!! merci pour ce grand partage

  98. Sharon Herrman

    I am so happy I found your site. The colors are beautiful. I live in far West Texas, with my 2 corgis, australian shephard (spelling very bad) and two cats. Guess an animal lover. I picked up crocheting again after many years, started makin toys, hats small quick items. But after seein you baby spread, that will be on my list. I’m rambling, so thanks for you colorful site. Sharon

  99. Aunt Dee

    Hi Angie,
    Love your site. Just copied the directions for the happiness zigzag pattern and cannot wait to try it.
    I love bright colors and love to make blankets for babies and people who have to sit in wheelchairs and just sit all the time. Hopefully it cheers them up a little.
    Thanks again

  100. fernanda hernandez


  101. Crochet Broschay

    Everything is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your talents!

  102. Any

    Wow, I need time to do everyting you have in this page, Love it all !!!

  103. Joan

    Love your blog 😉 everything is beautiful and Thank you for sharing your talents
    Regards from Indonesia

  104. Lori

    I’m so glad I found your blog! I’m enjoying your past posts, and looking forward to the new ones 🙂

  105. Janine

    Bonjour Sucrette,
    Je viens de découvrir votre site par l’entremise d’une crocheteuse sur le site Knitting Paradise. Elle a fait des bas de Noël et j’ai trouvé cela tellement beau que j’ai visité votre site et je me suis inscrite.
    Bravo pour votre beau site et de partager vos travaux et trucs. Je suis tellement contente de vous découvrir. Je n’ai pas encore eu l;e temps de consulter vos patrons mais je vais le faire dans les prochains jours et je vais SURTOUT faire ces magnifiques bas colorés. Merci,merci, merci.
    Janine 😉
    N.B.: je pense que je faire des bas crochetés pour des cadeaux de Noël.

  106. Iulia


    From a blog to another I discovered Sucrette!!!! And your designs really made my day! You are so creative and your crochet projects are so colorful. I love that your decorated your house in such a joyful way. I love everything about what your are publishing here!
    I am your new reader and fan from Romania!

    Good job! Your are definitely an inspiration for me!

  107. Michelle

    I love your site. I stumbled on it the other day, and I will be a constant viewer. Love your patterns and congradualtions on your beautiful baby boy, and two beautiful daughters. God’s blessings on you

  108. Lluisa

    This is a really lovely place.
    Congratulations 🙂


  109. MaryLynneMaryLynne Parsons

    merci beaucoup pour votre site -web je viens de trouver. Fantastique! Je l’adore. Je me suis inscrit toute de suite:-)

  110. Ipsa

    Par le biais du site Poupons-poupées je viens de te découvrir, quelles merveilles ! Impossible de ne pas s’inscrire à ce petit coin de paradis et merci à l’internaute qui nous a fait suivre ton adresse.

  111. Mes AmouRettes

    Bravo pour ce magnifique blog. J’adore toutes ces belles créations en crochet. J’aimerais tellement avoir le temps de faire la même chose pour décorer mon petit appartement… (j’ai un plaid en cours de réalisation depuis plus d’un an!!! )
    Bravo bravo!

  112. Cara

    Good morning and thankyou for making it so much brighter! I kinda fell in here after link chasing (as we all do) for the poncho pattern. But now I’m here I simply cannot leave! Keep on with your fabulousness. 🙂

  113. Debra

    Thank you for your sweet enthusiasm! Love it!

  114. khadija

    très bon travail, je te félicite et je te remercie infiniment pour le partage de tes travaux avec tous le monde.
    tu es vraiment généreuse
    merci bcp

  115. Sandy

    Love your blog and your love of yarn.Big thank you for England.:D xxx

  116. Sandy

    Lovely to join you.Your love of crotchet is just what we need to brighten the day.:D

  117. monica

    Dear, I discovered your blog working of the poncho d,and I immersed myself in this world of color and imagination,I seem to be a little girl again among the things my grandmother, thank you

  118. Frances Brown

    Hi Angie
    I purchased the Miss T turtle patter twice but I have not received any PDF pattern as of yet. Can you check to see what’s happened?

    Thank you

  119. Frances Brown

    Thank you Angie,

    I got my pattern Lol

    Hugs , Frances

  120. Rocio


  121. Nadia Jorge


  122. ilva

    hermosos trabajos gracias por compartirlos

  123. Gez

    Hi Angie, my first time visit to your blog and I am ‘hooked’! Your beautiful creations are inspiring, I love the bright colours. I look forward to following your creative journey and wish you a wonderful 2013 xxx

  124. CHOCO

    Angie me encanto tu blog a mi tambien me gusta mucho tejer ademas es una terapia buenisima todas tus creaciones estan hermosisimas, espero ser tu fan por largo tiempo y aprender mucho de ti, Dios te llene de Bendiciones, y gracias por compartir tus trabajos. Saludos desde México y tengas un Bendecido 2013

  125. Bassil Katia

    Je re-decouvre le crochet….merci….

  126. Ana

    Fabuloso blog!!!
    Muchas gracias 🙂

  127. lise poirier

    je viens de découvrir ton blog.j’ai beaucoup de difficultés en anglais.je vois que ton titre LE
    MONDE DE SUCRETTE est en français.
    ne pourrais-tu pas mettre tes très beaux patrons
    en français ce serait très utile pour moi et certainement et plusieurs autres.
    merci! à l’avance lise

  128. jacqueline de toulon

    Bonjour je viens de m’inscrire sur votre blog et j’ai vu des jolies choses au crochet.J’ai essayer d’en faire et j’aimerai faire une couverture pour bébé.Passer une bonne fin de journée

  129. jordyi

    bravo pour ton blog…c’est beau, coloré…ça donne envie!!!
    je ne trouve pas de case pour la traduction en français…et c’est bien dommage!!!

  130. Helene

    Hello from South Africa! Love your work and thank you for sharing

  131. Karen

    Bonjour Sucrette! I LOVE YOUR WORK!!!! I’ve just popped over for a visit from a link by a friend, (TamsynG) – I can’t wait to look through all your patterns and photos more thoroughly! Thank you for sharing with us, I too love to crochet and knit! I’m off to have a look around and be inspired… big hugs to you have a happy day xxx

  132. rochelle cullers

    Your crochet and choice of colors are just beautiful. I am new at crocheting but I can’t wait to try some of your patterns. I just signed up for your newsletter and can’t wait to see what you’re up to next.

    love and friendship,

  133. dina

    Son hermosos tus trabajos, ayudan a inspirarse, gracias por compartilos

  134. Consuelo

    hola soy de México y pase por tu blog, y quiero decirte que esta hermoso, tienes una familia preciosas. Te dejo saludos y abracitos a todos.

  135. janice

    All I can say is you are amazing. If only I were twenty years younger I would be making everything you crochet and all your friends. I’m now retired caring for my 87 year old brother-in-law. I download every pattern knowing I probably won’t have time or energy to complete most of them but I enjoy your work tremendously.
    Thank you,

  136. bonita

    have been looking for a easy ripple i think i found it thanks

  137. Peggy

    I am a new member and frankly, I was very delighted to meet you! I have been crocheting since I was a little girl and I have found in your site many helpful tips. But, the most extraordinary of all, that I have been looking for all over the internet (with little success…), is the graphic analysis for each item, which is most convenient, at least to me! Symbols, you know, are and “international language” and it is the first time that I run into such complete instructions for crocheting! THANK YOU for brightening my day!

  138. lise poirier

    bonjour sucrette
    je suis du Québec. je ne sais pas comment utiliser la traduction avec google ou autre pour faire tes beaux patrons.je veux faire les ripples
    merci! pour ton beau travail

  139. CrIcRI

    Hello Sucrette
    i likeyour blog since a long time
    I ‘m french and i don’t speak english very well
    I make your leather stool circle , i’ve make a plaid. i PUBLISH IT ON Granny Mania it’s a french blog and i ask you if i can publish your link for others and the pattern

  140. paulette

    for much of us ….french is more easy.. so i hope it will come soon…thank you.

  141. FleurBelge


    So lovelly blog!
    Très joli blog.

    C’est Astragaale dans le blog des Grannymania qui nous a parlé de ton beau blog.
    je me suis inscrite car je vois que ta passion est réellee et ce que tu crées est très joli; j’adore aussi le crochet.
    Belle photo de ta famille, vous semblez très heureux,



  142. valerie

    Un blog sublime et très vitaminé, j’adore !

  143. navneet

    hi…I enjoy your patterns……..what is new in this year 2013……….congrats for your happy family……bye

  144. Lil

    Hello….I just made one of your stockings, and absolutely LOVE IT! Thank you soooo much for your share with all of us. I look forward to more posts and patterns of yours. Thanks again, God Bless. Lil

  145. Patricia rand

    I just signed up for your beautiful blog and want to Thank You for sharing with all of us.Also,what a beautiful family you have and I hope you share them along with your crochet.Health and Happiness,

  146. Annick HERVÉ

    Merci pour ce très joli blog. Merci aussi de nous faire partager vos magnifiques réalisations. Quel travail ! C’est superbe et toutes ces couleurs sont très belles et nous mettent du soleil dans les yeux ! Merci beaucoup Sucrette. Désolée de ne pouvoir vous dire cela en anglais, mais mon anglais est bien loin et je ne suis plus capable de tenir une conversation ! J’espère que vous comprenez le français !

  147. Olga Kontosfiri

    I am so happy that I have found your colorful blog and life!I wish you the best!Olga from Greece

  148. hzouheir

    bonne et heureuse annee 2014 pleine de sante richesse longevite et bonne continuation a votre merveilleux blog

  149. Mel

    Hi, just wanted to say Happy New Year and that I absolutely love your site!! Your crocheting is brilliant and so inspiring. Keep up the excellent work! All the best, Mel x

  150. Roxana

    buen año para este nuevito que estamos estrenando… el blog esta genial. un gustazo ser parte de tus seguidoras

  151. Mamoune13

    Un grand bravo. Je découvre ce blog qui est plein de belles idées et de magnifiques créations. Merci pour ce partage

  152. Ephémère13

    Se sont ces magnifiques couleurs qui m’ont toute de suite attirées a tout regarder.
    Félicitations, tu es deja dans mes favoris. J’adore tous tes projets, je crois que je vais beaucoup m’amuse ici. Bye..Passe une bonne journée.
    Ephémère13, Quebec, CA

  153. Gaby

    Your blog is lovely. You have a new subscriber now.

    Greetings from Germany


  154. Laura

    Bellissimi lavori. Complimenti!


  155. Pascale

    Je suis venue sur ce site pour y consulter un article, et j’y suis restée plus d’une heure à tout voir ce qui y était.
    Un très beau site, et je vais y revenir très souvent.

    Pascale du Québec

  156. BeeAnn

    You have brought beautiful color and inspiration to my life. Thank you!

  157. Marina

    Hello from Cape Town, South Africa. Thank you for sharing your world of colourful crochet with us – just looking at your pics lifts my spirits!!

  158. Neha

    Just discovered your blog and love it. Love the colours and love your simple designs with so many colours in it.


  159. Manuela Governo

    Gosto muito do seu blog. Os trabalhos são simples mas muito bonitos. Parabéns!

  160. Carol

    You are adorable. I’m so happy I found your blog on Pinterest. Thanks for all your lovely ideas.

  161. Nancy

    love your site and all your lovely creations. would love to know your patterns and color combinations if you could share. Thank you, Nancy

  162. ssissyy

    j’adore ton monde sucrette et merci pour ttes ces couleurs !

  163. Louise

    I have just come across your website and I wanted to tell you what a joy it is to be here and reading your patterns.

    You sound like a very happy person, one I would like to be near.

    I hope that your blog is successful and I wish you every happiness

    Blessed Be


  164. marie france

    Bonjour sucrette,
    je viens de m’inscrire à ton blog, que de belles choses, que de couleurs, c’est magnifique, mais je ne maitrise pas assez bien l’anglais, serait il possible que tu rajoutes “choisir la langue” ce serait formidable merci pour ton blog.

  165. sylviane

    Bonjour Sucrette, je suis tombée par hasard sur ton blog, magnifiques réalisations, très colorées et mélange des couleurs très agréable à l’oeil, bravo… et merci d’avoir pensé à nous pauvres françaises qui n’excellons pas en anglais 🙂
    Beaux ouvrages à venir, merci !

  166. La fargussienne

    Hello there Sucrette, love your site, love to find explanations and love to… copy your works. Cheers from France, Hélène

  167. Pearlie Archambault

    Thank you for adding me! I love all the colors and how easy you make everything seem! I plan to try your ripple pattern as I have tried numerous times without success. Your pattern looks much simpler to me! Thank you again and happy crochet!

    Corpus Christi, TX

  168. sonia

    Grand merci pour votre blog et page face book
    J adore votre travail
    Je suis en France Charente Maritime

  169. Ümran uyanmis

    Hi Angie,
    I am very happy because I will be able to crochet V-stitch!!!!I came across your colourful sample of v-stitch on pinterest sometime ago and I was looking for its diagram..Now I learn how to do it visiting your blog ‘le monde de sucrette’…I enjoyed your blog very much…It is colourful and lovely..Thank you very much for sharing with us…
    Love from Istanbul, Turkey…

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